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PS4 pro mega bundle £759.99 @ costco camera move 7 games and more
5+ stars +627

PS4 pro mega bundle £759.99 @ costco camera move 7 games and more

£759.99 costco12 Jun 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
12 Jun 17
PlayStation VR and PRO MEGA BUNDLE. With this kit you will have everything you need to experience VR to the full. We have included PS VR, PlayStation Pro 1 TB Console, VR Camera and Move Controllers. Also included are 6 Games, 2 compatiable with VR. Farpoint, VR Worlds are your compatiable games as well as Horizon Zero Dawn, Project Cars GOTY, Tekken 7 and WipEout.

Spend hours of fun with your family and friends experiencing virtual reality with this amazing bundle.
Top comments
12 Jun 17 26 #3
XBOX for short. :smile:
JumpMan1980 to bisoner
12 Jun 17 22 #2
That's Xbox One X to you kind Sir :man:
12 Jun 17 17 #7
I’m sorry your not happy I will pass your comments on to Costco higher management but for now please accept my sincerest apologies :wink:
12 Jun 17 16 #6
This is not a good deal, its just two bundles plus the move controllers. £350 for psvr + pscamera + vr worlds and farpoint. £350 for ps4 pro + tekken 7 + Project cars and horizon. £60 for move controller. Its a bunch of ***** together not a good deal!
Latest comments (78)
13 Jun 17 #78
Having played the Vive, I was totally underwhelmed. Poor games and graphics more suited to a Nintendo Wii than a cutting edge PC.
13 Jun 17 #77
Fair enough, your views differ to mine but they're perfectly valid nonetheless, as you've experienced the system properly. Personally, I was really impressed by it, but I haven't tried the other systems.
13 Jun 17 #76
It's a hot deal. I like the idea of the PS4 pro for FPS (with the Xim4 helping) but if Doom VFR comes out with an aim controller (or something similar) then I may take the full PSVR plunge!...
13 Jun 17 1 #75
I am obviously appealed by it but just don't think there's enough software out there to buy a PS VR right now. I'll consider it if they bring out more stuff. Right now happy with my Ps4 Pro.
13 Jun 17 #74
Not bad but not a fan of Sony or their VR. It will take the PC industry to drive VR as it's just a gimmick at the moment, like 3D. Better off with a PC and VR Set, as you need alot more power to get truly great applications and PCs keep up with advancements.

Will get an Xbox One X too, but doubt we'll see VR on that yet as VR is , as I mentioned a gimmick still .

NB "Gimmick" in my terms is something that has limited or yet to be fully developed uses.
13 Jun 17 #73
Great reply. Truly first class.
13 Jun 17 1 #64
After the E3 last night, I'm not sure if I should invest in a PS VR. Nothing really out there which makes VR worth it right now.
JumpMan1980 to kukuunni
13 Jun 17 #72
Agree Sony was overall disappointing but understandably so, i'm still a fan. Invest in all the tech you can, cover all bases.
13 Jun 17 #71
Spearmint Rhino?
12 Jun 17 1 #34
8 hours until the Sony E3 conference.

It would be a very good idea to wait and see if there's a reason everywhere is doing sales that look an awful lot like stock clearance...
ZeroAbbadon2 to abigsmurf
13 Jun 17 #54
Nah, it's currently Sony's Days of Play sale, they're slashing prices on PS4 Slim, Pro and PSVR for 9 days beginning last Friday. It's a Sony sponsored sale not a stock clearance.
JumpMan1980 to abigsmurf
13 Jun 17 #70
So, nope no reason at all.
13 Jun 17 #69
That's a 6 x box. You need a 1 x box.
13 Jun 17 #68
The only problem with this bundle is that it includes Farpoint and not the Aim. You really want the Aim to play Farpoint and as far as I can tell the only way you can get an Aim is to buy it bundled with Farpoint.
13 Jun 17 #67

But a gaming PC and PCVR device aren't included. :stuck_out_tongue:
13 Jun 17 1 #62
This deal is actually really great...if you're able to outlay that.

The Pro/VR at base price would set you back £700 from most retailers, so £59 for the camera, move controllers and 7 games is pretty great value. Even if you argue you can get a bundled Pro with 2 games, it's still 5 games. Good going!
blanka to DevilsNeverCry
13 Jun 17 #66
Second that and one of the only true decent comments on here. Move controllers are expensive everywhere. Plus it includes tekken which is a £40 game at present. If your looking for a pro and vr, this is by far the best deal. I've just given in and purchased this bundle. Can't wait to upgrade from the original PS4 (day 1).

To those people saying, get a PC. I am lucky enough to have a decent spec PC. Although I've started to game on it, I prefer the PS4. One I prefer to play on the sofa (not fiddle with the PC and move it into the living room) plus the amazing exclusive games. Look at the Sony E3 conference, all those incredible games are exclusives. No windows 10 here.
13 Jun 17 1 #65
These deals are due the upcoming Xbox Scorpio release? Lmao
Firstly i doubt the MS devs have Costco on Speed-Dial. Secondly wasn't the last Xbox supposed to dominate the console war?

Keep trying kids!
13 Jun 17 1 #63
There's a reason PSVR is the market leader in sales, it's the most accessible for the public to get involved in right now.

As for not buying a Dacia, why not? It serves the purpose of getting from A to B, if you are that worried about being seen in one, maybe buy a balaclava from your spare £3,000
13 Jun 17 #61
What are you talking about? All your comments are barely-coherent strings of words. Did you write this using an Xbox controller? Work on your writing a bit, it'll really benefit you in the long term.
13 Jun 17 #60
Very happy with PC, but VR is PoC.
13 Jun 17 #59
If Dacia were the only car manufacturer under £5,000 but I needed to spend £8000 to get something I'd actually want to drive and be seen in. I still wouldn't buy a Dacia.

But if a Dacia is all you can stretch to, I guess it's an easy choice.
12 Jun 17 9 #9
Build a PC and forget the half baked PSVR.
chaywa to The_Hoff
12 Jun 17 6 #12
If you can build a decent VR ready PC and a decent VR set for this price then I'm sure we'd all like to know!

Even as a PC builder/gamer I'd struggle with that!
one2omg to The_Hoff
12 Jun 17 3 #29
decade to The_Hoff
13 Jun 17 1 #53
Build PC for 750 quid and get the google cardboard for 9 quid?
AbandonedTrolley to The_Hoff
13 Jun 17 #58
If you can build me a VR capable PC and get me the headset for £760 I'm with you, but right now, no matter how you look at it, PSVR is the most affordable of the big VR options. Also it's hardly half baked with some great titles already available.
13 Jun 17 #57
Sounds like you're the sort of person who is never happy with anything so we'll take your comments with a pinch of salt.
13 Jun 17 #56
Yeah well looks like you'll just have to keep wondering about that game. I can't see that coming to pc anytime soon. I guess it's because it's just a 'tech demo' and a 'kids game' eh? Not much demand for Horizon......
12 Jun 17 #36
What a joke! "I play on consoles because PCs are expensive", then this £760 bundle comes out and gets heat here lol. Forget about gimmicky VR for the next half-decade, and spend £760 building a kick-ass PC.
Djplonker to commenter14
12 Jun 17 #41
4 out of the 7 games are not on pc....

Also £750 (£550 after buying an os and decent m+kb) will get you an okay rig.

Then you have to add £500+ for vr so it's £750 vs £1250
painty to commenter14
13 Jun 17 1 #55
Why? Why just spend that money on a pc? So you can have an updated replica of the same thing you and everyone else has bought before? Ooooo look i can now play today's games without the frame rate dropping to single figures! Look! I can now set the graphics to almost what the developers intended us to see! PC - been there, done that. I commend those taking the leap into VR. It's exciting, it's different and a whole next level experience. If I had £760 spare I know where my money would go.
13 Jun 17 2 #52
Try not to feed the trolls.. everyone knows the 'master race' is just a bunch of total losers! :smile: They consider themselves 'gamers' but always brag about hardware? Idiots.. the dilution runs deep and the struggle is real :/
13 Jun 17 #51
nice deal .USE THE CODE (jealous) and get 0 % discount . :stuck_out_tongue:
12 Jun 17 #50
Horizon is literally the only game on PS4 I'd be interested in owning, looks interesting.
12 Jun 17 #49
30 years gaming and you're still on a product made for 15 year old kids? HA!
12 Jun 17 #48
So horizon zero dawn is a tech demo now?

I guess the same goes for bloodborne nioh persona 5 and uncharted 4 then.... its not like there are petitions to bring these games to pc.
12 Jun 17 #47
this is bllilant!
12 Jun 17 #46
12 Jun 17 5 #45
30 years gaming experience speaks against your 30 minutes on a PC. The only kid here sonny, is you kidding yourself about PC's being so superior. As for building gaming rigs, been there done that, yawn. You stick to your forums on Frames per second and 4K monitors. We'll get on playing some games.
12 Jun 17 #44
You sound triggered mate. Go enjoy your upscaled low quality games.

Uncharted, really? Keep your on-rails one dimensional games. Nobody on PC would give them time of day.

We're all too busy playing big boy stuff...
12 Jun 17 1 #43
£750 will get you a great PC. £15 buys a perfectly good mouse and keyboard, no need to go for a mechanical if money is tight. And as I say, forget VR for a few years. There's a reason the PS VR costs half as much as the Vive - it's a cheap gimmick.

As for the games being exclusive, i think the phrase "tech demos" is a more appropriate term.
12 Jun 17 1 #42
Yup, we've got them at work, setup alongside every other VR and AR product going.

PSVR wise I've played the typical titles like Driveclub, Eve, COD and SW. It's not terrible, that's not what I'm trying to say, but it is a jaggy fest which I can't live with.
12 Jun 17 #40
Brilliant deal.
12 Jun 17 1 #39
Master Race of what exactly?? FPS? LMAO.. wheres the Uncharteds etc running on pc at? just like the new XBoneX.. all power.. **** games.
12 Jun 17 #38
its called NINTENDO. not scorpio. lol
12 Jun 17 #37
Have you even used a PSVR? I mean properly, for a decent amount of time with a range of games?
12 Jun 17 2 #35
yep. I'm after that Scorpio baby :sunglasses:
12 Jun 17 1 #33
12 Jun 17 #32
Eggcellent (does hotukdeals no longer let you show an image more than once?)
12 Jun 17 2 #22
Bit harsh, I have a PSVR with a Pro and it's absolutely incredible, the reviews have always been favourable, it's providing a decent entry level option to VR gaming. So many games readily available and so easy to use and setup. If you want the very best then yes go with PC (at a cost though) but if you want decent quality, ease of use and instant enjoyment now with good ongoing support and constant stream of games, then whats not to like?
The_Hoff to DCUK123
12 Jun 17 1 #31
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that so I'm not trying to detract from your enjoyment, but personally I thought it was lacklustre, though I also thought the Vive & Rift lacked some fidelity.
12 Jun 17 #30
12 Jun 17 #28
More like XOX
12 Jun 17 #27
Or it could even be
"Xbox OX"
12 Jun 17 1 #26
This is why I procrastinate reading hukd comments! :wink:
12 Jun 17 1 #25
Could get a £600 build with a GTX 1060, then invest the other £159 in an Xbox One pad and a 2nd hand Oculus Rift DK2? :smile:
12 Jun 17 #24
12 Jun 17 #23
X for shorter
12 Jun 17 #20
Expect an xboxox tie in with the Vive 2 later next year with HDR passthrough and completely wireless etc. .
The_Hoff to jaydeeuk1
12 Jun 17 #21
More likely to be a Rift collaboration given that MS already partner with them, including supplying an XB1 controller with every purchase.

But MS have already made it clear they're not backing any one horse and instead working to a standard, Lenovo, HP, MS, Asus, HTC, Occulus etc will all have competing product for Windows, including Xbox.
12 Jun 17 #19
well done,I liked that lol
12 Jun 17 3 #18
Full 360?
12 Jun 17 1 #17
I'd not thought of it like that. That's pretty cool. :smile:
12 Jun 17 1 #16
Highlighted the word for further emphasis.

PSVR is a toy, it's not worth bothering with in my opinion. If you want VR the only real choices are Rift or Vive and even those are very limited in fidelity and killer apps.

Buy a PC, join the master race and hop on to VR once it has suitably matured.

Oh, to be controversial :smiley:
12 Jun 17 #10
Yep, it's not an awesome deal, basically you just get the games for free and that's it.
Madman123 to registeralready
12 Jun 17 #15
Na chill, the game games total worth isn't exceeding £100
12 Jun 17 2 #14
12 Jun 17 1 #13
Brilliant! :sunglasses:
12 Jun 17 13 #11
Looks like they did a XBOX 360 XD
12 Jun 17 1 #8
The PS4 Pro bundle is £380. The PSVR bundle is £340. Both these bundles have considerable heat in earlier deals. So £40 for the move controllers. Which is a fairly decent price too at the moment.
12 Jun 17 17 #7
I’m sorry your not happy I will pass your comments on to Costco higher management but for now please accept my sincerest apologies :wink:
12 Jun 17 16 #6
This is not a good deal, its just two bundles plus the move controllers. £350 for psvr + pscamera + vr worlds and farpoint. £350 for ps4 pro + tekken 7 + Project cars and horizon. £60 for move controller. Its a bunch of ***** together not a good deal!
12 Jun 17 4 #5
12 Jun 17 2 #4
That's clever - it's gone full circle, back to simply XBOX.
12 Jun 17 26 #3
XBOX for short. :smile:
12 Jun 17 2 #1
Expect some amazing PS4 Pro bundles closer to Scorpio's release
JumpMan1980 to bisoner
12 Jun 17 22 #2
That's Xbox One X to you kind Sir :man:
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