Seems to be the "biggest" sale theyve ever had in amount of games "on sale" but the discounts are dire, especially when you compare the disc price.
(good for game sharing buddies spose)
Heat for effort if you're going to try and price this lot op! Thanks :smile:
29 Jun 1716#5
Not the same, they posted saying when it was starting a heads up, they haven't posted any deals at all, this post has the deals
29 Jun 173#6
Do you have a... Only joking :wink:
Nice one pal.
29 Jun 172#7
Yeah come on Buzz, give credit to the original poster ;-)
29 Jun 171#8
I wasn't expecting such a long list! Great effort
29 Jun 172#9
Fantastic prices for The Walking Dead seasons (£4 each) already have season 1 but I'm definitely going to buy the second so GWG doesn't have one on me.
29 Jun 171#10
I'm sure HUKD must be paying buzz by the word.... :P
29 Jun 172#11
COLD. not all the games listed include prices. Very poor effort (_ :wink:
29 Jun 171#12
Not really a ultimate games sale a lot of them can be had for cheaper getting a physical copy lol
Turtle1992 to scott_w_1981
29 Jun 172#17
If you game share then you can get a lot of the games cheaper than two physical copies
horsepills to scott_w_1981
29 Jun 172#21
That's pretty much always the case. Physical discs will always be cheaper than digital
29 Jun 173#13
So...where's the sale?
oUkTuRkEyIII to kay1992
29 Jun 175#33
You deleted your first comment cos no one liked it so you tried again.
29 Jun 172#14
you sure, the prices are suppose to be 75% off with gold ?
29 Jun 172#15
Heat for post mate. Microsoft sale prices are quite cheeky. I want an insane sale where loads of prices drop to a few quid but that feels like a dream.
29 Jun 175#16
Buy me! Buy me! Buy me! :smile:
29 Jun 172#18
ooh definitely going for Thimbleweed Park though. Definitely hits my ideal price point at a fiver.
WoodsMonk to kidomega
29 Jun 172#23
Its £10.88 you save £5.86 so thats need updating in the OP.
momouk78 to kidomega
29 Jun 172#24
It's not a fiver, it shows up as £10.88
BuzzDuraband to kidomega
29 Jun 171#40
Apologies for that bud.
Up to 75% off
29 Jun 172#19
Cold, missing the metacritic scores (_ :wink:
29 Jun 171#20
Poor sale.
29 Jun 171#22
Thanks for the post OP, I'm voting hot for effort from the poster, but I must say this is disappointing. I should have learnt by now when M$ say sale they mean take a few quid off an already offer priced game :disappointed:
29 Jun 17#25
Waiting for Overwatch to drop below £20 :smiley:
29 Jun 17#26
ha! thought it was too good to be true. thanks.
29 Jun 173#27
The Forza Horizon 3 Porsche Car Pack is 40% off (£2.30)
29 Jun 171#28
Hmmm I may pick that up as I'm sure it comes with more bucket list challenges
29 Jun 171#29
The Dark Souls 3 season pass is only 10 quid. That's not too bad.
29 Jun 173#30
I was hoping bioshock would be better than the £22.50 it's been every other week for the last 6 months!
Heat added for effort n that :smile:
29 Jun 175#31
Seems to be the "biggest" sale theyve ever had in amount of games "on sale" but the discounts are dire, especially when you compare the disc price.
(good for game sharing buddies spose)
29 Jun 172#32
Massive heat for this list! I was noticing the prices myself and started checking for the games that would be relevant so I could post and here you are beating me to it haha!
Well done with the list mate
29 Jun 171#34
Or maybe because I decided to change it. Do you get mad when I get likes?
29 Jun 178#35
Microsoft must think I'm superman, I've been to Brazil and Russia and now I'm in Singapore.
fyflin to dave859
29 Jun 172#37
Find any bargains on your travels, Kal?
29 Jun 171#36
Heat added for saving me time and effort!
Only surprise is that quite a few of the usual suspects are slightly more expensive than they normally are on sale.
29 Jun 17#38
terrible sale
29 Jun 17#39
Some sale this is. Physical costs half the price :confused:
29 Jun 171#41
Didn't they have an ultimate sale before? How can they have another?
29 Jun 171#42
a few good prices around, Singapore is the go to place for resident evil 7 as its around £23 and you also get a windows 10 copy. I've picked up the dead rising 4 season pass pretty cheap off the Russian store. best to check the Xbox now website as they have updated with all the sale prices.
29 Jun 17#43
No Overwatch (annoyed)
29 Jun 17#44
Assassin's Creed Unity for £12 / £9.60?
I'm sure that's the cheapest I've ever seen that posted on HUKD
Forza Motorsport 6 Deluxe Edition Forza Motorsport 6 Standard Edition Forza Motorsport 6 Ultimate Edition Forza Motorsport 6 Fast & Furious Car Pack Forza Motorsport 6 Forza Motorsport 6 Ten Year Anniversary Car Pack Forza Motorsport 6 Car Pass Forza Motorsport 6 VIP Forza Motorsport 6 Expansion Bundle NASCAR Expansion 2015 Nissan #23 GT-R LM NISMO Porsche Expansion Mobil 1 Car Pack Forza Motorsport 6 Meguiar’s Car Pack Forza Motorsport 6 Logitech G Car Pack Forza Motorsport 6 Alpinestars Car Pack Forza Motorsport 6 Polo Red Car PackeBay Motors Car Pack2016 Infiniti Q60 Concept Forza Motorsport 6 2015 Mazda MX-5
29 Jun 171#46
Heat for effort, thanks. But the sale itself is dire, major let down
29 Jun 171#47
As I stated further up that is true but if you gameshare you're getting really good deals, as if you were to buy the game twice physically for each person cost you a lot more than they are in the sale
29 Jun 171#48
Anyone else disappointed by this sale? It just seems they collect three months of weekly deals and prize them together.
29 Jun 17#49
Question is, is it cheaper to buy them through Singapore and how do I do it so I get them cheaper than UK prices? As I have tons of UK credit to use on preorders and games
29 Jun 17#50
When you compare this to the Steam summer sale that's happening right now, it makes this look like a complete joke.
29 Jun 17#51
£2.31 for the forza horizon 3 porche car pack is good only car pack not included in the car pass
29 Jun 17#52
quite disappointing prices..
29 Jun 17#53
heat added for the effort though poster!
29 Jun 17#54
Just insulting as well placing offers in here that have been free with GWG - Ridiculous.
29 Jun 171#55
totally agree, nothing special here, can't believe I've been waiting all day for the prices to appear and they are really disappointing
29 Jun 171#56
And the Steam sale wasn't great either. I miss the Steam flash sales of old....
Agree though, poor sale overall.
30 Jun 172#57
Big heat for the effort Buzz! Thankfully nothing I want to buy... first time I've won. Wallet 1 Buzz 0. :laughing:
30 Jun 171#58
Have you tried Paladins? While it's not QUITE Overwatch it is coming on leaps and bounds with every patch. I have both Paladins and Overwatch and without a doubt Overwatch is the more polished game but Paladins is free and if you choose the Champions you put your credit earned from playing in to wisely you'll never need to put a penny in to it! Plus it seems to have quite a big and growing community, at least on PS4. I've not tried installing it on my Xbox yet. Failing that, gigantic seems to be good too and somewhere between Overwatch, Paladins and Battleborn from a third person perspective, I've not played this one but the video reviews of the open beta make me want to at some point and it may keep you busy until the next price drop on Overwatch!
30 Jun 172#59
Fortunately I own all the decent deals, so it doesn’t look like I’m splashing on this sale. So I’ve just gone ahead and bought Micro Machines (highfive)
30 Jun 171#60
Thanks for posting the prices Buzz, but my word is this a naff sale.
30 Jun 171#61
see so many people grumble and saying this is a crap sale,
well at least it means dont have to swap disks all the time and can just pick up a controller and play whenever :smiley: so im 100% happy here also i can Gameshare to the rest of my family so another bonus.
Thanks BuzzDuraband great work :smiley:
30 Jun 17#62
Metro bundle maybe best thing there?
30 Jun 17#63
Thanks dude - great list. Gonna have to echo the general feeling though and say I'm a little disappointed with the discounts. One of the standouts looks to be Titanfall 2 for £15 - strongly recommend to anyone on the fence
30 Jun 17#64
Agree, just picked it up. Hope I can find room to install it all :laughing:
30 Jun 172#65
wheres the deals, a lot of these are 1.5-2x the amount of a brand new sealed psyichal copy
30 Jun 171#66
Bought Metro bundle, Rocket league and the two wolfensteins. Was happy with the gold prices. Worked out great for gameshare
30 Jun 17#67
Works out great if you gameshare otherwise if you just play solo and don't gameshare then best to stick to physical copies haha
30 Jun 17#68
Was hoping for firewatch :disappointed:
30 Jun 171#69
80% off...
The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season
The Walking Dead: Season Two
Dead Rising 3 Season Pass
30 Jun 171#70
Nor is the Mountain Dew pack.
30 Jun 171#71
Definitely, two good games for 6 quid. Have to be a fan of the FPS genre though
30 Jun 172#72
Why? Not everyone has owned an XBox forever.
30 Jun 17#73
These should be list prices
30 Jun 17#74
Anyone know where's best atm to buy store credit? Forza 6 seems like a steal at that price
30 Jun 17#75
Disappointed with the Wolfenstein prices as they were both under a £5 during the last sale.
30 Jun 171#76
Heat for putting list together, but cold for the prices themselves.
Absolutely nothing there that I would bother with.
7 Days to Die, Choose One _ Classic Snoop Dogg. (nerd) Heat! :man:
30 Jun 171#79
Anyone know if deadlight is any good?
I can recommend NBA playgrounds - a great arcade sports title with loads of old school ballers... I prefer it to NBA jam remake.. although it does have its issues
I'll pick up the FH3 Porsche pack at that price...
A couple of other tempting tiles...
Voodoo Vince being one...
Same as most MS sales they recycle same deals over and over
30 Jun 17#80
I actually buckled on Terraria in the end... at least it was super cheap! Wallet 1 - 1 Buzz :smile:
30 Jun 172#81
Cold from me. Very poor sale offers
30 Jun 171#82
You get a massive high five from me. what is your review of it? I'm hoping for it to be as good as I remember.
30 Jun 17#83
Some of those games are in the Game Pass vault at the moment, and you could probably finish a couple of them within a month, costing just £7.99
The Division for £16? It's 9.99 pre-owned in Game at the moment.
30 Jun 171#84
Mass effect Andromeda deluxe edition is £35 not £28. Sorry buzzy
30 Jun 171#85
Yeah, I gameshare with my kids, so it's all good for me :smiley:
30 Jun 171#86
I'm going to have to reserve judgement for a little longer. It's definitely reminiscent of the classic, but that's only because I've only spent more time on the floor than I have on the tables :smile:
Initial thoughts seem to suggest there's literally no depth to the game, whatsoever. But I'm going to give it a while longer, see if it grows on me. For now I would say read some reviews, get what you can from them.
30 Jun 17#87
I'll have that Dark souls 3 season pass, bargain at £8. I'm glad I waited.
30 Jun 17#88
Gutted, there's no editions of Left 4 Dead.
Added heat for the effort and because there are some other great deals!
30 Jun 17#89
Is it me or is it cheaper to get Fallout 4 and the season pass over £10 cheaper than the bundle? Odd, unless there's extra content in the bundle.
30 Jun 17#90
welcome to HotUkCopy&Pastes
30 Jun 17#91
Not much of a sale.
30 Jun 17#92
and to think I was hyped for this. stick it.
30 Jun 17#93
Bit disappointed in truth. The only thing I don't have that jumps out is Titanfall 2 for £15, and I'll probably wait for EA access at this point.
It's just standard editions according to xbox store page
30 Jun 17#95
For someone without PS+ or Gold at the moment Life is Strange seems a good price to me?
Been one I've been wanting to try
30 Jun 171#96
High expectations for the Summer Sale just crashed and burned.... :disappointed:
30 Jun 17#97
The question is what do I do with the £2 I saved!? :smirk:
30 Jun 172#98
I game share with the fiancé so I've spent a £30 something already, her just picking games she likes the look of haha, debating the dark souls 3 season pas, voodoo vince remastered, NBA Playgrounds and possible either Tropico Penultimate Edition or Cities Skylines
30 Jun 17#99
Purchase Dead Island Retro Revenge (highfive)
30 Jun 17#100
MS are stretching the truth a bit with "Ultimate Game Sale"
30 Jun 17#101
Can't be copy and paste when he typed it all out himself and even added the links for us, impossible to copy and paste all of them with links to each one individually :smirk:
30 Jun 17#102
The culling is also on sale £11.99 I believe it is
30 Jun 17#103
Most prices are just still laughable.
Sunset overdrive as an example lol.
30 Jun 17#104
Honestly, I can only see two worth the cash: Little Nightmares and SUPERHOT. Still reckon I'll only get the latter, though.
30 Jun 17#105
Heat for the effort, pretty underwhelming sale however :disappointed:
30 Jun 17#106
If you have a decent PC you can probably get some of these games cheaper in the Steam Sale
30 Jun 171#107
Metro redux both £6 in sale that's hot alone
30 Jun 17#108
I would recommend it. Such a great game!
30 Jun 17#109
Even if you prefer digital versions for the purpose of game sharing, you should shop around before buying in the sale.
They want £9.60 for Assassin's Creed Unity?!?!
£1.79 via CD Keys...
FIFA 17 - £16.50?!?
£9.99 via CD Keys...
30 Jun 17#110
What's the difference between GOW 4 Ultimate Edition and GOW 4 Ultimate Edition - Day One Version (which is £30 cheaper) in terms of content?
30 Jun 171#111
One of them is GOW 4 and one of them is GOW. Two entirely different games
30 Jun 17#112
30 Jun 17#113
£12 for AC: Unity :laughing:
30 Jun 171#114
Urgh, just looked at the page for this and now I want it! so thanks... I think. :smirk::innocent:
30 Jun 17#115
Overcooked GE £8.20 worth it? :stuck_out_tongue:
30 Jun 17#116
Right you are.
30 Jun 17#117
Their still asking 50/60 quid for the Fallout 4 and the DLC for it, Sony just had them both on for £15 each but if you're unlucky enough to only own an xbox it is still definitely worth every penny!
30 Jun 17#118
I've been on lookout for that try" Long Dark" :sunglasses:
30 Jun 17#119
can back to the future be had cheaper anywhere else ?
30 Jun 17#120
There are some good prices here. Titanfall 2 is good for the digital version. If you don't own it, it's definitely worth buying at this price.
30 Jun 17#121
Massive heat for the effort, Buzz! Shame FH3 isn't available - never mind the packs...
30 Jun 17#122
I don't open these threads because I spend money on games I'll never play.
Ooops, I just opened it :disappointed:
1 Jul 17#123
Lego games (batman 3, marvel avengers, star wars TFA) are cheaper with season passes/deluxe vs standalone game. Also similar shenanigans with price of Fallout 4 deluxe vs standalone game + season pass bought separately. It bugs me when they don't always have the price and content differences made clear across the versions on the store.
1 Jul 17#124
Bought Lego Marvel Superheroes and Batman 3 for £9.85 from ShopTo earlier. How is this a sale exactly? I mean, props to the OP, but this is pretty dire.
1 Jul 17#125
Was waiting for a deal on Voodoo Vince, I'll definitely be picking that up tonight
1 Jul 17#126
Absolutely pathetic sale. Ms taking the mick here. Valve must be laughing, it almost makes the steam sale look good
1 Jul 17#127
Was hoping for firewatch at around the sale price PS4 has it :disappointed:
1 Jul 17#128
Waste of time.
Turn on your Xbox and the deal is on the home tab.
1 Jul 171#129
Can anyone recommend Metro Redux? Bored of current games. £6 looks a great price for 2 games
Im convinced, bought cheers. Thanks to Buzz too for posting it
2 Jul 17#132
£15 titanfall 2 and mgs £18 super hot
4 Jul 17#133
I picked up the witcher 3 GOTY for £17.50... Should keep me busy next few weeks
4 Jul 17#134
Great list of games and some good prices. Too bad I no longer have my Xbox
5 Jul 17#135
If anybody wants Far Cry 4/Primal combo disc, Smyths have it for same price: £20.
6 Jul 17#136
Anyone had any experience with Get even? not really heard much about it just saw it was 30% off and its only been out like 2 weeks but it looks pretty good, good steam reviews too. Was looking at that and Outlast 2..
7 Jul 17#137
It's probably worth signing up for Microsoft Rewards. Nothing to lose, points to gain.
Opening post
Top comments
(good for game sharing buddies spose)
All comments (137)
Nice one pal.
Up to 75% off
Heat added for effort n that :smile:
(good for game sharing buddies spose)
Well done with the list mate
Only surprise is that quite a few of the usual suspects are slightly more expensive than they normally are on sale.
I'm sure that's the cheapest I've ever seen that posted on HUKD
Forza Motorsport 6 Deluxe Edition
Forza Motorsport 6 Standard Edition
Forza Motorsport 6 Ultimate Edition
Forza Motorsport 6 Fast & Furious Car Pack
Forza Motorsport 6
Forza Motorsport 6 Ten Year Anniversary Car Pack
Forza Motorsport 6 Car Pass
Forza Motorsport 6 VIP
Forza Motorsport 6 Expansion Bundle
NASCAR Expansion
2015 Nissan #23 GT-R LM NISMO
Porsche Expansion
Mobil 1 Car Pack
Forza Motorsport 6 Meguiar’s Car Pack
Forza Motorsport 6 Logitech G Car Pack
Forza Motorsport 6 Alpinestars Car Pack
Forza Motorsport 6 Polo Red Car PackeBay Motors Car Pack2016 Infiniti Q60 Concept
Forza Motorsport 6 2015 Mazda MX-5
Agree though, poor sale overall.
well at least it means dont have to swap disks all the time and can just pick up a controller and play whenever :smiley: so im 100% happy here also i can Gameshare to the rest of my family so another bonus.
Thanks BuzzDuraband great work :smiley:
The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season
The Walking Dead: Season Two
Dead Rising 3 Season Pass
Absolutely nothing there that I would bother with.
great list heat added
I can recommend NBA playgrounds - a great arcade sports title with loads of old school ballers... I prefer it to NBA jam remake.. although it does have its issues
I'll pick up the FH3 Porsche pack at that price...
A couple of other tempting tiles...
Voodoo Vince being one...
Same as most MS sales they recycle same deals over and over
The Division for £16? It's 9.99 pre-owned in Game at the moment.
Initial thoughts seem to suggest there's literally no depth to the game, whatsoever. But I'm going to give it a while longer, see if it grows on me. For now I would say read some reviews, get what you can from them.
Added heat for the effort and because there are some other great deals!
"Far Cry 4 + Far Cry Primal Gold Editions - £26.40/£19.80"
It's just standard editions according to xbox store page
Been one I've been wanting to try
Sunset overdrive as an example lol.
They want £9.60 for Assassin's Creed Unity?!?!
£1.79 via CD Keys...
FIFA 17 - £16.50?!?
£9.99 via CD Keys...
Ooops, I just opened it :disappointed:
Turn on your Xbox and the deal is on the home tab.