Overcooked is a chaotic couch co-op cooking game for one to four players. Working as a team, you and your fellow chefs must prepare, cook and serve up a variety of tasty orders before the baying customers storm out in a huff. Sharpen your knives and dust off your chef’s whites, there isn’t mushroom for error and the steaks are high in these crazy kitchens!
Top comments
27 Jun 177#17
They're next to useless! Wife and I have to pick up the slack. 5 year old can do certain tasks, 3 year old whizzes around randomly blasting the fire extinguisher and generally gets in everyone's way
If you have two controllers and 3 or 4 people in your house (or mates) this is hilarious. You can share a single controller between two people (half a controller each), which adds to the chaos. I occasionally play with my wife (hates games), and 5 and 3 year old kids - they all love it.
27 Jun 173#1
Looking at this week's Deals with Gold and the previous years 2015 (7th July) and 2016 (5th July) it looks like the Ultimate Game Sale could kick off for Xbox next Tuesday :smiley:
Heat added bud.
Latest comments (31)
8 Jul 17#31
cant' see this price any more - just £8.40, is it expired?
30 Jun 17#30
Bought this after seeing this deal on here. Amazing fun - sure, I've nearly filed for divorce because of it twice (why can't she just cook more burgers!!! :P), but we've had some great laughs with it as well :smiley:
29 Jun 17#29
I was thinking about speedrunners.. my bad.
28 Jun 17#28
Does anyone know if this will work on xbox 360? or know where I can get a version that will work with 360?
28 Jun 17#27
I'm hopefully completing this tonight. Best on three-player mode, weirdly - it's oddly difficult on two- and four-player! What a game.
This is a quality game but make sure you have a good relationship with the person / persons you are playing with as things can get pretty hectic quickly and my missus looked like she was actually going to properly stab me at one point due to my apparent failure at digital burger making. You have been warned! :-)
27 Jun 171#24
Great game, and if I ever get divorced this will most likely be cited as the reason.
27 Jun 172#23
So much fun if you have kids. My 12, 10 and 7 year love this game. Even my wife loves playing this. The first time we played it I cried laughing as my 12 year stood up after we ran at out of time screaming 'I said onions, onions' from there on this game is known as onions in my house :stuck_out_tongue:
27 Jun 171#22
Sorry bud. No notification for this.
I'd probably say CDKeys at the moment, unless Wuaki throw something at us in the next few days.
27 Jun 17#21
Heat added, been tempted to get this for ages will grab when home
They're next to useless! Wife and I have to pick up the slack. 5 year old can do certain tasks, 3 year old whizzes around randomly blasting the fire extinguisher and generally gets in everyone's way
27 Jun 171#16
Think I paid full price for this on ps4, and gotta say it was worth it. Only ever played it with two mates n the mrs with 4 pads, so not sure how it holds up with less (I'd imagine its quite hard, considering were stuck on the later levels getting just two stars) but honestly its crazy fun trying and even failing a mission. Its the only game I can think of that has me shouting "mushrooms! Give me mushrooms!!!" Or hearing "somebody wash those f###### plates"
Literally amongst the best couch mp party games with the likes of towerfall, broforce, rayman legend's, lovers in a dangerous spacetime, starwhal and pacman 256.
27 Jun 173#2
If you have two controllers and 3 or 4 people in your house (or mates) this is hilarious. You can share a single controller between two people (half a controller each), which adds to the chaos. I occasionally play with my wife (hates games), and 5 and 3 year old kids - they all love it.
TylerDurdenUK to Mercurius
27 Jun 17#14
How so the children get on with the game? My wife and I have finished it, just wonder if my 5 year would be able to play and enjoy it.
27 Jun 171#13
Thanks for heads up will need to stock up on Xbox Credit any recommendations For Xbox Credit Voucher
/Gift Card ?????
27 Jun 17#12
Oh i've got to buy this haven't I? :stuck_out_tongue:
27 Jun 171#11
saw this deal and had to do a double take, thought it said 'overclocked Xbox one 50% off'
27 Jun 17#10
Thanks OP :smiley:
27 Jun 17#9
27 Jun 17#6
Some hot Xbox deals today, wonder what is going on. Think i'll bite at this one at this price.
blueflash to joshtbh
27 Jun 17#8
microsoft worried about Snes Classic
27 Jun 171#7
Bought this game when it was on sale previously and it is absolute insanity, brilliant but insane. A bargain at this price!
27 Jun 17#5
Fun game. I always play as potty mouthed Gordon Ramsey ....
27 Jun 17#4
This game is genuinely fantastic. A must buy even at full price!
27 Jun 17#3
Brilliant co-op game. Well worth picking up at this price.
27 Jun 173#1
Looking at this week's Deals with Gold and the previous years 2015 (7th July) and 2016 (5th July) it looks like the Ultimate Game Sale could kick off for Xbox next Tuesday :smiley:
Opening post
Overcooked is a chaotic couch co-op cooking game for one to four players. Working as a team, you and your fellow chefs must prepare, cook and serve up a variety of tasty orders before the baying customers storm out in a huff. Sharpen your knives and dust off your chef’s whites, there isn’t mushroom for error and the steaks are high in these crazy kitchens!
Top comments
Heat added bud.
Latest comments (31)
I'd probably say CDKeys at the moment, unless Wuaki throw something at us in the next few days.
Literally amongst the best couch mp party games with the likes of towerfall, broforce, rayman legend's, lovers in a dangerous spacetime, starwhal and pacman 256.
/Gift Card ?????
Heat added bud.