Physical Disc Version only released in the US. Cheaper than Digital Price on UK PSN Digital Store
No Custom Fee's as Value is only $20.00
Price includes shipping. For a £1 or £2 you can also select faster shipping
Top comments
7y 37d3#1
Just what i always wanted to do when i get home from work... (shock)
Latest comments (20)
7y 37d#20
£18.76 when I placed my order using $ rather than £
7y 37d1#19
7y 37d2#4
What effort is required ? you just log into the usa amazon account using your uk amazon credentials
jayjayuk1234 to Orange_Sooty
7y 37d#17
Far too much effort, i have password saved for amazon uk, would mean typing it again.
michaeljb to Orange_Sooty
7y 37d#18
Does this also work for other amazon varieties like de, it, fr?
7y 37d1#16
In this game simulation your job could be to create and test a game that simulates being at work, and IRL I test games for a living, so I'm at work testing a game where I'm at work testing a game where I'm at work (shock) workception
7y 37d#15
Love this game, so much fun and all the kids love it too. genuinely loads of replay value with this one..
7y 37d#14
Not sure I would go for this over a digital copy but just to say this game is great fun. My kids 6 and 8 love it and it's great fun to watch them play it. Yes yes I know they are meant to be over 12 to play etc...
7y 37d#13
Many jobs will be automated in the future, this means all the menial work will be taken by robots and therefore anyone who is stupid will have to be killed by the Government. Anyway whilst we wait for that to happen we can play this game, which I don't think replicates that future at all.
7y 37d#12
I've never had a game feel so much like hard work XD
7y 37d#7
I guess this game is designed for the dollies to show them what we tax payers do ever week day..........
combat_honey to fatknacker
7y 37d#11
I doubt it. The VR headset would be far too big for a dolly.
7y 37d#10
You people hating on this are taking it too literally. This is an enjoyable game nothing more nothing less. I would say that even if it's cheaper than PSN it's still too much. You can get through the entire game in a few hours tops and there's not really replay value.
7y 37d#9
I already simulate working on a daily basis. Why would I need this??
7y 37d#8
They should install this down the job centre and give the scallywags a taste of work.
7y 37d#6
Great game! One of my Favorate VR games so far. Nice easy platinum Too!
7y 37d3#1
Just what i always wanted to do when i get home from work... (shock)
BubaMan to Wilsh88
7y 37d1#5
It's actually one of the better titles out for PSVR...
The premise is that it's set thousands of years in the future, where nobody works and they've pieced together (incorrectly) bits of what people used to do in jobs.
There's a lot of humour and it utilises the hardware to it's fullest (you'll need a fair bit of open space to play in).
7y 37d#3
Not alot of saving for alot of effort in my opinion
7y 37d#2
Haha, at last, something useful in the gaming section.
Opening post
No Custom Fee's as Value is only $20.00
Price includes shipping. For a £1 or £2 you can also select faster shipping
Top comments
Latest comments (20)
The premise is that it's set thousands of years in the future, where nobody works and they've pieced together (incorrectly) bits of what people used to do in jobs.
There's a lot of humour and it utilises the hardware to it's fullest (you'll need a fair bit of open space to play in).