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Dyson V8 Absolute Cordless Vacuum Cleaner - Refurbished - 1 Year Guarantee. £289.99 - dyson_outlet ebay
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26 Jul 17
Was browsing the internet for deals on a cordless Dyson for my Mums Birthday present when i came across this Good deal for a refurbished Dyson V8 Absolute Cordless Vacuum Cleaner which is the latest model of the cordless range I believe.

These are £519 new in Currys, Argos, John Lewis Etc so £289.99 for a Dyson Refurb with warranty seems like a great deal.

This is a refurbishment direct from Dyson and it comes with a 1 year Warranty.

This has a better battery life and easier emptying process than the V6.

Ive bought 1 for my mums birthday present so fingers crossed will make her happy!
All comments (36)
26 Jul 17 2 #1
Already posted mate
annaloukey to axe_1986
26 Jul 17 #2
apologies, i didnt realise
26 Jul 17 #3
Great price, although if someone is adamant to obtain a new one I have seen then for £394.49 on Leekes.
26 Jul 17 #4
Ok, the price is good but after a while these require a really full clean which includes the cyclone (which needs to be taken off and dismantled) and the gate to the waste container (which sometimes jams shut) and the bush (requires dismantling).
If you just use it as an ocassional cleaner then it should be ok for a while.
prisat to jasee
27 Jul 17 #26
You will have to explain this. I am not sure a company like Dyson whose primary business is vacuum cleaner will manufacture a stupid product like this.
nwxan90 to jasee
27 Jul 17 #32
I think the issue you are referring to was a problem with the v6, It has been fixed in the v8 in this deal by having the cyclones come out the top of the unit when the bin is emptied. There is a you tube video for it or for a non Dyson video
26 Jul 17 #5
Costco have this for £350 inc vat
J1565 to 786simon
26 Jul 17 #6
That's amazing. Couldn't find it on their website though...
26 Jul 17 #7
I hate Dysons.

So over designed I actually find them painful to look at.

Sister had a V6. A tiny plastic clasp snapped. Couldn't be replaced. Rendering the whole thing a giant ugly paperweight.
J1565 to CaptainSocks
26 Jul 17 1 #8
Personally so do I, absolutely wasted money on an Dyson 'Animal' a few years back and it just clogged up and had the engineer out over 5 times, in the end threw it out. Bought a Miele S7580 for my mum, she just couldn't handle the weight of the thing! ended up with the V6 and its OK for small jobs, but the plastic is evident.
RowanDDR to CaptainSocks
26 Jul 17 #14
A plastic bit broke on my Dyson too.. I always thought it would break as it was so flimsy compared to the weight of the pole part it held. And yet Dyson keep winning design awards.....
26 Jul 17 #9
Costco online site type Dyson it was there saw it yesterday
26 Jul 17 #10
My bad just been on Costco online it's gone up £429, Gutted should've got it yesterday
26 Jul 17 #11
I have a V8 and despite what reviews might say, they are absolute crap.

They pick up 25-30% of a normal decent vacuum when on 'max', which only lasts about approx. 5 minutes. On normal operation is almost like one of those manual floor cleaners from the 1980s. They don't pick up much from the corners in rooms because there isn't enough suction.

Battery technology just hasn't evolved enough for these things to be effective.

Honestly, don't waste your money.
edanfalls to manbearpig
27 Jul 17 1 #33
I don't understand how people seem to have such differing experiences with Dysons. Is the quality control poor or something? I'd never had a Dyson before but bought the V8 about 6 months ago. I couldn't believe how good it was when it arrived. Being battery operated, I thought it would be under-powered but that the portability would make up for it. But instead, I used the V8 straight after vacuuming with my Harry (the animal version of the Henry) and it picked up so much crap that the Harry couldn't.

And the Harry/Henry is quite powerful. So how do seem people say that the V8 only picks up 25-30% of a normal vacuum? Are their units broken?
26 Jul 17 2 #12
You mean the one Dyson sell of their web site for £1.80?

Most, if not all, parts are available, although somethings you need to purchase a large sub-assembly rather the small part you actually need.
26 Jul 17 #13
I have a V6 Absolute that I paid full whack for about 18 months ago and it was quite simply the biggest piece of junk I ever bought. You are lucky to get 1 carpet in a medium sized room vacuumed before it needs recharging. I also had to look at a youtube video of how to take it apart completely to clean it when the sensor kept tripping so it kept switching off.

I had my old Dyson for years and it was a good machine. I should have taken my mother in law's advice and bought a Henry for a quarter of the price. My wife got so fed up with it when we recently redecorated she said she didn't want any carpets anywhere in the house so its flooring everywhere now.
gary333 to Ev0lution
27 Jul 17 #22
You must have a dud battery. I can do my whole house and have never yet had the battery go flat. Granted it's only a standard 3 bedroom house, however I don't rush. Are you sure you haven't left it on 'max'.

Personally the V6 Animal I have has probably been my most favourite purchase as it's used every day. The 'Henry' hasn't been used since (apart from doing the hard to reach places in the car). My V6 is far better at picking up than my Henry, and light years ahead when it comes to hair, and this is when it's on standard.

The V6 on max tries to pull the carpet up, so not sure why this isn't powerful enough for most, personally I find standard more than enough.
26 Jul 17 1 #15
Get a Gtech, you will never look back.
26 Jul 17 #16
I bought this in a now great deal from John Lewis, this beats that deal.
26 Jul 17 1 #17
The Bosch athlet is the best battery powered vacuum cleaner hands down. I had this Dyson, got fed up with it and gave it to my sister.
HydroBolt to sm-1991
27 Jul 17 #23
I have a Bosch Athlet and it is one of the most powerful and best vacuum cleaners I have owned. The charge can clean a large family home fully, which is great. I haven't needed to call an engineer out yet, I've owned it for several months. Not one fault :smile:
27 Jul 17 #18
Buy on Friday for extra nectar point 10 times more :smile:
27 Jul 17 #19
£300 for a refurbished vacuum.

27 Jul 17 #20
I love my Dyson V6 Animal.
27 Jul 17 #21
Why dont you buy 3 of these instead AND save money.
Direct vacuum's ebay site ?hash=item544829afbc:g:AocAAOSwi7RZJDGJ
27 Jul 17 #24
dyson advantage is dusting , car cleaning etc
27 Jul 17 1 #25
Reviews all say positive things about the V8, so consider that before the few anecdotal replies above that are disappointed for one reason or another. Almost all Dyson parts are replaceable or serviceable. Some places may still do the "£50 to refurbish" service from yesteryear.

On normal mode, these are very good indeed. While I have a DC33 for normal house needs (a good filter clean makes a world of difference), the V8 is superb for a quick cleanup (anyone else with a 2 year old will know), the stairs and car etc.

It's quiet on normal too. Quiet enough to use when the small person is in bed.

Boost pulls the carpet up quite a lot, but yes, you reduce time on battery of course. But it's not just suction power you need to think about - it's the brush bar power, for agitating the carpet. Competing cordless devices aren't as good as the V8 here.

Don't forget - the 40 min time quoted is with the device using non-powered tools. When you use the main heads or mini motorised tool, these take power from the battery and hence reduce the 40 min regular time a bit.
27 Jul 17 1 #27
I bought this last week. The first time I started using it on the carpet (normal mode - carpet tool brush) this is the result in 30-40 seconds run, unbelievable. Iam impressed and this is the carpet that was cleaned every week nicely with a H***Y hoover (old one, and i suppose it is dying or already working without a benefit) - see the attached image.

It 's a solid piece, Build Quality is awesome (of course price justifies the quality)
I think i am going to be a happy customer.

I have one more brand new and UNUSED which i think i will not need. 400 (or nearest offers) for collection in London Stratford, London Barking or London Upminster. Send me a message for other options.
27 Jul 17 1 #28
I have a v6 refurb which i bought on the ebay store and i haven't used my old hoover since, i can do my whole 3 bedroom house on a single charge and i was shocked at just how much it picked up on its first use. I wouldn't change it for a corded hoover and find it very easy to clean.
27 Jul 17 #29
I have the V8 absolute, got it for £330 a month ago so this is an excellent offer. Having tried 3-4 different cordless stick vacs (shark rocket models,Vax models, top end models £150-200+) The Dyson is 100% staying.

I get the negative comments for sure, some saying its no different to a manual floor sweeper (I use to use a Bissel manual floor cleaner daily for many years) and its still not picking up as much dirt as a £60-70 samsung vac I own.

But its providing a good in-between service it still picks up way more then the manual bissel sweeper does and perhaps a little less then the samsung, so its made them both redundant imo. The biggest difference is it picks up long
hairs much better then the bissel manual sweeper and samsung vac, so its going to be good for women with long hairs and pet owners.

I can now spend 10 minutes cleaning entire flat (probably 20-30 doing it fully) its cordless, quick and easy and its almost picking up as much dirt as the heavy annoying bulky wired vacs you have to pull along. Oh and you don't have to clean the filters or hepa filters every 2-3 weeks, its so efficient and it remains clean. Only the dust canister needs to be emptied each time.

And I have owned a top end £250 miele vac which went back since it was too heavy and the wheels on the back of it did not move the vac on the floor at all, terrible design frankly and unusable even for a young fit strong man but it sucked very well.

Some people do describe the Dyson v8 as a good 'daily cleaner' and use the big guns or more powerful wired vac on a weekly basis, but imo the Dyson is not far off and the speed, ease of use and its 2-3x lighter and almost same amount of dirt collected makes it a winner and a keeper in my books.
27 Jul 17 #30
my god............£300 for a used vacuum................about as bad a £50 million for Kyle Walker
27 Jul 17 #31
already posted that's me out! how do I delete my account in the app seems like a waste of time putting deals up
27 Jul 17 1 #34
Oh, yes, that certainly seems better, I didn't realise they'd changed it for version 8.
28 Jul 17 #35
I'm just comparing it to my Bosch vacuum, which cost about £120. The wired vacuum pulls the carpet up, there is so much suction.

It's incredibly expensive, and generally people paying so much will expect something comparable to a wired vacuum. This is nowhere close and therefore many people are disappointed.
It's fine for a daily sweep, but can't replace the wired one. Maybe in 10 years when batteries are better a more powerful motor can be used. Until then it's massively compromised.
29 Jul 17 #36
Like I said, that differs completely to my experience. The Harry (Henry) is a corded vacuum and a powerful one at that. Yet the V8 picked up far more from my carpets.

So I think it's false to say that cordless vacuums cannot compare to corded.

There must be some other factors at play. Maybe your V8 was faulty.

By the way, one vacuum pulling the carpet up more than another doesn't mean it will do a better job. It's not just about suction, but also the quality of the attachments, which can get dirt out of the pile.
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