Until Dawn – PS4 Game of Thrones: A Telltale Series – PS4 That’s You – PS4 (4th July onwards) Tokyo Jungle – PS3 Darkstalkers Resurrection – PS3 Don’t Die Mr Robot – PS Vita (cross-buy with PS4) Element4l – PS Vita
Available to download from 4th July
Top comments
29 Jun 1732#128
Kids, family, life.
28 Jun 177#24
I cant be the only one who is sick of these artsy sillouette puzzle platformers on Vita, Surely?
28 Jun 176#28
This month destroys GwG by the way (_ :wink:
28 Jun 175#2
Thank you. Time to sell physical Until Dawn and fast! :S
Latest comments (174)
5 Jul 17#174
Have you played any of Telltale's other games? The Walking Dead, A Wolf Among Us, Tales From the Borderlands, Minecraft: Story Mode, Batman, etc.? The style is similar.
5 Jul 17#173
Couldn't down load until dawn as I've ran out of space
What type of game is the game of thrones one as it gave little detail on the down load page?
5 Jul 17#172
I thought last months was pretty damn decent.
4 Jul 17#171
...for once.
4 Jul 17#170
You don't need to download the game immediately, just redeem it to your account.
4 Jul 17#169
Hard Drive space?
4 Jul 171#168
Yes. It's free, what you got to lose? lol
4 Jul 17#167
Yep that'll be in it. i didn't download em in June because i was away then i forgot.
4 Jul 171#166
It was released episodically (6 chapters over the course of about a year). "Season pass" just means you get all 6 episodes
4 Jul 17#165
Does anyone know if Game of thrones is restricted to a specific time frame? It mentions 'Season Pass' so is this not to keep?
4 Jul 171#164
Looks to now be made LIVE :stuck_out_tongue:
4 Jul 17#163
come on Sony some of us are skiving off work here
4 Jul 17#162
Untill dawn even worth it?
4 Jul 17#161
When does this go live?
4 Jul 17#160
Last month's games still up there, by any chance? Check again around 11am
4 Jul 17#159
Have these games been changed at the last min????
3 Jul 171#158
Darkstalkers Resurrection awesome :smile: and i still have to plau Until Dawn, so its a great month for me.
1 Jul 17#157
think of it like a rental service, you can play if you pay
you keep games that you buy with a ps+ discount
any "free" games that you download disapear from your library/ download list when your subscription ends
if you don't download a game when it's free you will not be able to download it later, you have to download while it's free to save it to your account
if the subscrition runs out you get access to the games that you've downloaded in the past if you renew
1 Jul 17#156
i think they should change it back to how it was on the PS3
online gaming should be free, if you want discounts and games on a subscription, pay for plus
1 Jul 17#155
Thanks! I had assumed first of the month.
1 Jul 17#154
Until dawn is a good but short game, i replayed it a few times to get all the endings, it similar to Xbox one's quantum break, good, but only short and a few play through a and it's totalled.
1 Jul 171#153
Always 1st Tuesday of the month
1 Jul 17#152
Tell me about it, I've been looking forward to having time for a game of Horace Goes Skiing for ages.
1 Jul 17#151
When do these show up? Turned on my PS4 this morning and nothing
1 Jul 17#150
Like others, I have already played and completed Until Dawn. But what a fantastic game. I'll still be downloading in order to play through again and make new decisions. Telltale games are always welcome too, another great month.
29 Jun 17#149
Haha :smile:
29 Jun 17#148
Nope, can only download and play them while you have an active subscription. It's slightly different from Games With Gold in that way, where you keep the XBox 360 games indefinitely
29 Jun 17#147
As someone who doesn't have a PSN subscription, what's the blurb about you having access to the games until the subscription expires? I thought you have access to the games all the time regardless of whether you have an active subscription?
29 Jun 17#146
Woah, looks like i got my ps4 back out of storage just at the right time, not played Until Dawn yet, (crash bandicoot trilogy is the reason i got it out lol)
29 Jun 17#145
You're a week late for that. Last week retailers were offering 1 Year PS+ for as little as £26. Sony themselves offered 1 year via PSN for £29.99.
29 Jun 17#144
Honestly, they should remove the Vita offerings from the monthly IGC, and that's from someone who still plays on their Vita. Same goes for the PS3 ones (unless Sony finally gets with the program and does BC... not much chance). Remove the resources for those offerings and perhaps bump the PS4 IGC by an extra one.
I would have loved PS2 games being part of the IGC but the PS2 on PS4 program has slipped into nothingness (meaning you'd soon run out of available titles if it was included as part of the IGC).
They do need to start removing legacy support for IGC.
29 Jun 17#143
Cheers. Thank feck they changed the title music :smile: .
29 Jun 17#142
Any offers on at the moment for 1 Year PSN Membership?
29 Jun 17#141
Dammit, Until Dawn is one of only half a dozen games that I bought for my PS4. And at full price too!
29 Jun 171#140
I'd be happy if they lowered price on subscription and canned the monthly games.
29 Jun 17#139
Any deals for PSN around? mine has expired
29 Jun 17#138
Already own both so sucks for me, but really good if you don't have them!
29 Jun 17#137
I own GOT and don't like it tbh. Very negative & miserable plot.
Until Dawn though.... oooh yes. Looking forward to this
29 Jun 17#136
The Vita seems dead, I feel like they have given up on supporting it so just handing out trash.
29 Jun 17#135
Until Dawn is excellent for the first half of the game, bit 'meh' of a second half (you'll know why when you get there).
Easy platinum too btw.
29 Jun 17#134
the game of thrones telltale is my favourite telltale game. has a few of the TV characters in and runs parallel to the main show.... good marketing tie in with the new series too
be prepared for a lot of shock moments in it, very hard decisions to make
29 Jun 173#133
29 Jun 17#132
i just have the xbox(_;)
29 Jun 172#131
Try oranges, they help me when i'm bunged up! (Thank you, Thank you very much!)
29 Jun 171#130
Yes!! I've been wanting Until Dawn since it came out!! So happy for the 4th July now.
29 Jun 171#129
29 Jun 1732#128
Kids, family, life.
29 Jun 172#127
People still have physical copies of until dawn??? Wow. That is such a short game I had it platinumed within a week of getting it and traded it straight away.... It's such a short game how have people not completed it already
29 Jun 17#126
I only bought Until Dawn last month :laughing: Ah well, for those who haven't played it I really recommend it!
29 Jun 17#125
Until dawn is a good game for at least 1 play through maybe 2
29 Jun 17#124
damn, nice.
29 Jun 171#123
Until Dawn <3 that's HOT!
28 Jun 17#122
I too bought UD a couple of months ago, downloaded it, but still not played it. Gutted. At least I had already bought and finished Life is Strange before that became a PS Plus title.
28 Jun 17#121
oh thanks mate. i have it for a year so i guess I'm getting these all free. whoopie
28 Jun 17#120
...I'm such an idiot. Thanks for the reply
28 Jun 17#119
Glad I held off buying GoT in the previous sales.
28 Jun 17#118
Not into horror or telltale games. Not for me.
28 Jun 171#117
Don't Die, Mr Robot is decent. It's a very playable avoid 'em up and is fiendishly addictive. Very suited to the Vita (never played the PS4 version).
28 Jun 17#116
Wish the TT stuff would sod off games with gold and plus but Until Dawn is an excellent game and I've played and traded it, but happy to download it and play again :smiley: good month :smiley:
28 Jun 17#115
It's almost like they know my PS+ expired last week! :disappointed:
28 Jun 17#114
Haha yeah. There is no reason. It's a game of two play throughs to get the story you want and if you watched two you have kinda done the game!
28 Jun 17#113
Best month ps4 has had.
Ps vita is still underwhelming
Until dawn is very good
28 Jun 17#112
dammit just got until dawn in the sale.Was is great
28 Jun 17#111
Best month since Rocket League? (Exactly one year ago.)
28 Jun 17#110
See this is the problem when they give away good games. I have them both already LOL.
Great month for those that dont.
28 Jun 17#109
the patient in vr has been anounced it a prequel to until dawn
28 Jun 17#108
great line-up.
28 Jun 171#107
Nope :smiley:
28 Jun 17#106
Great month. Always wanted UD again for my collection!
28 Jun 17#105
Until Dawn was an awesome game! Loved it :sunglasses:
28 Jun 17#104
Same here. I almost got it today from game with the 3 for 2 deal but I decided to get ps store credits instead
28 Jun 171#103
I feel your pain. Had the same with Everyones gone to the rapture!!
28 Jun 17#102
10er voucher cex? :smiley:
28 Jun 171#101
Jump on it. Ride it. Not my Pony, find your own.
28 Jun 17#100
Worst month ever, by that measure cheeky
Seriously though, a great month, despite me having both PS4 games.
28 Jun 171#99
How about unstarted digital copies? :disappointed:
Yipeee great month, defo worth the 39.99 sub! Yes! Awesome!
28 Jun 171#95
I've watched 2 playthroughs of until dawn, not sure there's really any reason to play it now.
28 Jun 171#94
The game in this deal is Darkstalkers, not Darksiders :smiley:, think they're two different games.
Looks like a great month for PS Plus, have done both top PS4 game too, so none for me. The PS3 is surely on it's way out now.
28 Jun 17#93
best ever month as I don't have both games.
28 Jun 171#92
*Darkstalkers. The titles are spelt and pronounced differently. It's a Street Fighter-ish fighting game
28 Jun 17#91
I have played until dawn through once, will do it again with this. Love telltale games, just recently played and finished batman, and have started tales of boarderlands. Haven't played GoT yet so will definitely get this!
28 Jun 171#90
Fairly decent PS4 month for a change, makes up for the lacklustre GWG.
Both decent for free, I haven't played either but although I love theTV series of Got tbh I'm a bit fed up with the Telltale style of games though.
28 Jun 17#89
Until Dawn has been on my 'to buy' list for ages so this month suits me for that alone. Played GoT already and the rest are unknown to me but I'm considerably happier with July's Plus offerings than those of GWG.
28 Jun 17#88
Great month, I've completed both of the main PS4 games in previous sales so no downloads for me.
28 Jun 17#87
Until dawn is amazing sold my copy last year will be getting again
28 Jun 17#86
Anyone know if the Darksiders game on the PS3 is part of the remaster on the PS4?
28 Jun 17#85
Sony finally getting their act together for the PS4 subscription service.
28 Jun 17#84
Best month ever.
28 Jun 17#83
Until Dawn is great. GoT sucks a bit.
28 Jun 17#82
28 Jun 17#81
Was about to buy until dawn as well from cex saves me £15
28 Jun 17#80
I'm quite looking forward to That’s You. Saw it demo'd at E3, looks fun to play with family and the kids for a couple of hours.
28 Jun 17#79
Same for me with this months Life is Strange...the lesson is don't be tempted to buy in the sales!
28 Jun 17#78
jumped on my ps4 and into the store to start downloading
damn it
lol :confused::laughing:
28 Jun 17#77
You need some kind of PS Plus subscription to access the games - £5.99, the price of one month's PS+ sub, is the lowest one-off payment you can make to get them. It works out cheaper in the long run if you shop around for a 12-month sub
28 Jun 17#76
Poor lineup imo. Have Until Dawn (which was ok) and Game of Thrones is terrible.
Sony have such a poor ps plus digital offering...
28 Jun 17#75
Not that interested in ps+ This month. least it beats Xbox live.
28 Jun 17#74
If you have the physical version, get shot of it to cex for £7 cash or £10 credit while you can.
28 Jun 172#73
28 Jun 171#72
Unlikely but you might see a sausage being waved. :smile:
28 Jun 17#71
First tuesday of the month
28 Jun 17#70
This Is You looks very interesting. I actually live with 4 other people so it looks perfect.
28 Jun 17#69
excellent offering !!!
28 Jun 171#68
Glad I sold until dawn just last month! Haha
28 Jun 17#67
Peaky blinder of a month for ps. Just as i got rid of my ps plus :disappointed:
28 Jun 17#66
Just curious, how many people own both/have already completed the PS4 titles on offer this month? I'm guessing a large number!
28 Jun 17#65
Yeah, I was disappointed that there was no talk of an UD2 so imagine my surprise when Sony just dropped out a spiritual successor at their E3 pre-show show. And then a prequel for PSVR.
It's funny, even though Supermassive Games stated they were going multiplatform after the release of Until Dawn (despite UD having sold well) it seems those plans were ditched because right now they have Hidden Agenda for PS4 as well as The Inpatient and Bravo Team for PSVR. Busy little bees.
28 Jun 17#64
its free or 5.99? :confused:
28 Jun 171#63
And here...
28 Jun 17#62
Oh I see! I thought Hidden Agenda was a mobile game from a brief rundown on some gaming site recently, but it's actually a PS4 title with additional players able to join in from their mobiles. That's seriously cool.
Need to look up this Inpatient title for VR, hope it's not another small half effort. VR really needs some big AAA titles to get it to catch on. I'm still holding out on getting a headset..
28 Jun 17#61
I seem to have all of the PS4 games they give away now.
28 Jun 171#60
That is the trend this gen. buy and don't play.
28 Jun 171#59
Darkstalkers might though. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
28 Jun 17#58
Heat for until dawn and GoT, sadly got both already. They may as well call time on the Vita offerings now, so many games they could offer yet month after month of cack.
28 Jun 171#57
Gosh darn it
28 Jun 171#56
They are. In two different ways.
The Inpatient is a PSVR prequel and Hidden Agenda is a spiritual successor where multiple people can play together and against each other to affect the storyline. And Hidden Agenda is not a mobile game. It is a PS4 game only this time it uses phones or tablets as the controller.
Hidden Agenda sounds awesome and the next logical evolution of Until Dawn's template.
28 Jun 17#55
"While there's no nudity or sex in the game, sex does come up from time to time, with themes and mention of prostitution, marriage nights, and general sexual innuendos and interest."
Sorry dude
28 Jun 17#54
Sony need to keep the Japanese pleased so it makes sense they get better titles. This month is still great though, can see myself playing at least four of the games.
28 Jun 17#53
Anyone played the Vita games? Really liked the Splunky demo...waiting for this to be on PS+!
28 Jun 17#52
First Tuesday of the month. Activate your trial in the Monday and you'll be fine
28 Jun 173#51
Big question.
Does PS4 Game Of Thrones have boobies ?
28 Jun 17#50
I think the new games are usually available on the 7th of each month, though I've only had a sub since February.
Can anyone confirm this?
Heh, giving Until Dawn is a good idea to get people interested in the next evolution of that game style via Hidden Agenda. It's by the same devs but this time you and friends play together (via phones or tablets) to make choices that will affect the outcome (and not all of you will be working towards the same goal).
28 Jun 17#47
Glad I held off buying Until Dawn now.
28 Jun 17#46
Nope. Thought about it though.
28 Jun 171#45
Very happy I bought PS Plus a couple weeks ago :smile:
28 Jun 171#44
Been thinking of buying until dawn forever , glad I didn't now
28 Jun 17#43
so what day do i need to activate my free trial with psn+, would it be the 3rd of july to get the june and july deals?
and if so what time zone do i need to do it in?
28 Jun 171#42
Seems pretty decent. Nice start to a cheap years sub.
28 Jun 17#41
Poor compared to Japanese PS+ but still pretty damn amazong, Tokyo Jungle looks great fun
28 Jun 17#40
I bought Until Dawn over a year ago and still not played it. In fact I only redeemed the extended edition DLC and put it away again:(
28 Jun 17#39
Such a shame Until Dawn 2 still isn't happening. Think they're making some mobile game at the moment, with a similar idea. Multiplayer. Could be decent, but really need another big budget production similar to Until Dawn for the PS4. We had a great few days working through it, only game that's held the missus' attention since we got the console!
28 Jun 17#38
Had to vote cold. Still no Knack PS+ is becoming a joke.
28 Jun 17#37
Why is it whenever the line up is good I already own them...sigh! Have some heat :smile:
28 Jun 17#36
no waaaaay. Until Dawn Yes!!
28 Jun 171#35
Very happy I renewed my ps+ now. This month Life is Strange, now Until Dawn,.. both great games :smiley:
28 Jun 17#34
Best line up in a while. Already have Until Dawn which was pretty good. Hopefully more AAA games in the coming months.
28 Jun 17#33
This is the best month since records began.
28 Jun 17#15
Will the game of thrones telltale game be every episode like tales from the boarderlands was? Ive got a huge stack of games that Ive bought and havent even opened and PS Plus isnt helping! Its becoming a chore trying to get round to playing them all!
Decoded to dbibby1988
28 Jun 17#17
It will be every episode because episode 1 is usually free anytime.
Illusionary to dbibby1988
28 Jun 171#32
Without looking at the detail - yes, it will. :smiley:
28 Jun 172#31
Sony wins! I'm xb fanboy but have both :-)
28 Jun 17#30
Great for me!
28 Jun 171#4
Excellent line up, best I've seen in a while. Hot. CEX give £10 voucher for all those with un-started copies of Until Dawn!
jiggerjay to SteveSteveSteveSteveSteve
28 Jun 17#29
Cheers just sold mine with them, not that I'll ever spend the voucher.
28 Jun 176#28
This month destroys GwG by the way (_ :wink:
28 Jun 17#27
Amazing, was tempted to buy Until Dawn, good thing I didn't!
28 Jun 17#26
Sold until dawn about a year ago. Completed it twice to see a different ending and I absolutely loved it. Great game. Will download again and play in a couple of months.
Game of thrones.... easy platinum I am guessing.
Great month.
28 Jun 17#25
Good lineup, Heat for Until Dawn, already had it and sold it on but wouldn't mind another chance to keep more of them alive! :smiley:
28 Jun 177#24
I cant be the only one who is sick of these artsy sillouette puzzle platformers on Vita, Surely?
28 Jun 17#16
Well wish I didn't buy Until Dawn from PSN a few months back now, ah well I guess I don't have to worry about it being unplayable if my sub drops :P
Nice set, beats the Xbox deals this month IMO.
reddevil2015 to Moonky
28 Jun 17#23
Im jealous this month, beats xbox easily
28 Jun 172#22
Oh how I wish Tokyo Jungle had PS4 cross play, would love to play that again.
28 Jun 171#21
Heat from me, Until Dawn is supposed to be excellent. Shame i have too many games to play
28 Jun 17#20
thanks for heads up. still playing metal gear V so got alot to catch up on in my library :smile:
28 Jun 171#19
Seems alright. But hasn't everyone already played until dawn?
28 Jun 173#18
That's much better. Well done Sony!
28 Jun 171#14
Damn, I was looking forward to this after seeing the Japanese line up.
Bad month for me personally (only because I have them)
28 Jun 17#13
played until dawn twice but when it came out 2 years ago look forward to another playthrough
28 Jun 17#12
Quality line up.
28 Jun 171#11
Until dawn is really good. Shame I've played it already .
28 Jun 172#1
Good line up for the PS4, shame I already have Until Dawn and GoT from sales a while back :disappointed:
jrussd to Marcoos
28 Jun 171#10
Same here
28 Jun 17#9
Heat from me. Have had mild interest in until dawn for a while now but not enough to spend money, still.. look forward to playing that over a few beers with the gf :smile: cheers for the heads up OP
28 Jun 171#8
game of thrones was so boring IMO... not bad line tho
28 Jun 17#7
I like all of this :smile:
28 Jun 172#6
Great month, until dawn is fantastic as is game of thrones. Already have both so will be nice to have a break to catch up on my backlog
28 Jun 17#5
Nice - Heated!
28 Jun 172#3
Looks like the best month ever for PS4...only the inclusion of Knack could top this :smile:
28 Jun 175#2
Thank you. Time to sell physical Until Dawn and fast! :S
Opening post
Game of Thrones: A Telltale Series – PS4
That’s You – PS4 (4th July onwards)
Tokyo Jungle – PS3
Darkstalkers Resurrection – PS3
Don’t Die Mr Robot – PS Vita (cross-buy with PS4)
Element4l – PS Vita
Available to download from 4th July
Top comments
Latest comments (174)
What type of game is the game of thrones one as it gave little detail on the down load page?
you keep games that you buy with a ps+ discount
any "free" games that you download disapear from your library/ download list when your subscription ends
if you don't download a game when it's free you will not be able to download it later, you have to download while it's free to save it to your account
if the subscrition runs out you get access to the games that you've downloaded in the past if you renew
online gaming should be free, if you want discounts and games on a subscription, pay for plus
I would have loved PS2 games being part of the IGC but the PS2 on PS4 program has slipped into nothingness (meaning you'd soon run out of available titles if it was included as part of the IGC).
They do need to start removing legacy support for IGC.
Until Dawn though.... oooh yes. Looking forward to this
Easy platinum too btw.
be prepared for a lot of shock moments in it, very hard decisions to make
Ps vita is still underwhelming
Until dawn is very good
Great month for those that dont.
Seriously though, a great month, despite me having both PS4 games.
Here's a round up! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhRKGX0-Edg
Heat added :smile::smile:
Looks like a great month for PS Plus, have done both top PS4 game too, so none for me. The PS3 is surely on it's way out now.
Both decent for free, I haven't played either but although I love theTV series of Got tbh I'm a bit fed up with the Telltale style of games though.
damn it
lol :confused::laughing:
Sony have such a poor ps plus digital offering...
It's funny, even though Supermassive Games stated they were going multiplatform after the release of Until Dawn (despite UD having sold well) it seems those plans were ditched because right now they have Hidden Agenda for PS4 as well as The Inpatient and Bravo Team for PSVR. Busy little bees.
Need to look up this Inpatient title for VR, hope it's not another small half effort. VR really needs some big AAA titles to get it to catch on. I'm still holding out on getting a headset..
The Inpatient is a PSVR prequel and Hidden Agenda is a spiritual successor where multiple people can play together and against each other to affect the storyline. And Hidden Agenda is not a mobile game. It is a PS4 game only this time it uses phones or tablets as the controller.
Hidden Agenda sounds awesome and the next logical evolution of Until Dawn's template.
Sorry dude
Does PS4 Game Of Thrones have boobies ?
Can anyone confirm this?
so what day do i need to activate my free trial with psn+, would it be the 3rd of july to get the june and july deals?
and if so what time zone do i need to do it in?
Game of thrones.... easy platinum I am guessing.
Great month.
Nice set, beats the Xbox deals this month IMO.
Bad month for me personally (only because I have them)