by WinTheDay3
I tested a all 5 star ability team in the EPL and I finished 3rd. I was drawing with the bottom half of the table teams. If my team was actually all 5 stars worth $75+M each I think they would walk the league no matter what tactics I tried
Yep, that's exactly how football works - no variables at all, if you have most expensive players then you will always win!
Latest comments (33)
23 Jul 17#33
Yes this link looks like a higher spec version of the game, I dont think this mobile version has a 3D game engine. Ipad users take note.
23 Jul 17#32
No, its a descendant of Championship Manager not the Kick Off linked 'Football Manager'.
23 Jul 17#31
Silly question but is this a descendant of the 80s Spectrum game?
23 Jul 17#30
Was tempted to get this for my tablet though as it used to be this kind of format in 2015.... not sure though!
23 Jul 171#29
Huge thank you, I was going to buy this Thursday night as went into hospital on Friday for an operation but didn't want to spend £8.99 on the game. When I came out of theater and finally woke up I saw this and was sold it kept me sane for 2 whole days, your a winner.
22 Jul 17#28
yeah true m8. looking at it now, probably a good buy
22 Jul 17#27
Football Manager Touch 2017 by SEGA yes £19.99 , it's identical to the computer version so I believe worth it.
Thanks for the heads up, I was waiting for a price drop on this.
22 Jul 17#24
Cheers it's a very tempting price!
22 Jul 17#20
Does the game have the edit function?
cocogumbo to snez12002
22 Jul 171#21
No, as far as I'm aware only the PC version has the edit feature.
marcduffy10 to snez12002
22 Jul 17#23
There is an IAP for an editor.
22 Jul 17#19
This looks excellent. I used to play champman and early football manager. Is this any good?
cocogumbo to larrysanders
22 Jul 17#22
It's great! Unlike the PC version you don't have team talks, press interviews etc so it's quicker to play through the seasons.
The £19.99 iPad version (FM Touch or something like that) means you can sync it up with the PC version so you can play either on iPad or PC. What I tend to do is download player shortlists, maybe a basic tactic I can work on onto the PC version, then sync it across to the iPad. As you can't download tactics, shortlists etc directly to the iPad.
A great forum to use to look for 'wonderkids' is FM Base.
22 Jul 17#18
You paid £20 for an App????????????
That was more than a weeks wage in my day ............... :smiley:
22 Jul 171#17
Haha! Unfortunately though Chelsea are a case in point this season gone sadly. I wouldn't see the fun though of starting the game with a top team. It's the wheeling and dealing that's the fun part!
22 Jul 174#16
Love the comment on the iOS page:
by WinTheDay3
I tested a all 5 star ability team in the EPL and I finished 3rd. I was drawing with the bottom half of the table teams. If my team was actually all 5 stars worth $75+M each I think they would walk the league no matter what tactics I tried
Yep, that's exactly how football works - no variables at all, if you have most expensive players then you will always win!
22 Jul 171#15
Great time killer, nice spot.
22 Jul 17#11
next version out in a few months. not worth it
GazW1888 to usetheforceluke
22 Jul 175#13
You do realise it is only 299 pennies :laughing:
PurplePerson to usetheforceluke
22 Jul 171#14
But I'm not going to buy the next version (at full price) when it is released. I'll probably buy it in another year when it's £2.99 (like this).
22 Jul 17#12
Purchased this just and will not start due to a fault with the initial player data download not completing. Refund granted
22 Jul 17#10
Do you have a link?
21 Jul 17#9
It called something different on my ipad, "Football Manager Touch 2017" on the iPad and cost me £19.99
21 Jul 17#8
Also £2.99 @ Google play
21 Jul 171#1
Thanks, I have the Football Manager iPad version, do you know if they sync? Also maybe 2018 is being released hence the price?
cocogumbo to sinxa
21 Jul 171#6
2018 won't be released until October / November time.
tfish to sinxa
21 Jul 17#7
This is the ipad & iphone version.
21 Jul 17#5
Looks good, thanks for sharing.
21 Jul 17#4
Illl have a bit of that ..thanking you heat added :smile:
21 Jul 171#3
Ta... never had this before but looks simplier than the over complicated laptop version... so bought :smile:
21 Jul 171#2
OP, Added the Adnroid like for us Droiders :smile: Good find, have some heat :smile:
Opening post
Football Manager Mobile is the perfect travel companion and it's 66% off now for iOS, Android and Amazon devices
Top comments
by WinTheDay3
I tested a all 5 star ability team in the EPL and I finished 3rd. I was drawing with the bottom half of the table teams. If my team was actually all 5 stars worth $75+M each I think they would walk the league no matter what tactics I tried
Yep, that's exactly how football works - no variables at all, if you have most expensive players then you will always win!
Latest comments (33) yes £19.99 , it's identical to the computer version so I believe worth it.
The £19.99 iPad version (FM Touch or something like that) means you can sync it up with the PC version so you can play either on iPad or PC. What I tend to do is download player shortlists, maybe a basic tactic I can work on onto the PC version, then sync it across to the iPad. As you can't download tactics, shortlists etc directly to the iPad.
A great forum to use to look for 'wonderkids' is FM Base.
That was more than a weeks wage in my day ............... :smiley:
by WinTheDay3
I tested a all 5 star ability team in the EPL and I finished 3rd. I was drawing with the bottom half of the table teams. If my team was actually all 5 stars worth $75+M each I think they would walk the league no matter what tactics I tried
Yep, that's exactly how football works - no variables at all, if you have most expensive players then you will always win!