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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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17 Jul 17
Nice little SIMO offer from Plusnet, which includes Roam Like at Home
Up for grabs is 1000 minutes, 1000 texts and 1.5GB of 4G data for £5pm. Contract is 30 days rolling.

Inclusive minutes include calls to UK landlines starting 01, 02 or 03, voicemail and any UK mobile network.

Deal expires on 30th July.


[Roam Like at Home FAQ]
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  • 2742587.jpg
Top comments
17 Jul 17 4 #46
They are offering this deal but with 2000-mins for £6/month; click on the link for this deal above, then "Buy", then click "change plan" and the £6/month deal is offered. 1000-extra mins for a pound :wink:

BTW, this is a 'standard' Plusnet special offer, no affiliate link. Quidco offering £7.50 casback and TCB £3. Expires in 5-days!

Seems good if you want the extra 1000-mins :smile:
21 Jul 17 3 #273
I got confused by this as well but I thing they stick all the plans on the same T&C's.

The bit relevant to this plan read:
£5 a month for 1.5GB (instead of 500MB), 1000 minutes (instead of 250 minutes) and 1000 SMS (instead of 500 SMS). Roam Like at Home enabled.Available to new and existing customers signing up or by calling Plusnet between 17th July and 30th July 2017.

I think the part you are refering to is for: standard SIM only 30 day plans for new Plusnet mobile customers
Latest comments (388)
31 Jul 17 #388
Well I eventually figured out you have to use the old internet explorer, not edge or chrome, once I did that it went through. Ordered Friday, Sim arrived Saturday and I put it in the phone last night and it activated within 2 minutes.
31 Jul 17 #387
Nothing but trouble so far. Online order didn't go through but had to wait 1.5 hours in a queue on chat to be told this. Then had to phone up to place the order and they cut me off and didn't phone back for hours. Now a week after receiving my SIM it doesn't work, but they tell me they got my sort code wrong. The SIM takes 2 working days to activate after you receive it. Mine still not working. Awful.
31 Jul 17 #386
Oh yes it is - I just hung on the phone for 20 mins to be told it ran out yesterday :disappointed:
31 Jul 17 #385
FYI this is not dead. You can still get it if you talk to a person either on the phone or through live chat.
31 Jul 17 #384
Grrrrrrr - they didn't upgrade me !!! Still 1GB allowance...
30 Jul 17 1 #383
I did, ordered Friday, sim arrived Saturday.
30 Jul 17 #382
I was going to apply for this but noticed in the T&C's - Available to existing Plusnet residential broadband customers signing up at before 1st August you think I would get it as I am not a PlusNet customer?
30 Jul 17 #381
Gone from GiffGaff £10p/m for 2GB | 500 mins | Unlim. texts to Plusnet £5p/m for 1.5GB | 1000 mins | 1000 texts. Might go for the £8 since EE actually has good 4G unlike GiffGaff's 4G which is utter trash.
30 Jul 17 #380
Has anyone successfully used this for tethering on android, without messing with DUN settings or whatever?
30 Jul 17 #379
Can just confirm works with Internet Explorer when placing an order. Don't use Microsoft Edge (All blue 'e') but type in search box internet explorer and should be an 'e' with a yellow band across it. Received confirmation email instantly. Tried with chrome twice , they 'took' two payments for £5 , but that will be returned after a week. Also to port your number you can call 500 after receiving your SIM or text PORT to 07507 307 996
29 Jul 17 #378
The live chat people said their mobile sites crashed, so everything timing out :disappointed:
29 Jul 17 #377
Still timing out on chrome :disappointed:
29 Jul 17 #376
Sim arrived today, just one of them thank god. I have to wait to see if they try taking the fiver multiple times.
29 Jul 17 #375
not working on IE either now. Session timed out but money taken out :confused:
29 Jul 17 #374
Thanks. Ordered yesterday, waiting to hear news from them.
29 Jul 17 #373
Thanks for this - used the online chat and now have 1.5GB instead of 1GB for the same £5 - no brainer
28 Jul 17 #372
Thanks for taking the time and again for the right answer :smiley:
28 Jul 17 #371
The welcome email contains the following re porting:

Your new number is xxx. But everyone from your neighbour to your plumber has your old one. It's quite possibly your longest standing relationship, so if you don't want to break up with it now, clinging on to your old digits is simple:
1. Text PORT to 07507307996 free from your new Plusnet SIM
2. Reply to our message with the number you want to keep along with your PAC code
3. Give us about 1 - 2 working days for the transfer to happen
If there are any problems we'll let you know, but we'll try our best to make this run smoother than your dance moves on a Saturday night.Prefer to talk? You can also keep your number by calling us free on 500 from your mobile.
28 Jul 17 #370
Wish I had read all the thread as I went through it at least 10 times before reading up and using the old Ie to place an order. I didn't see anywhere to enter a pac code during the order, did you?
28 Jul 17 #369
Timed out with Chrome, Edge, and Firefox...

Now I need to see what damage this has caused to my credit history.

UPDATE: Because I'm a masochist, I tried IE too, which would have worked, had my credit card company not declined the transaction. Ah well, I can only blame myself for not reading the thread properly.

UPDATE 2: Someone stop me, because I can't stop myself. I tried with a different CC, and I got the same card payment failure. So IE doesn't work either... I'm done with this "deal", not trying anything else.
28 Jul 17 #368
Apparently it's a misconfiguration of plusnet's network; they're blocking DUN traffic.
Bydefault Android 4.4+ uses DUN as a way of flagging traffic that originates from a tethered device.

It's quite easy to disable in Android:

Though such tinkering really shouldn't be necessary.

Plusnet really need to get their shiz together;
- website that can only accept orders from an obsolete browser
- utterly useless sales webchat that can't actually process sales
- network that blocks tethering on legitimate devices, when it's an advertised feature.
28 Jul 17 #367
Nope, but as usual, when something that seems like a benefit to consumers (even if it's not, but this one is), they sell it, because they have to provide it anyway, so why not make themselves look good.
28 Jul 17 1 #366
High baller.
28 Jul 17 #365
Anyone else had a problem with tethering?

Did u get your problem fixed Jawa?
28 Jul 17 #364
Ordered 2
28 Jul 17 1 #363
Read the thread mate
28 Jul 17 #362
I got that too mate
28 Jul 17 1 #361
Oh lord, what's going on now..... I just received another dispatch email for the order# that they dispatched to me a week ago.
28 Jul 17 #360
It doesn't work with Internet Explorer either for me. I was in a queue for 45 minutes on the phone so didn't get through that way.

I think I'm going to give up. I hope they haven't charged my card because I've tried at least 5-6 times.
28 Jul 17 #359
can anyone confirm getting the timeout issue with chrome?
27 Jul 17 #358
"Session timeout" trying to join :disappointed:
27 Jul 17 #357
When I spoke with webchat and told them of the timeout error, they never mentioned a certain browser they just simply said "we know - there is a database error" It was then I said that I wanted to confirm that my card will not be charged and they replied yes it will but it should be removed automatically the next day. Somehow I don't like the words "should be" and he never mentioned this Until I asked him outright.
27 Jul 17 #356
To those whose payments don't go through, have you tried using IE? Because unless you haven't read this thread, you only have yourselves to blame. At multiple points of this thread it says that it only works on IE. Maybe the OP should mention this in his opening spiel...unless they've retired off the referral bonuses from THAT freedompop 'deal'?? (annoyed) :wink:
27 Jul 17 #355
It is showing as two requests for payment from my bank as pending payment so I will have to call them when they open just keep an eye out that you don't get charged
27 Jul 17 #354
Same thing. Timeout at payment - the money's seemingly left my bank's available balance though. So, is that just pending authorisation, and the bank will kick it back in a few days, or what?

Also, do these failed attempts mean we're having credit checks run multiple times, does anyone know?

Finally, has anyone successfully signed up and then changed their Direct Debit date without hassle? Chat tells me it's possible, but they don't fill me with confidence, to be honest.
27 Jul 17 #353
I had the same problem of the time out. Just watch you don't get charged.I asked webchat and they said they knew of the problem and by entering the payment details it would be a pending transaction but "should" be removed automatically
27 Jul 17 #352
tried to order twice but it just times out at the payment page. Sales line are closed and their webchat can't help, they just say it's a database error and they know! Think I will stay with giffgaff after all.
27 Jul 17 #351
I don't know much about Plusnet, what are they like in changing their deals as it states "Prices, content and terms may change at any time during your contract" on their legal blurp.

Being a 30 day contract I'm thinking they're going to change this deal not long after you've moved over to them.
27 Jul 17 #350
Thanks for sharing and I also only completed my order using Internet Explorer.
27 Jul 17 #349
Has anyone managed to get tethering to work?

I've got 2 SIMs on this tariff, and have tried them in 2 different android devices(with different versions of android); neither gave internet access to tethered devices.
Plopped in my 3 data SIM, and tethering worked immediately.

I didn't realize Android offered the capability for SIMs to distinguish the source of IP traffic.
Moreover I thought plusnet permitted tethering! (Their FAQ certainly indicates as such)
27 Jul 17 #348
Tired to sign up for this on the website, got to payment screen and get "session timeout" error twice! Called them up and sat in queue until I got cut off :disappointed: Pretty rubbish!
27 Jul 17 #347
I switched to this deal via on line chat, simple process. using the new 4g sim was a little messy as the letter wasn't clear in stating that the sim had to be activated BEFORE it would work which could be problematic if you have ported in your number or do not have another phone to ring them.

I was a life mobile customer and have had no issues with plus net.

on a separate note I was looking for a sim for one of my grandchildren and was going to get this deal. however I looked at ID mobile and ended up with 2000 minutes ( after the first month of 500 ), 5000 texts and 1.5gb 4g data for the same £5
26 Jul 17 #346
Mine switched over today, no issue. got email and text to tell me.
26 Jul 17 #345
Tried many times, order not going through. If they cant handle a simple order I dread to think what their customer service is like. Shocking.
26 Jul 17 #344
Correct, plus you will be shopping around for better deals anyway....

One thing they mentioned was that the Out-of-Allowance charge for data is now £1.50/daily (£1.00 before) and capped at 250MB/daily....
26 Jul 17 #343
Had to use Internet Explorer, as other people reported. I was getting a 'Session Timed Out' error at the end of the sign-up process on Firefox.
26 Jul 17 1 #342
That may be true but, if we assume RPI stays at a steady 3.5%, then it will be 6 years before the current £5/month exceeds £5.95 and, only by year 12, will the £5.95 tariff be better value than the £5+RPI tariff. So I guess if your looking for a long term saving then the £5.95 deal is better. This is of course assuming the cost of the £5.95 deal doesn't go up in this time.
26 Jul 17 #341
Yes, Just went through the whole rigmarole giving all details etc to time me out and get my information for nothing; This is becoming quite common with big business offering these deals for just this information gathering purpose?
Fair enough if you were the 1 in 100 that was not conned by this scam.
If this has happened to you please spread the word.
25 Jul 17 #340
Was on £8.50 plusnet deal changed over last week to £5 deal using online chat. Got email to confirm and they had put me on a £6 deal. Had to go online chat again and got 2nd confirmation email saying i would change to £5 deal on 24th July. Checked my online account today and am still on £8.50 deal. Spoke on live chat and i have now been told it did not go through and my £5 deal will now start on August 24th. Mistake after mistake with Plusnet and they never seem to learn from then.

Also don't understand how i can't get a signal in some places indoors when other people are using EE and virgin and they can get a signal in the same place. Very strange as all use EE network. :disappointed:
25 Jul 17 #339
Wasn't aware that Plusnet increase the price on this SIMO deal in line with RPI each year as per here ....

Was just about to switch over from my old Life Mobile £5.95 tariff when the guy told me which made me think twice being the cheapskate I am!

Was anyone else aware of this?

Will probably still switch I guess!
25 Jul 17 #338
Wife was on the old £5.95 3G (lifemobile). Sim swap worked within 2 hours and she. I.e. in exactly the same but on 4g and paying less !!
25 Jul 17 #337
do you have a link ? can only see 500 mins, 5000 texts and 1.5gb for £5 on id
25 Jul 17 #336
Ha, tried to get ee to match this for me for a second sim, they told me they can't!
25 Jul 17 #335
Requested 4G SIM yesterday morning. SIM received today, chat session to switch tariff. new SIM already working.

Speedtest to be honest shows sameish results from previous 3G and current 4G SIMs (not that I was worried about)...Result is the £0.95/mth savings....

Thanks OP
25 Jul 17 #334
I just used the link at the top of this page. The page it takes me to shows the same prices regardless of whether I say I'm an existing customer or not. Strangely though, I just tried the link in the T&Cs it took me to a page that doesn't have the offer listed! You're probably better off phoning them and saying your saw the deal on here.
25 Jul 17 #333
Tried 4 times as well and got same message...
25 Jul 17 #332
Well, their website doesn't fill with me confidence, can't do application on mobile, can't do it in chrome on desktop.. I am not enjoying typing in card details over and over.
25 Jul 17 #331
Thanks,when I go online if you click on the button that tells them you are not a new customer it does not give you the option of this offer. Maybe I should phone them.
Have you got a different link to those tandc's.
25 Jul 17 #330
From the T&Cs "Available to new and existing customers signing up at or by calling Plusnet between 17th July and 30th July 2017"
24 Jul 17 #329
I haven't read the whole of this thread but is this deal only for existing plusnet customers? I have tried buying but as a non plusnet user it refers me to alternative plans of which this deal looks like 7.50.
24 Jul 17 #328
considering changing over from gifgaff, thanks op
24 Jul 17 #327
Looks ideal, needed something like this for my daughter, on an EE sharing network.
24 Jul 17 #326
Still good! upgraded my account from 1gig data and 500 min. took 2 minutes on the phone.
24 Jul 17 #325
Four attempts at getting this deal. First time it went through but no e-mails or SIM card. Contacted Plusnet who said order had failed. Tried again. Twice went through to payment for first month but said session had expired. Tried on Internet Explorer and got same message. Checked card and there are three requests for the first payment. So have given up and joining ID Mobile who have same deal.
24 Jul 17 #324
Correct, early morning Monday after a week's holiday.....I was thinking about my recent swap from Nexus 4 to Redmi Note 4 which required the backups. :stuck_out_tongue:
24 Jul 17 #323
Just changed both of my SIMs over from the £5.95/month deal to this. Other than the 1/2 hour wait to speak to someone, once through the customer service has been absolutely fantastic. Such a great change to be speaking to somebody in the UK on a good line rather than somebody in some distant country on a poor quality connection that I can hardly understand.
24 Jul 17 1 #322
Good luck getting your tariff changed. I've tried for the last 4 months and each month on the "anniversary date" nothing has changed. CS are useless. Take your chances.
24 Jul 17 1 #321
Changing your sim shouldn't make you need backups, unless you have a very old school setup!
24 Jul 17 #320
Just had a chat session and switched my existing 3G SIM (£5.95/mth 1.5GB|1,000min|5,000txt) to this 4G (£5.00/mth 1.5GB|1,000min|1,000txt - only difference is that if I go over data allowance I will pay £1.50/day rather than £1.00/day).

SIM should be delivered within 2-days. I will backup call|txt logs...Whatsapp and that is it!

It was a no-brainer really, thanks OP!
24 Jul 17 #319
I was with Plusnet anyway on 250 Mins, 500 Texts & 1GB 4G Data for £5 a month.
Just rang them and was able to switch to this deal without issues. Many thanks OP.
Would never have found out about this without HotUKDeals and you!
23 Jul 17 1 #318
For £8 the only other networks that come close for a 30 day contract are ID mobile or 3 on their 12mth packages but then your at the mercy of the three network coverage, so overall with PN using the EE network infrastructure you can't really go wrong for £8 a month and if a better deal comes along your not tied in for 12mths.
23 Jul 17 #317
Not enough texts
23 Jul 17 #316
Thanks everyone. Just ordered this online and I have received my order number and email. Just need to wait for confirmation email now and should be up and running again.

Thank you.
23 Jul 17 #315
It's because they know IE users won't expect much.
23 Jul 17 #314
Prefer the 3GB data and 500 mins but wondering if £8 is the best deal out there right now?
23 Jul 17 #313
I used IE on a previous deal chrome just didn't work for me
23 Jul 17 #312
Will I need to get my SIM replaced (currently with Plusnet but on 3G)
23 Jul 17 #311
I had the same session timeout problem yesterday and contacted their online chat they said that they have a major problem with card transactions online and to call direct and mention hotukdeals sim deal. Got through and completed in 10 mins - sim will be here tuesday. NO cashback though
23 Jul 17 #310
Been waiting on their online chat for over an hour just to get an available advisor! Same issue, it looked had gone through but no email confirmation. Not feeling confident if this is what it takes to get through to someone
23 Jul 17 #309
keep getting a session timeout right at the last page :disappointed::disappointed:
23 Jul 17 #308
Ok so I just tried Internet Explorer as suggested (was previously using Chrome and FireFox) it has now worked..! Had the confirmation message on screen and an email.. you have to ask yourself in this day and age why Plusnet only want to sign up Internet Explorer users!
23 Jul 17 #307
My first sim purchase went through using Chrome (Windows 10), but did fail when trying to pay using Visa. Mastercard went through fine and I received an immediate email confirmation.
Second sim purchase was a problem and was completed over the phone. Not an issue as I gave PAC codes.
23 Jul 17 1 #306
Can confirm that this will FAIL unless you use Internet Explorer. For those using Windows 10, you have to physically type 'Internet Explorer' into the Search bar at the bottom left of your screen.
23 Jul 17 1 #305
try using internet explorer, i had trouble with other browsers but ie worked fine for me..
23 Jul 17 #304
Me too. After going through all the order, payment, and verification stages, the website would say "Session Timeout". Checked my bank's pending transactions and there it was, sitting there, so I rang them. Guy said I'd likely entered something wrong since it didn't show up at their end, so I tried 4 more times over 2 days. Now got a list of pending transactions for a fiver each and no simcard!! Incidentally when I rang them the guy said not to bother phoning the sales line since they were innundated. Not much good to me since I've already told TalkTalk where to shove it since their 'retention' deal was about £16 for 1 GB data!!!!
23 Jul 17 #303
The deal with 3GB of data & 500mins for the extra £3 is pretty good as well, I suppose it depends on your circumstances but 500mins of the phone attached to your ear would be more than enough for most, I find its the data I keep running out each month and should I run out of minutes just use the whats app calls. With all the smartphone apps etc 1.5Gb ain't alot and then additional data charges kick in.
23 Jul 17 1 #302
How did you guys even manage to sign up to this? I was trying all week on different days and times of the day but every time I get a different error message. Rang them up to be on hold for 30 minutes - was at work so had to give up.

I've just called them now to do it over the phone - said they are having problems with their website (why no message on there then?) and as I've tried to sign up 4 times in their system, they can't sign me up for another 30 days. What a shambles.
23 Jul 17 #301
Can the data be capped?
23 Jul 17 #300
22 Jul 17 #299
Plusnet killed his dog.
22 Jul 17 #298
Did they send u another sim ?
22 Jul 17 #297
don't have internet explorer on a mac :smiley::smiley:
22 Jul 17 #296
I was on that Tariff - simple transfer process (although it took a few hours to activate as my Sim was 3G)
22 Jul 17 #295
The Google Chrome issue is a legacy of Life Mobile - couldn't use it then either.

I successfully managed to get hem to 'upgrade' my 3G sim to the above deal for £1 less, so happy with that.

Plus they will text me weekly Allowance updates (in the absence of an App to check it I guess)
22 Jul 17 #294
I'm currently on their £5.95 deal, going to see if I can switch to this!
22 Jul 17 #293
I ordered the £6/Month standard deal a couple of weeks ago and found that their incompetent website (for whatever reason) wouldn't let me use Google Chrome. It looked like everything was fine until after the payment details were entered, payment was taken, but no confirmation was given. They automatically refunded me a few days later.

After that refund I tried again using the Microsoft Edge browser and everything went through fine. Suggest that you guys do the same until they sort it!
22 Jul 17 1 #292
The porting did actually complete today, even though they stated Monday after failing yesterday.
I agree with how good their customer service is though, when you do actually get through. Maybe busy with recent orders? After several apologies, I had to tell them 'no need to apologize'. :-)
Great deal though.
22 Jul 17 #291
Tranferred an existing £7.50 plan sim to this new plan. Ordered an additional one as well. Have now gone from £16.50 a month to £10 for two sims with more data. Good find op and heat added.
22 Jul 17 #290
I got my sim on fri 14th july, requested port. Was told 19th july port will happen. On 19th around midday old sim stopped, then 4 hours later new sim was transferred. Apart from the downtime, no real issues for me (fingers crossed)
22 Jul 17 1 #289
that's not an experience you're sharing, that's a reaction. what was your traumatic experience?
22 Jul 17 1 #288
I 'ported' for the first time ever to Plusnet 3 weeks ago and was really worried. Called 'em up. They said the process would start from the next day and could take up to 24hrs. The day after this my old number went dead for 2hrs and it then switched over to my new Plusnet sim. I've got a duel sim phone so could basically see the process happening. They are the Swiss clock of the mobile world from my experience. And their customer service is pretty dam fantastic too.
22 Jul 17 2 #287
If you really care to share, perhaps you'd like to elaborate on why you think we should listen to you. What's the story?
22 Jul 17 #286
Received this morning
22 Jul 17 #285
Had same issue with chrome browser not allowing the order to progress but then tried Internet Explorer and worked first time. Hope porting my number goes smooth. Great deal though - thanks O.P. heat added.
22 Jul 17 #284
do plusnet have an app to check usage etc?
22 Jul 17 #283
Plusnet sure know how to mess up porting!
I've ported many, many times and never experienced this!
Hopefully all will be corrected by Monday!
22 Jul 17 #282
Exactly what I just did for both my £5 contracts - and added some heat to this too :smirk:
22 Jul 17 #281
Great deal. Going against a trend I actually quite like Plusnet. Already have a plusnet sim and a previous BB customer back in the days just around when BT bought them out (remember the Force9 days?), however, I do find it quite ironic that an internet company can't seem to take online orders on anything other than IE.
21 Jul 17 #280
Read the thread mate.
21 Jul 17 #279
As others have said: use Internet Explorer if you want your order to go through successfully!

I ended up with the dreaded 'oops' error message twice by trying to book this deal first through Chrome, then through Microsoft Edge. I tried a third time with Internet Explorer and finally it worked! My order number showed up on the web page after completing the booking process, and I also got an email confirmation immediately.
21 Jul 17 #278
Changed to £5 deal no problem ....
21 Jul 17 #277
Thanks OP, ordered one for myself on Tue (at work with IE and used a visa credit card to pay initial £5). Got email straight away and sim card delivered yesterday.
21 Jul 17 1 #276
Can't seem to pay for this over the net. **** website.
21 Jul 17 #275
If you don't need any calls/txts, you could get a prepaid 3 data SIM.
They're often posted on here ~£22 for 12GB, or even ~£28 for 24GB.
21 Jul 17 #274
I have voicemail turned off. Oh, I had been considering 3 on one of their 30gb plans.
21 Jul 17 3 #273
I got confused by this as well but I thing they stick all the plans on the same T&C's.

The bit relevant to this plan read:
£5 a month for 1.5GB (instead of 500MB), 1000 minutes (instead of 250 minutes) and 1000 SMS (instead of 500 SMS). Roam Like at Home enabled.Available to new and existing customers signing up or by calling Plusnet between 17th July and 30th July 2017.

I think the part you are refering to is for: standard SIM only 30 day plans for new Plusnet mobile customers
21 Jul 17 #272
Are there any better deals just for data? I don't really need the calls or texting allowance.
21 Jul 17 #271
im with talkmobile, pay 12.5 a month for 2gig data 5000 texts 1000 mins plus get a "free" moto g4. not had a single problem with them ,apart from mms not working on g4
21 Jul 17 #270
If you look at the T&C then "Roam like home" is £2.50 extra for non plusnet broadband customers.
Misleading advertising.

"Our standard SIM only 30 day plans for new Plusnet mobile customers:
Our £5.00 plan is UK Only, meaning that you can only use your mobile to make and receive calls, send texts and use data when in the UK. You will not be able to use your mobile when you go abroad. You can still use your mobile to make international calls when in the UK.
UK Only:
Non-Plusnet broadband customers: £5.00 a month for 500MB of data, 250 minutes & 500 texts.
Roam Like at Home Enabled:
Non-Plusnet broadband customers: £7.50 a month for 1GB of data, 1000 minutes & Unlimited texts."
20 Jul 17 #269
Thanks for the heads-up OP. I was already a Plusnet customer, so I used the online chat system and had it setup within a minute. Amazing customer service.

EDIT: I used the Opera browser if that helps anyone.
20 Jul 17 #268
thanks OP, awesome deal, just in time, I'm leaving Vodafone after being with them for more than 5 years.
20 Jul 17 1 #267
As others have said, use IE and it will go through. Chrome and Edge will fail. Learnt this the hard way and I wish I read more of the comments above.
20 Jul 17 #266
Just placed another order using IE and conf email etc. came staright away again. Shame can't add more heat.
20 Jul 17 1 #265
Ditto, at around 20:30 tonight ordered using IE and verified by xxxxx and conf email arrived straight away, so about to order another two. Leaving T**kT**k after they raised their prices to pay a small fortune to their outgoing MD. Heat added.
20 Jul 17 1 #264
Finally, got through to sales and managed to place an order; Hallelujah!

Really weird the way they pass you between different staff members; doesn't seem very time efficient.
They must pay significantly more to the staff taking the payment details, than to the monkeys that do the laborious T&C dictation.

Check your spam folder?

I received my confirmation email within 10 seconds of the guy confirming the order; so fast I was able to read the order reference number out to him rather than him read it to me!
20 Jul 17 #263
I thought plusnet and EE were merged now so how come the difference?
20 Jul 17 #262
Ordered two sims last evening over the phone, I was told that I would receive confirmation mail, yet nothing arrived till now. :confused:
20 Jul 17 #261
Just as a slight comparison just run a speed test on my EE max plan sim, using the same phone and got 37mb
20 Jul 17 #260
I get 1mb on 4g in my house, so bad! I get 28 when out and about but rarely use it then so not much use.
20 Jul 17 #259
25 mins isn't excessive for Plusnet. Both myself and OH waited 40 mins and 50 mins to get this deal. I have previously waited over an hour calling them.
20 Jul 17 #258
Thanks... was a slight concern at the time! But quite right, they are only pre authorised, but it looked like they had taken it! I never thought about checking Direct Debit!
20 Jul 17 1 #257
Just swapped from 3G to 4G sim, they sent the sim yesterday, got it today, swapped sim via phoning 500 , apart from being on hold waiting for them to answer it took less than 10 mins before everything up and running.
Did speed test and getting over 22mb so much quicker
20 Jul 17 #256
Nice one, still I would want to stick to Plus net.
20 Jul 17 #255
Plusnet did not kill my dog, firstly I don't have a dog and secondly didn't know plusnet kill dogs! Haha ok jokes a side.

Basically connection was bad, customer service sucked and charged me extra without notice
20 Jul 17 #253
Any other deals with 2GB around 6-7 quid? I have this one at 5.95 but really could do with extra 500mb
20 Jul 17 #252
I haven't read through all the comments but just to advise ID mobile price matched this deal for me. Happy days :smiley:
20 Jul 17 #251
tried a couple of days ago, kept getting the error, then it went to you have failed the credit check, no chance, funny that since I have the kids on PlusNet and the credit details are mine. Checked credit report multiple entries showing on the account so no wonder they wouldn't offer me another account. Went on today and ordered no problem, if I wasn't needing to change because of poor service from Virgin and these were the cheapest out there I wouldn't have bothered trying again.
20 Jul 17 1 #250
They're just authorised transactions (I've got 8! :laughing: )
If the transaction isn't confirmed (as it presumably won't be for failed orders), they'll disappear after a few days.

I'm more worried by the Direct Debit orders that have been created; as far as I can see, there's no way of tracking the status of those through my bank's website.
I stand corrected, there is an interface for managing DDs; it doesn't yet list any DDs to plusnet though.
20 Jul 17 1 #249
Two failed attempts at proccesing my order and displays 'session timed out' on both! Hope the havent processed the payments.

Not a good experience with issues at this early stage, so think I will give them a swerve.

Oh dear, it appears they have taken both payments. This is now an inconvenience.
20 Jul 17 #248
It would be good if you provided some detail, like "plusnet killed my dog".
20 Jul 17 1 #247
Is Thursday Sales' day off?
25 minutes waiting (and counting..) on hold for a Sales advisor.


Ok, sales web chat can't actually make sales.

I give up.
20 Jul 17 1 #246
Sim arrived installed. PAC code requested from EE who tell me that "you will get slower speeds with Plusnet".
Dual Sim phone both currently installed, EE shows 4G and Plusnet does not, will see how it goes.
Still a good deal as far as I am concerned.
20 Jul 17 #245
Just read through here, I have been with plus net for over ten years and plus net mobile since they opened and have always found CS helpful, had a couple of issues over the years, always been resolved and where relevant have been compensated. just my ha'penny worth.
20 Jul 17 #244
just upgraded by phone, took five minutes, no hassle, starts on my plan refresh date (already with plus net on a £5 simo only deal) but this deal gives me even more data. thanks msmyth!
20 Jul 17 #243
Just phoned Plusnet to double check. The failed online order did not go through, but the first month's line rental has been requested from my card; as Plusnet will not receive it, the money will be put on hold and returned within 5 working days. The chap did say I could phone the bank/credit card company to speed this up, I'm not bothered though as long as it comes back to me.
For the subsequent phone order, they confirmed it has all gone through and SIM in the post etc., but I have not yet received any text or email confirmation - it should arrive at sone time between now and the SIM delivery.
20 Jul 17 #242
I had similiar problems and decided to use Internet explorer as my browser, it went through Ok
and I had to go through verified by visa as well,confirmation email came through straight away
with order no,
I'd suggest using IE, it seems they have a problem with other browsers taking payment
but I doubt they would admit this though.

**** Important ** If you don't get the confirmation email straight away it has got lost in Plusnet,s cyberspace.
19 Jul 17 1 #241
I encountered similar probs (as a few peeps on here with XX £5 charges... in end I gave up in sheer frustration and got sick of speaking to badly trained (albeit very friendly CS agents) to resolve the whole thing, as I said earlier in thread I just cancelled the whole thing, called bank this morning and they are charging back all held payments within 24 hrs.
Personally my mother had BB from PlusNet & I cant remember them being this bad, maybe they have been inundated with orders & couldn't handle it. Still disappointing ..
19 Jul 17 #240
Tried Chrome & M$ Edge, no difference.
19 Jul 17 #239
Use microsoft internet explorer as your web browser in order to try and get the order through.
19 Jul 17 #238
I placed order this afternoon, but still have't recive comfimation email. check my bank, they have take the £5.00 . so what now? should I phone them up tommorrow?
19 Jul 17 #237
Still getting:
When it attempts to return to plusnet's website, after Verified by VISA has completed.

Guess I'll phone CS sales tomorrow.

Pretty ridiculous situation though;
- Initially orders failing silently after an apparent successful checkout process.
- website now apparently broken, unable to take new orders.
- failed orders simply disappearing, without notifying the customer that there's been a problem. (or a CS agent being allocated to chase up the order/problem)
- CS department for handling "problems with orders" are unable to fix a problem with an order, instead passing you over to sales or suggesting you re-order on the website.
- sales department has a 10+ minute waiting period (I can only imagine how many sales this waiting period is costing them!).
- oh.... and there's this:

I've been with plusnet in the past (for phone & broadband), and they seemed perfectly fine back then....seems they've turned into a bit of a **** show.
19 Jul 17 1 #236
Their customer service is rubbish they don't answer their phones you be in a queue forever only to be told you need another department and they put you back in the queue stupid annoying company!!
19 Jul 17 #235
I had the same online - completed over the phone without issue.
19 Jul 17 #234
Happened to me fails on payment page failed 4 times called plusnet got told my card now cant be used on there site for 30 days .Tried wife s card that failed as well ,called bank told problem was with plusnet.
Sorry but this is Diabolical customer service ,They take over 20 min to answer phone as well
There web site is total rubbish and call center is even worse
19 Jul 17 #233
Thanks op, signed up and ditched Three. Have some heat.
19 Jul 17 #232
Been trying to get this deal all day , internet card payment fails with every card i use .Called them after 20 min wait on phone still no use . Even called my bank see if there is a problem
Plusnet we,ll do you proud (what a load of tosh) got to be worst customer service I have come across
Good deal though apart from no existence of customer care
It may be uk call center but at least virgin mobile.s Mumbai call centers get it sorted out promptly
19 Jul 17 #231
OK, but I want this for my work phone, of which I will use the data but precisely zero of the call minutes, so a quid for an extra set of minutes I won't use is crap isn't it?
19 Jul 17 #230
Yes me too i had nothing but trouble with there 4g service they tried blaming me but funny how we get a great 4g signal from id
19 Jul 17 #229
Just called them and although they had all the order's details, I was advised to order again... I did, using IE and all seems to have gone through. Again. I have an order ref this time though, not sure I did last time round?
19 Jul 17 #228
I tried 3 times yesterday but couldn't get the orders through. Tried today in internet explorer in the morning and it worked, got an email confirmation straight away. I then called up Plusnet few minutes earlier just to make sure that the morning order did go through they said yes. I asked about the 3 x £5 payment reserved by my Bank for yesterdays attempts and was told that it looks while order didn't fully go through for yesterdays attempts, the sims may still have been sent out so I was told that when I recieve the extra sim cards, I should call them up to cancel those to get my 3 x £5 payment refunded.
19 Jul 17 #227
And me - will try again in a few hours, but it is frustrating.
19 Jul 17 #226
same just happened to me
19 Jul 17 #225
CS agent was able to validate my identity using the details from the order.... but apparently it "didn't go through".
They couldn't offer a reason why this might be the case.

Have since tried re-ordering multiple times (in different browsers), but I'm now simply getting a session timeout after the Verified by VISA page.
Good one Plusnet; customers throwing money at you, and you're dropping it all over the floor.
19 Jul 17 #224
Is it only for existing customers? It says in the legal bit "Non-Plusnet broadband customers: £5.00 a month for 500MB of data, 250 minutes & 500 texts."
19 Jul 17 #223
All our mobile plans will go up in price every March, as described in this guide, unless you:
have a rolling monthly SIM only plan with us (if you've got a SIM only plan that has or had a minimum term, it'll still go up each March)


Not clear, I think they can put it up at any time.
19 Jul 17 1 #222
The cap is £10 by default and you can lower it as far as £2 by calling 500 from the SIM.
19 Jul 17 #220
After 30 days can't they just put the price up?
19 Jul 17 #219
Read it on here somewhere but thought I'd repost as it helped me out: If you're having problems with your order going through using Google chrome like I did, try ordering using internet explorer. Worked first time and I recieved an email confirmation within minutes :smile:
19 Jul 17 #218
Update: I ordered two sims online without any problems yesterday afternoon - the sim cards arrived in the post this morning!
I've just gone through the number porting process via text... Let's hope that things don't go wrong with that!
19 Jul 17 #217
Great price/bundle but very poor reception in my area
19 Jul 17 #216
Ordered 4 on line no confirmation so I phoned all sorted now.
19 Jul 17 #215
Cold! I need at least10gb a month!
19 Jul 17 #214
That's interesting. Ordered on behalf of my Mum using Chrome and although the order went through okay, verified with her bank etc., she's had no confirmation whatsoever.

Not sure whether to try again or get her to call them?
19 Jul 17 #213
Online ordering not working for me via Chrome or Edge browser. Called up and signed up no problem with confirmation email arriving seconds after payment taken.
19 Jul 17 #212
What are these like in terms of price increase or allowance slashing? Thanks
19 Jul 17 #211
tried via firefox got no confirmation or email, just done it via internet explorer and got email with order instantly...
19 Jul 17 #210
There's no capping compared to iD mobile.
They have smart cap which caps to £10 from what I scanned so far.
19 Jul 17 #209
no need to tell / not tell them 'cos it works like this with them - they add new allowances on top of the old ones; next month old ones will disappear
18 Jul 17 #208
Think I dialed 7777 from the iD phone then the various options of course.

After checking my allowence in the today I appear to have 1546 mins a month, strange I know but the data is 2.5gig now so I'm not going to tell them. Still £5 a month and still 30 days.
18 Jul 17 1 #207
Great Deal... if you can get it.

Seems like a few others on here had similar problems to me with Plusnet's payment system.

I made two separate attempts to sign up for the £6 deal with them on Sunday and then again yesterday. On Sunday I filled in all of my card details and was redirected to a confirmation page saying I'd get an email shortly. Fast forward to Monday afternoon, no email, I spend 30 minutes on hold to their customer services chat only to be told that the payment hasn't actually gone through. So I give it another go online and encounter an error with payment message.

I can't be bother with this company wasting my time, so I ended up taking the £9 deal with Three. Signed up in a matter of minutes, got an instant confirmation email and my sim arrived less than 24 hours later.
18 Jul 17 #206
Plusnet broadband is awful, flicks off all the time now and never had a problem before I ordered their fibre :disappointed:
18 Jul 17 #205
Cant sign up

"There seems to be a problem with your card payment services"

18 Jul 17 #204
Unlikely it will be back tomorrow. Plus net haven't actually 'taken' anything, they have reserved £5
18 Jul 17 #203
I had to call them up as well and listen to their T&C...... they should just record a script and play it back every time they need to, would be much easier on them.
18 Jul 17 1 #202
I ended up phoning and completing the deal.
Positive is I gave PAC codes and applied the £2 cap and requested a block on premium rate numbers on the sim I have.
Negative, they have to read out all the t&c's and pass you around - a bit like a 'passing the parcel'.
Bless them, they seem to be working hard.
18 Jul 17 #201
Thanks people! Will wait and see then...

She's just emailed me saying that she hasn't any form of confirmation regarding the order yet. Early days?
18 Jul 17 #200
Yeh the manager "assured" me that the 3 x £5 will be back in account by tomorrow as email stated 5 days and the CS advisor said up to a week. Either way the money will be transferred back as I will be back on phone tomorrow to demand a BACS (as I know they do it being a previous Plusnet Broadband customer) To be honest I trealise these things happen but for the sake of saving a couple of quid my patience ran out & didn't bother with it ;0)
18 Jul 17 #199
This has got the Tesco bank 3% current account fiasco written all over this deal.

Can't process the orders, too many people applying for the deal etc etc
18 Jul 17 #198
You should get instructions on what to do with the SIM. You can do it by text or over the phone. Was seemless for me.
18 Jul 17 1 #197
That's exactly right and thanks for confirming.

I'm off to put on my steel toe-caps boots and kick her right up the jacksie for creating this mess!!
18 Jul 17 #196
It will either port over no problem within 2 days OR they will mess it up and cause you numerous phone calls because the port was interrupted and you are left with no service for weeks while they fail to sort it out.

Good luck, hope the former happens for you.
18 Jul 17 #195
What an insult! I was left with no broadband twice with plusnet. Once for 4 weeks and then again 2 months later for 3 weeks. THEY messed up my bank DD payments and cut me off then told me it would take this long to reconnect me. Terrible company and like you I was offered a pittance of 5 quid !! My partner couldn't even work from home either and had to sit in the local library. They just don't care.
18 Jul 17 #194
Think it's 7777 from your id mobile.
18 Jul 17 #193
Thanks guys! Just got this for my Mum. Are they quite seemless with regards to porting your existing number over?

She has her PAC number from Three.
18 Jul 17 1 #192
Must be your wife's fault, she makes a mess of everything doesn't she !!
18 Jul 17 #191
So why have they given you the same deal for £4.50 ? I called too and like everyone else got charged £5.
18 Jul 17 #190
I've tried to order another sim tonight, but no email.
Chat confirmed it didn't go through.
Many problems?
18 Jul 17 #189
Ordered this morning.... Nada.... Nothing
18 Jul 17 #188
I remember when I ordered the last £5 deal that if I changed the name on the direct debit section online it wouldn't go through.

May have changed now but I tried several times for 2 different orders and on both changing the direct debit account name from the autofill caused a something has gone wrong page.

Might switch to this one now, 1500 less minutes but 1GB extra data.
18 Jul 17 #187
I'm in a similar place, just got off the phone as no orders seem to be going anywhere. After checking for any issues with my bank it seems i've got 4x £5 transactions pending now.

Guy on the phone said that I was getting the whoops page as I was entering mismatching information?!?!? Really don't see how I can be, and if so why take my money anyway and then not tell me anything. Amazingly the guy then said that "nothing will be taken, and it will go back in after 6 days or so", I laughed, pointed out the contradiction, and asked which it would be. He then assured me nothing will be taken, but I somewhat doubt it as he didn't seem sure in what he was saying.

So I've had enough and think I'll just leave it.
18 Jul 17 #186
Calling 500 from Plusnet
18 Jul 17 #185
do you have the link or number to call for Id mobile....if its rolling data i wud prefer that. thanks
18 Jul 17 #184
Unfortunately for me this had been a headache, even thoiugh its a great deal.
Ordered online (in chrome browser) when the credit card payment came up, got an error and to retry, so I did and got Order Confirmed message. However never got any confirmation email, called CS and told no order placed as the order system has issues with Chrome, but unfortunately 2 x £5 had been "reserved" from my bank as pending transactions. The CS advised me to order again via sales on the phone, so I got transferred to Sales who manually took order, then transferred to yet another agent to "securely" take my card payment. The Order confirmed by agent on phone and she said I would receive an email.
All well I thought until I received an email saying that due to Order details mismatch my order had been cancelled, and my christian name on this email was totally incorrect, so again I had to call CS to ask what was going on. The nice guy I spoke to checked my order and said oh yes we have taken your name incorrectly but its ok I'll transfer you to Sales and we can reorder (again)
The sales agent then proceeded to order again but explained yet another £5 will need to be paid (at this point 3 x £5 transactions were already showing on my bank for PlusNet and I would imagine yet another credit check footprint)
To be honest I just refused to carry on and spoke to a Team Leader to give feedback on what a terrible experience this was and wouldn't be bothering. Shame tho would of saved my mother a couple of quid, but due to the hassle, i thought wont bother.
18 Jul 17 #183
Just tried twice using Internet Explorer, got whoops both times. Just called bank to check nothing wrong with them and they can see 4 £5 transactions from Plusnet despite nothing seeming to go through all day...
18 Jul 17 1 #182
Were you trying to pay using Visa?
I had that issue, but ordered twice using Mastercard without any issues.
18 Jul 17 1 #181
Use internet explorer twice and got conformation within seconds
18 Jul 17 #180
Use internet explorer twice and got conformation within seconds
18 Jul 17 #179
I submitted 2 orders online using internet explorer, both went through the whole process without any problems and I got the confirmation emails within seconds of each order.

When I used the chrome browser last week, I kept getting the oops, something went wrong error message.
18 Jul 17 1 #178
Exactly that happened to me. I called up and was told it hadn't gone through but they couldn't give any details as to why. I then did another which went straight to the "Order has been Received" page, but have heard nothing in about 4 hours, haven't chased it up at all yet as been doing other stuff and thought i'd give it a bit of time. My credit should be fine so can't see any issue on my end, but it seems others are getting the same with completely online orders.
18 Jul 17 #177
Ordered this deal about half an hour ago. After I entered the my card detail for the £5 upfront payment (I think this is the last step in the order process, can anyone confirm this?) I got an "oops something went wrong page" so I clicked on the take me back link and then got the "Your order has been received!" page and it said to wait for the confirmation email which I still haven't received yet. So now I am not sure if my order went through or not.
18 Jul 17 #176
So far they have offered me £13, I am not worried about the money I just want to use my phone :disappointed:
The CS team all offer their sympathy but that doesn't help me to phone my parents or use Uber on a night out, it's a right pain...
18 Jul 17 #175
That's shocking Ronny, these companies should be made to pay compensation to people when they make such a mess of their service. Instead the customer suffers and they carry on regardless.
18 Jul 17 #174
18 Jul 17 #173
18 Jul 17 #172
Exactly what happens to me. Someone tried to call me yesterday afternoon and it took 6 calls over a couple of hours to get me. Apparently my phone goes straight to voicemail and doesn't even ring. Really annoying but with Three if was even worse so I'm hanging in there with plusnet.
18 Jul 17 #171
Thanks, just phoned them and all done, very easy to do.
18 Jul 17 #170
Got the same as others, placed order it said "Order Recieved" have heard nothing in about 3 hours now. Anyone had an online order complete/confirm today?
18 Jul 17 #169
Got £4.50 a month 2000 min 1000 text 1.5gb data
18 Jul 17 #168
Kinda strange you saying that as I ain't received any email confirmation of order as of yet, mind you its only been like an hour, but a order confirmation response straight after ordering would be better, just so you know its actually been ordered
18 Jul 17 #167
I ordered yesterday. Website said order received. No email confirmation. Just spent 55 mins waiting in web chat to find out they don't have an order from me (then how could they have charged my card). I have a perfect credit rating so it was not my fault. Now I have to wait up to 2 weeks for the credit card refund :/
18 Jul 17 #166
Great deal for my mother, ordered and heat added
18 Jul 17 #165
unable to order 2 of this deal online so going to ring them up...
18 Jul 17 #164
I received the same :-( I sure hope they will change the plan as requested...
18 Jul 17 #163
It's an ongoing price. They stop offering it to new applicants in 12 days.
18 Jul 17 #162
Wait, if it's a 30 day contract and the deal ends in 12 days, doesn't that mean the price will go up from the 2nd month onwards? Or is the monthly price guaranteed for a certain amount of time?
18 Jul 17 #161
hope this deal does work just been on to talktalk and cancelled 2 contracts to change to this deal...
18 Jul 17 #160
Tried to order last night and it failed on the payment. Spoke to CS this morning and the order is stuck and nothing they can do until i cancel it once the money has been taken, when it will then apparently automagically refund me. not a good start and in two minds now whether to order this or the £5 BT sim.
18 Jul 17 1 #159
Exactly, however the person who said 'smoking hot' didn't even go for this deal.... :smiley: they went for the usual £6 one..... which was the point i was making... ( i elaborated on my earlier post before you replied )

maybe they should have voted this deal scorching hot instead, :wink:

anyway. point made and i can now resume normal life :smile:
18 Jul 17 #158
I don't use the term "smoking hot" unless I am line-dancing :wink:

I think I commented that it was a good deal, but that for an extra £1 you could get another 1000-mins, which for some is a better deal. However, some people (myself included) would consider this a more suitable deal because a 1000-min/month is more than enough and so one would only pay £5/month.

Horses for courses; yeee haaah :smile:
18 Jul 17 #157
Yes, see my post #107

What are we voting on here? all of the plusnet sim deals? or just this £5 one??

My point was that, he said this deal was 'smoking hot' however this deal is a hukd exclusive and has 1000 minutes less than the normal 2000 minutes deal... which is as you (and me previously) pointed out is actually the better deal really, even if it is a quid more, as you get more for your money even if some people won't make full use of all the extra 1000 minutes...

so therefore this £5 deal isn't 'smoking hot' at all and it's actually worse than the usual deal for £6 (which is the deal they seem to have gone for anyway) - and not the deal posted here phew :smiley:
18 Jul 17 #156
Better deal if you need the extra 1000-mins; £7.50 Quidco too means that it works out at less than 0.40p extra per month :wink:
18 Jul 17 #155
I have heard that a lot and is the only thing holding me back from this deal; and the guy in the ad whom I respond to with irrational irritation :smile:
18 Jul 17 #154
I had 2 orders fail yesterday even though they're showing up on my account as pending. I had to ring them up. They will offer you the £5 deal.
18 Jul 17 #153
..............but that's the normal plusnet deal and not the deal that was posted here.
18 Jul 17 #152
Called 500 from my Plusnet SIM at 0758 and got straight through. Changed from 250 mins and 1000 texts with 1gb of data to this deal for the same price. Had to give the C's guy this deal URL as they are unaware.Thanks op.
18 Jul 17 #151
because of this being on hotukdeals they must be getting hammered so be patient. The deal is until 30th July so can wait.
18 Jul 17 #150
Could be the phone! As you have the same phone. I had a basic nokia and it kept cutting the calls but not always thought it was the network. But it wasn't bought another cheap nokia and bingo no problems at all. If your phone is made in china do you have tinfoil as an antenna? Always double check
18 Jul 17 #149
Yeah, you're right about the texts, but I pretty much don't use them. And thanks for the heads on RPI. If the price changes I'll just shop around for something better. Probably my 4th provider in the last 18 months. :wink:
18 Jul 17 #148
I moved to PlusNet from EE with the last deal from here, all was ok for a month then I changed my bank so phoned them and paid my bill manually, they then tried to take the direct debit at the end of the month and disconnected me, this put my SIM in a pending status and I have had no service now for 2 weeks and they cannot fix it, as they use the EE network they keep telling me that they are waiting for EE to fix the issue but in the meantime have left me with no phone/text/data :disappointed:
18 Jul 17 #147
i have read one comment on this thread that they spoke to ID retentions and they matched the deal. may be worth doing that if you are happy with the service.
18 Jul 17 #146
Excellent deal!
Does Plusnet have a mobile bolt-on for international calls? Is there something similar to Talk Anytime International 300 for mobiles?
18 Jul 17 #145
I get an invalid account details now. Can't even order.
18 Jul 17 #144
Anyone have trouble with payment? It doesn't even ask me for a billing address and I can't seem to pay for the SIM.
18 Jul 17 #143
Smoking hot deal......... ordered the £6 pound 2000 mins deal
18 Jul 17 1 #142
Plusnets data is massively inconsistent for me whether I'm in the south west, east or Scotland. It'll go from H+ to 3g+ (which doesn't work) to no service then back to H+ to E and so on. There are times when it's a stable H+ with good speed but then it slows down again later in the evening or just have no data at all or service. I'll be leaving LessNet soon because of this. It's the same on my daughters phone, we have the same phones (Moto G V1) and both have new sims from May this year. I pay £10 for 5gb, 1500 mind & 5000 texts but as cheap as it is its a waste of £10 when the performance is so poor.
18 Jul 17 #141
try to go to get them to match it. whoever matches it then join them.
18 Jul 17 #140
Does any body know if they will let you keep your old phone number with this deal ?? I looked through the small print but couldn't see any info...
Thanks in advance
18 Jul 17 #139
So I tried to sign up last night and my order didn't go through, according to customer services.
I can see a pending payment of £5 on my credit card account.

I already have a SIM with plusnet, if I order an additional SIM do I use my exact same account details when signing up?
18 Jul 17 1 #138
i have two sims from them that came from life mobile and the signal is iffy, even in london. they piggy on EE and i have EE as my main sim. Never have a problem with my main EE sim but always problems with the plusnet. it is cheap so it is fine for my dad and brother, but for me, i can't use them as getting constant signal is very important for me.
18 Jul 17 #137
What are Plusnet like for consistency of signal these days?
18 Jul 17 #136
18 Jul 17 #135
no quidco?
18 Jul 17 #134
It took an hour to talk to an agent but it was worth the wait. My new contract starts 8-Aug. Thanks OP.
18 Jul 17 #133
No conformation email. After 2 calls to customer service none the wiser. Not a great start plusnet!!
18 Jul 17 #132
My mother uses more than that and she doesn't know she has the internet on her phone
18 Jul 17 #131
if you don't use much here, you probably wont use much there. not everyone uses loads of data.
18 Jul 17 #130
There isn't an app but with android you can add a link to the desktop with either chrome or Firefox from the log in page and you are just two clicks away from checking your usage.
18 Jul 17 #129
The £5 1Gb 500 2000 seems to be offered quite regularly but this is the first time I've seen this deal offered. I think there is £7.50 quidco offer for new customers so that's 6 weeks paid for.
18 Jul 17 #128
roam like at home with 1.5gb ... :laughing:
18 Jul 17 #127
I got 2months left on my three contract, but so tempted by this offer, shall i buy it or shall i wait :confused:
18 Jul 17 #126
Yes, lowest cap is currently £2.
18 Jul 17 #125
Never do direct debit. Pay as you go is the best guys.
18 Jul 17 #124
Are these capped or can they be?
18 Jul 17 #123
Probably because they have a better network.
18 Jul 17 #122
Its a quid a month, hardly ground breaking is it. And for some (chatterboxes) the extra 1000 minutes for a quid more is a far superior deal than this
18 Jul 17 #121
Have they got a decent app to check allowances and what not? Just Im on ID for 2 gig for 7.50 atm and I find the app useful, and the coverage is decent here.
17 Jul 17 #120
This is actually a superb deal for someone like myself who needs this for data usage and doesn't care at all about voice minutes provided saving me £1 a month for the same amount of data.
17 Jul 17 #119
Thanks OP. I took 2000 mins for £ 6. Once again thank you....
17 Jul 17 1 #118
It sounds like it's more than just the EU countries. We're leaving soon anyway (thank God), so get this while you can.
17 Jul 17 #117
Roam like at home? I thought that was standard with all contracts now due to a change in EU legislation? Does this offer anything more than the operators are obliged to provide anyway?
17 Jul 17 #116
Can I use my phone as a Wi-Fi hotspot on this plan ?

And is it possible to check how much data and minutes you have remaining ?
17 Jul 17 #115
EE coverage is pants in my work, home and various family members.
Does Vodafone work?
17 Jul 17 1 #114
Yeah because this is a hotukdeals exclusive, posted by a mod, who posted it too early this morning and it got expired quickly as it didn't show up on the plusnet systems. Went sky high as most mod posts do.
17 Jul 17 #113
How long does the deal last? As in if I signed up, can they just bump the price up in 3 months or something?
17 Jul 17 #112
iD Mobile (3) have the same deal or close enough, if the 3 signal is any good in your area.
17 Jul 17 #111
I'm tempted but worried about the no-short-code text thing that people were having problems with. Seems a little dangerous if being sent a text from the wrong number can really make you need to get a new SIM?
17 Jul 17 #110
Thanks OP. Swapped my uncle to this. Extra 500 mins for free.
17 Jul 17 #109
My signal awful aswell, keeps dropping to zero but I put up with it because it's cheap and I'm a skinflint.
17 Jul 17 #108
That's a great deal as they rollover the data. Wish EE did !
17 Jul 17 #107
Usual deal is 2000 mins, 1000 texts and 1.5gb data and was £6 a month, so we lost 1000 mins for the cost of a quid??

That a good deal is it??
17 Jul 17 #106
Do they allow me to turn on the WIFI calling feature on my phone? Signal in this part of Brighton is Awful. Have it enabled with Three all the time.
17 Jul 17 1 #105
Don't worry the deal is on until the end of July. If you don't get it by midday tomorrow give them a call.
17 Jul 17 1 #104
Same Price £5
17 Jul 17 1 #103
No 4gb for a whole £10.
17 Jul 17 #102
I ordered about 2 hours ago, didn't get a confirmation number or email.
How long am I supposed to wait?
17 Jul 17 #101
I got mine about 20 mins later.

So are you getting 4.5gb with this £5 sim then?
17 Jul 17 #100
Mine took about 40 mins. But if you ordered online make sure you have a order number you may have to call them for them to complete the order.
17 Jul 17 #99
Does this deal continue to roll over after the 30th?
17 Jul 17 #98
I have awful credit and mine was passed..Call them and give them your details. Worth a try..Its pay monthly so not really a need for a high credit score.
17 Jul 17 1 #97
That is what happened to me. I had to call them and spoke to customer service and they dealt with my order. I was told my order was hidden. All sorted now. Give them a call if you have not received a order number. My email arrived about 40 mins after I called them and gave my details again. I may of made a mistake with my card number.
17 Jul 17 #96
Nice spot as a broadband customer I get the mates rates double data deal on some sims.
They use EE which I am, so have just saved £5 a month with three times the data.
Heat from me and thank you, not something I tend to look at.
17 Jul 17 #95
The Life legacy 3G contract which I presume you were on was 5000 texts, this is 1000, so not exactly the same. Only matters if you send "a lot" of texts though.

The only other thing to point out is if you switch you are subject to their annual RPI increase unlike the Life contract.
17 Jul 17 1 #94
Sorry to somewhat hijack this, but for those of us unlucky to be in an area with poor or only moderate EE coverage/strength, can anyone comment why O2, Giffgaff and Tesco Mobile (all using O2) don't even care about trying to even approach this deal. For £5 on giffgaff you only get 150mins, 100mb and about 100 texts. Don't care about texts but the difference in mins and data really chaps my hide!
17 Jul 17 #93
£2 it used to be £1 when they were life mobile don't know why they increased it
17 Jul 17 #92
17 Jul 17 1 #91
what's the lowest the "smart cap" can be set to?
17 Jul 17 #90
Shame they credit check otherwise i'd be on it like a tramp on chips.

17 Jul 17 #89
Sorry for late reply. From what the operator told me, it seems to switch to the new tariff when the new SIM is activated and continue with the usual billing period.
17 Jul 17 #88
ordered about an hour a go but no confirmtion email yet
17 Jul 17 #87
How long does it take for the confirmation e-mail to come through? ordered 10 minutes ago
17 Jul 17 #86
is this top up or direct debit or whatever?

if top-up does it eat the credit to give you your bundle? or do you get to keep the credit?
17 Jul 17 #85
Yeah same here. They have good deals but every time I contact CS it ends in a bodge that I have to ring back and correct.
17 Jul 17 #84
17 Jul 17 #83
Which network does Plusnet piggyback? It's showing me as just in a moderate coverage area a few houses from excellent. :disappointed:
17 Jul 17 #82
EE coverage is pretty poor in south Manchester, tried to avoid it...
17 Jul 17 #81
Great Find. Just swapped from my existing Plusnet tariff.
17 Jul 17 #80
i was on the £5 500 mins 1gb deal. just rang them on the 0800 number and it will change to this one next month..

spot on! :sunglasses:
17 Jul 17 #79
Just tried to do this, they have to send you a 4G SIM and then you call them back when you receive it.
17 Jul 17 1 #78
Result :smirk:
17 Jul 17 #77
Thank you.I was with talk talk and they just increased my rates so now will be saving £3 plus getting more data and minutes. Heat..Also all mobiles must offer at home roaming since 15th June the EU made it compulsory last month.
17 Jul 17 #76
Plusnet are generally very good but do not use your phone outside of those countries mentioned in the OPs list. We had a charge of £31 for.....5MBs! All that was done to incur this charge was the data icon was selected instead of the wifi and was immediately turned off. It's all part of the T&Cs so complaints fell on deaf ears - there's no obligation on their part but I was kind of hoping for a little discretion.

I have still voted hot as it is a good deal - so thanks OP for the find.
17 Jul 17 #75
Get your PAC code from your current provider and give it to Plusnet on ordering
17 Jul 17 #74
Can't see why.
I guess there will always be someone who is unhappy but I joined when these guys were LIFE and they are easy to reach, helpful and the deals are excellent. FAR better tCS than many of the mainstream networks.
Now if you're referring to Plusnet broadband, that may be another issue entirely - separate entity.
17 Jul 17 #73
Just phoned them up and changing over shortly :-)

Thanks for the heads up!!
17 Jul 17 #72
Voted hot. But opted for the BT deal as if you're a BT customer you get 3GB for £9 plus you get a £45 gift card for amazon or itunes, bringing the actual cost of the sim down to £5.25 a month if you have need of the amazon card but this is with a 12 month contract. Still great deal for either in my opinion.
17 Jul 17 #71
Yeah I thought that would be the case, cheers.


Called IDmobile and quoted this deal and they matched 1.5Gb data for £5 a month so no hassle changing ☺️
17 Jul 17 #70
Same here. They have moved me back to the same tariff. The lad on the phone said that's fine though. But why send me an email with the wrong details?
17 Jul 17 #69
if you're switching tariff check your confirmation email, as they appear to have switched me to the wrong tariff. currently in queue waiting to speak to them again.
17 Jul 17 1 #68
How do you keep your old number???
17 Jul 17 #67
I'd love to do this except they run on EE, which I've never been able to get a good signal on.
17 Jul 17 #66
Still on the £1 a month deal! Never had any problems with plusnet. There was a problem wit calls being cut but it was the phone not the network
17 Jul 17 1 #65
Thanks for that, just seen it. I am number 9 in Q on web chat, lets see if they can transfer me over.
17 Jul 17 1 #64
Can you transfer your own number? Is it easy to do?
17 Jul 17 #63
Depends how many minutes you are actually using I guess.
17 Jul 17 #62
Have they made an app yet? Last I checked they hadn’t which was a shame
17 Jul 17 #61
Recently took out a £6 a month contract with them. Just got moved to the £5 a month one. Very easily done through Plusnet online chat. The confirmation email actually calls it the HUKDSIMO deal :stuck_out_tongue:
17 Jul 17 #60
They did with me
17 Jul 17 #59
See my post above; they are offering this deal but with 2000-mins for £6/month; standard 'Special Offer' deal on their website ending in 5-days! Have a word with them :wink:
17 Jul 17 #58
Im on the 1500mins, unlimted sms, 1gb, for £6. i'd like the data increase but will lose 500mins. what to do?
17 Jul 17 #57
£5/month, monthly contract.
17 Jul 17 #56
Same here, also data roll over as well.
17 Jul 17 1 #55
You're not alone!
17 Jul 17 #54
I used web chat, took a little while to get through to them, I think I selected sales
I don't think they could see the link provided, but I just explained what the deal was
checked some security details
and they sent a text and email as confirmation
17 Jul 17 #53
i doubt it. you would have to request it. You will get replacement sim as well for 4g.
17 Jul 17 #52
how much?
17 Jul 17 #51
just got off the phone from iD mobile retentions, they have offered the following for me to stay,

1.5 gig
2000 minutes
5000 txt
30 day contract

i accepted the offer.
17 Jul 17 1 #50
Thanks :smiley:
17 Jul 17 #49
Assuming your current non-Plusnet provider requires 30days notice period, presumably you can only minimise the period of double charge by ordering the PN deal on its last available day (31 July 2017) and giving your existing provider your notice of termination today / ASAP. No double charge if currently a PN customer and formally asking PN to transfer to new deal.
17 Jul 17 #48
Hey guys... Now that plus net offers 4G is everyone automatically upgraded?
17 Jul 17 #47
They changed my plan to this one on the web chat so sorted.
17 Jul 17 4 #46
They are offering this deal but with 2000-mins for £6/month; click on the link for this deal above, then "Buy", then click "change plan" and the £6/month deal is offered. 1000-extra mins for a pound :wink:

BTW, this is a 'standard' Plusnet special offer, no affiliate link. Quidco offering £7.50 casback and TCB £3. Expires in 5-days!

Seems good if you want the extra 1000-mins :smile:
17 Jul 17 #45
I am on the £5.95 for two of my sims. is it switched when the 30 days expire?
17 Jul 17 #44
Vanilla URL for pasting into browser address bar (not search bar) =
17 Jul 17 #43
How do people get away with changing without double payment?

E.g if I order this now they connect within 1 day and don't appear to offer delayed connection.

If i cancel IDmobile they require 30 days notice so will still take a payment next month which means paying for both contracts for this and next month.
17 Jul 17 1 #42
No. Just the UK.
17 Jul 17 1 #41
Just gave them a call and got switched over from the £5.95/month deal posted a while back. If you're on that tariff like me, they will need to send you a 4g compatible SIM but they give you all the instructions to sort that out.

If they question the deal not coming up on their website, just say that it seems to be an affiliate link (the one provided in this HUKD post) but it definitely takes you to the Plusnet website - they will have no quabbles with that. To be honest, they're probably getting a lot of calls about switching to this deal so I'm sure they know what you are on about.

Good luck and nice find OP!
17 Jul 17 #40
Thanks very much; have you used either abroad in EU?
17 Jul 17 #37
Great deal OP, heat added!

I know it can vary hugely depending on location, but how does Plusnet performance compare like-to-like with EE? Previously, I was very happy with LIFE, but I am not sure about Plusnet?

Also, do Plusnet get data 'throttled' when roaming in the EU, especially Italy?

tahir1231 to celticprince
17 Jul 17 1 #39
I joined life mobile and had 2 sims and still have them. Still brilliant service. I also have EE contract and no difference at all other than the price.
17 Jul 17 #38
thanks for this
17 Jul 17 #28
Just tried upgrading via chat, got told to call them... Got to remember to do that after work now :P
Santa001 to hawksface
17 Jul 17 #36
Thy the chat again. It's much easier to give them a link than waiting for the person on the other line to find it on their own.
17 Jul 17 1 #35
This should be a Deal of the day. Thanks OP.
17 Jul 17 1 #34
Awsome deal for sure as it ticks all the boxes I would like to get as cheap as £5.

The deal is still not up on their website, went onto live chat and the Plusnet agent gave me deal link but that's HUKD affilate. How weired! Plusnet's own staff giving affiliate link? I don't mind HUKD making commission out of it but it means Quidco/TCB cashback won't track for sure.
17 Jul 17 #31
can you get quidco cashback on this deal too?
backinstock to mobsta123
17 Jul 17 #33
I tried by copying the link for the deal and amending the Quidco link, but it didn't track or hasn't so far.
Usually tracks quickly, so maybe only the deals that Quidco have track?
Worth a shot as maybe I messed it up!
17 Jul 17 #32
do they do credit check on you?
17 Jul 17 1 #30
Brilliant network, top class customer service based in the UK. I've had no problems with them.
17 Jul 17 1 #29
Awesome deal. For £5 so much data and calls and minutes including free roaming. I doubt there is anything better than this with any network :smiley:

17 Jul 17 #26
Just ordered 3 for family great deal for me and the kids
Bargain.Hunters to Bargain.Hunters
17 Jul 17 #27
Guy found the deal no robs
17 Jul 17 #25
Don't mind if I do! Extra 500MB for nothing :smiley:
17 Jul 17 #24
thanks better tan the £6 1Gb posted last week!
17 Jul 17 #23
On phone was no go as guy could not find the deal and asked me to email CS a screen capture of the deal when I gave up and used online chat when the woman was able to migrate my account immediately. Thanks OP.
17 Jul 17 2 #22
Sorry but I've been traumatised by plusnet, will never get anything from them. That's my own experience just thought I'd share.
17 Jul 17 #21
Thanks for this OP.
I called and switched from my old package but it took them a little while to find this deal, might be worth mentioning that you saw it HUKD when you speak to customer services to get the upgrade.
17 Jul 17 #20
an extra 500mb for free, that's a no brainer - HAWT!
17 Jul 17 #18
does plusnet use the o2 network?
tahir1231 to agneepath
17 Jul 17 1 #19
EE and they are very good. I have 2 sims with them from when they were called life mobile.
17 Jul 17 #17
I just done webchat with them and they don't need to send me a new sim.
17 Jul 17 1 #16
They will also switch you via online chat if you don't like talking to other people!
17 Jul 17 1 #15
call them on 500 from your plusnet number. You will have to migrate tariff. It can be very annoying as they may want to send new sim out as they did to me twice.
you will get there eventually though.
17 Jul 17 #14
why would they need to send you a new sim if you're already on 4g?
17 Jul 17 #13
Plus net costumer here, on the same tariff but paying 5.95. Just gave them a call and they've transferred me to the new tariff. Only thing was they'll have to send me a new 4g SIM which should arrive in 2 days. 5 mins call.
17 Jul 17 #12
Thanks, managed to get one at last!
17 Jul 17 1 #7
You need to ring them on 08000791133 and ask them to transfer you to this new deal as i did the same in the morning
hotukdealls to Thundera
17 Jul 17 #11
What number is that, the number on the plusnet mobile website is: 0800 079 1133 ?
17 Jul 17 1 #8
I had a problem as well because they couldn't find the deal for £5 but where offering it for £6 but after a short query it was offered for £5 with a discount of £1
manicmidlander to Thundera
17 Jul 17 #10
I got sorted out too. I think it's the best deal out there right now. Heat added
17 Jul 17 #9
brilliant deal thanks.
17 Jul 17 #6
you need to call them. I'm doing that now and they are having trouble finding this new deal. sigh
17 Jul 17 1 #3
Anyone know how I would switch as above, from existing customer using 1GB to 1.5GB?
Do I just call them up or can I do it online?
moonspook to hotukdealls
17 Jul 17 #5
I've never seen any online method of doing it, so I think it'll be a phonecall.
17 Jul 17 #4
My dad's contract has expired so I'm glad that this is going on till 30th July. Gonna wait till the last moment then take this out and cancel his. Heat!
17 Jul 17 1 #2
Good deal - will switch from 1gb £5 one I currently have.
17 Jul 17 #1
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