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EBay Nectar 10x points going live Friday 12PM for 24hrs
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EBay Nectar 10x points going live Friday 12PM for 24hrs

eBay5 Jul 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Opening post
5 Jul 17
Nectar points x10 on Friday 12pm for 24 hrs. Revealed on FB.

Top comments
6 Jul 17 4 #14
For the love of God, it's right there in the title:

"EBay Nectar 10x points going live Friday 12PM for 24hrs"

p.s Today is Thursday.
All comments (80)
5 Jul 17 #1
Spend anything on eBay or spend x?
6 Jul 17 1 #2
Oh goody...
6 Jul 17 1 #3
Going to use with my 15% off voucher.
DayDreamer121 to Speculator
6 Jul 17 #5
Ok I got £15 voucher on £30 minimum spend. To use until 7th July.
Sphere to Speculator
6 Jul 17 #11
Where did you get that from ? :-)
6 Jul 17 #4
Perfect got a few things sitting on my watch list.
Just redeemed some nectar points last week for eBay, in the get half points back too ☺️
6 Jul 17 1 #6
I'm sure that when I checked in my Nectar yesterday that it said they are going to be doing something different every Friday to help build your points. I can't seem to find it now though!
Speculator to XSerenityX
6 Jul 17 #7
Yes, and you had to opt in and not every nectar account had the offer.
6 Jul 17 #8
Lovely, i killed it last time by buying a load of it kit for work, cleared 20000 point ish on my own card, i love, love, love it when they do this!

6 Jul 17 #9
ffs just spent £16!
6 Jul 17 #10

Just spent £40
6 Jul 17 1 #12
Ebay sent loads of £15 off £30 spend and 15% off vouchers recently.
6 Jul 17 #13
mine just appeared on my ebay page.Its the first time I have ever got one after many years on being on there.

someone said something about adding an item to your watch list, then making an offer on the item, when it gets refused you might get a voucher. (I tried it and it didn't work for me)
6 Jul 17 4 #14
For the love of God, it's right there in the title:

"EBay Nectar 10x points going live Friday 12PM for 24hrs"

p.s Today is Thursday.
6 Jul 17 1 #15
To be fair the whatsapp that got sent out by HUKD said 12pm today, so people coming from there might be confused about when it actually starts if they don't read the post :smile:
6 Jul 17 #16
What's the Min spend? I can't see it in the T+Cs
6 Jul 17 #17
S'what I was thinking when I got here from whatsapp... was all grumpy that I didn't have it hehe
6 Jul 17 #18
why so hot - its ultimately 0.5% cashback.....
6 Jul 17 #19
OK 5% - still....
HottyHotty to nickycook0
6 Jul 17 #20
Depends what you're looking at. I'm after a phone that's around £300, so £15 off effectively is pretty decent, though admittedly not mind blowing.
6 Jul 17 #21
its not bad - mustn't grumble but when has 5% had everyone reaching for the hot button?
6 Jul 17 #22
Why is a 5% discount Hot???...........................................Cold
blueroo to mcormack
6 Jul 17 2 #23
Because 5% is 10× better than 0.5
6 Jul 17 #24
I've just checked my Nectar account and it appears that the offer period is between 03:00pm BST 7 July to 03:00pm BST 8 July
Shovon to dealomatic
6 Jul 17 #28
So is it 12pm or 3pm, I can't wait till 3pm, my item I'm after might be out of stock!? :confused:
6 Jul 17 #25
It says:

So, don't spend at 12pm as it might not be live right away.

Confusing how it says "shop now" when it's not live yet.
6 Jul 17 #26
If you click on 'shop now' it re-directs you to the ebay page where you get confirmation that the offer has been activated, handy if ordering off ebay during the points period if you are not going via the nectar web page
6 Jul 17 #27
Heat added, but, gah!, I spent £80 yesterday.
6 Jul 17 #29
10x points is 5% off plus tcb at 1% plus if you use amex nectar credit card 1% so effectively 7% off. heat for me
6 Jul 17 #30
I've just checked and I've got £20 off £40 spend, don't know what to buy though :neutral_face:
HottyHotty to kooks65
6 Jul 17 #31
Where do these codes appear, is it at the bottom of the main 'my ebay' page or somewhere esle?
6 Jul 17 #32
My Ebay then click on summary. I haven't used my account in years but the past few days I listed a load of stuff for sale so I think that may have triggered it.

As I haven't used Ebay for years I'm a bit rusty would this Nectar offer work with the £20 off £40 spend if I bought a Fire Stick from the Argos Ebay site, I know it is only £39.95 so I'll find a little something else to take the price up?
6 Jul 17 #33
Is it valid on local collection item where you pay cash ?
kooks65 to FrozenFire
6 Jul 17 #34
You pay on Ebay and collect instore
6 Jul 17 1 #35
No, it's to buy used item where you buy local stuff like used mobile phone. Purchase via eBay but cash on collection
6 Jul 17 #36
bloody hell just spent £360 as well!
6 Jul 17 #37
Hot! There are a few things I have been coveting. :smile:

Don't forget the Nectar Summer Rewards Offer starts on the 19th July - 1000 Nectar points gets you 2 Vue tickets or 2 Pizza Express mains.
6 Jul 17 1 #38
fighting prime day
7 Jul 17 #39
Do you need to have signed up for this offer with nectar? ie is this for certain nectar card holders or for all?
sylv to user7896
7 Jul 17 #52
I think we have an answer. Since it worked for RedTurkey, but not for Shovon or lilwhiteduck, it looks like it's for certain nectar card holders. :disappointed:
7 Jul 17 #40
This is the screen I got after successfully activating the offer. I had tried yesterday, and didn't get this banner.

So, for safety, order after 3pm today.
Shovon to sylv
7 Jul 17 #41
I wish that banner made sense. I need to order earlier than that! :laughing:
7 Jul 17 1 #42

Yep, it seems they don't understand time formats, and don't know which time zone the UK is in!

And they triggered one of my bugbears.
pm = post meridiem = after midday
am = ante meridiem = before midday
So 12.00 am = 12 hours before midday = midnight
and 12.00 pm = 12 hours after midday = midnight

I think they meant 12 noon. Though that banner can be interpreted as 12 midnight; or, if the small print is taken as authoritative, 03:00 hours (if the pm in 03:00pm was a mistake), or 3pm (if the leading zero in 03:00pm was a mistake).
7 Jul 17 #43
The offer is active now.
Shovon to RedTurkey
7 Jul 17 #44
It is not adding the extra points for me and I activated from the link on nectar that took me to ebay. A £260 item is showing as giving me 260 points instead of 2600.
7 Jul 17 #45
Same for me :disappointed:
7 Jul 17 #46
The offer link contradicts itself - you should have just waited until 3pm to be safe.
7 Jul 17 #47
where is the banner to opt in i cant see it anywhere on ebay or the nectar site.
Shovon to marra
7 Jul 17 2 #48
7 Jul 17 #49
I haven't pushed the button yet. Will just wait and hope my item isn't sold out by then :laughing:
7 Jul 17 #50
Just pressed the button. It will confirm that you have accepted the offer - and states that it is active from 15.00 today.
7 Jul 17 #51
Shop on eBay between 12pm Friday 7 July - 12pm Saturday 8 July to be eligible for 10X point . Nothing about 3pm .Which is correct?
7 Jul 17 #53
The banner has JUST updated so it is no longer contradictory - it now states 3pm on both lines of text including where it stated 12pm earlier
7 Jul 17 #54
So they've changed the terms of the offer (from 12 to 3pm) after I've bought something for £200. Any advice?
FlappyPappy to xstrata
7 Jul 17 1 #55
On the first page someone posted a picture of the original offer, you could use that as evidence and contact them to see if they will honour the 10x.
7 Jul 17 #56
Thanks for that I've opted in, i'm a bit upset I spent £1400 yesterday though lol I was aware of this happening but I was risking the item being sold.
7 Jul 17 #57
The Nectar website states 12pm.

eBay's website states 3pm.
kooks65 to RedTurkey
7 Jul 17 #58
I noticed that after I'd placed my order at 12.15pm, I've emailed nectar to complain.
7 Jul 17 #59
nothing on ebay, nectar app states 12pm.
RedTurkey to ssc1
7 Jul 17 #60
Click on the Nectar link, which takes you to eBay, which states 3pm.
7 Jul 17 1 #61
Shame, but at least console yourself with the fact that the max nectar points you could have got was 5000 so about £25 worth :wink:
7 Jul 17 #62
So the offer doesn't start until 3pm today, confirmed?
Shovon to vraxxos
7 Jul 17 #64
Well nothing is confirmed really. The Nectar Twitter people were no help at all, but the safe thing to do would be to wait i guess.

I've just bought after 3pm it now works and the points are added.
7 Jul 17 #63
In my online Nectar account it says from 12pm,but I assume it's best to wait until 3pm.
7 Jul 17 #65
says "10X points on eBay for 24 hours. Shop now and earn bonus points on your eBay purchases. Countdown begins 3pm on 7 July." on my nectar account.
7 Jul 17 #66
just activated it and it says

"Thanks! Your offer was activated.

Collect 10X from 3pm on 07 July until 3pm on 08 July

Offer Valid: 7 Jul 2017, 03:00 PM BST - 8 Jul 2017, 03:00 PM BST"
7 Jul 17 #67
To confirm you are getting the points, the checkout screen should give you the 10x amount.

I.e i tried to buy a £7 item, I get the following prompt.

Use PayPal to collect 70 Nectar points Conditions
7 Jul 17 #68
Item pages now showing bonus points.
Don't forget Topcashback for a few more pennies!
7 Jul 17 #69
account specific unfortunately does not work for me
7 Jul 17 #70
that makes me feel a lot better, I didn't realise there was a cap on it I thought I was missing out on £70+. its working for me now I just bought a 900x400 mouse mat for £7 and received 70 points :smiley:
7 Jul 17 #71
Bought 2 x Lego Tie Striker for £29.75 each plus 690 points
7 Jul 17 #72
Never worked for me. Spend £15 got 15 nectar points.
7 Jul 17 #73
Thanks! Your offer was activated.
Collect 10X from 3pm on 07 July until 3pm on 08 July
Expires on: 8 Jul 2017, 03:00 PM BST
7 Jul 17 #74
just been looking everywhere for this, for me after i logged in, went on my ebay, and it appeared at the top, above the search bar next to help and contact. Hopefully it helps somebody :smiley:
7 Jul 17 #75
Can this offer be used on separate purchases? Thx
greenandwhite to ssc1
7 Jul 17 1 #77
Of course, you can use it on as many purchases as you like or better, can afford. I bought a few items from various sellers earlier today and got 10x nectar points on every one. Once you have opted in you'll get the bonus points for every purchase until the offer is over.
7 Jul 17 #76
07/07/17Russell Hobbs 86cm Wide 5-burner Gas Hob - Stainless Steel RH86GH701SS£150.00 150 1350 1500
07/07/17Black Cosmos Speckle Glass Splashback In 90cm X 70cm Heat Resistant - Toughened£19.99 20 180 200
07/07/17Appliances22-90cm Curved Glass Stainless Steel Chimney Cooker Hood Extractor Fan£89.99 90 810 900
07/07/17Baumatic IBOF600X Built-in Electric Fan Assisted Oven & Grill - 65 Litres 13Amp£159.99 160 1440 1600

Just helped a neighbour out and saved her over £600 in kitchen appliances. Win Win (4200 points!!!!)
7 Jul 17 1 #78
Nectar on FB says offer extended till 3pm tomorrow.
8 Jul 17 #79
Is this confirmed?
8 Jul 17 #80
It was 3pm Saturday.
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