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17 Jul 17
Three are doing all u can eat minutes and texts plus 4GB data on 4G for £9.
If you go through topcashback you will get £40 cash back which brings the monthly payment down to £5:66.
Topcashback says £45 but mine tracked at £40 as I think it's before the vat

Make sure you go through topcashback if you place a order and not directly from the link.
Top comments
17 Jul 17 12 #5
Thats not feel at home, that's EU legislation
HertzVanRental to trivium
17 Jul 17 4 #11
Statically very high that you won't get the Cashback - usually after 100 days they decline it and then you have to go through the 'submit the claim' process. Took a contract out in February, still waiting and not hopeful.

Check out previous threads on it to see comments by a number of disappointed posters..........

I can't categorically state that you won't get it, but from experience do not factor it in.
17 Jul 17 4 #4
Feel at home is included, just in a limited capacity mate
If you're on a Three Essential Plan, you can still use your allowance for no extra charge in the 48 European locations from 15th June. But you won't qualify for free roaming in locations further afield.
18 Jul 17 3 #14
Click through cashback site, then on the Three offer page click the link to go to 3 home page, scroll down to "existing customer offers" choose:


4GBData.All-you-can-eatMinutes.All-you-can-eatTexts.12 monthContract.Included:

[url=]4GB Personal Hotspot[/url] [url=]Feel At Home Around the World[/url] [url=]Go Binge[/url] See all plan details.

£10.00a month.

When you select the^ plan and checkout it will next ask for a existing Three number - enter a Three payg number for the £2 per month discount.

£2 off @ £10 a month and £45 cashback, I done this on July 7th, £10 pm email and £45 cashback has tracked via (y)
£120 - £45 = £75, £6.25 per month for 12 months :wink:

This only works with Topcashback
Latest comments (63)
23 Jul 17 #63
You are right about most people just accept cashback is not guarantee, but not me after a few small declines from both tcb and quidco in the past.

I left the case to run for a year because i didn't have so much time dealing with it, as well as knowing I will take court action against them. Once they received court letter they quickly communicated and offer only the £92, not court fee or the £85 expenses I claim. I told them if the don't pay up the full amount I will issue a judgement, they couldnt wait to pay me in full once they heard that!
22 Jul 17 1 #62
Cheers for that Matt007 - didn't think of using the Small Claims Court, but useful to know that you won including expenses etc. I guess that they consider most people will just accept non-payment of the claim and move on.

Will consider this option when they inevitably decline for the second time.
22 Jul 17 #61
I took TCB to the small claims court after they didn't pay out a £92 cashback. Initially after a lot of threats from my part they offer 40%, I did not accept. Won what what rightfully my money + court fee £25+ expenses.

They decline cashback on a regular basis to line their pockets. Don't let them.
20 Jul 17 #60
Okay! So I should buy it too. :-) Have 14 days to give it back (just in case). :smile:
19 Jul 17 #59
I am currently on Advanced 4Gb with unlimited calls+text (no go binge) for £12/month.
I called Three to see if I could get the same thing + go binge for £10/month (advertised for additional sims).
The agent recommended to change my monthly contract into PAYG and when it changes over (18th August) I can transfer my number to the new £10/month contract which I have already purchased, incase the offer goes away and I went through Topcashback too.
19 Jul 17 #58
So do you suggest me to wait until my contracts ends? (2nd September I think) Not sure if this offer would be still valid!
18 Jul 17 #57
:wink: Most welcome, I got sick of posting £10 Advanced in threads (so many Three 4GB/£9/Cashback deals of late lol) so posted it as a deal :wink:
18 Jul 17 #56
Followed your earlier instructions and ordered following the advanced 4gb link in Topcashback and by clicking on existing offers on the Three website, all went through.
Yes £10 is a good price either way and would be great if the cash back pays out.

Thanks for sharing.
18 Jul 17 #55
Do it via TCB, Quidco says it wont payout existing customer deals, as someone pointed out. (Either way I'm happy if it does not pay up - £10 World [email protected]/Go Binge/4GB/Unlimited on Three, £5 EE EU/North America/Australasia 4GB Unlimited with BT Sport/6 Months Apple Music (free streaming) all for £15 a month, bargain :smile: Vodafone can go eat.... :wink: )
18 Jul 17 #54
Thanks for your reply.

I have read Seaniboy's post from earlier and it makes more sense now, I want feel at home to include USA so will be taking the existing customer offer for £10.
18 Jul 17 #53
Apparently Quidco terms may not payout, no such terms on TopCB, no I just used my (free monthly) 200MB payg mobile broadband rewards Three number when it asked for my existing Three number on the order process, went through and I completed checkout process.

(I've removed Quidco references in this quote (and the thread), TCB only.)
18 Jul 17 #51
Can somebody provide some advice on this as I have a few questions.
Basically I am looking for a second sim for my wife. I already have a contract with three. I want to have feel at home, which is the best deal to go for?
Should I choose the existing offer for £12 with the £2 off? Will that work to take out an extra sim as i don't want it to cancel my current contract?
Or the £9 deal? I can't find the option to add the feel at home for an extra £1.

Thanks in advance for help.
englands28 to pele1987
18 Jul 17 #52
Feel at home is already on but it's limited to Europe,
All depends on how much data you require and if you want to risk cashback not tracking or paying out.
Worst case is you pay £9 for 12 months.
I am with three and have just taken this out for my daughter. I don't have to worry about minutes and texts and she doesn't go over 4GB so it works for me at worst case £9 per month. £5.66 is a bonus if I get topcashback
18 Jul 17 #50
You're paying full price for 8 out of the 12 months after cashback, if it even pays out. The "effective" price, as always, is a false economy.
18 Jul 17 #49
It says its not an upgrade but for an additional sim, "
This is not an upgrade, but an additional plan or device, separate to your existing contract."
Did you have to cancel your old £12/month sim and asked if you could use your existing phone number for the new £10/month sim?
18 Jul 17 #47
6 month minimum wait for cashback so renders the effective price meaningless IMO
englands28 to HankHandsome
18 Jul 17 #48
Why does it matter on a 12 month contract? I would rather spend £40 in one go than £3.33 each month
18 Jul 17 #46
Ask for a PAC code so your leaving at the end of your contract, buy sim, register new sim with your PAC code. Get the deal, keep your number, bobs your uncle!
18 Jul 17 #45
So, cashback or not topcashback, that is the question.
18 Jul 17 #44
Ah, okay. :smile:

Just wondering how to use this deal if I'm an existing customer whose contract ends soon?
18 Jul 17 #40
i took this deal out last year, top cash back tracked and paid out no problems for me..
otterboxer to coolcraig999
18 Jul 17 #43
How long did it take to finally become payable?
18 Jul 17 #42
Still waiting for tcb to give me the thumbs up as well since i jumped on the same deal early last month. I'm not hopeful.
18 Jul 17 #41
18 Jul 17 #13
Took this deal out last September and went through Quidco for cashback. Did I get it you ask? Hell no! Great SIMO deal though and now feel at home is included it's even better. H+
Cossie1 to Blender
18 Jul 17 #39
Strange, I also took it out last year via Quidco.

The cashback didn't track, so I put in a claim for £50, it tracked eventually and paid out ok
18 Jul 17 #34
Has anybody taken their 3 SIM to Europe since the new legislation came into place in June? What's the speed like? Can you stream? Youtube, Spotify etc. They used to throttle the living daylight out of that stuff by routing all traffic to their UK servers. It was unusable.
englands28 to mikesloper
18 Jul 17 #38
I went to Germany a couple of weeks ago , not a penny incurred while there. Spotify, internet all good.
Happy days.
18 Jul 17 #37
To add THREE is the only business not to have paid out TCB . I know how to use TCB IE ALWAYS clear Cache and cookies and go via TCB app. I've earned £968 in TCB but not a penny paid up by THREE
18 Jul 17 #36
I have had three Three contacts and cashback never paid out. This isn't a fault of TCB it's down to Three who advertise on TCB but don't honour contacts. I should learn and not get THREE contracts. TCB currently perusing them for my cashback on my behalf . TCB are brilliant but unfortunately THREE mobile are sharks when comes to cashback. Only kept getting THREE contacts because of Feel at home . Now Europe standard will be abandoning THREE forever ..
18 Jul 17 #35
Awful, awful coverage I hardly ever get signal I've been on three for a while now really good for price top up mine a tenner every 3 months or so but I'm getting that plusnet SIM only delivered posted here the other day fiver a month I'm hoping it has better coverage it says it does it's on ee network
18 Jul 17 #32
I'm already on three and at the end of my contract. Is there any way to sign up with my current number and get the cashback? Would probably sack off getting an upgrade for another year if so...
englands28 to pyjak
18 Jul 17 #33
Can't you ask for a PAC code as if you are leaving, order new sim through topcashback and then use PAC code. ?
18 Jul 17 #29
dont they do recommend a friend anymore? i did it last year from my payg sim to get this deal, i recommened my wife , we both got £25 amazon voucher,
englands28 to chegwin
18 Jul 17 #31
Sure I saw referring a friend on their website
18 Jul 17 #30
I received the cash back on 4th month with out any trouble...
18 Jul 17 #28
Correct :smirk:
18 Jul 17 2 #27

Its up to 6 months.

Mine also declined, which i now found out is pretty normal for three to decline cashbacks. They got booted off the cashback sites a couple years ago for this very reason. They're now back doing the exact same thing.

I have been waiting more than 3 months on my appeal.
18 Jul 17 #26
Not sure you'll get the cashback mate if you're also getting the £2 off - just read this at Quidco "Three T&C's"

* Cashback will not be paid for upgrades or any special deals for existing customers
17 Jul 17 #9
what are the chances that I won't get cashback?
michaeljb to trivium
17 Jul 17 1 #10
I'm still waiting for some, been about 6 weeks so far but heard it can take up to 6 months (fierce)
HertzVanRental to trivium
17 Jul 17 4 #11
Statically very high that you won't get the Cashback - usually after 100 days they decline it and then you have to go through the 'submit the claim' process. Took a contract out in February, still waiting and not hopeful.

Check out previous threads on it to see comments by a number of disappointed posters..........

I can't categorically state that you won't get it, but from experience do not factor it in.
Alvie to trivium
18 Jul 17 #25
Mine got declined for no reason. I have to wait another 3 months for the outcome of the cashback
18 Jul 17 1 #24
Isn't that a phone contract not a sim...sim only is £45 or £40 I think
18 Jul 17 #23
To 'Blender' above, I took the 3 deal out last September as well. However, I did have to chase the money up. I finally got it paid out on 21st January - call them again.
18 Jul 17 #22
Good deal but i understand cashback from 3 is very iffy, so don't rely on it.
18 Jul 17 #20
Great deal!

1. Is it for existing customers too? Link directs me to offers looking like for non-existing customers.
2. How about this? This Advanced Plan for 10 pounds a month qualifies too? How do you think? This is what I found on Quidco:
£65for all phone contracts on Advanced plans. Includes tethering & use your allowances in 60 destination s
18 Jul 17 #19
Got this cash back tracks at 40 but then increases nearer the payout time. Great deal.
18 Jul 17 #18
This is actually really good for someone who doesn't use a lot of data. But if - like me - you do, you should check out Mobile Phones Direct

I got unlimited everything on 3 for £21pm (£32 before cashback), but there's also AYCE data/texts and 600 minutes for £19pm (same price as the AYCE data/texts and 200 minute deal, so don't go for that one)

And unlike Quidco or TCB, there's no worrying about whether or not the cashback will pay out, as long as you send them the bills they ask for. I've used them for cashback before and had no problems. Just put reminders in your Google calendar
18 Jul 17 #17
I did add heat though OP :wink:
18 Jul 17 #16
I've posted this as a deal, sick of reposting in new Three threads as they are always popping up for this 4GB deal at £10 with no [email protected]/GoBinge
17 Jul 17 #7
You can add feel at home for an extra £1. Come up with option before you purchase
seaniboy to nwressell
18 Jul 17 #15
Or follow my last post and get [email protected] & Go Binge for the same price unicorn
18 Jul 17 3 #14
Click through cashback site, then on the Three offer page click the link to go to 3 home page, scroll down to "existing customer offers" choose:


4GBData.All-you-can-eatMinutes.All-you-can-eatTexts.12 monthContract.Included:

[url=]4GB Personal Hotspot[/url] [url=]Feel At Home Around the World[/url] [url=]Go Binge[/url] See all plan details.

£10.00a month.

When you select the^ plan and checkout it will next ask for a existing Three number - enter a Three payg number for the £2 per month discount.

£2 off @ £10 a month and £45 cashback, I done this on July 7th, £10 pm email and £45 cashback has tracked via (y)
£120 - £45 = £75, £6.25 per month for 12 months :wink:

This only works with Topcashback
17 Jul 17 #12
Showing as 10pm
17 Jul 17 1 #8
Really good price for what you get
17 Jul 17 1 #6
All the same thing :man:
17 Jul 17 12 #5
Thats not feel at home, that's EU legislation
17 Jul 17 4 #4
Feel at home is included, just in a limited capacity mate
If you're on a Three Essential Plan, you can still use your allowance for no extra charge in the 48 European locations from 15th June. But you won't qualify for free roaming in locations further afield.
17 Jul 17 #3
Works out at £68 for the year if cashback tracks ok.
17 Jul 17 3 #1
No hotspot
No feel at home
englands28 to vassy1
17 Jul 17 2 #2
I'm sure feel at home is on it , only Europe though
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