Thanks Buba for posting the PSN game deals, I was having a look and noticed the Dark Souls Season Pass is on offer too - I've been waiting for these to be reduced. Hope it helps someone.
I'd edit your title, it makes it appear that the Season pass is £11.99, or £7.99 for PS+ users.
5 Jul 17#2
Thanks for the heads up, sorry if it got any hopes up!
teddy1590 to Giraudetus
5 Jul 17#5
Haha, no worries, figured I'd put it to you politely, rather than how I imagine most other folks would have let you know :P
Cheers for posting though, cracking price for anyone who has the base game. Personally waiting for the Fire Fades edition to hit about £20.
5 Jul 17#3
Nice, been waiting for this to drop in price.
5 Jul 17#4
Hmm. Do I want this?
teddy1590 to BigOrkWaaagh
5 Jul 17#6
If you've got the base game it seems a no-brainer. Haven't played either of the DLCs myself, but I saw Prepare to Try play Ashes of Ariandel and it seemed like a pretty substantial DLC. I have to imagine Ringed City is similar length, so that's quite alot of game for £12.
5 Jul 17#7
Yeahhhh haha - Good shout on Fire Fades
5 Jul 171#8
For those interested, it's £8 on Xbox One for the next few days.
5 Jul 17#9
Ashes is pretty good but fairly short. Ringed City is not only better in the quality of its content, but there's more of it. It's speculated that they were intended to be part of a singular DLC but ended up being split into two, likely to justify a season pass.
5 Jul 17#10
I've been waiting for this as it works out cheaper to get this and regular game in stores than it is to get the GOTY version which is the same.
5 Jul 17#11
anyone know if Dark Souls 3 GOTY has dlc's on disk or its a download codes?
Opening post
Individual DLCs:
Ashes of Ariandel - £7.99 (-33%)!/en-gb/games/addons/dark-souls-iii-ashes-of-ariandel/cid=EP0700-CUSA03365_00-DARKSOULS3DLC001
The Ringed City - £7.99 (-33%)!/en-gb/games/addons/dark-souls-iii-the-ringed-city/cid=EP0700-CUSA03365_00-DARKSOULS3DLC002
Cheers for posting though, cracking price for anyone who has the base game. Personally waiting for the Fire Fades edition to hit about £20.