Cheapest I can see at present.....lets have some heat :smiley: Use code 25OFFS8
Possible £40.00 TopCashBack.....
Top comments
SavB to Cantona007
6 Jun 1716#12
Most people use cars to get from A to B, so go buy that 1990 Ford Fiesta which is cheaper and does the same job.
Khairul to Themadcow
6 Jun 1712#22
Grab an Asda SIM... Port out to it, and then port back to the new EE contract. You will discover an uncle by the name of Bob.
6 Jun 179#14
phones nowadays are serious snappers, mobile computers, music player, gps unit etc etc. Paying £30-£40 for that is not really that outrageous is it? I mean, you pay that down the pub for one night of "bants" with the lads, and that's just endless tired mum-gags!
Having said all that, I've had a £100 phone for the last 3 years on an £8/month sim :smile: #cheap #tight
6 Jun 178#6
Paying £841 for phone even ober two contract is madness! Most people only use phones for calls, texts and music. Eve if you game you can get one that plays everything for half the price. Insane!
All comments (195)
6 Jun 171#1
Best price I've seen. Still to expensive for me sadly.
6 Jun 171#2
just meed one with loads more data and less minutes/texts
6 Jun 17#3
good deal have some heat
6 Jun 17#4
Good deal for a silly phone.
6 Jun 17#5
Tempted but holding out for S8+ to come below £40.00 p/m
plewis00 to slex88
6 Jun 17#9
Affordablemobiles have a redemption one that comes to £37pm after cashback on Vodafone with 16GB data.
This deal is great but I took the S7 Edge one for £5pm less with the free Gear Fit 2 and bought an S8 separately. I think it works out to less money overall that way.
6 Jun 178#6
Paying £841 for phone even ober two contract is madness! Most people only use phones for calls, texts and music. Eve if you game you can get one that plays everything for half the price. Insane!
cigbunt to Cantona007
6 Jun 171#7
Get over it lol...
And the deal 8gb isn't enough.. hot deal tho I'd prefer to buy off line
darksideby182 to Cantona007
6 Jun 171#8
People are gonna buy want they want and remember what you have just said will apply to most things you buy so I hope you don't have anything expensive that a cheaper option can do. Boom
plewis00 to Cantona007
6 Jun 172#10
Must be trolling and/or its outside your personal budget (more likely). Is it too much to ask to not be judged for wanting a bigger house, better car, nicer phone? Or is 'just enough' the standard by which you live your own life...
SavB to Cantona007
6 Jun 1716#12
Most people use cars to get from A to B, so go buy that 1990 Ford Fiesta which is cheaper and does the same job.
phones nowadays are serious snappers, mobile computers, music player, gps unit etc etc. Paying £30-£40 for that is not really that outrageous is it? I mean, you pay that down the pub for one night of "bants" with the lads, and that's just endless tired mum-gags!
Having said all that, I've had a £100 phone for the last 3 years on an £8/month sim :smile: #cheap #tight
6 Jun 17#16
What a fab deal, makes me wish I had waited for mine
CornishEliteUK to Dhiraj1
6 Jun 17#17
how is the s8? as if just ordered
6 Jun 17#18
I took this phone out last week with them and it was £37.99! Grr. With full £50 up front.
6 Jun 17#20
Where is the deal?
6 Jun 17#21
Stupidly, EE upgrades and retentions can't offer me a deal this good - and I can't even take up this deal without losing my phone number as they won't issue a PAC code if staying on the same network...
Khairul to Themadcow
6 Jun 1712#22
Grab an Asda SIM... Port out to it, and then port back to the new EE contract. You will discover an uncle by the name of Bob.
6 Jun 177#23
I can afford it easily! For me personally I wouldn't buy a huge house, or very expensive car or very expensive phone because it's just a waste of money (and plenty of money in the bank) No need to way overspend when you can get something looks just as nice and performs just as well for lot less. Shock horror I don't wasted money and think about my purchases! If people did the same as me then they wouldn't be getting into so much debt and then complain about it.
6 Jun 17#24
When it comes to phones you can get a phone of this quality or only bit worse spec wise for less than half the price of this. For what most people use their phones for no need to spend this much on one. You can S7 for let less and does everything this does. Most people won't need the extra power this has.
6 Jun 171#25
True. Paying that amount per month doesn't sound a lot but when you see the end figure for two years then yeah that's too much for a phone. If people want the phone then fine. I'm just saying you can pay hell of lot less for a less powerful phone but still more than enough power for what people use it for.
I payed £150 for my phone and it's on par with S6 but it's a very good and popular phone. It can do everything you said with no problems.
6 Jun 17#26
offline as in on the high street or sim free?
6 Jun 171#27
:sunglasses::sunglasses: good find
6 Jun 171#28
When you're done on your judgemental soapbox maybe you can suggest something that 'looks just as nice' (unlikely as nothing else has a display like this yet) or 'performs just as well' (as it's got the latest processor) that isn't a waste of money? What exactly are you going to do with all this money you allegedly have in the bank when you're dead? I notice that the people who are well-off generally aren't as judgemental or opinionated so it's far more likely you're just bitter about the situation and brushing it off as false concern. If a £32.99/month phone contract gets you into debt, then you have far bigger problems - in the scheme of things, this is a drop in the ocean; especially for something you interact with regularly during any given day.
6 Jun 173#29
Any money left over when I'm dead will go to my nephews. The galaxy S7 or even S6 has more than enough power for media, games, browsing etc. Even the Xiaomi phones which cost less have enough power for most peoples needs and looks nice.
Look if people want the phone then fine. I'm just saying you can pay hell of lot less for a less powerful phone but still more than enough power for what people use it for. You don't need to pay ridiculous amounts of money especially when it will be replaced in two years.
You're right that if £32.99 phone contract get you into debt you have much bigger issues. The problem is that lot of people are in that predicament and that's who my is mainly aimed at.
6 Jun 17#30
Fair enough but then you probably should have just let it be, not lash out at others in this thread. It's fair to say most people on this site are not the ones in debt but are the smart ones who manage their money well, by virtue of the fact they are here.
But, for what it's worth, I don't have an S8; for Android, I'm using a Sony Z5 Compact and a Blackberry KeyONE. While I agree that something like a Motorola G5 is probably fine for the majority, pushing the boundaries of what you can do with technology is important beyond just personal finances but for advancement in general.
6 Jun 171#31
Possible £40.00 TopCashBack??
6 Jun 17#32
Huuuuuuuuuuuge and at last a Samsung post not gone chilly I've just took out a 24 with o2 if not I'm all over this.massive deal :smiley:
6 Jun 17#33
solid deal considering the current contract prices
6 Jun 172#34
Hukd baffles me sometimes when it comes to mobiles , folks vote cold for awesome spec lesser known brands but are all over it if it has an apple or Samsung brand associated with it . 24 months contracts ......they can see you coming .kerching .
6 Jun 17#35
Really tempted, have clicked on the tariff info, trying to check that it's definitely the EE 4G Max plan so gets the higher 4G speeds? Also it has a cross against "Calls to customer services (during extended working hours)" whereas for the essential and the other plan it has ticks to indicate they are free.
6 Jun 173#36
its not as simple as that:-)
even if you have money you might not buy an expensive car but you might not buy the cheapest either.
lots of people would be able to buy this phone but it doesn't necessarily mean that's the smartest thing to do.
6 Jun 17#37
Great Deal but 8gb data is not enough for me, voted
6 Jun 171#38
Link to that S8+ deal ?
6 Jun 17#39
Can't seem to find it either...
6 Jun 171#40
Reading this makes me sad. Cars are a joy, it must be so boring for a car to just be a tool.
Security Seal broken on box? Please call Samsung and check out date phone started to use as they are selling used and imported phones from UAE as new, I got a apologi letter from mobiles.Co.UK as proof if anyone wants
7 Jun 17#45
Which colour to get
7 Jun 17#46
Be selling these with balloon payments and free mats next :confused:
7 Jun 17#47
I ordered black and due today :smile: wife is not happy as that means she's got to stay home and wait for it to arrive haha
7 Jun 17#48
good find OP!
7 Jun 171#49
Can anyone who has bought this specific deal confirm whether it's a sealed box or not. Had lota of grief with mobile phones direct and their 'opened box policy'
Seeing a post above concerns me that deals like this aren't actually brand new phones.
7 Jun 17#50
Great price. Heat.
7 Jun 17#51
Second that.
7 Jun 17#52
I bought the S8 on another deal from a month back and can confirm the box was sealed.
7 Jun 171#53
I've liked your comment cos I see it your way but there are plenty of people willing and happy to pay the money. It's horses for courses. Surely we all have that one or two luxuries that we happily pay over the odds for? I've had iphones in the past but just recently and thanks to hukd I discovered Xiaomi :man: and on the other hand I am about to spend 25k on a GTI Golf that doesn't even go to B as I work from home :sunglasses:
7 Jun 17#54
Do you know how much a 1990 Fiesta costs?! aint cheap i bet :P ..... but yeah i agree with you :smiley:
7 Jun 17#55
Most people make few calls and few texts. Most people play games, take photos, surf the internet, watch Youtube and use social media! These are mini computers more than they are 'phones'.
Not being rude, but your car purchase is in a similar relative price point to your phones so doesn't make the point particularly well.
7 Jun 17#58
Why ford from 1990? eg. moto z play do same job as s8, is from 2016 and cost 500 pounds less.
7 Jun 17#59
Anyone been able to order this online? It keeps telling me that my card payment has failed (tried 3 cards)
7 Jun 17#60
Surely the comments section here is to discuss the deal not to berate others over what they choose to spend their money on! After all you could post "C'mon guys do you really need this?" on pretty much every deal on HotUK but most of us choose not to. There's a lesson to be learnt there !!
7 Jun 17#61
I was tempted to vote hot, but then finished reading until "" - hence COLD
7 Jun 17#62
Hear hear!
P.S. stonking deal too.
7 Jun 17#63
I'm not berating anybody. I'm just pointing out you can get a vastly cheaper phone that does everything this one does.
7 Jun 17#64
I think it's pretty much up there for camera? And groovy screen!
7 Jun 17#65
Just cancelled my order for this.. It works out to about 40 quid more expensive for me this way if factoring in Sim plan but I don't have to replace the charger in this one as it's UK.
7 Jun 17#66
:confused: Can you elaborate please because I just ordered :neutral_face:
7 Jun 17#67
Wheres the data for that?
7 Jun 17#68
Price up a showroom condition 1990 Fiesta RS Turbo - who out there remembers those badboys?
7 Jun 171#69
mine was delivered today and can confirm it was sealed
7 Jun 171#70
Yaaaaaaaawwwwwwnnnnnnnnn :man:
7 Jun 171#71
You star
Much obliged for the onfo
7 Jun 17#72
Forgot to go through TopCashBack. Too late to do anything now I'm assuming?
7 Jun 17#73
History of data leaks
7 Jun 17#74
Great deal for this phone compared to others out there. If you don't want the phone or prefer to buy outright then suit yourselves, doesn't make it a bad deal :stuck_out_tongue:
7 Jun 17#75
Your friends sound atrocious.
7 Jun 171#76
No data, but happy to share my logic...
On the S8 is the 3rd most expensive phone available. This puts it comfortably in the top price bracket of standard production phones.
A Golf GTi will almost certainly (without any detailed analysis) be in the low-mid price bracket of cars. I'd estimate that you'd need to spend £50-60k on a car to be buying the car equivalent of an S8. (that excludes outlying-priced cars such as Bentley, Ferrari etc.)
I would also suggest that this is one of the reasons that people like to have higher end phones; it provides them with a luxury item which is affordable.
7 Jun 17#77
If anybody ordered this recently at a higher price, contact them and they will offer you the upfront payment you made back as a good will gesture..
7 Jun 17#78
Same here will never deal with
7 Jun 17#79
So arguably one of the best and most expensive mainstream phones on the market holds the same position in its market as a (very good) hot hatch? Your analogy maybe works in the Golf range, playing second fiddle to the R and the S8+ respectively but (no offence to the OP, still a nice car) the GTI is hardly a top end car like the S8 is a top end phone in terms of price. A GTI is probably around the average price of new cars sold in the UK price wise, whereas the S8 will be way above average in new phone average prices.
The car analogy of a Galaxy S8 I would imagine would be more like an Audi S8 (just because the names match and it kind of works), with plenty of more expensive cars but most of them are affordable to only a very very minute few in the same way that those diamond encrusted phones etc are. And in case you then say that £80k cars are only available to a small minority you see a lot more cars around that are more expensive than an Audi S8 than you do phones more expensive than a Galaxy S8.
And I think its hot, I have ordered one since my contract ends next month and was going to get a one anyway and is cheaper than the contract I have now with a HTC M9.
7 Jun 17#80
Sorry I thought you were suggesting a GTI was a "top end" car!
7 Jun 171#81
Dear old Ollie, we're on the internets - don't get so judgemental on people's throwaway comments - it makes you look silly.
7 Jun 17#82
Bought a Redmi Note 4 for £103 lol the phone is stunnig!
..... but still if you like a Samsung phone then this is pretty "cheap" compared to iphone7
7 Jun 171#83
It's not a phone, it's a mobile computer.
The phone is just an app. Has been for years.
7 Jun 17#84
And how do you know Ollie's comment isn't throwaway?
make you look judgemental :man:
7 Jun 17#85
It was.
You've been had by a bamboozle.
7 Jun 17#86
No. You missed my point.
7 Jun 17#87
great phone! good find....
7 Jun 172#88
Au contraire (horror)
7 Jun 17#89
So I assume you always buy the cheapest shoes, the cheapest clothes and stay at home drinking basics wine straight from the plastic bottle cos it's cheaper than going out etc etc. Must be a fun life !!!
7 Jun 17#90
Yes, because slightly cheaper brand new mobile phone will also likely smell of previous owners' farts, has nasal mucus all over it, cost more than it's worth to pass its next MOT and thanks to a rotten, paper-thin chassis will kill your family when you hit a stray cat with it.
What a witty analogy.
7 Jun 17#91
I was just thinking the same as the other person. Like what evidence is there to suggest that people buying this phone or other phones go in to debt? Most of the time its people that already work surely? Either way I do agree with some of what you're saying. I just think the issue of debt rising is greater than just bad choices made when purchasing things. Its just as likely that the cost of living which has outgrown the rise in incomes has made just as big an impact.
7 Jun 17#92
Certainly more snappy than yours!
7 Jun 17#93
Most I spend on shoes is £30 -£40. How the can you even compare Wine to a mobile phone? Wines taste different and everyone has different taste buds. Anyway I pay £3 for my bottle of wine. It's cheap but also just as nice (and IMO better) than some dearer wines.
7 Jun 17#94
I'll have half a dozen then
7 Jun 17#95
Anyone able to confirm its the Max contract with inclusive USA calls
7 Jun 17#96
So true, phones have come a long way, but as you said many can do what you need. It's just about 1 upmanship to own the newest and most expensive and nothing to do with what they use em for :laughing:
7 Jun 17#97
You could get an S8 for £650 and with SIM only of £8/month and you would pay the same.
And you don't have to commit for 2 years.
But you can find cheaper S8s and SIM-only plans too...
7 Jun 17#98
I think it is, if you click "info" on the contract it gives a description something like "EE 4G Smartphone Max" IIRC as I was wondering which contract it was.
7 Jun 17#99
I've just upgraded with Vodafone from a sim only contract. Ended up getting 1GB Data (I mainly use Wifi), unlimited mins/txts on a 24 month contract. £50 upfront and £33.60 per month for 24 months. So £856.40 in total.
Should be £48 per month but they applied a 30% discount.
I called 191 to find out what deals they have or whether I cancel and go elsewhere.
Hope this helps someone,
7 Jun 17#100
The screen on this thing is phenomenal!
7 Jun 17#101
Just ordered, If you do it through quidco you get £20 cashback
7 Jun 171#102
If someone wants to spend £30-£40 / month of their own hard-earned money on a phone, why do you look down on them? I generally don't spend so much on a phone but I have never thought less of someone that does. I just assume that they have different priorities than I do...
7 Jun 17#103
Thats it, some people will spend way more than that on other things but its their money let them get on with it, each to their own and all that!
7 Jun 171#104
That's gonna be one hell of a funeral!
7 Jun 17#105
Is this phone locked to EE? I'm assuming you don't get the free USA roaming on it so I'd want to shove a PAYG Three sim on it when I go to the States next
7 Jun 17#106
If its the Max contract you do and it seems it is if you click on the info tab it shows as smartphone Max , for comparison if you click on the 2gb contract that only shows as Smartphone
7 Jun 17#107
It's not looking down on them. Again it's just that you can get a phone which does everything this does for lot less so you're literally wasting money but whatever.
7 Jun 17#108
Doesn't get any more perfect than that does it? :smiley:
7 Jun 17#109
These things are so far ahead of the competition it's unreal.
The only downside I can think is the S9 released next year might have the fingerprint scanner built in under the screen, but I guess there is always 'something better' just around the corner!
7 Jun 17#110
Can never have enough power!
7 Jun 17#111
I really don't care what people spend on their phones. I was simply showing how the car analogy has absolutely nothing to do with this subject...
7 Jun 17#112
I have been on HTCs for around 8 years now and I am moving to Samsung because of this. They even beat HTC on build quality now IMO which is why I didn't get an S2 back in the day!
7 Jun 17#113
My point was that we all choose when to spend more money than we have to on the things that we deem 'worth it'. Your subsequent comments have offended me.
7 Jun 17#114
I called up EE customer service to cancel my contract. They asked me what did other networks offer me. I buffed and they gave me a contract for S8+ Grey for £42.99/month, £49.99 upfront cost, 5GB Data, unlimited calls and texts, free Sports for 3 months(I have to remember to cancel it a month in advance), free apple music for 6 months (I have to notify them to cancel it in 5 months)
I was too looking for a deal on S8+ for £40 or less... but think I'll be happy with this.
If you find anything better in the next 14 days, I can cancel and get full refund
So please let me know
7 Jun 17#115
I'm looking for a new EE sim only upgrade - they can't offer me a deal as good as the one they gave me last year - everything comes out as £5 more.
It's almost like the want to get rid of customers!
7 Jun 17#116
Decent deal if you want the S8 on EE network. Looking at EE sim cards the cheapest 12month they offer is £14.99 for 8GB (have to be a customer for 3 months?) then price changes to £17.99 after the 12months. Now just say it's £14.99 for 24months which is £359.76....take that away from this contracts total price = £482 for the phone.
7 Jun 171#117
If you don't spend your money on something you enjoy, there is literally no point in having money in the first place. Saving money for the sake of saving money is completely pointless.
7 Jun 17#118
I got the phone free with ee retensions on 30.99., though on 2GB a month
7 Jun 17#119
SONY ZX Premium is just the same if not a touch better phone
The Sony has a 4K screen 2
7 Jun 17#120
Bought a Fiat Panda, stunning.... but still if you like a Bentley.
7 Jun 17#121
So if I buff when calling customer service they may offer me a better deal? Better start eating some sprouts.
7 Jun 17#122
Buff or guff :P
7 Jun 17#123
too dear for me to spend this much but as it's a good deal in comparison to what's out there, voted hot.
7 Jun 17#124
Do you get BT Sports app access for 24 months, and also is there any way to cast this apart from chromecast?
7 Jun 17#125
Yes if you're in the buff and it's a video call you will definitely get offered a better deal :wink:
7 Jun 17#126
Yeah, you definitely got a free phone there mate :smiley:
7 Jun 17#127
Really tempted by this, specially for the data. My contract is up for renewal, was considering waiting to see what the oneplus 5 was like but at this price...I expect the phone outright would cost not much less than the total cost of this contract.
Is EE any good? I've been with O2 for over a decade now so I have no idea how good the other networks are.
7 Jun 17#128
No phone on earth is worth 840 quid.
7 Jun 171#129
Ah. "Buffed". To be in the buff. I get it now. Thanks. Customer Service closed at present but they will have a shock with their first call tomorrow. If that doesn't work I will try the bum buff or guff not decided yet :laughing:
7 Jun 17#130
What about on a Galaxy?
7 Jun 171#131
You get a phone and a 24 month contract. Crazy
7 Jun 171#132
now I humph and trump on the buff typo :smile:
should have been ''Bluffed'' !! where did that 'L' slip then?
7 Jun 17#133
I would like to warn against cheap "flag ship" phones from far east. My OnePlus One phone is three years old and still working strong :disappointed: . I throwed away phone case, screen protector and that crazy phone does not want to die :disappointed: .
7 Jun 173#134
In your opinion!
Why are there so many judgmental tools on here? Maybe phones aren't your "thing" but many people, myself included, use their phone for many different things, many different times during the day. Whether it's taking pictures, listening to music, using the GPS for directions, work emails... I spend a good part of my day on the phone so I don't mind spending a "bit extra" to get the one i want.
Ohh, and just to be pedantic, the phone is only part of the full contract. That airtime tariff is possibly worth around £12/month on a sim-free deal so if you take £288 (£12x24) away from £840, the phone is actually costing £552.
7 Jun 17#135
the phone outright can be had for around £520 from afaik
7 Jun 17#136
Awesome price. I live in New Zealand now, and to compare my contract with the S8 might make someone think twice.
Roughly 65 pound for Unlimited Texts, 200 Mins and 1gb data.
8 Jun 17#137
seeing alot of comments if phones/contracts are worth as much as £800+. I personally have a sim only and pay £8 per month. But would happily upgrade at advertise priced. If you consider what a (high end) phone can do these days, its quite priceless. Android has enabled smaller companies to complete with the larger names - if it were just Apple and Google (no samsung, HTC, Sony etc), I reckon phones would have been much more than what they cost today.
8 Jun 171#138
Why have they offended you? They shouldn't have done because it seems that we have a similar outlook on spending priorities. I also go for a good budget phone and spend similar to you on cars.
8 Jun 17#139
Has anyone been able to confirm if this is indeed the EE Max contract or if the phone is locked?
8 Jun 171#140
I cancelled my order from Tim branded Amazon.IT yesterday to get this deal. My original Plan is get that and 3 Sim card for 4GB Advanaced plan. This deal is slightly more expensive by about £30 but...
1) Don't have to worry about the "" delivery issues ( some reports of phones being replaced by bricks during transit).
2) I don't have to worry about Flashing the phone with UK firmware to get rid of the TIM Brand and also to get the Calls over Wifi.
3) No worries on Samsung UK support.
4) oh... and Phone arrives today. :smiley:
8 Jun 173#141
Good deal for this phone....but posting to comment on other comments. Never ceases to amaze me that people have such strong opinions on what others spend there money on. It's pretty simple - do what you want with your money and mind your own business what others do with theirs
8 Jun 17#142
My phone came yesterday (next working day) had the s6 before and omg this phone is stunning in every way :smile:
8 Jun 17#143
Ordered one yesterday on a phone, the guy I spoke to confirmed this is a MAX tarif which includes free data roaming in EU (that was my concern).
Few hours before ordering I called especially to find this out and another person told me the same.
Thanks OP, great post :smiley:
8 Jun 17#144
just an FYI, all networks are required to allow you to use data, minutes and calls in the EU at no extra cost from 15th June
8 Jun 17#145
Are you sure it applies also to ESSENTIAL tariffs which state you need to pay for roaming?
This deal is ideal for me anyway, just wanted to make sure with them.
8 Jun 17#146
...yes we can all enjoy that from 15th June... until we leave the EU
8 Jun 171#147
The beauty of this phone is that if there is an impromptu table tennis match and you are without a paddle you can use the phone.
The same also goes for:
Being up the creek,
Being without a tea tray,
Ascending the Khumbu icefall,
Needing to cross the Yangste river,
Wanting to impress the girls at the Lido by using it as a substitute phallus,
Cutting the phone in two so you and your friend can have a normal sized smart phone, etc.
Really, the phone is ridiculously long, like really Long!
8 Jun 17#148
Anyone having WiFi issues with the phone? It keeps disconnecting and reconnecting automatically. I haven't inserted the SIM so the smart network switch isn't on and the battery isn't in power saver either.
8 Jun 17#149
What have you gained by telling us this?
8 Jun 17#150
Self righteousness is my guess
8 Jun 171#151
Was hoping a similar discount for the S8+ would have been offered by now....
8 Jun 17#152
I have just got mine and the text from EE when I turned it on also said the Max contract. Phone is very nice
8 Jun 17#153
Yup same happened for me just now which was a nice surprise. So saves me putting in a Three SIM when I go to the US next month then. Plus it seems we get BT Sport too.
8 Jun 17#154
For those who have ordered this deal and received their phones already, can you confirm these are new phones in sealed boxes. Some reviews make me nervous, but very tempted due to this being a very good deal.
Thanks in advance
8 Jun 17#155
I agree it's very expensive but let me share some math that helps me sleep better....
I already pay £10pm for my Giffgaff sim so if I take that off the price of my monthly rental for this deal I'll be paying £22.99 for the S8
£22.99 x 24 (contract duration) = £551.76 (already less than retail but there's more).
I've sold my old iPhone 6S for £250
£551.76 - £250 = £301.76
Add the £50 I paid up front makes £351.76 spread over 24months for this phone.
In a year's time I could probably sell it for about that or more and put that towards another new phone if necessary before my contract runs out the year after when I'll probably have some upgrade deal to consider.
In my eyes £351 for a top end phone is not bad....Thanks for posting this OP :smile:
8 Jun 17#156
Oh BTW my phone was unlocked too...which is always a bonus :smiley:
8 Jun 17#157
S6 edge or just the S6?
8 Jun 171#158
Yes it has arrived factory sealed, great deal
8 Jun 17#159
Perfect - thanks
8 Jun 171#160
Mine was. Had the tamper proof seal on it etc
8 Jun 17#161
FB Chat with them......
ME: Hi there, can you tell me if the s8 deal you are doing just now is on EE max and if this includes USA roaming,?
THEM: Hi, that tariff is only for EU roaming though you may be able to add roaming in the USA as a bolt on directly with EE. Thanks - Conal
So seems the USA is NOT included?
9 Jun 171#162
I've received my phone and SIM. I can confirm that it is on the 4GEE Max plan which includes roaming to EU as well as Australia, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand and USA :smile:
This deal was a really good find.
9 Jun 17#163
yep i have something similar £9 per month woth 3 sim only deal..was considering this...
9 Jun 17#164
Looks like that ee live chat person doesn't know their own products (not too surprising). It's definitely a 'MAX' plan with this one, it confirms it via text message when you first switch the phone on and it connects to ee for the first time.
According to ee a MAX plan also has the following benefits;
- Use your unlimited minutes, texts and data in the EU, North America and Australia
- 24 months BT Sport app access
- Our fastest UK speeds (which means up to 90mb where possible)
Does anybody know when this deal is set to end? Already have a contract that ends at the end of this month. I'm not sure if I can start this contract at a later date if I buy it now.
9 Jun 171#167
Mine was factory sealed too.
9 Jun 17#168
This was with the on live chat on FB, not EE.
So people are saying it IS the max plan and that includes the USA roaming, but does it SAY that on it, or are they just assuming this?
9 Jun 17#169
standard s6
9 Jun 171#170
Order thanks Dude. Received yesterday Phoned EE to give them my PAC code.
Can confirm this contract is
Received my phone yesterday phoned EE to activate my PAC code and asked about roaming and he said im on the MAX plan and yes it covers America
9 Jun 17#171
Also get free mobile BT sport on this contract
9 Jun 17#172
24 months BT Sport access ? is 8 gig enough to cover streaming radio for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week though ?
9 Jun 17#173
Sorry may have it wrong. text message says Free access to BT Sport app . My bad
9 Jun 17#174
Sorry im on the vino. Just Registered and logged into B.T Sports app.
BT Sport onEE give you access to all of BT Sports content including UEFA Champions League Premier League and FA cup across all fFour channels
9 Jun 17#175
Access to Moto GP is very appealing.
10 Jun 17#176
people already on a sim only deal around £9 / 10 per month can just buy the phone from Amazon UK for £600. Works out same price. less if you're paying like £5 a month on a sim only deal.
10 Jun 17#177
Great deal. Mine is coming tomorrow. I am still under contract for one month with Three but I have been told that I can port my number within six months after joining EE.
11 Jun 17#178
Opened mine yesterday, it was a sealed box with security deal intact.
Rang EE and they said the phone is locked but I'm currently running the s8 using my Three sim as I still have 1 month left.
Very happy with phone. Great deal!
11 Jun 17#179
I was looking for a new SIM deal too, now my EE contract has ended. Luckily I'm still paying the same good deal, as all the retention discounts still apply even after the year is up, so no need to change it. Last year's deal is still the best I can find.
11 Jun 17#180
So it's this one, or the O2 deal that's quite a bit cheaper, sacrificing 2GB, which is acceptable.
I've always liked EE, not been with O2. I tried 3 last time and it was terrible.
Will I regret going for the cheaper option when it comes to 4G speed & coverage?
11 Jun 17#181
11 Jun 17#182
I've just cancelled my current ee contract and that have said I can't port my number over to another ee contract.
11 Jun 171#183
I wouldn't say quite a bit cheaper as this is only£50 up front and only about £68 more expensive in total.
For your extra £2.85 per month you get much faster 4g speeds, 2gb extra data, overseas roaming and bt sports for 24 months.
I went for this one.
11 Jun 17#184
Mine arrived this afternoon and after 4 years with a Moto G1 its quite something ! I haven't set up BT Sport yet as I've put the request in to port my old number across, is it best to want until thats done before setting up the BT Sport app ?
11 Jun 17#185
do you have to wait before porting back to ee , I've already got a pac code from ee.
12 Jun 17#186
Plus Apple Music for 6 months, worth around £60!
12 Jun 17#187
FYI overseas roaming will be free on all networks soon, as per EU legislation
13 Jun 17#188
how do you get 6months free? I just downloaded the app and says about try for 3months :/
13 Jun 17#189
love that review.
you push it's belly button and it farts from its ears.
13 Jun 171#190
Hi you need to click on a link on the top right of your phone which says EE customers while you see the 3 months offer. Since you ve already registered for 3 months, I suggest give a call to EE and sort it out. I did and they sent a some messages and I went clicking through and it was sorted. Hope this helps
14 Jun 171#191
ONLY in Europe though.........This however has been confirmed by others on there, to be on EEMAX 4G which includes USA roaming too!
16 Jun 17#192
So what happens after 24 months? Do you upgrade direct with EE or are you tied too ?
I read reviews that the phones they supply are substandard, can anyone confirm if they the same as the phones supplied direct from EE.
Also how do offer deals so much cheaper than the actual networks?
Thanks for your replies in advance.
20 Jun 17#193
£150 upfront now, or has the link changed?
22 Jun 17#194
£75 upfront but code doesnt work
22 Jun 17#195
You have to port it to a pay as you go sim. Pickup a 3 or O2 sim. Once done, port your number back to EE
Opening post
Use code 25OFFS8
Possible £40.00 TopCashBack.....
Top comments
Having said all that, I've had a £100 phone for the last 3 years on an £8/month sim :smile: #cheap #tight
All comments (195)
This deal is great but I took the S7 Edge one for £5pm less with the free Gear Fit 2 and bought an S8 separately. I think it works out to less money overall that way.
And the deal 8gb isn't enough.. hot deal tho I'd prefer to buy off line
Having said all that, I've had a £100 phone for the last 3 years on an £8/month sim :smile: #cheap #tight
I payed £150 for my phone and it's on par with S6 but it's a very good and popular phone. It can do everything you said with no problems.
Look if people want the phone then fine. I'm just saying you can pay hell of lot less for a less powerful phone but still more than enough power for what people use it for. You don't need to pay ridiculous amounts of money especially when it will be replaced in two years.
You're right that if £32.99 phone contract get you into debt you have much bigger issues. The problem is that lot of people are in that predicament and that's who my is mainly aimed at.
But, for what it's worth, I don't have an S8; for Android, I'm using a Sony Z5 Compact and a Blackberry KeyONE. While I agree that something like a Motorola G5 is probably fine for the majority, pushing the boundaries of what you can do with technology is important beyond just personal finances but for advancement in general.
even if you have money you might not buy an expensive car but you might not buy the cheapest either.
lots of people would be able to buy this phone but it doesn't necessarily mean that's the smartest thing to do.
Seeing a post above concerns me that deals like this aren't actually brand new phones.
P.S. stonking deal too.
Much obliged for the onfo
On the S8 is the 3rd most expensive phone available. This puts it comfortably in the top price bracket of standard production phones.
A Golf GTi will almost certainly (without any detailed analysis) be in the low-mid price bracket of cars. I'd estimate that you'd need to spend £50-60k on a car to be buying the car equivalent of an S8. (that excludes outlying-priced cars such as Bentley, Ferrari etc.)
I would also suggest that this is one of the reasons that people like to have higher end phones; it provides them with a luxury item which is affordable.
The car analogy of a Galaxy S8 I would imagine would be more like an Audi S8 (just because the names match and it kind of works), with plenty of more expensive cars but most of them are affordable to only a very very minute few in the same way that those diamond encrusted phones etc are. And in case you then say that £80k cars are only available to a small minority you see a lot more cars around that are more expensive than an Audi S8 than you do phones more expensive than a Galaxy S8.
And I think its hot, I have ordered one since my contract ends next month and was going to get a one anyway and is cheaper than the contract I have now with a HTC M9.
..... but still if you like a Samsung phone then this is pretty "cheap" compared to iphone7
The phone is just an app. Has been for years.
make you look judgemental
You've been had by a bamboozle.
What a witty analogy.
And you don't have to commit for 2 years.
But you can find cheaper S8s and SIM-only plans too...
Should be £48 per month but they applied a 30% discount.
I called 191 to find out what deals they have or whether I cancel and go elsewhere.
Hope this helps someone,
Doesn't get any more perfect than that does it? :smiley:
The only downside I can think is the S9 released next year might have the fingerprint scanner built in under the screen, but I guess there is always 'something better' just around the corner!
I was too looking for a deal on S8+ for £40 or less... but think I'll be happy with this.
If you find anything better in the next 14 days, I can cancel and get full refund
So please let me know
It's almost like the want to get rid of customers!
The Sony has a 4K screen 2
Is EE any good? I've been with O2 for over a decade now so I have no idea how good the other networks are.
should have been ''Bluffed'' !! where did that 'L' slip then?
Why are there so many judgmental tools on here? Maybe phones aren't your "thing" but many people, myself included, use their phone for many different things, many different times during the day. Whether it's taking pictures, listening to music, using the GPS for directions, work emails... I spend a good part of my day on the phone so I don't mind spending a "bit extra" to get the one i want.
Ohh, and just to be pedantic, the phone is only part of the full contract. That airtime tariff is possibly worth around £12/month on a sim-free deal so if you take £288 (£12x24) away from £840, the phone is actually costing £552.
Roughly 65 pound for Unlimited Texts, 200 Mins and 1gb data.
1) Don't have to worry about the "" delivery issues ( some reports of phones being replaced by bricks during transit).
2) I don't have to worry about Flashing the phone with UK firmware to get rid of the TIM Brand and also to get the Calls over Wifi.
3) No worries on Samsung UK support.
4) oh... and Phone arrives today. :smiley:
Few hours before ordering I called especially to find this out and another person told me the same.
Thanks OP, great post :smiley:
This deal is ideal for me anyway, just wanted to make sure with them.
The same also goes for:
Being up the creek,
Being without a tea tray,
Ascending the Khumbu icefall,
Needing to cross the Yangste river,
Wanting to impress the girls at the Lido by using it as a substitute phallus,
Cutting the phone in two so you and your friend can have a normal sized smart phone, etc.
Really, the phone is ridiculously long, like really Long!
Thanks in advance
I already pay £10pm for my Giffgaff sim so if I take that off the price of my monthly rental for this deal I'll be paying £22.99 for the S8
£22.99 x 24 (contract duration) = £551.76 (already less than retail but there's more).
I've sold my old iPhone 6S for £250
£551.76 - £250 = £301.76
Add the £50 I paid up front makes £351.76 spread over 24months for this phone.
In a year's time I could probably sell it for about that or more and put that towards another new phone if necessary before my contract runs out the year after when I'll probably have some upgrade deal to consider.
In my eyes £351 for a top end phone is not bad....Thanks for posting this OP :smile:
ME: Hi there, can you tell me if the s8 deal you are doing just now is on EE max and if this includes USA roaming,?
THEM: Hi, that tariff is only for EU roaming though you may be able to add roaming in the USA as a bolt on directly with EE. Thanks - Conal
So seems the USA is NOT included?
This deal was a really good find.
According to ee a MAX plan also has the following benefits;
- Use your unlimited minutes, texts and data in the EU, North America and Australia
- 24 months BT Sport app access
- Our fastest UK speeds (which means up to 90mb where possible)
This can be seen here folks;
It is definitely a really good deal this one.
So people are saying it IS the max plan and that includes the USA roaming, but does it SAY that on it, or are they just assuming this?
Can confirm this contract is
Received my phone yesterday phoned EE to activate my PAC code and asked about roaming and he said im on the MAX plan and yes it covers America
BT Sport onEE give you access to all of BT Sports content including UEFA Champions League Premier League and FA cup across all fFour channels
Rang EE and they said the phone is locked but I'm currently running the s8 using my Three sim as I still have 1 month left.
Very happy with phone. Great deal!
I've always liked EE, not been with O2. I tried 3 last time and it was terrible.
Will I regret going for the cheaper option when it comes to 4G speed & coverage?
For your extra £2.85 per month you get much faster 4g speeds, 2gb extra data, overseas roaming and bt sports for 24 months.
I went for this one.
you push it's belly button and it farts from its ears.
I read reviews that the phones they supply are substandard, can anyone confirm if they the same as the phones supplied direct from EE.
Also how do offer deals so much cheaper than the actual networks?
Thanks for your replies in advance.