I was just looking for game add-ons and came across this.
Titanfall 2 is reduced to £15 for Xbox live gold members.
Valid for 12 more days
Top comments
30 Jun 174#11
Please buy this game people, its outrageously good. Respawn need to be compensated for their amazing post launch support.
All comments (37)
30 Jun 17#1
Nice find, heat
30 Jun 172#2
Tempting... I loved the first :man:
bear91 to math5871
30 Jun 171#4
Its well worth £15 bud
30 Jun 17#3
Such an awesome game, such a shame the player base seemed to drop quickly, did not get the attention it deserves :disappointed:
abhijitdash123 to bear91
30 Jun 17#34
Its an excellent game and with a huge player base. May be you are talking about the original but even that i am able to play everyday without any issues.
30 Jun 17#5
2nd is even better. Great game fanststic campaign.
30 Jun 17#6
Still play this most days, get straight into a game 99% of the time. Single player is fun as well. Heat!
30 Jun 17#7
it's far superior to the 1st. best campaign I've played in years and leaves you wanting more... took me approx 14 hours on hard
30 Jun 17#8
Loved the first one, well worth giving this a try given the feedback I've heard on it. Purchased ££
30 Jun 17#9
Awesome price for an awesome game. Remember that most of the DLC is free as well
Walija to Cakeboy79
30 Jun 17#10
Yep, just the cosmetic stuff costs (weapon and titan skins etc), maps and game modes to date all free to all players.
30 Jun 174#11
Please buy this game people, its outrageously good. Respawn need to be compensated for their amazing post launch support.
dennisnhernandez to adam0812
30 Jun 17#26
Yes, buy this good people of #hotukdeals please support them. I'm tempted to buy again but I already have a hard copy.
30 Jun 17#12
time to bite - first was fun but without campaign not great, heard good things about this obe
thesinstar to Sparkymb
30 Jun 172#13
Oh your in for a treat. Titanfall 2's campaign is one of the best (linear) shooters I've played ever. Every level bring something different to the table and when its over you just want more. Mp is awesome too once you get over the learning curve.
dennisnhernandez to Sparkymb
30 Jun 17#27
Buy it mate.
30 Jun 17#14
Cheers, gotta be bought at this price. Son is going to love it :smiley:
30 Jun 17#15
Tempted to get and keep for when I get the X
30 Jun 17#16
Excellent game, excellent price! :sunglasses:
30 Jun 171#17
will this come to ea access soon?
TylerDurdenUK to BigTimeDealer
30 Jun 17#18
Thats the only thing holding me back from buying it
30 Jun 171#19
Considering the trial didn't come to EA Access at all then I can imagine them delaying putting this on for a bit longer. Pony up the £15 guys and girls it's an absolute bargain.
AsDeadAsADodo to aseddon130
30 Jun 17#30
I'm pretty certain Titanfall 2 isn't coming to EA Access.
30 Jun 17#20
I suspect the price drop is a sign of it coming to the vault soon.
30 Jun 17#21
How long is the campaign. Thanks
30 Jun 171#22
Review online suggests it's a 4hr campaign
30 Jun 17#23
Yep I found similar results and thought maybe it's just the experienced gamers that play all day/night.
New map dropped few days ago too, great map design.
30 Jun 17#33
This is a no brainer at this price. Its as good as any Halo campaign and im a Halo fan.
Its very well thought out and a great balance between Titan and foot soldier and some very original touches like back in time. Ill say no more as I dont want to spoil it but this is a cracking game.
1 Jul 171#35
Is this for Xbox? Not very clear from title.
2 Jul 17#36
Amazing game Best Buy last year stupid release date stopped it being a hit
Opening post
Titanfall 2 is reduced to £15 for Xbox live gold members.
Valid for 12 more days
Top comments
All comments (37)
Not sure it's worth it now
Its very well thought out and a great balance between Titan and foot soldier and some very original touches like back in time. Ill say no more as I dont want to spoil it but this is a cracking game.