12 month contract You are charged £20 a month and receive cashback through your the duration of your contract. You just have to claim at the correct time, which is quite easy by copying your bill to my account or seeing by post.
Unlimited Mins, Texts & 20gb Data.
Seemed like a good deal to me, my first post so take it easy lol incase I've made any mistakes.
7y 41d2#1
Was £10
Rulandas to dazzlingstar
7y 41d1#6
Well observed. Was. And this is the best deal today. And probably for foreseeable future...
Agharta to dazzlingstar
7y 41d#8
And also included 12 months of Spotify or NOWTV so is that still included?
Edit. It no longer includes the free entertainment package unless you go for the 25GB option.
7y 41d1#2
Don't forget quidco.
Would be a good deal if auto cash back.
7y 41d#3
keep in mind people who started a contract earlier in the year. maybe end of last year. prices went up by £1 or so .
AndyRoyd to HammadKhalil
7y 41d1#4
Standard annual RPI increase accepted by all customers at sign-up. Many providers operate same principle, Voda is completely open about it https://www.vodafone.co.uk/explore/costs/rpi/
7y 41d#5
I’m hoping this will be around till month end, my EE contract is up for renewal and if they don’t play ball with a retentions deal this will probably do as a replacement (and a stick to beat EE with during negotiations ).
7y 41d#7
Have all the EU roaming regs been ironed out now? I recently had an email from Three, who I'm with atm, giving me clarification but I wondered if any of the other networks had done the same?
This deal with EE would be perfect for me. Anything about?
Heat OP.
7y 41d1#9
Got this for £8.75 from E2Save about 2 weeks ago...Heat added for effort tho
7y 41d1#10
Cant believe people do these kind of deals, where they treated like a monkey in a circus. Jump here, jump there, send me this at month 4, now send another bill at month 8. What if a bill was to go missing because I am sure most people are not sending it recorded. Baffling?!
khabibtime to jinkssick
7y 41d#11
I was also wondering this
plewis00 to jinkssick
7y 41d2#13
It's not that complicated... nor is it 2005 when these were designed to scam those that signed up. If you can't follow these simple steps for £100+ then you probably don't deserve a SIM only plan with all that data. Bills don't go missing and are handled online. The whole thing is to ensure you haven't disconnected early and still claim. I don't see what the fuss is.
Agharta to jinkssick
7y 41d1#14
Vodafone text you that your bill is ready.
Login online at Vodafone and download the PDF bill.
You upload it online to Mobiles.co.uk and they confirm via email that it's been received.
Then within x days they send you a cheque.
The whole thing takes about 2 minutes every 2 months so less than 15 minutes for the whole contract period.
The only hassle is paying the cheque into the bank.
sm-1991 to jinkssick
7y 41d#15
It takes less than 5 minutes work every 2 months....set a reminder on your phone, auto save password on mobiles.co.uk and Vodafone website so you can sign in easily and upload PDF of invoice from Vodafone, auto save password on Vodafone website so you can download PDF bill. I have to do it for my sister and niece, it saves them £350 a year.
BargainHunter108 to jinkssick
7y 40d#17
Seriously? Bill went missing? You are able to download the bills on the websites now and it is easy to upload it in the generous 2 month time frame. But hey. Someone needs to subsidise for the ones who use these deals. So pls go ahead and not use it. Just joking.
7y 41d1#12
You can get the bills online, and I think that they can be submitted online too
7y 41d#16
I had the retentions chat with them last week, the best they could do was 20gb for £25pm no major discounts or perks. I went with the £25 vodafone deal that comes with spotify for £13pm after cashback which seemed better value than this.
7y 40d#18
7y 40d#19
Heard they do direct bank transfer now. not sure tough. Taking a auto cashback deal with mobiles.co.uk now for Vodafone 25gb option. Says in the info tht it is the entertainment package but no mention of spotify n all. While there is another deal with 40gn which explicitly states the entertainment options. Vodafone do not show an entertainment plan without entertainment.
Opening post
You are charged £20 a month and receive cashback through your the duration of your contract. You just have to claim at the correct time, which is quite easy by copying your bill to my account or seeing by post.
Unlimited Mins, Texts & 20gb Data.
Seemed like a good deal to me, my first post so take it easy lol incase I've made any mistakes.
Edit. It no longer includes the free entertainment package unless you go for the 25GB option.
Would be a good deal if auto cash back.
This deal with EE would be perfect for me. Anything about?
Heat OP.
Login online at Vodafone and download the PDF bill.
You upload it online to Mobiles.co.uk and they confirm via email that it's been received.
Then within x days they send you a cheque.
The whole thing takes about 2 minutes every 2 months so less than 15 minutes for the whole contract period.
The only hassle is paying the cheque into the bank.