Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds – $14.99 (PS+)
Minecraft: Story Mode Season Two Season Pass – $22.49
Pyre – $17.99
South Park: The Fractured But Whole – $59.99 (includes South Park: The Stick of Truth)
Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles – $15.99 (PS+)
Top comments
27 Jun 175#6
Foolishly hoped for a moment this was the UK store :neutral_face: I have a USA account but have UK credit, Heat anyway :wink:
All comments (43)
27 Jun 171#1
Great games all 3
27 Jun 171#2
Ridiculous prices!
27 Jun 171#3
................. So very tempted :neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face: . Heat mate.
27 Jun 172#4
I just did the get ps plus for 2 days trick. I'm pretty certain I've done this before. shadow of mordor is $3.99 for ps plus. that's a lot of game for a silly price.
Kebabcasualty to davy10heads
27 Jun 17#8
How do you do that? I've had a look online and couldn't find out the trick.
27 Jun 172#5
I would buy Knack, but...
27 Jun 175#6
Foolishly hoped for a moment this was the UK store :neutral_face: I have a USA account but have UK credit, Heat anyway :wink:
27 Jun 171#7
how do you get USA PS+, can you just sign up for a trial?
27 Jun 171#9
if only there was a way to get another free plus trial! used mine in a sale about a year ago :disappointed:
eternaldragonuk to paulanscombe
27 Jun 17#12
create a new account.
27 Jun 17#10
new us account that hasn't had a trial, start a multiplayer game or upload a save, Sony then offer a 2 day trial that doesn't need any card info.
27 Jun 172#11
Sign into your US account and attempt to upload a save file. It will ask you if you want a 2 day ps+ trial
I'm away and don't have ps4 with me, is there any way to activate trial on my US or Canada account?
Marcoos to joeydeacon
27 Jun 17#22
Doesn't look like it, unlike the UK store, there's no free trial you can 'purchase' :disappointed:
27 Jun 172#16
sign into us account mate. go to your online storage and select upload to cloud...itll give you the option to have a 2 day trial.
27 Jun 171#17
Cheers, much appreciated.
27 Jun 171#18
Take very much.
27 Jun 171#19
I mean ta very much!
27 Jun 17#20
Ditto (annoyed)
27 Jun 17#21
I think they've added more games, your ps4 list isn't complete (not a criticism, had to take a second look myself), on the whole though just not feeling this sale
27 Jun 17#23
Can I use PayPal?
Marcoos to zagroo
28 Jun 17#25
You'd need a PayPal account with a US address and I think a payment method tied to it also with a US address. It's a lot of hassle.
It's much easier just to get some credit from somewhere like pcgamesupply.
28 Jun 17#24
Could someone explain this to a pleb like me, I don't understand? :disappointed: How do I get a US account? Do I have to change DNS settings? Can I keep my account and just add new user?
28 Jun 17#26
Where are you guys getting your credit from. I set a us PayPal account up. But psn actually want to use a card linked to it.. :disappointed:
A good price!, but with the sequel arriving in August - if you've paid more you really Orc to have known better! (if you know what I'm Tolkien about).
28 Jun 17#30
mad max looks good to me, would my old UK save load ok with the US version? i know DLC dont work..
AndrewRoss to malnuman
28 Jun 171#31
Nope. You can't even go disc to digital in the same country for most games. Some great deals though. Hot!
28 Jun 17#32
thanks for the reply, I did play right through when I had my UK disc version, great game.. still might get the US version for $9.99 and replay it all over again, just the last boss fight/race was a real pain in the butt to complete!
28 Jun 17#33
Thought we might of had our summer sale today?
joeydeacon to Neophyte
28 Jun 17#42
I think the sales mentality is somewhat different amongst shoppers in Europe, the current double discount sale is due to end next week, where sales on EU PSN span two weeks Sony tend to stick with it. Having said that it's been a while since last EU flash sale, got a feeling it might be this Friday
28 Jun 17#34
Went to my Canadian account and saw I still had $5 left. Used the two day trial method and got GOW Remastered for the $3.99 - Result
28 Jun 17#35
Just remember any DLC you buy after buying a game from USA/CAN has to be bought from the same store.
28 Jun 17#36
Couldn't get the US psn credit card from there due to the telephone number verification. The order went through then I was emailed to say its been canceled due to the region I'm in (found out through the phone number verification)
28 Jun 17#37
Hi is there another way to get US credit if pc gamesupply is needing mobile phone verification or is there a way around it. Cheers
28 Jun 17#38
joeydeacon to eloo
28 Jun 17#39
You're a legend, where did you find this? How long is it valid for?
28 Jun 17#40
Just read elsewhere this is for the Green Man Gaming website not PSN
Opening post
[US Sale] [Canadian Sale]
Middle-earth™: Shadow of Mordor™ - Game of the Year Edition- £4.69 (US)
God of War 3 Remastered - £3.55 (Can)
Ratchet & Clank - £7.81 (US)
The Last of Us: Left Behind Stand Alone - £3.90 (US)
Knack - £5.47 (US)
LittleBigPlanet 3 - £5.86 (Can)
Full US list (Canadian prices may be cheaper) - Credit PS Lifestyle
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New Release Deals (Sale Price, PS+ Price)
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Top comments
All comments (43)
and Lovely Planet $5 (Loved this on PC so much that i have to double dip on PS4 version too, OP list is missing this for some reason)
Prices without PS+
It's much easier just to get some credit from somewhere like pcgamesupply.
Giana Sisters at $2.99 is a possibility. (oh, PS4)