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Original Xiaomi Mi Band 2 Smart Watch - £15.91 - Gearbest
5 stars +582

Original Xiaomi Mi Band 2 Smart Watch - £15.91 - Gearbest

£15.91 GearBest20 Jun 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Opening post
20 Jun 17
Flash deal - 2856 Pieces left

Bought two of these at Christmas for friends, I'm still to see either with one on their wrists. That said, I've heard great things about them, and one of the lowest prices I've seen.

Mi Band 2 is a smart watch bracelet for you, especially for sports lovers!
Do you know how many steps you take, how many calories you consume, and how far you run? Don't worry, when you wear the bracelet to do exercise, such as running, climbing, all these data can be synchronized and analyzed on your mobile phone which helps you plan your exercise time and amount more reasonably. It comes with TPU adjustable wristband, giving you a skin-friendly, breathable feeling. When you sleep, it will monitor your sleep. It can also wake you up by vibrating gently.
Mi Band 2 record every moment staying with you. Just to live a healthy life with it!

Main Features:
- Bluetooth Synchronization
With Bluetooth 4.0, this smart watch is available for smartphones with Bluetooth functions.
- OLED Touch Screen
Just touch the circular button gently, the OLED screen will display current time, steps, heart rate, distances, calories, etc.
- Heart Rate Monitor
It can dynamic-static monitor your heart rate, provide data for you at any time.
- Incoming Calls / APP Message Alert
When someone calls or sends any messages in your phone, the watch will remind you via vibrating, so you will never miss them!
- Sleeping Monitoring
Accurately monitor total effective sleeping time and motions time every night, also APP will give you periodical evaluation, help you develop good living habits.
- Sport Monitoring
This smart watch can record steps, calories and distance. Let you know your sports data, adjust your exercise program and get a healthier life!
- Intelligent Alarm Function
Wake you up every morning, will not be late for work; idle alert to remind you with vibration, stretch your legs after working for a long time.
- No Passcodes Required
Every Mi Band 2 have an exclusive ID, when your smartphone closes with the band, your phone will be unlocked, just identify yourself with Mi Band 2.
- IP67 Waterproof
The IP67 waterproof allows the bracelet to be held in the water for a maximum of 30 minutes at a depth of 1 meter. ( Don't wear the bracelet when diving )
- Full Compatibility
Support Android 4.4 or above and iOS 8.0 or above with Bluetooth 4.0.
- Download APP
You can search the name "MI FIT" in the "App Store" or "Google Play" to download the APP combined with Mi Band 2 to enjoy happy sports time.
The watch time is synchronized with the phone time, and the time system is also the same.
Top comments
20 Jun 17 4 #14
Might get one just to monitor my heart rate when raging on Fifa. Heat from me.
20 Jun 17 3 #5
it's Gearbest though, you'll be lucky to get it in time for Xmas
All comments (76)
20 Jun 17 1 #1
Thanks Buzz :smiley:
20 Jun 17 #2
Looks like a great deal. Anyone got personal experience of using these with a Galaxy S5 or S7 and interaction with S Health etc?
happylarry to steveyboy79
20 Jun 17 2 #4
I have an S7 and MiBand2 - not compatible with SHealth but as Stealth_Fox said it is compatible with other apps like Google Fit.

Battery last ages but I highly recommend getting this app if you really want to unlease the power of this tracker. It allows you to collect HR at regular intervals*, customise alerts, read text message etc. It also get regular updates adding features - mibandtools

*Has big impact on battery life - 5min intervals reduces life to 7-10 days over the normal month+
20 Jun 17 2 #3
Had mine since April and the thing still has 20% of the original battery charge left. Use it linked in to Google Fit so can't comment on S Health but it works fine with Google Fit.
20 Jun 17 3 #5
it's Gearbest though, you'll be lucky to get it in time for Xmas
BuzzDuraband to thegroutch
20 Jun 17 2 #8
I've just had a look at the order I placed for the two I mention in the OP. I ordered them on the 24th November and they arrived in good time for Christmas, I think it was around two weeks.
20 Jun 17 1 #6
Had one for a few months. Great value. Only negative is that display isn't readable outdoors in bright sunlight.

Watch out if trying for alternative/coloured wristbands that some I've tried have not been skin friendly in the way the original band is!
20 Jun 17 #7
Voted cold. I ordered this from gearbest when it was on offer last month and after sitting on their ass for a month they refunded me credit instead of my money back, saying they didn't have it in stock

absolute waste of time
20 Jun 17 #9
It was 15.51 before
itsgun4u to hukdbro
20 Jun 17 1 #10
Less than £15 many times in the past.
20 Jun 17 #11
Cheapest I have ever seen is £15.51, you got a link?
20 Jun 17 #12
BuzzDuraband to bobdylan
20 Jun 17 1 #13
It's actually available for a quid cheaper if we're competing on questionable products :smiley:
CYPER to bobdylan
20 Jun 17 #34
Anyone know why this is so cheap?
Is it a fake?
Or maybe it will never arrive?
mickrick to bobdylan
21 Jun 17 1 #50
Yeah, thanks for that. I just received this from ebay:

You were recently involved in a transaction for the following item:
162556977692 - Xiaomi Mi Band 2 Wrist Bluetooth Bracelet Smart Watch Heart Rate OLED Touchpad

We’re writing to let you know that an unauthorised third party may have accessed the seller’s account to list this item. The item has been removed from the site, and the transaction was cancelled. We ask that you take the following precautions:

- If you already paid for the item, you may be protected by eBay. Open a request with the Resolution Centre and choose, "I bought an item. I haven't received it yet." You can access the Resolution Centre by visiting:

- If the transaction doesn't qualify for eBay’s protection, please immediately contact the payment service used to request a refund.

- If you haven't paid for your item, consider this transaction cancelled and do not send payment.

In this situation, your account wasn't accessed by the third party involved. At eBay, we take a number of steps to help ensure the security of your account. Learn more about protecting your account at:


20 Jun 17 4 #14
Might get one just to monitor my heart rate when raging on Fifa. Heat from me.
20 Jun 17 #15
Not great when measuring heart rate but other than that very good for £16.
20 Jun 17 #16
still waiting on the one I ordered last month to arrive...
20 Jun 17 1 #17
avoid gearbest ! bought 1 from then which has been fine - the 2nd one i bought for my wife had a duff battery - they only refunded $10 of the value.
bobbbbb to misterboumsong
20 Jun 17 #27
I bought a couple from them last time. The heart-rate monitor on one packed in after a week. Gearbest offered either return for credit or a replacement. I accepted the replacement however this is being sent on a slow boat from China so delivery will be around 4 weeks.
Other than that, the watch is great value for money and I highly recommend it if you get one that works.
20 Jun 17 #18
I ordered this from Gearbest the last time it appeared on HUKD. Ordered on the 24th May and it arrived on the 6th June, which I thought was great, considering where it was coming from.

I'm using it paired with my Galaxy Note 3 (I know, I know, I'm waiting to see how much the OnePlus 5 is), and it's a doddle to set up via the Mi Fit app and with Google Fit. The step counter seems fairly accurate (give or take a few steps), the heart rate monitor less so, and the sleep tracking is giving me some interesting results (I'm not getting enough sleep is the take home message).

I've been using/wearing it since I got it, and the battery is still at 60%. However, like others have said, it can sometimes be a pain to read the display in daylight...
20 Jun 17 #19
Brilliant smart watch, had mine since January (took about 3 weeks delivery)
Excellent all month battery life.
Rain proof, dust proof, shower proof, fine for swimming etc. However the part of the strap that holds the watch started to deteriorate recently but I think that is because I was swimming in sea/salt water. Just need a new original strap now :smiley:
20 Jun 17 1 #20
Loving mine, it's replaced my Garmin vivosmart. It's fine in the bath and a water park. The message/phone alert is very handy and the battery lasts 3-4 weeks before needing a brief charge. They're a bargain.
20 Jun 17 #21
Ordered last time it was on offer and love it - amazed by the value for money inc battery life (y)
20 Jun 17 #22
sorry to ask but are the ones on ebay the same as the ones from gearbest - as they are £6 are they are the copies? asking as my garmin vivofit had to be sent back and refunded
20 Jun 17 #23
I have one of these, and using it with an S7. You need to use the Health Sync app which links Google fit app to S health. It's not perfect, but it works. I also use Mi Band Master to monitor my HR throughout the day at 5 mins intervals. It doesn't seem to like getting the HR if you're sweaty (out running etc) so if that's important, you maybe need to pay more. I paid more than this, and although I miss my Android Wear watch, I'm sticking with this for now.
20 Jun 17 #24
Can I ask if you have any recommendations for one? The original strap on mine is now loose (a known feature I gather) and I need to replace it with something more secure. Actually dropped off my wrist the other day, but fortunately that was in the car.
20 Jun 17 #25
Seen this on here God knows how many times.

Finally taken the plunge.
20 Jun 17 #26
good brand.. decent quality stuff. im waiting for an amazfit watch to arrive from gearbest atm.
20 Jun 17 #28
Also Gearbest terrible. Last order didn't show.
20 Jun 17 #29
these are always this price. worth the money though
20 Jun 17 1 #30
Gotta say, never had any isues with Gearbest...always been great value for money and genuine bits. Mixed delivery times mind, had few things turn up in like a week, others 3-4. With the Miband2, have ordered three and no issues with any of them, bar heart rate monitor which is a little hit/miss...loosening the strap helps get more 'hits'...but minor, the long battery life wins it for me (around 3weeks, but its hooked to phone for notifications). My mate got one of ebay recently as was like £13 new from china...but was turned out fake (Decent imitation, but uses different app on phone and the battery life is like 5days lol).................stick with reputable sellers like gearbest. Sound like bit of a fanboy i know LOL
20 Jun 17 1 #31
It's a shame there isn't some transparent organisation that charges a reasonable price for these and actually pays UK tax as they are good devices.

I guess you can say I'm just a little fed up of their dodgy tax arrangements and Hotukdeals' blatant tolerance of them to their profit but at the same time I wouldn't want people to be charged the ridiculous kind of prices Fitbit charge for similar devices.

I mean even if you bought one for £25 from eBay from a supposed 'UK seller' they'd probably be dodging tax. The whole situation stinks and at a time when so many public services are being cut and we're being told there is not enough tax revenue to pay for public services.

Also I couldn't help but notice Hotukdeal; why does one of the main directors of your parent company seem to live in Malta?
20 Jun 17 #32
I can only urge you not to buy this. I bought one and loved it. Then they upgraded the firmware and BRICKED it. It synced seamlessly with the app. Now it doesn't even recognise the app or phone. It's almost useless. So avoid, avoid, avoid. Even the error message is in Chinese. So until they fix this fitness band, avoid it. You have been warned. What you do with this information is up to you.
20 Jun 17 1 #33
Before you order this, look at the Mi Fit App reviews on Google Play store. Prepare to be shocked.
20 Jun 17 #35
Because it's a fake, its a M2 band, looks the same but is rubbish
20 Jun 17 #36
I bought one about a year ago but ever since the band got loose and the monitor popped out of the strap, it's been useless. The straps don't last long and once the cavity for the monitor is worn out, it's impossible to keep it in place any more. Haven't checked if anyone sells the genuine or better strap (got an unofficial one that was bulky and didn't use..)
supermann to shutupman
20 Jun 17 #37
The exact same thing happened to me with the miband 1. It was my bag that did it. When you take a rucksack off your shoulder it can rip the device out of the band.
20 Jun 17 #38
Thanks OP, bought a second one for my youngest boy. Good price and this fitness tracker is excellent. Not as good as my Fitbit Charge 2 but amazing value.
20 Jun 17 #39
These don't work. They ar every innacurate and the battery doesn't even last a few day. I have one lying around somehwre.
20 Jun 17 1 #40
That's because it's most probably a scam.

This is what I just received from eBay:

I thought I'd let everyone know...
20 Jun 17 #41
You were recently involved in a transaction for the following item:
162556977692 - Xiaomi Mi Band 2 Wrist Bluetooth Bracelet Smart Watch Heart Rate OLED Touchpad
We’re writing to let you know that an unauthorised third party may have accessed the seller’s account to list this item. The item has been removed from the site, and the transaction was cancelled. We ask that you take the following precautions:

- If you already paid for the item, you may be protected by eBay. Open a request with the Resolution Centre and choose, "I bought an item. I haven't received it yet." You can access the Resolution Centre by visiting:

- If the transaction doesn't qualify for eBay’s protection, please immediately contact the payment service used to request a refund.

- If you haven't paid for your item, consider this transaction cancelled and do not send payment.

In this situation, your account wasn't accessed by the third party involved. At eBay, we take a number of steps to help ensure the security of your account. Learn more about protecting your account at:


20 Jun 17 #42
Mi fit or Google fit ? What's best with this band
20 Jun 17 #43
I'd be a little careful with that seller (one of his feedback):
20 Jun 17 #44
Not sure about S Health, but it can be made work with MyFitnessPal (MFP), if that's any good to you.

It's a bit of a faff, but it does work.

You do need to install the 'MiFit', 'Google Fit' and 'MFP' apps.

Then link MiFit to Google Fit and then link Google Fit to MFP.

MFP then uses the steps you have done to help calculate your calories in/out.
20 Jun 17 #45
Anyone else have trouble with the steps on these? I used to have a Fitbit HR and I would easily do 10K+ steps a day whilst at work and it also used to factor in when I'd been on my bike... With the Xiaomi, I don't think I've got past about 6k steps, doing exactly the same routine.

Either this is wrong or the Fitbit was? I'm inclined to go with this :disappointed:

Heat for the price though OP!
20 Jun 17 #46
How did you insert the module into the strap?

The module holder on the wife's MiBand2 went all 'floppy' and had to purchase a third party one, but she used to pop in the module through the front.

I lost my first one, but when I got a replacement, I noticed there was a new tutorial showing how the module should be inserted from the rear.

I used this method and my strap is fine after 3 months continuous use ,
20 Jun 17 #47
Cannot compare directly with a FB, I was working with a colleague recently who has a Garmin tracker and despite me doing more 'mileage' during the day, I noticed her step count was about 15,000ish to my 12,000ish. Who's to say which is inaccurate though?

It's not very scientific, but I counted 100 steps recently and the MiBand2 recorded 101, but there may have been a delay between me starting to count and the band registering steps, but pretty damn accurate I thought.
20 Jun 17 #48
Paid £25 for one of these from Amazon a fortnight ago, genuinely pleased with it. A girl with a fitbit at my gym couldn't believe it when I showed her it was waterproof.
20 Jun 17 #49
When buying these from Gearbest/Ebay check for feedback as I bought what was labellled as a genuine original Mi Band 2, but it turned out to be a fake M2 band which looks almost identical but was an Indian made Mi Band 2 clone which was absolute junk and wouldn't sink with phone or Xiaomi app so couldnt even change time. Managed to get a full refund and then bought an original MiBand 2 from Gearbest more reputable seller for £19.60. Lesson learned in that what is described as genuine original is not always the case and sometimes 'buy cheap' means buy twice. I would very much doubt you can get a genuine Mi Band 2 for a tenner, and is 95% likely to be a poor M2 fake. Apart from visibility in direct sunlight the MiBand 2 is a brilliant value fit tracker as has been commented previously.
21 Jun 17 #51
The original instruction sheet sasy do it through the back which i assumed was to avoid this. Not saying this is what you did but people just think they know best nowadays and instructions are just an unnecessary piece of packaging. My kids, one not so kid anymore, obviously did as both tried doing it through the front until I noticed what they were doing.

Great bits of kit and none of the problems that plagued the original version and more particularly the app.
21 Jun 17 #52
Had mine for 12 days now (previous Gearbest offer) and battery still on 67%.

I've set mine up to receive notifications for WhatsApp etc, and to show the time whenever my wrist is lifted, so despite all that extra I'm impressed with the battery life.

Notifications work great, 2 very obvious delayed buzzes whenever a WhatsApp etc is received. It's far more noticeable than my Pebble smartwatch, and also the band always auto-reconnects to my mobile, whereas the Pebble has to be manually reconnected every day (due to Pebble breaking bluetooth connectivity a while ago via an update grr).

Don't really use it for the 'fitness' - just wanted a reliable watch that receives notifications, though I am now checking my steps..
21 Jun 17 #53
Word of advise, the official android app breaks the band
21 Jun 17 1 #54
Nooo bought other day for £18ish. Could've bought a happy meal with that back in the day.
21 Jun 17 #55
They were clearly lying about the listing as it was an M2 band and not made by Xiaomi at all so that was why it was taken down
21 Jun 17 #56
Had mine a few months, brilliant little device, great value. Running the official mi band App on a Galaxy J5 phone no problems at all, brought my daughter one as well
21 Jun 17 #57
Had mine since November, use with A5 2017, had a prob syncing to miband app a couple of weeks ago, fixed by turning phone off and on again. Few niggles but for the price it is fantastic and I have also counted steps and compared and it's pretty accurate. Fell out with googlefit app as steps in there were always less than on mifit and the band despite them being linked?? Only using for steps and notifications really so mifit app is fine. Had a few straps off eBay, I prefer the ones with buckle strap as they feel more secure. One faded and the pin fitting on a leather one broke. For the cost of them I have no probs replacing every 3 months say. Only other niggle is text message notifications used to work by activating call alerts ... and this way it also told you who the text was off ... but doesn't work any more so have had to add the messaging app to notifications. If mine broke tomorrow I'd have no hesitation in getting another straight away. No experience with Gearbest tho.
21 Jun 17 #58
Great deal (even if it happens frequently enough to be the standard price). I had the original Mi Band, then upgraded to the 1S for the pulse reader, and have now upgraded again to this. paired up with the 'Mi Band Tools' app it's comparable to fitness trackers that cost ten times the price. As has been pointed out above, if you always pop it in and out of the band from the back, you will not have issues with it falling out and getting lost. On the GearBest issue, I get loads of stuff from them and can't recall a single issue. I'm not calling those complaining about them liars, just saying that I've never had an issue, so not *EVERYBODY* is buggered about by them.
21 Jun 17 1 #59
I purchased this a while ago, came in about 4 weeks. Good bit of kit.

I link it with Map my Fitness through Google fit. You can also link it with sleep as android but I actually find the Mi app is more accurate when tracking sleep.

The alerts are pretty cool, if you get Mi band tools
21 Jun 17 #60
Enjoying mine, better life is amazing. It's been on for 17 days and still has 46% left.
22 Jun 17 #61
Be careful with these mine only lasted 3 weeks and now will not connect to anything I cannot see it in any Bluetooth setting, I have upgraded the app but no luck its just a glorified watch now which needs recharging
23 Jun 17 #62
I inserted them from the front, the only way I thought possible as that had the largest opening. It's a shame they don't just have a better strap that some how "locks" the module to it so it can't pop out without unlocking it.
23 Jun 17 #63
23 Jun 17 #64
I don't need a rubber wrist band to know how healthy I am. Another useless accessory.
Ripperoo to mad_design_man
27 Jun 17 1 #67
................and everyone is not you....thank god! FOT!

Maybe some people just need a little motivation and can be a great motivator to some and that is never a bad thing evah!
24 Jun 17 #65
Lucky you! Some of us were not so lucky
25 Jun 17 #66
Finally ordered one for myself. Got one for the other half a few months ago and was impressed, in particular with the notification features. Ordered a couple of replacement straps also
4 Jul 17 #68
Mine arrived today, 2 weeks after the order (completely forgot i had ordered it) - looking forward to playing with it later!
Thar to couturekid
4 Jul 17 #69
Which delivery option did you choose? UK Express?
6 Jul 17 #70
My one arrived today, after 3 weeks. Looks great, instructions in Chinese. Just scan barcode and it connects to Xiamo Mi Band site and downloaded app to my Asus Zenfone. Heart monitor appears accurate as does distance tracking. I charged battery and it notifies your phone it is fully charged. A bargain at the price.
7 Jul 17 1 #71
Still impressed with mine.

The only quirk has been after I charged it for the 2nd time (first charge lasted 24 days). The battery drained 7% in 4 hours so obviously something was wrong. Turns out that I'd used my normal 2 amp charger - this apparently isn't recommended.

Fixed by recharging back to 100% using a 1 amp's drained by 4% in 3 days so far. More like it!
7 Jul 17 #72
I ordered on 21st June but still no sign. Anyone know which delivery company the tracking number is for?
Mex5150 to mickrick
7 Jul 17 #73
Mine was delivered by the Royal Mail, but mine was ordered and delivered well before this came up here, so it may have changed now.
Thar to mickrick
7 Jul 17 #74
I've no idea who the company is, but try this link, it worked for me CLICK HERE
10 Jul 17 #75
Oops, just saw this. Think it was Express (like 1 or 2 pound extra.)
10 Jul 17 #76
Nice one. The last entry was UNITED KINGDOM, the transfer of customs-- 05-Jul-2017 04:50 AM

Its an electronic device with free shipping, no duty or vat to pay. So it should be any month now.
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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