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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Opening post
10 Jun 17
Cheaper than the EE deal.
Unlimited texts, calls and 6gb data

Also £35 cashback if you go through Quidco.
Top comments
10 Jun 17 34 #19
10 Jun 17 9 #3
mate, ignore them. e2save are amazing
10 Jun 17 6 #4
this is dropping quickly in price isn't it!
10 Jun 17 5 #55
This is my deal but I got it with feeder company of carphonewarehouse.except mine was 200 for handset 6gigg ult ult 30 pounds a month with possible 42 pounds cash this deal for me obviously hurts but I'll just add to the heat because my time machine has a puncture :disappointed:
Latest comments (190)
26 Jun 17 #190
Yes just got the same letter anyone sorted this out yet?
26 Jun 17 #189
Yep same here. I need to check with e2save to find out what's happened.
26 Jun 17 #188
I've just had an o2 letter confirming my contract but only says 3gb data. Anyone had that?
16 Jun 17 #187
Mine didn't track either. going to send a claim
15 Jun 17 1 #186
quidco not tracked here, may have to claim
14 Jun 17 #185
Has anybody's Quidco tracked? Ordered two over two different transactions and neither showing up.
14 Jun 17 1 #184
For those who have ordered, just a bit of peace of mind:
Went to cancel my order yesterday and found that E2save's customer service is fantastic. For some reason the package had been dispatched on Monday for delivery on Tuesday, despite me selecting a delivery for this Saturday. Messaged online on Monday night saying I wish to cancel my order and as a bit annoyed that I now have to pay to send the phone back since it was delivered much earlier than I requested (I cancelled for unrelated reasons and decided to before I knew about the dispatch).

Thinking they may take a while, I decided to phone them the next day. Someone picked up right away, virtually no wait. I explained the situation and they were quick to apologise and contact the delivery company to cancel the delivery attempt that day and instead route it back to E2Save. No cost to myself and a full refund. They said a refund will be given within 5 working days.
Then my online message got a response that day too and they already knew that I had spoken to someone and cancelled already. I was more impressed that they responded online so quickly - from my experience online messaging customer service is pretty slow at most companies.

I cancelled for other reasons, but I would gladly recommend them or buy from them again.
14 Jun 17 #183
I wouldn't have expected it to go cheap either a few months from its release date but it did so maybe just maybe this is not as much of a success as it could have been who knows. I think its a great phone with some great specs and style but the same style doesnt reflect to it software especially when you experience the unpolished android apps when compared to apple which I will be honest are slight hindrance for potential buyers.
13 Jun 17 #182
I went with the EE deal in the end. Dispatched and should be with me tomorrow.

For an extra 1GB data bolt on with O2 they charge £10 p/m. So makes sense to go with 8GB for like an extra £2 p/m.
13 Jun 17 #181
Not a lot in it...I think over the course of the contract the ee one works out to £842 and O2 £798..Just depentds on whether you prefer to pay up front or or increased monthly cost.
13 Jun 17 #180
With the £25 price increase in the up front cost of the handset, the EE deal is looking more attractive.
13 Jun 17 1 #179
I can almost guarantee it won't go cheaper than this for a long time.
13 Jun 17 1 #178
Although its a hot deal I still think that come next month the sales of these would drop heavily due to iphone coming out within two months or so and people would be curious to see what tricks apple would have up their sleeves since they havent changed much since 2014. I was seriously considering this until the price increased by £25 now I am staying put and wouldn't get one unless its a seriously good offer like the full package for £500 or so.
12 Jun 17 1 #177
wish s8 plus had a similar deal :/
12 Jun 17 #176
Does anyone know if i would still be entitled to get my 30% nhs discount if i get a contract from e2save?
12 Jun 17 #175
i bet it's more like they've realised what a balls up they've made for having this phone so cheap tbh. I was lucky I got in early and had it delivered yesterday.
12 Jun 17 #174
My order got cancelled, Im fuming, have no idea what they are on about! Anyone else had their order cancelled?
"We’re sorry but we’ve had to cancel your order as it didn’t pass our internal security checks. Internal checks are carried out for the safety of our customers and we apologise for any inconvenience caused."
12 Jun 17 #172
What deal is this EE deal
12 Jun 17 #171
I hope it is! I ordered an expensive case and screen protector last night!
12 Jun 17 1 #170
With the price increase, I have gone with the EE deal....not much more in total for 8GB
12 Jun 17 #169
damn price gone up £25 :disappointed:
12 Jun 17 1 #168
My order is at same stage. Will ring tomorrow if no change
12 Jun 17 1 #167
Ordered this on Saturday as soon as I saw the deal- on the order status it still says 'details checked - pending' and 'order delivered- pending' is this the same as everyone else ? Or should I give them a ring because it was meant to be dispatched by tonight and delivered for tomorrow morning.
12 Jun 17 #166
I received a "thank you for your order" email after I ordered it, but nothing else as yet. No Quidco, nothing taken from my account, no updates. It's supposed to be delivered today, apparently. Not hopeful that this will be honoured
12 Jun 17 #165
Turns out mine got declined because I have lived at my current address for less than 3 years... Damn.
12 Jun 17 #164
upfront cost has been changed from 125 to 150
12 Jun 17 #163
thanks fo posting this deal, ordered yesterday and today I can enjoy my new phone :smiley:
12 Jun 17 1 #162
nothing on mine either :/
12 Jun 17 #161
Quidco (and Topcashback) are not 100% guaranteed. Generally, you should only use cashback sites for purchases you would have made regardless of the cashback and not rely solely on getting money back to make the purchase cheaper.

In saying that, if it still hasn't tracked then you can make a claim through the website. Sometimes you have to jump through a few hoops to get cashback paid.
12 Jun 17 1 #160
Still not received Quidco! Anyone else not tracking?
12 Jun 17 #159
12 Jun 17 #158
I've used E2Save a number of times. They're reliable.
12 Jun 17 #157
I am so tempted but I do have the s7 edge... I love Samsung. I love how I can expand the memory for a small cost as opposed to the extortionate prices Apple charge.
should I or shouldn't I?
12 Jun 17 #156
I Never had a problem with E2save. Customer service was very good too.
12 Jun 17 #155
Can you get the phone without buying the insurance?
12 Jun 17 #154
is it really that much better than an s7 edge?
11 Jun 17 #153
Im torn between this deal and the s7 edge deal which you're talking about. Only difference is the upfront cost - £10 for the s7 edge, £125 for this. What's your s7 edge like???
11 Jun 17 #152
Same thing for me.... Never had any credit issues.
11 Jun 17 #151
I ordered this today but it says the credit check is declined. What the hell?
11 Jun 17 #150
great deal. btw, does this phone support dual sim?
11 Jun 17 #149
Used this company about 4 years ago, no problems at all, excellent.
11 Jun 17 #148
thank you for the response
11 Jun 17 #147
You dont have to be a fan boy to understand marketing. Posted from an s7e. Try to be a little less sensitive
11 Jun 17 1 #146
I'm paying 27pm for a s7 edge... fml
11 Jun 17 #145
yes you can, just ring 02 and get pac code when you cancel and then 02 will swap it over
11 Jun 17 #144
Regarding the PAC code, can I order and then transfer over once I've received the new phone?
11 Jun 17 #143
amazing company
11 Jun 17 #142
yes, except iphones
11 Jun 17 #141
Thank you Do I then give the code to E2Save? Or to the provider?

Also, I know this next question is off-topic, but do all phones (samsung, sony etc) from these sites E2Save, come unlocked?
11 Jun 17 1 #140
cancel current contract and ask for pac code
11 Jun 17 #139
How would I go about transferring my current number onto the new contract?
11 Jun 17 #138
I don't go to parties I'm too busy disaggregating things into their constituents.
Catch me outside, how about that?
11 Jun 17 3 #137
Don't corner me at a Party!
11 Jun 17 #136
mine turned up earlier, so far so good
11 Jun 17 #135
The only thing putting me off is the reviews
Are they really that bad???
11 Jun 17 #134
I have the Lenovo ZUK Z2 and Samsung Galaxy S7 edge and to be honest they have their own pros and cons each so disagree that Samsung is a mythical pinnacle in telecommunications which is on another level. I use both regularly..
11 Jun 17 1 #133
Had a Huawei, had a Xiaomi both brands dont even come close to Samsung quality. If you just want an average phone you can go for Chinese. Besides some of them are pretty close to the S8 in price (see Huawei p10 plus/Mate 9 pro or Xiaomi Mi Mix)
11 Jun 17 #132
Get it from for £520 then get a Virgin-Plusnet sim for £10pm. Still cheaper and not binding, plus a much better network (EE)
11 Jun 17 #131
This is HUKD, we live and die by prices that are ridiculously cheap. The S7 for £282 on the o2 refresh with a free Bluetooth speaker and potentially £92 TCB at Christmas was for a flagship phone way less than a year after release so these things do happen.

If I wanted a new contract phone and was about to pull the trigger on a 'meh' deal then this would be a godsend if I stumbled upon it.
11 Jun 17 1 #130
Perfectly reasonable for the best phone currently available for those of us that have never washed our phones in 23 yrs of mobile ownership then. :wink:
11 Jun 17 #129
Didn't realise this came with a free month that we have to cancel?
11 Jun 17 #128
£200-300? no flagship phone close to release would work out that cheap. in fact even after a year it would probably not.

£523 from so this contract works out at about £11/month (-phone cost) which is a decent price.

you can always sell phone anytime through 24 month contract and buy a new one SIM free. so I don't see your point of being tied in.

this is a great deal as you are paying monthly and not all at once for phone.
11 Jun 17 #125
773 quid, still a mad price for a phone that can end up in the wash.
11 Jun 17 1 #124
Yeah agree with your comment. Some people just don't have the time to work out how good a deal they are getting because they are busy and are happy to pay a higher price if it means they don't need to think any more about it.

My calculations were just trying to break down the phone and the contract components to work out whether you're getting the phone and contract abnormally cheap, or just cheap.

The o2 refresh deals are easier to understand on this front because you're just seeing the device cost, whereas this one has the contract built into it too so less transparent.
11 Jun 17 #123
Yeah the Three deal is still active - it's £9 a month but £45 topcashback after 6 months which takes the effective cost down to £5.25:

Re: other comments about faff of warranty from buying from Italy previous posters that have bought from Europe have had the same Samsung repair process as one that was bought within the UK.

24 month contracts to me just feel like way too much of a commitment to me given the speed at which technology moves along and the quality of offerings from Chinese smartphones such as Xiaomi.
Don't get me wrong, if the phone worked out at really cheap, like £200-300 or something I would have been all over it.
11 Jun 17 #121
I have never used Quidco, which discount is it with will take off £35?

Would it be the one which says:

£35 for all
connected pay monthly mobile phone contracts (excluding ID Mobile) on ?
11 Jun 17 #116
Hi. Great deal. Could anyone recommend a good case for this phone? I'm always dropping phones and these are prone to breakages apparently....

Don't forget to cancel your auto renew phone insurance after a month :smile:
danbutcher86 to adstoke
11 Jun 17 #120
i just ordered the spigen tough case from Amazon, meant to be pretty decent. tempted to order the neo hybrid aswell
11 Jun 17 #119
Hi mate. very well thought through comment. much appreciated for sharing. Do you know if the SIM Only offers you mention are still available? both are better than what Mrs is paying atm with Virgin Mobile, £8 month for 1200 mins, unltd mins and 500mb of data.
11 Jun 17 #118
Off topic I know, but what's the lowest price anyone has seen for a new S7 (SIM free) since the S8 came out? UK version preferably. Have done some Googling obviously but you never know if someone has come across it somewhere that isn't high up in the Google search returns. Keep checking John Lewis, purely for the 2 years guarantee, but their price is still up at £499.
11 Jun 17 #117
My sim only contract runs out next month.
Wondering if I should just order this now and get my number switched?

I was looking at the Sony ZX Premium with the 4K screen. Decisions, Decisions
11 Jun 17 3 #112
I was thinking about getting this as I needed a new contract for minutes and figured I could maybe sell the phone to offset the cost of the contract.

When I did the maths if I sold the phone on ebay it would be £500-£550. If we're conservative and say you get £475 after paypal fees, ebay fees and shipping that means you're paying £300 for 2 years worth of SIM only as this deal is around £775 in total.

That equates to £12.50 per month for just the SIM component.

I could've signed up to EE for £5 a month for u/l calls, texts and 4GB data, which is near enough this package.
In the end I signed up for three at £5.25 for the same allowance after TCB.

Am I missing something here which makes my calculations way off? I pay around £100 a year for my SIMO roughly so it's costing me an extra £573 to get this phone. Amazon Italy had the S8 for £503, which is cheaper. Plus you aren't stuck in a contract for 2 years so you can switch SIMO if you're not happy.

The only benefit with this is you aren't paying it all upfront, but you could buy the S8 from Amazon Italy on a 0% purchases card anyway?

Can anyone knock my logic down on this one? I went for the S7 at christmas for £284 with the free speaker on the o2 refresh deal which seemed like a no-brainer and was over the moon as the phone was £450 on ebay at the time, this one I'm struggling to understand.
vtec to escortboy
11 Jun 17 #114
you think too much. it's a great deal though I went for Amazon Italy one as I already have a EE SIM with 7gb for 4.50/month after cash back. just hope I get same offer next year then total cost would be £630 over 2 years.

if I didn't have SIM only contract Id go for this as less hassle then getting cash back and UK phone so don't have to send to Italy for any repair and don't need to flash phone which may or may not affect warranty.
blanka to escortboy
11 Jun 17 3 #115
For some, would have the same thinking. Personally I am against orders from overseas. I don't like international models, foreign plugs, warranty return complications of timing manner. It's the ease you pay for. Face value, this offer is for people who want a s8 contract in a package and this is the cheapest. So that's obvious heat from me. When you start dismantling the parts, selling, trading part, buying abroad.... it's clearly not this offer and something else altogether. Hats off to thinking outside the box to get money off and if that's for you, good stuff. Everyone is different and that's a good thing..... we are not sheep :wink:
11 Jun 17 #113
I odered this deal this morning but still not tracking Quidco any idea how long it normally takes? I hadn't used Quidco before but the £35 really made it worth registering.
11 Jun 17 1 #111
It's a good deal, I'm already on a 12 month sim only contract so not for me :smiley:

I personally think it's cheaper to buy the phone sim free (Italian amazon) and add sim only contract to it as there are more options that way, but not everyone has the luxury to pay for the phone outright, so it will be a better deal for them.
11 Jun 17 #110
Just waiting on the phone to be free and I'll bite
11 Jun 17 #109
Can't seem to order. It just goes in a loop after entering details....:disappointed:
11 Jun 17 #108
Is this factory unlocked?
11 Jun 17 #107
|You can transfeer all your important data to iphone and still carry on using google photos like you did before.
These days moving from android to ios and other way around is a lot more easier then it used to be few years ago.
11 Jun 17 #106
Used and still have Nokia and nearly 70 yrs so good deal for those not by keyboard all day
11 Jun 17 #105
Heads up deal , thanks
10 Jun 17 1 #12
What's O2 like for reception & 4g?
doug13181810 to OnlyJoeKing
10 Jun 17 #15
low bars but speedy 4g
sm-1991 to OnlyJoeKing
10 Jun 17 3 #16
Look at the O2 coverage checker in your area.
Cameron583 to OnlyJoeKing
11 Jun 17 #79
If you're used to EE and do a fair bit of music streaming, video playback and app downloading, you'll find it sluggish. Otherwise, you'd find it perfectly fine. Coverage is fairly decent in Cardiff area.
ReflexReact to OnlyJoeKing
11 Jun 17 1 #93
I expect your follow up question to be:

"What are cars like with MPG?"
Brite to OnlyJoeKing
11 Jun 17 #99
You'll be disappointed with 02 4G data speeds if you've been with the likes of EE which has very fast 4G
djbenny1 to OnlyJoeKing
11 Jun 17 1 #104
The worst network I have ever had - can't wait until my contract is up so I can go back to 3... or anyone else tbh.
11 Jun 17 #103
How do you deal with continuity of contacts, photos, email, music, browser memory etc? Google apps on iOS? Google photos is like my recorded history for the last few years. I'd definitely want continuity on that.

Not dead against trying an iPhone ... actually thought about trying an SE recently.
11 Jun 17 #102
Old camera attached to new phone. What a shame!
11 Jun 17 #101
depends where you live, EE in my area is **** terrible compared to O2
11 Jun 17 #100
Good deal shame it's on the 02 network :disappointed: Even EE 3G is much faster than than 02 so called '4G' .
11 Jun 17 #98
No idea, need to have a look at websites, Ebay, sphock etc and see what they are going for. Won't be selling for a little while anyway. Need to transfer a lot from the phone.
11 Jun 17 #97
It makes me laugh when people ask questions like that. It's like when my Facebook friends ask something like "who is Ariana Grande anyway, I've never heard of her."
Well done for being superior. Now google her and stop trying to show off about how obscure your tastes are.

Ok its not really anything like that, actually. *steps away from the keyboard*
11 Jun 17 #96
I didn't know the firmware updates came from the network? I guess I'm insulated from all that stuff with an iPhone. I'm looking at this but that's a bit off-putting.
11 Jun 17 #95
Take out the cost of buying this phone if you were to buy it SIM free at £689, and this is unlimited calls and 6GB for £3.50 a month. Hardly over-paying on contract, is it? You just wouldn't get that SIM only.
10 Jun 17 2 #50
do people actually pay that amount of money for a mobile phone?
SavB to Stevie.Badman
10 Jun 17 4 #52
Yes. People also buy expensive cars, big houses and go on expensive holidays. Everyone's lifestyles, tastes and circumstances are different.
mrT786 to Stevie.Badman
10 Jun 17 1 #53
In the same way people spend 100s or even 1000s of pounds on cigarettes, drinking or going out at weekends each year, each to their own what people want to spend their disposable money on (people buying these kinda flagship devices on credit and are in debt already is a diff story).
ScroopEgerton to Stevie.Badman
11 Jun 17 #94
People pay almost that amount for a SIM only deal. This is a good price for a premium handset and contract.

Do you still have a Nokia?
10 Jun 17 #59
I'm loving o2 signal great indoors & outdoors & 4g . Best thing I've do after leaving Virgin
ihatebingo to ianozoe
10 Jun 17 #61
Me too actually I'm quite shocked my 4g is lovely and that's after being hard-core ee double speed :smiley:
thedvdmonster to ianozoe
11 Jun 17 #92
O2 wipe the floor with voda where I could barely get 4g anywhere.
At a festival o2 have been the only comp Aug that you can actually use your phone with.
11 Jun 17 2 #91
I've swapped back and forth between operating systems a few times.
I think I generally prefer iOS for its stability and slightly higher quality of apps in the app store. I do like android for its customisation options, and I'm pretty tempted by the s8 due to the design and screen.
10 Jun 17 1 #1
Seems pretty decent. Half tempted to sell my iPhone 7 plus and get the new iPad. Then get this on contract. Having had a mess around on this phone, much prefer it then the iPhone 7. Just need some iOS device as I prefer the games and photo apps personally.
Big heat from me, good find.
puddles9999 to blanka
10 Jun 17 #30
Don't do it for this thing?
19DembaBa19 to blanka
11 Jun 17 #90
How much you selling the IPhone 7 plus for I'm willing to buy from you
11 Jun 17 #89
yes people buying expensive phones on contract (dont even mentioned they overpay) and feel rich and great LOL
11 Jun 17 #82
this deal has expired i think :disappointed:
danbutcher86 to sohaibaig8
11 Jun 17 1 #88
11 Jun 17 #84
I got this deal. But I was wondering how long until I would get an email about it being dispatched. All I have got is an order confirmation email
danbutcher86 to ellawookey
11 Jun 17 #87
check your junk folder mate, that's where mine was
10 Jun 17 #65
One other thing I must say is if your a heavy user like I am.the battery life is shocking I'm struggling to get 8 hours out of it.ive had all the galaxy's and I must say this is the worst by far I will probably need a battery change inside 6 months :confused:
danbutcher86 to ihatebingo
10 Jun 17 #66
any recommendations for a case?
blanka to ihatebingo
10 Jun 17 #76
On YouTube s8 looks to beat the iPhone 7 plus easily. Have the iPhone 7 plus at the moment (thinking of swapping) and happy enough with its battery.
ThreefingerSalute to ihatebingo
11 Jun 17 #86
Ditch the S8 and get yourself a Lenovo P2 unlocked and fraction of the price from Three. It will blow the competition out of the water when it comes to battery life. I can get 2 and a half days use with moderate to heavy usage before placing it back on charge.
11 Jun 17 #85
The bars actually mean nothing. You either have a connection or you don't, connection quality is not something that the bars represent.
11 Jun 17 #83
I've bought phones through them before, never had a problem. Seem legit to me. Isn't it just the carphone warehouse with another name?

"Because e2save is an online division of The Carphone Warehouse, you’re backed up by the reliability of one of the most trusted names on the high street."

Taken from their website.
11 Jun 17 #81
Do many people routinely shift between the different operating systems? I'm totally invested in Google apps and have been for many years. I wouldn't even consider an iPhone to be a competitor to any given android phone. I do understand there are a suite of Google apps available on iOS, but even still ...
11 Jun 17 #80
Not necessarily (I don't think O2 lock their phones). It depends on if the network has put their own firmware on it. The best way to check is looking at the software details on the phone. Worth checking with e2save to see if they do SIM free phones or unbranded (CPW used to do unbranded ones).
10 Jun 17 #72
I'm stuck at the payments stage. Put my info in and then get a screen showing which cards I can pay with and details of the order on the right but nothing else. Refreshing does nothing.
blister to blister
11 Jun 17 1 #78
Had to use a different PC. Order has gone through now.
10 Jun 17 #77
02 isn't wonderful at my work. But a cracking deal, especially if somebody wants make the jump from a S7 contract, Heat added
10 Jun 17 1 #74
Is Quidco definitely £35 - it does mention £35 but also £25?
ihatebingo to kerridge0
10 Jun 17 #75
Nothing from cash back sites are guaranteed always remember that even if there tracked they still sometimes worm there way out of things
10 Jun 17 #71
I can't see any info about whether it's 3G or 4G? Probably 3G then.

Does anyone know if a contract start the day you buy it or the day you activate the SIM?
I have a months notice on my contract and I don't feel like paying for 2 contracts at the same time, if it can be avoided.
ihatebingo to Arcana
10 Jun 17 #73
It will be 4g
10 Jun 17 #46
The problem with buying an Android phone from O2 is they will be slow to give critical firmware updates, so you'll constantly have a phone which is vulnerable to hacking - whilst Samsung release updates monthly, O2 are rubbish at it.

All the networks have this problem, but O2 are by far the slowest to update. I would pay more to get one SIM Free.
burglarywindow to RudeYute
10 Jun 17 #70
If it's unlocked it won't have this problem I'd assume.....?
10 Jun 17 1 #69
10 Jun 17 1 #68
10 Jun 17 1 #67
I have the gel case off eBay dan only a couple of pounds
10 Jun 17 1 #64
That's fine then the balls already rolling :smiley:
10 Jun 17 #57
I got the s7 through e2save and all went smoothly. Factory sealed phone turned up, UK warranty etc
ihatebingo to jonnyh15
10 Jun 17 1 #63
E2 save are fine I've had contract through problems whatsoever
10 Jun 17 #58
How do I go about porting my number, couldn't see any options during checkout. Is this something that I can do when the phone arrives?
ihatebingo to Malachi_X
10 Jun 17 1 #60
It's simple enough when you get your new phone SIM just ring them and they will sort it.actually great customer services :wink:
danbutcher86 to Malachi_X
10 Jun 17 1 #62
i cancelled my current contract earlier and asked for pac code so I could port my number over when new phone arrives
10 Jun 17 #56
keep in mind the price increase RPI you will have every year.
10 Jun 17 5 #55
This is my deal but I got it with feeder company of carphonewarehouse.except mine was 200 for handset 6gigg ult ult 30 pounds a month with possible 42 pounds cash this deal for me obviously hurts but I'll just add to the heat because my time machine has a puncture :disappointed:
10 Jun 17 #54
then we will probably get a better phone lol
10 Jun 17 1 #45
This or the EE one for £32.99 a month and 8GB.......decisions decision
mrT786 to slex88
10 Jun 17 #51
The EE £32.99 comes with upfront cost of £259.99 from what i can see on their website so for comparison works out £43.82 vs £32.20 for this o2 deal (taking into account the upfront cost). Doesn't seem worth it for the extra 2GB.

Sorry just noticed another deal via which you prob be referring to.
10 Jun 17 #49
Thanks for that - I may look into that.
10 Jun 17 #48
What is the roaming costs on this?
10 Jun 17 #47
E2save don't use the European models
10 Jun 17 #44
E2save avoid at all costs.
Utter sharks.Poor customer service and lying staff.
10 Jun 17 #43
dispatch email received, free Sunday delivery incoming :smiley:
10 Jun 17 #42
They are under the same umbrella as Carphone Warehouse
10 Jun 17 #41
that is a good price, can't believe they can sell it cheaper than the o2 network itself!
10 Jun 17 #23
Ordered at 3, dispatched already for delivery tomorrow :smiley:
WajAllRound to jimbodeni
10 Jun 17 #40
For delivery tomorrow? Are you sure?
10 Jun 17 #37
how much would it cost to return to Amazon Italy? may get this instead. currently on EE so would give wife O2 SIM. but need phone unlocking. any ideas?
dmcmsn to vtec
10 Jun 17 1 #38
All phones from E2 Save are unlocked, bar iPhones which lock to first sim.
10 Jun 17 1 #36
That what your girlfriend was advised?
10 Jun 17 1 #35
Damn just wish it was Three or EE with this much data as need at least 3G in rural areas. :disappointed:

Still hot from me though for people ok with O2's data coverage.
10 Jun 17 #32
Heat for the price. Good phone, but very disappointed with the gf's S8. Quite buggy and lags at times and what were they thinking with the finger print scanner, such a hassle.
OrribleHarry to ma11hew
10 Jun 17 #34
What bugs are these?
10 Jun 17 1 #33
That's some serious delusion.

Apple blinkers!!
10 Jun 17 1 #31
FINALLY pulled the trigger on the S8 - been delaying it and lurking for deals for so long, almost went with the Italy deal, but so grateful that I waited, this is such a good deal.

I usually buy phones sim-free as it usually works out cheaper and I was going to do the same with the S8 - but at this total contract cost there's no way I can get a cheaper total cost over 24 months going sim-free
10 Jun 17 #29
oh no. went for s8 Italy amazon for 523 nd it's just been dispatched. this seems better deal.
10 Jun 17 1 #28
Any similar deals on the plus model thanks
10 Jun 17 #27
Brilliant deal
10 Jun 17 #26
Thank you
10 Jun 17 #20
Will this phone come locked to o2 or can I stick another sim card in it from someone like 3/ee? Cheers
pavel76 to mvnl2008
10 Jun 17 1 #25
E2save is a part of carphone warehouse so should be unlocked...
10 Jun 17 #24
I posted the original EE deal, however I might bite at this, just thinking whether 6GB will be I use approx. 5GB now.
10 Jun 17 #22
Thankyou thankyou thankyou, ordered as soon as I saw this. Seems an absolute bargain to me.
10 Jun 17 #21
i have used E2save before, not had any issues
10 Jun 17 34 #19
10 Jun 17 #18
Can I port my existing EE number with rhis?
10 Jun 17 1 #17
Can you get this deal in the orchid grey?
10 Jun 17 1 #14
wow. great deal considering the allowances and how recently released the device is
10 Jun 17 #13
Good deal!
10 Jun 17 #11
Extremely good price for a S8! Decent data also, surprised to see such a good deal so soon.
10 Jun 17 2 #10
Is it 4G data?
10 Jun 17 #9
I have had some horrendous customer service issues with them.
All regards cashback though.
Eventually sorted but as this is not a cashback I might be tempted
10 Jun 17 #8
They do, though some of them seem a bit unfair.
To their credit, they've responded personally to every single one, which you don't always get.

I'd be tempted anyway.
10 Jun 17 3 #7
£35 quidco
10 Jun 17 4 #5
Shame it's O2 but surprised how much this has dropped already, wonder why
jimhuf to Reading1800
10 Jun 17 2 #6
Trying to get em shifted before iPhone is announced
10 Jun 17 6 #4
this is dropping quickly in price isn't it!
10 Jun 17 9 #3
mate, ignore them. e2save are amazing
10 Jun 17 3 #2 have some terrible reviews online.
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Nerf Battle Racer
3 stars +101

Nerf Battle Racer

£149.98 costco10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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PS4 Sony Dualshock 4 V2 Controller Jet Black 365Games
4 stars +357

PS4 Sony Dualshock 4 V2 Controller Jet Black 365Games

£29.99 365 Games10 Oct 17
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Blondie - Parallel Lines on vinyl purehmv members
3 stars +155

Blondie - Parallel Lines on vinyl purehmv members

£8.99 HMV 10 Oct 17
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Oct 2017

Embr icon pack - free
3 stars +122

Embr icon pack - free

Google Play10 Oct 17
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Paulaner Munich Hall beer 5 litre keg
3 stars +151

Paulaner Munich Hall beer 5 litre keg

£9 Waitroses10 Oct 17
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Costco fuel Edinburgh now open - petrol 110.9 diesel 112.9
3 stars +143

Costco fuel Edinburgh now open - petrol 110.9 diesel 112.9

costco10 Oct 17
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Wrapping paper
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Wrapping paper

£0.48 Tesco10 Oct 17
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Bluetooth Speaker, Anker SoundCore nano Sold by AnkerDirect - Lightning deal
4 stars +300

Bluetooth Speaker, Anker SoundCore nano Sold by AnkerDirect - Lightning deal

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
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Sherwoods Curry Sauces. Various Flavours
3 stars +115

Sherwoods Curry Sauces. Various Flavours

£0.87 Tesco10 Oct 17
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XCOM 2 for the PC
3 stars +199

XCOM 2 for the PC

£11.20 Greenman Gaming10 Oct 17
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Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse
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Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse

£399.99 Currys10 Oct 17
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The Firm (game) now FREE
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The Firm (game) now FREE

£0.84 Google Play10 Oct 17
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Original Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum - LDS SLAM / Intelligent Route / Planning App w/code
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Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids
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Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids

£2 Poundland10 Oct 17
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Apple Airpods to £129
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Apple Airpods to £129

£129 £159 BT Shop10 Oct 17
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Instore Home Bargains10 Oct 17
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National Curry Week M&S Indian Takeaway Deal - with decent veggie options too
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)

£13.85 Base.com10 Oct 17
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TSB credit card 0% on balance transfers for 28 months, fee-free, plus potential cashback
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£6 £24 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE

£1.79 Google Play10 Oct 17
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
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£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

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