Should have checked! Maybe I'll give it a go again then. Cheers for the heads up.
2 Jun 17#11
Anyone know if this supports 4k?
2 Jun 17#10
Absolutely loved this game when it was released. I'm unable to play it now. Maybe I've been dumbed down
2 Jun 17#8
first elder scrolls game I played and I fell in love with it genuinely a special game <3
2 Jun 17#7
I was enjoying this until the famed stamina glitch where you can be repeatedly beaten to death without the ability to escape or move... as long as you save super frequently you'll be okay. Just a warning.
condracky to Arutha
2 Jun 17#9
I'm sure unnofficial community patches have sorted that out, it's best to use those either way.
I have actually found that it runs better on modern setups. I remember in windows xp it had a memory leak and would just exit at random fairly often (had to get use to saving alot) but in Windows 7 64bit and Windows 8 64bit (Can't remember if i have played it on a WIndows 10 box yet I think I have) on a modern PC no issues for me.
2 Jun 17#4
does it work on multi core CPUS , I know fallout 3 requires a fix etc....
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