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Dyson V8 Animal Cordless Vacuum Cleaner - Refurbished - 1 Year Guarantee only £259.99 @ Dyson / Ebay
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5 Jul 17
was £329.99
Top comments
5 Jul 17 6 #7
They both suck.
5 Jul 17 5 #5
Back when they had the free fan deal, I had both for a brief period so could do a direct comparison.

I ended up keeping the V8 even though I thought it would end up significantly more expensive (it didn't, but that's another story).

V8 pros:
Much easier to empty bin.
Battery lasts around twice as long.
Easier to manoeuvre.

V6 pros:
Quicker to charge.

The thing they don't advertise is that despite being lighter, the V6 is much harder to push around carpet floors. This is because they changed the design of the V8 mechanical head and added something that helps it glide around by comparison.

This, coupled with being easier to empty means I'm much more likely to pick it up and use it for a quick spot clean, which is the whole point of getting one for me.

In terms of suction power and everything else they are very similar. The V6 is still a great device, but I was genuinely shocked how much effort it took to push around compared to the V8, and how annoying it was emptying the bin (often had to use fingers).

And if you're planning to keep it for years to come, the extra money is worth paying IMO.
5 Jul 17 4 #16
Why wouldn't you use a V8?

Hey the guy did apologise and it was obviously a genuine mistake on his part. No need to get abusive.
ray_54321 to kazbeee
5 Jul 17 4 #2
That price is for the older V6 model, not the V8 :wink:
Latest comments (35)
10 Jul 17 #35
Have you got yours yet? Mines arrived! Was in immaculate condition. Gave it a quick test (shouldn't have.... Should have fully charged it 1st according to instructions that I didn't read!).

I'm very happy, doesn't seem loud at all. And the amount of dirt it sucked up from the carpet I tested in the hall on max mode ..... Shocking! :confused:

All in all, I'm happy. I already know this will be so much less of a pain to use and the easy bin emptying mechanism is a cinch. Hope you're happy with yours!
8 Jul 17 #34
You're right, some went for as little as £120!
8 Jul 17 #33
Thank you! I've bitten the bullet and ordered one. Hopefully the condition will be decent..
8 Jul 17 #32
As far as I know, this is the cheapest the V8 has ever been. I've been watching for a few months.

If you'd prefer a new v7, slightly less powerful motor, but same bin emptying system, you can get that for £300 from Dyson or Currys.

The deal with the new V8 absolute required you to sell the fan and I'm not sure everyone was getting £190 for them as the market was saturated.
8 Jul 17 #31
This seems a decent price, but then Dyson regularly do codes & offers & stuff. The free fan/sell the fan was a good scoop, is it worth getting a referee one at this price, or hiding out for a Dyson deal on a new one?
7 Jul 17 #29
Have the v6 one... would not buy again due to the bin - fair enough it's small so needs regular emptying but it's a complete nightmare to empty with dust going everywhere.
Shovon to Heat777
7 Jul 17 #30
I just bought the V8 with the Ebay x10 Nectar points giving me 2600 nectar the equivalent of £13 to be spent on something else. Not a bad deal I hope, (i keep telling myself!) and I believe the bin has been improved. Lets hope so. :/
7 Jul 17 1 #28

Don't own one then. Thought so!
6 Jul 17 #27
Like you i'm free to comment on items as i deal hunt. However unlike you i don't get ratty when a stranger criticizes a vacuum cleaner. Suck it up ( no pun intended ), ignore me or would you like me to say sorry to the refurb? Jeez
6 Jul 17 1 #26
I have V8 Absolute that I bought new from Dyson with a deal I did with them when purchasing some other stuff. I sold the fluffy head that came with it on Ebay (with £1.00 max fees for £80) as the brush bar is all I needed. The motorised head is excellent if you have a dog for the sofa, etc. My Mum has the V6 and it is louder / bin smaller and a right pain to empty (she has cats). Run time is far less and it is less powerful (although the power is fine on the V6). It as a switch on top to turn to max mode whereas it is a button on the back with the V6.

The only difference between the V8 animal and the absolute is that you get a extra tool "fluffy head" cleaner with absolute otherwise the specs / accessories are the same. So I basically have the Animal with the Absolute colours since I sold the fluffy head! Keep up.

Agree with some other owners. Yes it does cost a lot but boy am I happy to have it. So easy to pick up and put back out of way and the new bin release is far better. The absolute did retail at £520.00 new at one point but I would never pay that.
6 Jul 17 #25
I think Dyson repair for around £100 if its out of warranty, but i highly doubt you will need it on this as most likely it will be the battery on this product that may deteriorate over time which you can easily replace yourself.
6 Jul 17 #23
Can you buy extra warranty with these?..ive been looking for a deal on the V6 or V8 this is the best so far but i would want longer than 1year guarantee because it is alot of money.
IronSoldier to
6 Jul 17 #24
Ebay offer a 2 year protection thing. Popped up when i bought it and was £69 i think.
6 Jul 17 #22
I bought a V8 when is was £90 off at JL earlier this year. Replaced a DC23 Animal (?) and is, as to be expected, much easier to just grab and use when needed. I would note that the small powered head is great BUT my cat's hair stick to the brushes making it useless after a couple of minutes and I have not yet found an adaptor to re-use my older pet hair brush that I got for the DC23 (horizontal rotatary heads - make a big difference).

Lots of money, well worth it if you can afford it.
6 Jul 17 #21
£260 for a vac?! The £60 Morphy Richards I bought 8 years ago is still going strong. What's so special about this? Does it suck other things than dust?
6 Jul 17 #20
What did you even come to comment for? Do you own a Dyson or are you just making assumptions they are over priced?
6 Jul 17 1 #19
LoL £260 for a used Vacuum cleaner!

Having another famous brand will surely fill the void in your life, next stop Apple...
6 Jul 17 #18
Sorry didn't see the apology. I guess if he said sorry and accepted in future he wouldn't mislead fellow deal hunters thats ok
5 Jul 17 #17
how durable are these?
as they are top heavy, it seems they could be easier dropped?
5 Jul 17 4 #16
Why wouldn't you use a V8?

Hey the guy did apologise and it was obviously a genuine mistake on his part. No need to get abusive.
5 Jul 17 #15
Good price. Waiting for it to hit the £200 mark before I buy one
5 Jul 17 #14
How durable are these Dysons and their lifespan?
5 Jul 17 1 #13
Have 2 v6 dysoms and wouldn't use anything else.Worth every penny and this deal is pretty sweet of you ask me.Anyone thinking about it should deal up.
5 Jul 17 #1
£219 from argos and its brand new
ray_54321 to kazbeee
5 Jul 17 4 #2
That price is for the older V6 model, not the V8 :wink:
johnmcdon to kazbeee
5 Jul 17 #12
Don't open your mouth unless you have something useful or correct to say. That's the v6 you fool.
5 Jul 17 #11
Had one of these delivered yesterday. Motor unit and head seems brand new but the long tube was a bit scratched. Replaced a DC35 and the difference is obvious.
5 Jul 17 #10
5 Jul 17 2 #9
To be honest it still collects more dirt on the one side, although it is a bit bigger (about 20% IIRC). But the main benefit here is how much easier it is to empty.

It is the opposite of high tech, but I sometimes take a plastic bag around with me and empty it in to that every so often.

If you've already got a V6 the decision is much trickier I'll admit.
5 Jul 17 1 #8
Thanks for the detailed reply. The main thing I don't like about my V6 is the tiny bin. I always seem to be emptying it, especially as the dirt only ever piles up on 1 side of the bin.
5 Jul 17 6 #7
They both suck.
5 Jul 17 1 #6
I've got the V8 & it's honestly one of the best purchases I've ever made, worth every single penny. I personally think it's worth the extra for the longer run time than the V6.
5 Jul 17 5 #5
Back when they had the free fan deal, I had both for a brief period so could do a direct comparison.

I ended up keeping the V8 even though I thought it would end up significantly more expensive (it didn't, but that's another story).

V8 pros:
Much easier to empty bin.
Battery lasts around twice as long.
Easier to manoeuvre.

V6 pros:
Quicker to charge.

The thing they don't advertise is that despite being lighter, the V6 is much harder to push around carpet floors. This is because they changed the design of the V8 mechanical head and added something that helps it glide around by comparison.

This, coupled with being easier to empty means I'm much more likely to pick it up and use it for a quick spot clean, which is the whole point of getting one for me.

In terms of suction power and everything else they are very similar. The V6 is still a great device, but I was genuinely shocked how much effort it took to push around compared to the V8, and how annoying it was emptying the bin (often had to use fingers).

And if you're planning to keep it for years to come, the extra money is worth paying IMO.
5 Jul 17 #4
double the battery life, so a more efficient motor i would imagine?
5 Jul 17 #3
Has anyone had both the V6 and V8? How do they compare?
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