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Sky TV Bundles Half Price - New Customers Only * NO referral offers / request pls
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
6 Jun 17
Join Sky TV and Get 50% off All Sky TV Bundles for 18 Months at Sky. for 3 days only starting today.

Bundles (Original Price/ Price with Discount):-

Original Bundle £22/£11

Variety Bundle £32/£16

Box Sets Bundle £38/£19

Cinema Bundle £40/£20

Sports Bundle £49.50/£24.75

Complete Bundle £80/£40

one off cost , seems to be new customers only .

of upto £155 from Topcashback. - credit to manicmidlander

of upto £150 via Quidco

First Deal posted be gentle
Top comments
6 Jun 17 4 #49
I'm always tempted by this but the bloody charge for HD is stupid :disappointed:
6 Jun 17 4 #2
I'm very tempted by this as we moved house and the new house only has one input on the dish. Can only record one thing at once, it's madness I tells you :man:
6 Jun 17 4 #14
I would never go back to using Sky TV or broadband.

They always over charge loyal customers who have been with them years and only offer these great deals to new customers....

How about you take care of your customers who have supported you for years - then they wouldn't all be leaving!

Never again and this is just my opinion :smile:

P.S. I gave heat as this is decent for NEW customers.
6 Jun 17 3 #138
im speaking to an abhishek now on sky not getting anything better as an existing customer to join SKY Q, i belive shy HD teams are different form SKY Q
i swear on the sky chat , one person talks to a number of customers, massive delay between responses
just been given no contract at 60% off for upto 12months, i can cancel anytime within 12 months and £50 credit using sky HD.
All comments (270)
6 Jun 17 1 #1
Also a potential ( up to ) £155 cashback from Topcashback - good deal. Heat added.
HammadKhalil to manicmidlander
6 Jun 17 1 #9
nice one . I'll add to the original post. and will give credit . Added as original post . Completely forgot about TCB and Quidco.
6 Jun 17 4 #2
I'm very tempted by this as we moved house and the new house only has one input on the dish. Can only record one thing at once, it's madness I tells you :man:
keitht585 to badgerrules
6 Jun 17 #4
You just need to chand the Lnb on the dish, here is an example
Get one with the level on it and it is easy - providing you can get to the dish safely.
6 Jun 17 3 #3
I might have a look at the broadband i am with virgin and it keeps going off thanks for putting up all the details
6 Jun 17 1 #5
just signed up to sky broadband, can i still get this deal as a new customer?
6 Jun 17 #6
Is there a contract?
6 Jun 17 1 #7
18 months
6 Jun 17 #8
The dish is so old it is one which pushes into the arm on the dish, but at the bottom of the link you posted it seems to have the one I need so thank you, is it just screw on connectors at the lmb?
6 Jun 17 1 #10
f&f deal just now as well for skyq, £35 for full package for 18mths, will need to pay for Installation. we are currently in our 1month notice period, and they have offered 60% off sky+ packages, no money.
6 Jun 17 #11
Can someone explain the difference between the 1tb and the 2 tb - it says you can watch on up to 2 TV's on 1tb box with a mulit screen. And 3 on a 2 TB with 'boxes'.

so does the 1tb vs 2tb actually make any difference with regartds to multi screen??

djaydearz to nefertiti6969
6 Jun 17 #35
One has 1TB the other has 2TB

6 Jun 17 2 #12
Biggest difference is

2TB has 4K capability, and you can watch on more multiscreen boxes at once, if you use more multiscreen boxes then the additional storage may be useful too.
6 Jun 17 1 #13
I called them yesterday and got the box sets, fibre max unlimited and the obligatory phone line rental for 43.xx. Could have gotten the standard fibre for 33 but wanted the faster one. No cashback obviously but still a good deal. The boxsets they had significantly discounted which in turn made the others cheaper.
6 Jun 17 4 #14
I would never go back to using Sky TV or broadband.

They always over charge loyal customers who have been with them years and only offer these great deals to new customers....

How about you take care of your customers who have supported you for years - then they wouldn't all be leaving!

Never again and this is just my opinion :smile:

P.S. I gave heat as this is decent for NEW customers.
6 Jun 17 1 #15
Yes, it is the same "F" connectors that screw into the back of your box.
6 Jun 17 2 #16
They may not "offer" great deals to existing customers but they will certainly give them if you ask. I have been with them for 4 years now and never paid more than half price. I am currently on a deal where I got the broadband&line rental free, the TV at 67% discount plus a £50 account credit. If you look through this forum, it is full of postings of existing customers getting similar deals. I f you don't ask, you don't get. May not seem fair, but that is the way it works.
6 Jun 17 2 #17
No problem, happy to help. As always, cashback is never guaranteed but I've earned about £3,000 out of Topcashback over the years. I'd be tempted by this deal if I wasn't already a SKY customer paying nothing at all for the box set bundle. I got a great retention deal of 60% off with a £100 bill credit in Oct 2016.
6 Jun 17 1 #18
We have never managed to get more than a £10 discount when trying to negotiate with Sky, whether by phone or online chat. lucky **** :wink:
6 Jun 17 2 #19
Strange. I renew every year and get 50% off
6 Jun 17 3 #20
I'm afraid there is no such thing a loyal customer. You should leave or threaten to leave each year. Otherwise you are just viewed as an easy sale. You should ensure you do the same each year with your mobile, electricity & gas etc. You'll most likely save a considerable sum by doing this. I threatened to leave SKY last year and I was offered 60% off with £100 bill credit. That meant I got the box set bundle pretty much free for an entire year.
6 Jun 17 1 #21
calculate £40*18 = £720 then -£125 for cash back via TCB . 720-125=595. then 595/18 =£33.055? or £130 cash back via quidco.
6 Jun 17 #22
other offers available also :sunglasses:
6 Jun 17 1 #23

I did renegotiate or threaten to leave every year but they never seem to offer much of a discount or incentive if I recall. When I finally did leave they didn't try too hard to convince me to stay. I guess I've just been unlucky.
6 Jun 17 1 #24
nice one. would love to hear the stories of people saving and getting great deals. I'm with virgin for broadband and only managed to save £3 for upgrading to a better broadband package without going into a new contract . (still had 6 months to go) Every penny counts I say. not quoting tesco. I promise :sunglasses:
6 Jun 17 #25
Do these prices include HD channels?
6 Jun 17 1 #26
This may help. Worth reading through to get ideas of what's available by haggling...
6 Jun 17 #27
What's the best way to switch accounts between a couple who have Sky already? Is this loophole even possible?
manicmidlander to bobnick
6 Jun 17 #28
Do you have different surnames ? If so just apply in the partner's name. That's what we do.
6 Jun 17 1 #29
It can be just a case of "who blinks first" I'm not generally bothered if I keep sky or not so I'll go through the cancellation process and so far I've been contacted every time buy sky offering an acceptable deal a couple of days before my contract finally ends. It's getting tougher to negotiate a better deal but that shouldn't stop you trying.
6 Jun 17 #30
Indeed, you work hard enough for your money so you should make companies work hard if they want your custom.
6 Jun 17 1 #31
My sky contract ended 2 weeks ago, I logged into my account to see a 60% off offer advert pop up if I renewed for 12 months so I went on chat but best they could do for the basic sky and sky sports package was approx 1/3 off full price... I questioned the 60% off being advertised but they said it's gone and only for the first certain amount of customers so I walked away. So am I now classed as a new customer or do I have to not have it for a year before classed as new? Can anyone advise please
6 Jun 17 1 #32
I recently came to the end of my "deal" when they offered me next to nothing I opted to cancel my subscription.
About 10 days later I logged into my sky account & seen they were offering me 50% of my TV package & 50% discount on broadband. Unfortunately I couldn't stack these online so I phoned them & was put through to their "win back team" who were able to stack these & also because I have been such a loyal customer also gave me 50% discount on my line rental.
I do believe they are able to offer better discounts at the beginning of the month but I'm happy with my dealings!
6 Jun 17 #33
If our current package is in my girlfriend name, could I get her to cancel and then I buy one in my name?
manicmidlander to danstap0408
6 Jun 17 #40
Yes I believe so, as long as you'll be paying for the SKY out of a different bank account. However, if you are still in your minimum contract term then there will be cancellation charges. If you are on a rolling monthly contract you'll be ok
6 Jun 17 #34
And if you don't? Out of luck?
6 Jun 17 #36
Had been with them for 10 years up until last year and they 'used' to do a half decent deal at renewal but last year 10% was the most they would give me. I had to cancel and then they offered me the 50% off. Too late I'm afraid, freesat and BTTV now. See ya Sky.
6 Jun 17 #37
I have a way of getting a better deal
6 Jun 17 1 #38
£199 setup for a 2tb box! They must be having a laugh. Where do they pluck these figures from when they just plug it in??
6 Jun 17 #39
does the cinema bundle include boxsets??? can't seem to find out on google :disappointed:
6 Jun 17 #41
are you going to disclose the deal? i can't send DMs at the moment
6 Jun 17 #42
Sounded like a good deal, but only Sky Sports in SD. HD is £36.00 after calling Sky. Still a lot for watching the premier league. Would have bought is for £24.75 tho.
6 Jun 17 #43
£199 for a 2TB box... They can do better than that. New customers can get 60% off at certain times of the year. Only good if you are desperate.
6 Jun 17 1 #44
nop. have to pay extra for HD
6 Jun 17 #45
Exactly. This is the first year in 5 years I've not had 75% off, only managed to blag 60%.

You're an utter mug if you think loyalty pays, treat them like car insurance, utilities etc, need to play the system.
6 Jun 17 1 #46
you can't get HD without getting the full bundle also.
6 Jun 17 #47
cinema is standard hd with any sets bundle required for entertainment hd and sports hd pack
6 Jun 17 1 #48
Sky Sports HD now FREE (subscription needed) - HotUKDeals
6 Jun 17 4 #49
I'm always tempted by this but the bloody charge for HD is stupid :disappointed:
6 Jun 17 #50
good deal heated added
6 Jun 17 2 #51
This is a good deal for anybody wanting Sky right now, but I'm done playing their games. The packages are ludicrously expensive for what they are and I just got tired of having to haggle for any sort of discount once my contract was up and a deal had ended. Switched to BT TV and Infinity 2 last year with cheap as chips Now TV vouchers for the odd movie/Sky Atlantic viewing. Sky still charging extra for HD is ridiculous.

Bear in mind if you want 4K you will need the 2 TB box which they charge £199 to set up – and you don't even own it! You have to give it back after the term is up (it is rented unlike the older boxes). If you want multiroom at £12 per month, the installation fee drops to £60. Lots of caveats but heat for the deal.
6 Jun 17 #52
Hi, cannot seem to buy sky. It's throwing up a bunch of errors messages as someone at the property closed their account in Nov 2016. Called them up, and was told if anyone, even someone with a different name, held an account with sky at the property in the last 12 months you'll have to do it over the phone, and a maximum of £30 credit could be applied to waive the quidco amount. Hmm..
6 Jun 17 3 #53
Brilliant deal. Managed to get complete bundle (incl sports and cinema) all in HD, unlimted broadband, line rental, multi-room, 2TB sky Q box along with mini box for second room. One off cost of £50 and £60 per month for 18 months. And if you call them make sure you tell them about the Quidco £150 cash back. they knocked over £230 off my package spread over the 18 months. this package bought at full retail price is over £130 a month. plus i got a £25 prepaid card. happy days
6 Jun 17 #54
I was with Sky up until 2 years ago. Would I count as a new customer?
6 Jun 17 #55
This deal isn't actually as good as I first thought.
6 Jun 17 #56
6 Jun 17 #57
If you add Sky Fibre Unlimited, it only costs £6.01 extra (you need line rental £18.99) Total one off cost is £50.
A lot of people seem to be asking so I hope this answers your question...
'Over 350 addictively good Box Sets, plus over 350 channels including more than 50 in HD. Also includes 4,500 episodes of kids shows.'
6 Jun 17 #58
do you definitely get the £115 cash back with topcashback or does it depend on other factors ?
6 Jun 17 1 #59
i phoned them up and they knocked over £230 off my deal spread over the 18 months. worth it if your not bothered about the cash.
6 Jun 17 1 #60
Sky are failing, they have lost rights to many sporting events they used to have a grip on, competition from BT and the rise and rise of Netflix, Amazon video and the Kodi boxes have all taken their toll, but Sky still charge the same or higher prices as when they were the only player and had rights to all the main sporting events, they even had the cheek after paying £80 a month to charge people £15 for one off events such as Boxing. They either now lower their prices or face a mass exodus of paying subscribers to reflect the new reality that they are no longer exclusive and much of their content can be had for free or at cheaper prices elsewhere on demand.

I don't have an aerial so all my FTV channels come through my Sky HD box, the only time I will be signing up again will be when the box and dish need replacing, which by current form is around every 8-10 years.
6 Jun 17 #61
does anyone know if sky would install an aerial too?
i'll be moving into a new build in a couple of weeks and its one of the many things you don't get included :confused: also i'd want the full complete package off them, might it be worth ringing them up?
6 Jun 17 #62
Cancelled sky a couple of months back, took NOW TV Combo with Freesat I get everything I want when I want no contracts etc..

Sky is not worth it anymore 50% off or not its still expensive.
6 Jun 17 1 #63
Buy a Humax 1100s gives you freesat with all the recoding and series link functions as well as freetime.
6 Jun 17 1 #64
I refuse to give them £14 to get the sport in HD. Just tried my luck again. No dice.
I have a FF code to get the whole lot for £3.75 less than this "deal".
Who the **** wants to pay good money for grainy SD TV these days?
Need to address this.
I can get reliable SD "elsewhere" for free with a bit of jiggery pokery.
**** takers.
6 Jun 17 #65
Are these deals even that good?! I'm paying £10 a month for Variety bundle at the minute (66% discount). I know of others who have been offered 75% discount too.
6 Jun 17 #66
No, they will not install an aerial because Sky / NowTV are only available via a satellite dish or over the Internet. Your best bet is to try and find a reputable local TV aerial installation firm.
6 Jun 17 #67
Did you get this offer over the phone? might be worth giving them a ring at that kind of price! :smile:
6 Jun 17 #68
Ahh ok, thanks for the reply! :sunglasses:
6 Jun 17 3 #69
i certainly did. so what happend was i signed up yesterday and got 40% off tv blah blah blah and was going ot be paying £52 a month for 1TB box, no multi room, no sports, no cinema etc etc so rang them up after seeing this deal and he basically chucked evey discount they had at me. told him i saw the quidco cashback and next minute hes like yeah we can give you another £230 of discount, broadband free line rental discounted half price on all TV, i had already paid for £50 installation fee on my 1TB box and he upgraded me for nothing to 2TB box including installtion the lot.
6 Jun 17 1 #70
Thanks for this - I have just phoned them as I cancelled last week. Ranted a bit about offers for new customers/not valuing loyal customers etc ... and got offered the bundle including Sky Sports for £20 a month! Thanks again..
6 Jun 17 #71
I don't think so.

When my contract ended - and after pointing out that Sky no longer had monopolies on decent movies and sport - I was only offered 50% on full package. Still £40 a month, when Now TV is cheap as chips. I guess I'd been spoilt as I originally signed up a couple of years ago on a 75% off offer.
6 Jun 17 #72
They have been offering between 60% and 75% off since Christmas.
6 Jun 17 #73
What's an FF code?
6 Jun 17 #74
Can you actually chose a bundle on the old HD box anymore, can't see it on their website?
6 Jun 17 #75
Family/friends just a guess
6 Jun 17 #76
Should be able to. Sky Bb & tv are separate entities. Just go online & try signing up for this TV deal without Logging In.

Good find OP.
Great virgin deal, if you catch ma drift!
6 Jun 17 #77
can I just confirm it's half price for 18 months, 18 month contract so I can cancel at the end when it increases. Thanks
6 Jun 17 #78

You get HD in the boxsets pack, Cinema is in HD as standard. You just have to pay £6 for HD for sports
6 Jun 17 #79
yes :smiley:
6 Jun 17 2 #80
I got the FULL package ALL in HD last time MSE did code, £58.90 a month. (now £60 with price increase)
Sky Q is very slick, but their broadband aint fibre in my area so back to virgin i go via TCB, when my 12 month contract ends in Sept.
PS i am a postie and the min you cancel they send the 60% off please come back letter right away, see it every day, so haggle hard if your staying!
6 Jun 17 #81
costing 14 quid
6 Jun 17 1 #82
I went on chat to see what they offers they had, I was offered 60% but I said no then offered 75% off, I said I want credit as well, chat person asked supervisor & came back with £30 credit with 12 month contract.
6 Jun 17 #83
You have to be willing to leave. I know many people that haven't been given a decent discount until after they had left Sky. They ask you to return with a discount.
6 Jun 17 #84
Does sports bundle have original for free? Is the sports in HD.? I'm lost on there site very confused thanks op
6 Jun 17 #85
i got the VIP deal with virgin. £85 a month with £250 topcashback, but comes with bt sport aswell and 2 boxes.
shall i cancel and get sky?
6 Jun 17 #86
No SD you have to buy the box set bundle and then select sky sports HD. Cost £36 a month for that deal unless you call them and ask for a better deal
6 Jun 17 #87
LOL The best they can offer me on online chat!

Just to let you know you can check the full Sky terms & conditions on All of these services have a separate contract. The minimum term duration for your: Sky Q TV services is 18 months contract. (Sky Q equipment is loaned to you by Sky at no cost) Sky Talk & Fibre Unlimited services is 18 months contract. Prices may increase and services may vary, including during your minimum term. Here is your package summary: Box Sets Sky Q Bundle @ £38.00 pm Sports & Cinema Pack @ £36.00 pm Sky Q Sports HD Pack @ £6.00 pm Sky Line Rental @ £18.99 with Pay as you Talk @ £0.00 pm Broadband Fibre Unlimited @ £20.00 pm (Router delivery charge of £9.95 added to your first bill) So your total monthly cost will be £118.99 per month.(without offer)
6 Jun 17 #88
if you haggle they will do a good deal. I am currently paying £20.90 for the top tv package including hd. I also got £100 credit by asking and a rolling 1 month contract
6 Jun 17 #89
but what was your offer after discounts?
6 Jun 17 #90
called up about this offer, apparently it is only for new customers with no sky products, as I have phone and broadband with them, I AM NOT ELIGIBLE!!! - but they would offer me 45% off - told them to forget it, as I would no doubt not be eligible for tcb or quidco either - sky is a joke
6 Jun 17 1 #91
Bare in mind I would be a new Sky customer.
I tried live chat and was a waste of time, wasn't willing to offer any discount other than the 50% off.
On the phone this is what i was offered;

Sky Q Box Sets bundle, including sports, cinema and all HD channels,
Free broadband for the 18 month contract,

£54.74 a month
One off charges £30 - refunded off first bill
Delivery charge £9.99

6 Jun 17 1 #92
probably a good deal if it was fibre for BB
6 Jun 17 #93
Do they send the box or does someone have to come and set it up for you?

6 Jun 17 #94
Been away from Sky for 18 months now and don't really miss it.
Very rarely watched anything that wasn't on terrestrial channels.
However, as they're offering the Basic package, with Phone & Fibre for £31 per month, I'm tempted, as we are paying £34 for Fibre & Phone as it is.
6 Jun 17 #95
go IPTV magbox. alot cheaper and alot better.
6 Jun 17 #96
Just discovered the same...
Sky's loss though!
6 Jun 17 #97
A few questions for you sky experts;
- It seems you have to have the 2TB box for 4k. It is cheaper installation with multi-room. The mini boxes however do not seem to be 4k compatible? Is this correct? so you only get 4k on the main 2TB set top box.
- Is Sky Sports in Ultra HD when you have the 2TB box?
- If you have thick walls - are there signal issues with the mini boxes (I live in an old house)
6 Jun 17 #98
Hilarious that people still actually pay extortionate fees to Sky...
6 Jun 17 1 #99
This is a new customer deal which includes a dish & will be fitted with 2 connections.

If you want to future proof your home, ie add more rooms with sky then you need to buy a quad or oct lnb from ebay & give it to the sky engineer to fit. They are very helpful.
6 Jun 17 #100
- Mini boxes are up to 1080p. Only the main 2TB box is 4k.
- There is 4k Sky sports content. I think all the premier league games are 4k and all the F1 Racing is also 4K.
- I can't speak for the signal on the wifi on the boxes but I can't imagine it being amazing if you have issues with other devices. They can be plugged in via ethernet if that or powerline adapters is something you could sort out.

Speaking of wifi though - the mini boxes act as wifi repeaters so if they do get signal, any other devices around it can piggyback off the wifi the mini box is receiving.
6 Jun 17 #101
6 Jun 17 #102
I got 75% off the complete package until 2022 due to a mistake by sky when accepting an offer , normally sky will do a 60% off and add credit of around £50 if you go on live chat and ask for it, you could also ask that early termination charges are removed and there would be no minimum contract term either.
6 Jun 17 #103
Was that fibre broadband and if so was it unlimited?
6 Jun 17 #104
I left virgin for sky. Never been happier with my internet/tv
6 Jun 17 #105
Wonder if you can get this installed without any internet. My gran has no need for the net but would like sky in.
6 Jun 17 1 #106
I'm unable to get fibre optic so that was normal broadband, unlimited.
6 Jun 17 #107
Was checking my father's sky account, absolutely shocked to see he's paying £75 a month. £32 for Variety and £43 for Fibre 38Mb. Will have to tell him to threaten to leave next time I pop round to see him...
6 Jun 17 1 #108
Yeah, I switched to BT last August and i am currently saving a bundle. Sky's buyback team have been bombarding me with 60% off for 12 months deals though and at one point, sent me an offer of 75% off. I get quite a few calls from them too, offering to buyout my contract with BT, but not having any of it. Waiting on my contract with BT to end and then I'll go with whoever offers the best deal. BT is my preference though as they have all the European club football and allow you to google cast their sports channels when you're out and about. Sky seem to hate the idea of Google cast and hide behind the 'licencing agreements' excuse.
6 Jun 17 1 #109
An engineer will come with your new box and set it up for you. They will also install a Sky dish if there is not one already, and may even relocate an existing Sky dish to improve the signal strength & quality if necessary (with your permission).

If there is an existing Sky dish, they will also check the signal strength & replace any original single cable feed from the dish with a dual ("shotgun") cable feed and fit a new LNB if necessary - both things required by Sky+ / Sky Q to be able to watch one channel while recording another, etc.
6 Jun 17 #110
Sky are RUBBISH. Don't get me wrong the menu is great but I didn't know fast speed internet until I moved over to Virgin Media. Stayed just for the internet. Both are a bump channel wise.
6 Jun 17 #111
Yes, you can get Sky TV without the Sky Broadband / Sky Fibre package.
6 Jun 17 #112
I got the same with 100pound voucher from virgin . It worked out £55 a month with cashbook and voucher my take talk was 37 so it was a no brainer the Internet is fantastic 220mb now this is a good deal also thanks op
6 Jun 17 #113
Cheaper with now tv
6 Jun 17 #114
Sky dish as in one of those they put on the roof?
6 Jun 17 #115
Yes, a satellite dish (Sky dish) is currently required for Sky TV. They are most commonly fitted to the side of the property facing south, but can also be installed on the roof depending on the type of property.

However, Sky are planning to offer dish-free Sky TV (internet only) via Sky Q in 2018:

Sky TV to go satellite dish-free in 2018 - BBC News

Sky Q without a dish: web-only service to launch in 2018 - WIRED UK
6 Jun 17 1 #116
Pretty sure this won't work. I think it goes by your address now... :disappointed:
6 Jun 17 #117
Question: if you cancel Sky how long do you have to wait before becoming a 'new' customer. Or it it straightaway?
6 Jun 17 #118
Usually 12 months
6 Jun 17 #119
So people have got a better deal as a new customer by ringing Sky?
6 Jun 17 #120
Just recently moved to Freesat. No regrets.
6 Jun 17 #121
Am I missing something here?
- Complete Bundle with Multi-Room + 2TB Q box = £52 pm + £60 install fee
- Box Set Bundle + Sky Sports + Movies + Multi-Room + 2TB Q box = £49 pm + £60 install fee

The only difference I can see is 'Sky Sports in HD' for £3 pm.

According to the literature however - it suggests Sky Sports will be in Ultra HD by having the 2TB box!? So why include the HD pack for £3?

Anyone know???
6 Jun 17 #122
Only down side is there new Q modem only has two Ethernet outlets
6 Jun 17 #123
12 months but the 50% offer appeared in my acount arfter a few seconds
6 Jun 17 #124
You can't swap your account to another person to benefit from new customer offers. However you can cancel and then get your partner to sign up as a new customer to get new customer offers. Just like if you where to move house, the new occupier of your property might want to sign up to Sky and as such would get the new customer offer as it the name that is tracked not the address.
6 Jun 17 #125
I got a similar deal but £70 yesterday with sky unltd fibre. Was yours fibre or broadband?
6 Jun 17 #126
You need the Q 2TB box, Box Sets Bundle (which has a built in HD pack, if you will, for all applicable channels except), Sports and Sports HD minimum to be able to watch in ultra HD. It is daft and this is 2017 so should be just included with the Sports pack. Perhaps in the future.
6 Jun 17 #127
how .much are you paying per month
6 Jun 17 #128
If you're a current customer you can also get this deal by threatening to leave.
6 Jun 17 #129
last query (thanks for previous replies) - do you need internet for the box sets (are they streamed, or sent via the satellite dish)?
6 Jun 17 #130
I agree all of above I too cannot wait to cease sky
6 Jun 17 1 #131
Not true, the'll call your bluff,

I was with them for years and every year I had at least 50% off, in the last year they were literally begging me to leave stating I could without any early termination charges.

There was no way I was going to get any offers whatsoever as soon it flagged up how many offers I had previously
6 Jun 17 #132
I called and said give me 50% or I'm leaving and they said okay.

For the majority the trick works, shame they wanted rid of you.
6 Jun 17 #133
Has anyone confirmed cashback tracks with this 50% offer? I know previously they wouldn't honour the cashback if you purchased sky under a discount!
6 Jun 17 #134
Even better make friends with a sky engineer and get the full package for £35 a month
6 Jun 17 1 #135
I recently used a Staff IAF offer and got the compete bundle plus multiroom for £47/m.

Just called Sky and got 1/3 off line rental for 18m and £30 credit too and my services haven't even been installed yet.

So for me, I've got the complete bundle, multiroom, Sky Q 2TB, fibre max and line rental for less than £75/m for 18m plus a £30 credit to my first bill. I'm happy with that.
6 Jun 17 #136
No you don't need the internet for box sets. All box set episodes are broadcast on the channels you subscribe to (including free-to-air channels).

Without an internet connection, each episode of a box set is recorded via Sky+ as it is broadcast - usually every week in the same slot for as long as the series lasts. If you request a box set half-way through a series, it will record the earlier episodes from repeats which are scheduled on the same channel during the night.

However, if you do have an internet connection, you can stream or download episodes on demand. In some cases, you can even download the entire box set as soon as the first episode has been broadcast.
6 Jun 17 #137
How on earth can Sky warrant the one off cost difference between the 1TB and 2TB Sky Q boxes? 1TB is a £20 and the 2TB is £199. Absolutely ridiculous.
6 Jun 17 3 #138
im speaking to an abhishek now on sky not getting anything better as an existing customer to join SKY Q, i belive shy HD teams are different form SKY Q
i swear on the sky chat , one person talks to a number of customers, massive delay between responses
just been given no contract at 60% off for upto 12months, i can cancel anytime within 12 months and £50 credit using sky HD.
6 Jun 17 #139
What did you say to them
6 Jun 17 #140
Guys i want to get the Sky sports package for £24. Can someone tell me how much cashback i can get from this? FINALLY, how much cashback can i also get from taking out the broadband with them also - New to all this scams, i mean *offers
6 Jun 17 #141
6 Jun 17 #142
No. Literally make up any name you want.
I use my middle name as my surname
6 Jun 17 #143
Check Quidco and Topcashback for the best rates. These aren't guaranteed though, Sly sometimes decline casaback if you're using a discount too
6 Jun 17 #144
I took the £24.75 sports package with sky and went with virgin for 200 mb broadband which is included line rental and weekend and evening calls for £37 , is there any better deal than this up here plez advice me.....

Thanks in advance
6 Jun 17 #145
Is it just me or do you have to buy the "box set bundle" to be able to then pay EXTRA to to turn your Sky Sports bundle in to HD? what a con.
6 Jun 17 #146
Literally just came in here to ask this :confused:
6 Jun 17 #147
It will cost you £14 more for sport in HD. Deal breaker.
6 Jun 17 #148
Unfortunately you are correct, have you tried with the variety bundle?
6 Jun 17 #149
No it says I need to add the box set bundle to add the HD to sky sports... Unbelievable.
6 Jun 17 #150
update from filipr (messaged me directly)- states deal is available in store as well.

never heard of sky stores to be honest but I'm sure someone can confirm?
6 Jun 17 #151
Just that the current online offer is close to the offer I got with the staff IAF plus I could get £150 Quidco. I'll cancel and reorder but I'd rather not have the hassle.
6 Jun 17 #152
1tb doesnt do Ultra Hd or 4K, only the 2TB allows that
6 Jun 17 1 #153
For people going for quidco cash back just double check when you via the quidco page it only gives your 12 months discount, whereas if you talk to customer services they can give you the sky Q2tb box for just £15 extra that's a saving of £185 .
6 Jun 17 #154
Plus the half price for 18 months.
6 Jun 17 #155
Any VM customers tried using this to haggle down their services?
6 Jun 17 #156
full package 35
6 Jun 17 #157
desperate times for Murdoch and his crew. ahahahahaa Hot deal though for the ones looking to join sky.
6 Jun 17 #158
By the looks of things. Most of the guys here want the Sky sports package, with free basic package for £25 all in

Question is, where's the cheapest place to get broadband to go with this??
7 Jun 17 2 #159
How does this new sky Q work for multiroom, do both boxes need to be in the same house ?

Me and a mate always order multiroom and take one box for each of our houses...! It only cost an extra £10 for the multiroom box so worked out cheap for both of us. Worked fine for years, but can something like this still be done with the new sky Q ? PS I don't really give a toss about if it's right/wrong to do this, sky are a bunch of crooks anyway !
7 Jun 17 #160
it's when you leave them they keep calling back for you to join and offer the best discounts
7 Jun 17 #161
Am paying £48 all channels plus broadband. 1tb sky Q free of charge + free installation. You got to hustle with sky don't let them rip you off. I think they gave me 60% off all channels which worked out £28. I know people who have got 75% off all channels.
7 Jun 17 #162
Anyone know if tvlink works with the new boxes?
7 Jun 17 #163
anyone now if sky q card works in older sky hd box will it just pair
7 Jun 17 #164
I called last night and asked to leave (now out of contract) and was offered the top tv package with all movies/box sets/sports in hd for £50 a month - 18 month contract. This is a 40% discount and the girl would not match the 50% offer for new customers. I accepted but I'm still thinking about phoning back and cancelling as I'm within the cooling off period - but am I going to get a better offer than 40% off?!?
7 Jun 17 #165
does sky q need to connected to the internet at all times. i was thinking of getting this and then moving it to a different house with connecting to internet.
7 Jun 17 #166
Don't forget you need to run an additional wire.
7 Jun 17 #167
Why not just leave at the end of the contract and go elsewhere and when that contract has finished go back to SKY and keep getting the discounts.
7 Jun 17 #168
As soon as we cancelled we logged into sky account and 50% off was there, and a week later 60% was there, but only off of sky+, and I want to get sky q.issus won't answer the phone to them as she doesn't know what I want, and I don't like speaking to them as I have a different surname and want to be a new customer if need be.

Did someone mention they got them to match the f+f deal of sky q complete for £35 for 18mths with the 2tb install of £60?

7 Jun 17 #169
No I work for sky max we can do is 40%
7 Jun 17 2 #170
That's untrue.
7 Jun 17 2 #171
Ok, we happily dumped Sky around ten years or so ago, and have never looked back. We are Amazon, Netflix, and Now TV subscribers with the occasional torrents / Plex usage and Kodi for up to date US shows that we follow. If there are any football games I wish to see, I pick up a cheap sports pass from eBay.

We are pretty much happy with the above along with our YouView box. However, whereas Netflix and Amazon can stream in instant 4K with no buffering, Now TV has brief periods where it can look quite pixelated, and we miss subtitles too, and the Sky Q box would be more wife friendly too. With this in mind, I am seriously thinking of going for this offer. Do the programmes on Sky TV catch-up have the subtitles that Now TV lacks, and are these catch-up episodes also without adverts?

Thanks in advance.
7 Jun 17 #172
Great first deal heat
7 Jun 17 #173
Just do what I do and switch names every 12 or 18 months however long your contract is with them. I have done that over the past 4 years between myself and another person. It classes it as a new customer.
7 Jun 17 #174
Have you got a new NowTV Smart Box (3rd Gen), or one of the original white (1st Gen) or black (2nd Gen) boxes?

The latest NowTV Smart Box is a big improvement over the first two iterations:
7 Jun 17 #175
Can now tv boxes run off the sky satellite dish?
7 Jun 17 #176
Nope. But the latest one can use a normal aerial for freeview channels.
7 Jun 17 #177
Just need to be consistent and cheeky with them I find, there was a few offers on last month but nowhere near 50%, I managed to get them to 40% plus £25 pre-paid card back. We were paying £22 for boxset bundle, but added cinema since now paying £33 but can cancel that with a month's notice at anytime. Also that's fixed at that cost throughout the 18 months contract.

I was on a web chat to them and said it was tempting but there is IPTV to compete against and freeview.
7 Jun 17 #178
It gets the channel guide, new shows, your q etc via the internet, the tv obviously comes via the dish but all the demand stuff is via the internet
7 Jun 17 #179
I've never used a Now TV box. Just cannibalise the bundles for the codes and use them with the Xbox One app. Do you get subtitles using the box then?
7 Jun 17 #180
They are also offering this as retention deal
7 Jun 17 1 #181
Dont see why so hot, im paying £30 a month for full package (all in hd) via mse. Also posted same deal and got voted cold- bizarre voting imo.
7 Jun 17 #182
I don't think so... I only have the BB and they are only offering me 33% off packages to upgrade.
Might be worth a look though.
7 Jun 17 #183
They offered me a deal that was more expensive that what I could get on their website being an existing customer!! So I've cancelled! Had enough of them to be honest! I cancelled last time and then suddenly got 50% off when I logged back into my account! What a joke of a system to have to do this all the time!
7 Jun 17 #184
Can I watch NOW TV with subtitles? - NOW TV Help Centre
7 Jun 17 #185
Thanks, I've seen that but very few shows have them yet. When you suggested trying the Now TV Smart Box I thought you were saying it would help, but if offers the same as the Xbox One app.

Can someone just tell me if catch-up TV and box sets on Sky Q have subtitles please?
7 Jun 17 #186
Thanks OP.

ANy reccomendations on how i get the signal from a Q box to another room without paying them £12 a month? i currently have an RF setup but obviously the Q box wont do this.
The 2 options i have so far, HDMI RF Modulator (£120) or a cat6 HDMI extender and re cable to that room. Id appriciate any advice :smile:
7 Jun 17 #187
If you work for Sky, how do you justify the £199 set up charge for the 2tb box? Does it really take 10 times longer to install than the 1tb?
7 Jun 17 #188
If you use a Neet HDMI Splitter and an IR HDMI injector kit you not only can run the signal, you can change channels from the other room. No need to involve RF at all. Dont think theres even an RF out on Q boxes. I used this set up with Sky HD box and now with ZGemma H2S. Works a treat. I find that if there is a need to watch a different channel in another room, that the other channel is invariably on Freeview anyway.
Never yearned for, or missed multi-room. Expect to pay about £70 for the kit depending on how many splits you want. You will of course need to supply and run HDMI cables to rooms as required.
7 Jun 17 #189
The RF modulator converts HDMI to RF and has the remote function as well. You just have an IR blaster at each end.
7 Jun 17 #190
I'm not saying it is right or wrong, but isn't the increased price to offset the price of the extra tech with the 2TB box? Double the storage, facility to record an extra channel over the lesser box, and the Bluetooth touch sensitive remote control with voice search must come at price.
7 Jun 17 #191
You can get the sky Q app on a phone or tablet, can you link either to your other TV?
7 Jun 17 #192
Looks like the same issues are around Sky Q and subtitles with on-demand content. There has been a campaign on Facebook to force Sky to enable subtitles for on-demand content which is now going through parliament as part of an amendment to the Digital Economy Bill. This will allow Ofcom to set on-demand subtitle quotas for broadcasters.

Subtitles on demand – our progress so far - Sky (August 2016)

Campaign win! - Action On Hearing Loss: RNID
7 Jun 17 #193
You should have got offered 50% off minimum. Personally I'd cancel and get Now TV, but it depends how much you want the PVR, HD and sports.
7 Jun 17 #194
Wow, nearly 1000 degrees for a fairly bog standard offer. This would normally stall at around 200, am I missing something?
7 Jun 17 #195
Yeah i thought that was the answer but they dont support hdmi out for the Q app :disappointed:
7 Jun 17 #196
If I'm reading it right can you only get the ultra HD content on the 2tb box if you also have multiscreen?

I've only got one TV so wouldn't have multiscreen but if I had a 2tb box can I still get the ultra HD? Seems a ripoff if not.
7 Jun 17 #197
Had a 60% offer in my account to come back now its 50% will it go to 75% anytime soon?
7 Jun 17 #198
hott. came across this deal by chance on the website and ordered
7 Jun 17 #199
I canceled 2 weeks ago, have paid my last bill, so in my eyes I am a new customer but no, this is sky.
I tried to buy this on-line in both mine and my wifes name.
Because there has been sky at my address in the last 12 months I was denied.
Now TV it is then, cheers I will enjoy not giving sky much money anymore.
7 Jun 17 #200
it's around £25 for the complete sky hd pack with multiroom, I also got half price line rental and half price fibre unlimited so works out around £40 per month for the lot.
7 Jun 17 #201
I thought this was a 3 day deal ?
7 Jun 17 #202
I thought this was a 3 day deal
7 Jun 17 #203

Sky - Rejoin with 75% off and £100 credit - HotUKDeals

Left Sky within the last 12 months? Your exclusive offers to come back to Sky TV:

Or see if live chat can do any better using the link on this page:
7 Jun 17 #204
As far as Ive been told no. There's no RF Out
7 Jun 17 #205
why does it say ends today 2pm? I thought it was 3 days or have I missed something?
7 Jun 17 1 #206
complete bundle 35 for 18 months
7 Jun 17 #207
I hear your anger but all companies are like that. Whether its car insurance, your bank, mobile network, broadband, etc none of them care about your loyality. They get you in with the good deals then after that they don't care and that is why people constantly change and jump ship cause we have to.
7 Jun 17 1 #208
Thanks OP!

I've just signed up. I've gone for the original bundle + cinema package + multiroom with free mini sky Q box + 2gb hard drive.
Came out at £32PM (you don't get half price on the multi room) with £60 one off payment.
I mentioned the quidco (which I don't use) & they knocked £30 off my first payment.

First time using Sky so I'm excited. The new Q box looks decent.
7 Jun 17 #209
Can a Sky Q card be paired to a sky hd box - Digital Spy Forums
7 Jun 17 #210
Hi all
I've been with sky since 1998 I've had few
Good deals in the past I ask them if they
would offer free tv as been with them for
long time they said they can't then they said
would you go to a shop and get something
free this how they treat a loyal customer
7 Jun 17 #211
was supposed to be . but sky for some reason to pull the plug on it and offer 33% instead of 50%.
7 Jun 17 #212
Talktalk offered me large fibre broadband, unlimited landline to mobile calls, 1000 international calls a month for 18 month contract with free plus TV for £25per month. I haven't seen anything better in market.
7 Jun 17 #213
TalkTalk hack 'affected 157,000 customers' - BBC News

TalkTalk hit with record £400k fine over cyber-attack - The Guardian

Scammers hired hundreds of 'staff' to defraud TalkTalk customers - The Register
7 Jun 17 #214
Nice of Sky to pull the plug on their "3 day deal" within a day...
7 Jun 17 #215
New customer deal complete bundle 35 for 18months
7 Jun 17 1 #216
Where do you see that?
7 Jun 17 #217
If you phone Sky you can still get the deal plus £20 vouchers and £20 off first months bill.
7 Jun 17 #218

It now says 7th July - a month from today.

Still goes into the basket at half price for me when selecting the package.
7 Jun 17 #219
Well I was more or less going to go for this. I didn't rush into it thinking I had a couple of days to decide....
7 Jun 17 #220
Me too **** **** now cheeky **** should complain
7 Jun 17 #221
which number? I tried and they wouldn't budge from 50% off
7 Jun 17 #222
I've just messaged Sky and got the 50% off deal, just over an hour after it finished. I said (honestly - I actually had) that I'd been on chat with someone else at Sky in the morning, and I'd like to take them up on the 50% deal. The guy gave me a customised web link that gave the 50% off for 18 months, and I've just finished signing up for it. Might be worth a try.
7 Jun 17 1 #223
Hardly anyone is reporting 75% discount. The best deal that people are getting is 60% with some getting a further £50 account credit.
7 Jun 17 #224
It hasn't finished and you don't need a customised web link! You can go on the normal Sky website right now, select whichever package you want and it gives a 50% discount.

There are so many people getting confused between June and July, maybe I'm the one going mad and it really is 7th July today :smile:
7 Jun 17 #225
The main number off Sky. Com website and when you ring as new customer. I have spoken to 6 different agents in the last 2 days to get the best deal. Another one has just offered £30 tesco vouchers plus £20 back on the box/fitting cost and £24.75 for sports package in sd as above. He did say if I take sports in HD for £35 you can have the 2tb box for £80. My offer was £40 for box and £30 for sports in HD no luck yet but will call them again tonight. All you can do is try!
7 Jun 17 #226
They won't budge on 50% on the live chat. I pushed for the £20 vouchers and £20 off the first bill mentioned about and got nothing.

I was also told I can't get Quidco and any offer together, and it was the cash back that sold it to me. I'm happy enough with Amazon and Netflix if they can't match what other new customers have received.
7 Jun 17 #227
Right, I've been on live chat and they say that this 50% offer expires at the end of today, so I'm not sure where the "2pm on 7th July" has come from.

Also confirmed that if I got the 2tb box I wouldn't be able to access the ultra HD content on it unless I paid extra for multiscreen which is a total rip off when I only have one TV and would be paying an extra £179 for the box! So basically I've left it and will stick with what I've got, balls to rejoining Sky.
7 Jun 17 1 #228
The box drops to £60 when you pay for multiscreen so only an extra £40 for the box.
7 Jun 17 #229
a mod edited the title not me . someone told me it was expiring though and the 33% was coming into play . but nice of you to find out for others .
7 Jun 17 #230
But you then have to pay an extra £12 per month for the 18 month contract = £216. And I noted that when adding the multiscreen option there's no 50% discount on that!
7 Jun 17 #231
I am only offered 50% off Sky HD, I have been told to **** off twice by Sky so I am gonna do that.
7 Jun 17 #232
Did they literally tell you to f*** off ?
7 Jun 17 #233
7 Jun 17 1 #234
Whatever. Crack on. You're the expert now it seems.
I use remote over HDMI cables with my above set up. Works perfectly.
7 Jun 17 1 #235
the live chat advisor just told me the 50% was just for the first 2000 subscribers
7 Jun 17 #236
I rang up this evening and got the 50% off over the phone. They said they only have a few codes left and it went through. I got the multiroom add on for an extra £12 per month (no discount given on that). I got the box for free though as he said its normally £99 and they offer a discount of upto £60 off which makes it £40 but he waived that price.

Dunno if I really need the multiroom but I've got 30 days to cancel it.

Gutted I can't get the quidco or tcb on this. I couldn't order this online as my address pops up as previously having sky and they couldn't sort that over the phone.
7 Jun 17 #237
Are you calling me a liar ? The maximum we have is 40% I wouldn't lie on a forum my job is important to me we generally only have 40% maximum for exist customers
7 Jun 17 #238
I have picked Variety & Sky Q, just joined over the phone after 8PM.

Can anyone tell me please which HD channels are included in that Variety package? Thanks!
7 Jun 17 1 #239
complete bundle 35 per month for 18 month
7 Jun 17 #241
Thanks mate. It does not look great...
BBC One HD, BBC Two HD, BBC Three HD, BBC Four HD, ITV HD, Channel 4 HD, BBC News HD, NHK World HD, RT HD, CBBC HD, CBeebies HD

If rest channels are SD is it not better get Now TV with the same SD streaming quality for less?
7 Jun 17 1 #242
An extra £3 per month gets you: Alibi HD, Animal Planet HD, Cartoon Network HD, Channel 5 HD, Comedy Central HD, Crime and Investigation HD, Dave HD, Discovery HD, Disney Channel HD, Disney Junior HD, Disney XD HD, FOX HD, Good Food HD, History HD, E! HD, E4 HD, Eden HD, Eurosport HD, Eurosport 2 HD, Film 4 HD, ITV2 HD, ITV3 HD, ITV4 HD, Lifetime HD, More 4 HD, MTV HD, National Geographic HD, Nat Geo Wild HD, Nickelodeon HD, Sky 1 HD, Sky Arts 1 HD, Sky Arts 2 HD, Sky Atlantic HD, Sky Living HD, Sky News HD, Sky Sports News HQ HD, Star Plus HD, Sy Fy HD, TCM HD, TLC HD, Universal HD, Watch HD

You could try getting them to move you up to that package, I'm sure if you threaten to pull out they'll be more than happy to do it.
7 Jun 17 #243
codes available
8 Jun 17 #244
Sky is joke, they will offer the world just to get you into a contract, those days are well and truly gone, any mug wanting a contract for 18 months must be off there head there's still alot of free TV out there with NO CONTRACT try and get out of it once your in it!!!!!
8 Jun 17 #245
What! Yesterday the Sky site said only 2 days left and today the offer has gone!
8 Jun 17 #246
someone earlier (sometime yesterday posted in this thread) stating they were only giving out the discount to 2000 customers . At the time the OP said they are claiming only a few left. I did read though a
they will be offering 33%. checked the website and they only seem to be giving 33%
8 Jun 17 2 #247
I spoke to a guy who sells Sky in a shopping centre yesterday evening. I told him what I had with Virgin and what I wanted from Sky (a 2TB Sky Q box, one mini, the complete TV package (except for Sports which i don't watch), HD, boxsets, Sky Fibre Max Unlimited, telephone line (no calls included) ) and he offered me it for £65 a month with £45 up front (for installation I think he said - not that I care!) for 18 months.
I told him I couldn't take it out just yet because I was still in contract with Virgin till the end of July, so he gave me a form which he said meant I could claim back any early cancellation fees from Virgin (upto a maximum of £100). So i signed up there and then. Im very happy. £65 a month and only £45 up front. Job done.
I know a few people who've had great deals thrown at them from these shopping centre sellers, so i suggest you talk to one to see what they can offer you. Its worth a try at least.
8 Jun 17 #248
Even the 33% off seems to have disappeared now and it's back to full price! Got to love the consistency...

Edit - 33% off link still seems to be available via Quidco but not via
8 Jun 17 #249
matty u havnt got pm on
8 Jun 17 #250
Was offered 60% but it was not 60% it was about 51% am on 80pounds a month was offered it for 39 pounds I explained 60% off was 32pounds then was offered it for 36amonth still not 60% so left it
8 Jun 17 1 #251
should be £35.60 with 60% off ... afaik sky don't discount HD so its charged at £6
8 Jun 17 1 #252
Correct. The main things they don't discount are the £6 HD and the £12 multiroom.

Sky Complete, which includes the £6 HD, costs £80. They take 60% off the £74, giving £29.60, and add the £6 HD charge to that. The total would be £35.60 - increasing to £47.60 if you want multiroom.
8 Jun 17 #253
is 60% still on? I've got 35 for 18 months anybody
9 Jun 17 #254
Got 60%off 50 credit and no contract I only need to hand in 31days notice my own hd box
9 Jun 17 1 #255
Why charge for hd now? All boxs and tv are hd now
9 Jun 17 1 #256
it's not 'any' cancellation fee, only phone or bb related. so make sure ur not in any tv contract with virgin
9 Jun 17 1 #257
If you have Sky Box Sets but only watch Sky Sports in HD, you might as well cancel the £6.00 HD pack and see if they give it you for free:

Sky Sports HD now FREE (subscription needed) - HotUKDeals
9 Jun 17 1 #258
Wish I could go into Tesco and ask them for free shopping as I've shopped with them for years... OFC they wont just give you free TV. Shesh.. C'mon.
9 Jun 17 #259
Will try thanks mh
10 Jun 17 1 #260
complete bundle 35 for 18 month ends 22 june
10 Jun 17 1 #261
For new customers? Do you have a link?
10 Jun 17 #262
That's what's stopping me going back!
10 Jun 17 #263
I would definitely call back and cancel. They do offer better deals, they are currently offering me 60% but if to the additional cost for hd on sports which is the deal breaker.
10 Jun 17 #264
yep pm me and any new customers
10 Jun 17 #265
You're not allowed to self promote as a staff member.
12 Jun 17 #266
I made an account just for this and I can't PM because I apparently need to be more active haha. Any other way you can share a link?
15 Jun 17 #267
missed this deal, sky cancelled today and max they offered 40 % on the option 12 months left sky.. Any tricks someone got?
15 Jun 17 1 #268
Hold out. You'll get 60% minimum. You have 28 days to change your mind.
Just pop back in sky chat every week or so for a deal. Take the 60% off for renewing sky HD then go online to upgrade to Sky Q for just pennies after that!
15 Jun 17 #269
can't pm you but interested in this.
10 Jul 17 #270
Tough session tonight with SKY. I quit last month and waited for a better offer than 50% off, but none came. Checked my account and the discount had dropped to 40%. Went on to chat they upped the offer immediately to 50% and £25 quid credit.

After much back and forward they increased to 60% but maintained £25 credit. I tried various ways to reach my target which was full sky had pakage for £28. Max they would let me have was full package for £32 inc HD sports and movies

We didn't manage to agree so I started scaling back what I was prepared to buy, I dropped sports and said they would need to offer rolling contract - they declined and said they had no power to over rule contract when box sets are part of the deal.

I then said ok, well if you want a contract you can take off movies and it'll be HD box sets only. They said ok ....

Surprisingly as the deal was finalised they through movies back in. So I got box sets, movies and HD and £25 credit for £22.40 a month. I'm ok/happy with that.
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Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids
3 stars +122

Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids

£2 Poundland10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Apple Airpods to £129
3 stars +188

Apple Airpods to £129

£129 £159 BT Shop10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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3 stars +150


Instore Home Bargains10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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National Curry Week M&S Indian Takeaway Deal - with decent veggie options too
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)
3 stars +128

Resident evil origins collection (PS4)

£13.85 Base.com10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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TSB credit card 0% on balance transfers for 28 months, fee-free, plus potential cashback
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3.5 stars +281


£6 £24 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE
3 stars +143

JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE

£1.79 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
3.5 stars +207

PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
4 stars +361

ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
3 stars +129

Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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