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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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21 Jun 17
I've been looking around for a dash cam and found this deal.
It's their newer model replacing the Xiaomi Yi.
It seems much better camera judging from all reviews on youtube.

The Camera starts automatically when it gets power. I think I'll connect it to my Pioneer unit that has a USB port as I saw on one of the reviews that it draws about 0.3A so it should work ok. I hope :smile:

Update: I got mine and is working perfectly :sunglasses:
When you download Mi Home app, make sure you pick China as location.
On Android you can stop most permissions before you start the app and just leave location and storage.
I was able to upgrade to the last the firmware from mid June :smiley:

English version of the app has been released:
Thanks to wavecrest1 :sunglasses:

Apparently it's really easy to use and this video explains the simple menu in detail:

Not sure whether they will release an update to include Menu in English.

I'm hoping it would have great support for firmware updates.
So far great support of my Mi band 2 that received more than 5 updates since last year

This Xiaomi mijia 1080P Car DVR Camera, adopted MSC8328P chip and SONY IMX323 CMOS image sensor, equipped with mini car charger, features with a variety of functions, such as loop-cycle recording, auto power on, and so on, provides you a more comfortable and worry-free driving environment.
Main Features:
● 3.0 inch screen and 1.8 aperture
● 160 degree wide angle and 1920 x 1080P resolution
● Adopting MSC8328P chip, SONY IMX323 CMOS image sensor and Mstar 1080P image process chip
● WiFi connection reaches real-time transmission, no need to consume flows of SIM card
● Loop-cycle recording, saves the storage space efficiently
● Gravity sensor keeps the video not covered in case of an emergency
● Auto power on, no need to operate it by your hands
● Advanced H.264 photography compression technology keeps high quality videos and plays a part of saving storage as well
● Support maximum 64GB TF card memory storage ( not included )
● Language: Chinese only
● APP download: search "mijia" in APP store or scan the 2D code on the manual
Download the APP “mijia” and open the WiFi hotspot ( it shows you the name and password ), then the APP will appear the WiFi and ask for connect, you can input the password so as to operate the DVR.
● WiFi connection: the name and password will take on while you opening the WiFi hotspot interface of DVR
Top comments
simonspeakeasy to zaax
21 Jun 17 8 #28
This site is aimed at UK consumers not retailers. Personally I'm here to find the best deal for me.
noonecanhelp1 to Kenneth131
21 Jun 17 5 #2
I totally agree with the language issue.
I got one because it's extremely cheap and the menu is so simple that after the initial setup I doubt I'd be going anything on the camera, just transferring videos to my phone using the WiFi feature.
I was going to buy A119, that's very good and popular, but it's hard to justify paying £30 on top at this time :smile:

I honestly don't care if this gets hot or extremely cold. If I can help 1 person I'd be happy :smile:
21 Jun 17 3 #1
great price and feature but it will be a hard sell on here with a Chinese only menu. I wish they would at least have English as an option on these things, along with other languages, because their other products are great, typing on my redmi note 3 right now, but the only thing that stops me buying their dash cam is the lack of usable everyday features due to it's Chinese only menu. will wait on the international version but great price Vs spec
Latest comments (54)
31 Jul 17 #53
How does parking mode work on this camera? Does it let you change FPS when in parking mode?
noonecanhelp1 to murkr
31 Jul 17 #54
No parking mode, at least not yet. My firmware is from mid June
28 Jul 17 1 #52
Mine just arrived, looks brill, thanks OP
20 Jul 17 #50
Will any hardwire cable work or would it need to be for this model?
noonecanhelp1 to LordKelly
21 Jul 17 #51
any cable I think, so far I've tried 3 different MicroUSB ones and had no issues :smile:
12 Jul 17 #49
lots of people say the Ultra's fail very quickly as they are not made for dash cams, surveillance etc
I got this one instead:π=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=sandisk+high+endurance&dpPl=1&dpID=41vf5IJUX3L&ref=plSrch
12 Jul 17 #48
Can anyone advise if the below memory card will be suitable for use in this camera. Thank you.
10 Jul 17 #47
sweet :smile:
nope I haven't. The menu is really easy.

The latest firmware added an option to have wifi hotspot off on boot, which is quite nice.
10 Jul 17 #46
Thanks for the update. I am expecting mine by this week. Have you tried to update firmware to english version?
8 Jul 17 #45
It's working really well. I'm very pleased with the quality. at £40 is perfect :smile:

I've just checked on their official site and there's no mention of any parking modes. It's gearbest adding imaginary features to the spec sheet.
Not an issue for me though, I just needed a dashcam that sits there and does the job when I'm driving :smile:
7 Jul 17 #44
Is it any good? Does it also have the Parking Mode as well? And not quite sure how it works, if i have parked the car and it is not giving the cam any power
Can't see it on the chinese website tho
7 Jul 17 #42
How long will the delivery take ?
noonecanhelp1 to andersonchenghy
7 Jul 17 #43
mine arrived on Tuesday. ordered on 21st June
about two weeks :smile:
23 Jun 17 1 #41
I have a previous version (£45 each late last year) which is in Mandarin with no way to change (previous versions could be flashed).
Easily navigated menu and good quality footage from our units.
22 Jun 17 #40
This price exactly equals to what people pay for it in China. (Obviously usually most products sell at a lower price inside China). So hot
21 Jun 17 #39
yep I just checked again and it seems that it's English version of the app and not camera firmware
21 Jun 17 1 #38
I'm guessing it's about 4" across by about 2.5-3" high? Bit big and might attract attention? I thought everyone was running a Mobius by now? cheeky
Cheers for the post OP. The link to the "English Firmware has been released" goes to a forum where someone asked if the firmware was manually updateable as an auto check says his cam has the latest version...
21 Jun 17 #37
Ah, they usually have parking assist and lane assiatance information and this feature is spoken when turned on in the menu but you cant use it as its spoken in manderin. I know as a dash cam it still works but there are features that unless you understand manderin wont be much use to you is all. but you are right you will be able to use it entirely fine as a dash cam and its main feature
21 Jun 17 #36
I got caught out thinking the same. I (regrettably) bought a nextbase 512G in the hope it would support a bigger card than 32GB formatted to FAT32, but no such luck. 32GB means 32GB. At this price i wouldnt risk it
21 Jun 17 #35
thank you, I've updated the post :man:
21 Jun 17 2 #34
Isn't this what you want .... English firmware...
What am i missing ?
21 Jun 17 #33
If their is a firmware update file it might be possible to hex edit it to change the Chinese menus and messages to English. Quite often all messages are lumped together in one spot in the file.
Nice little job for somebody.
21 Jun 17 #32
the dash cam is great. except it runs hot
21 Jun 17 #31
"Support" isn't everything here. Formatted to the right format could still allow 128GB and higher function.
21 Jun 17 #30
my sentiments exactly!
21 Jun 17 1 #14
This site should support British retailers
mark_trev to zaax
21 Jun 17 #21
Delay No More
simonspeakeasy to zaax
21 Jun 17 8 #28
This site is aimed at UK consumers not retailers. Personally I'm here to find the best deal for me.
ryancurly to zaax
21 Jun 17 #29
why they import from China why not cut the middle man out.
21 Jun 17 1 #4
Does it work outside China?
Their wireless IP cameras don't! :man:
noonecanhelp1 to willysnapper
21 Jun 17 2 #7
ha...good to know about the IP cameras! This one seems to be working fine, the reviews on youtube are from all over the world :smiley:
warlockuk to willysnapper
21 Jun 17 1 #13
I'd avoid their IP cameras; they all seem to dial home and be unsecured; I bought an escam and the rtsp feed was just ip/port:url. Totally unsecured (and SSH has a default password that can't be changed).
stephenr to willysnapper
21 Jun 17 #26
I believe the only issue are controls being round the wrong way due to China driving on right.
M1LFHunter to willysnapper
21 Jun 17 #27
You need to change the region.
21 Jun 17 #23
Blackvue are the best
Daniel127 to VincentGO
21 Jun 17 #25
Yes of course, but rather like comparing a Ferrari to a Ford.
21 Jun 17 #22
There is way to change it to english. see here
M0nk3h to Decorativejunk
21 Jun 17 1 #24
Doesn't appear to be the same camera.
21 Jun 17 #20
yes but he's talking about the camera at its full price. not many if any can compare at £40 in my opinion :smiley:
also a lot of his points are his personal ones, I don't care about GPS, speed etc. and I do like the auto record. I personally want something that will do its job every time I get into the car and if something happens I then take the video off the camera :man:
21 Jun 17 #19
£30 more it seems at its lowest price, quite a bit I'd say :disappointed: It's good to see Anker get into that market, I'd love to get their ROAV Dashtop units if not too pricey :smiley:)
21 Jun 17 2 #18
21 Jun 17 #17
I checked that vid out but then next on the YouTube queue from that link was another vid titled "10 Reasons not to buy Xiaomi - The Xiaomi Mijia Dash Cam edition":

It looks like a solid dashcam, just a shame it has a few drawbacks. The guy on the 10 Reasons not to buy vid does actually mention at the end that he would also expect firmware updates to sort out all the problems for Western markets.
21 Jun 17 #16
● Language: Chinese only
Hahaha nice
21 Jun 17 #15
Yeah, it's a shame 'cos it seems to be a nice little camera otherwise.
I think the guys at Fang Hacks will eventually secure it and get a reliable protected RTSP stream, but sadly I'm a bit too long in the tooth to understand how to achieve it even following their "simple" instructions!
Pity really as I could really do with a cheap but decent security cam. :smiley:
21 Jun 17 2 #12
The originals might get good reviews but this may well be a cheap Chinese knock off of a cheap Chinese brand.

You wouldn't want to leave one of these recording in the car while parked up, you might just come back to a burnt out wreck!

EDIT - Just watched the footage and was decisively unimpressed! Buy a Mobius Action Camera from a UK retailer and be done with it.
21 Jun 17 1 #11
64GB SD Card support...
At least its bigger than the 32GB that most cameras are limited to, but 128GB wouldve been better (like the Mobius supports)
21 Jun 17 3 #1
great price and feature but it will be a hard sell on here with a Chinese only menu. I wish they would at least have English as an option on these things, along with other languages, because their other products are great, typing on my redmi note 3 right now, but the only thing that stops me buying their dash cam is the lack of usable everyday features due to it's Chinese only menu. will wait on the international version but great price Vs spec
noonecanhelp1 to Kenneth131
21 Jun 17 5 #2
I totally agree with the language issue.
I got one because it's extremely cheap and the menu is so simple that after the initial setup I doubt I'd be going anything on the camera, just transferring videos to my phone using the WiFi feature.
I was going to buy A119, that's very good and popular, but it's hard to justify paying £30 on top at this time :smile:

I honestly don't care if this gets hot or extremely cold. If I can help 1 person I'd be happy :smile:
haritori to Kenneth131
21 Jun 17 1 #10
Not sure I agree, sure English would be great but dash cam is the kind of thing you install and leave alone until you need it, and when you need it its just the memory card files.. so the menu is a one time thing.
21 Jun 17 #9
Ordered. My G1W died yesterday after 1.5 year of use.
21 Jun 17 1 #8
Oops, I didn't know they stopped doing it on UK Amazon. It looks like a new product, maybe it's just short of stock. I saw it for £60+ a few weeks ago so this Xiaomi is much cheaper.
21 Jun 17 #3
Same sensor + lens on the Anker Roav Dash Cam which also has good reviews on amazon and youtube.
MyBoozyHell to DevilzGtr
21 Jun 17 #5
Links to where to buy from....?
noonecanhelp1 to DevilzGtr
21 Jun 17 #6
thanks mate, I didn't know about Anker, but you can only get one from :disappointed:
How much did it cost when it was on
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