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One Love Manchester OLM Shop From £5.00
5+++ stars +1.6k

One Love Manchester OLM Shop From £5.00

£5 Local (Offline only)4 Jun 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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Opening post
4 Jun 17
Not a deal, just a good cause.
Top comments
thegamingkinginfo to diehardguy
4 Jun 17 106 #6
At a time like this you want to broadcast your political views? Vile Convervatives? Let people vote for who they want, keep your words to yourself. This isn't a post for your political views, and this isn't the time. (Liked his post by accident)
4 Jun 17 75 #5
One love concert. Now go out and vote for compassion and love and put these vile Conservatives out of power and give the UK the chance of hope. #rip
4 Jun 17 47 #19
Hey you! You who were thinking of reading the comments in this thread! A quick bit of advice: Don't.
4 Jun 17 27 #27
Well, you've made your point here, on a deals website because obviously that's the most important place to share your political views. Now if you'll excuse me I must go and tell people on Tinder where to get cheap apples.
Latest comments (201)
28 Jun 17 #201
'we got through terrorism by talking about it.' - the conflict was brought to an end not because of 'love' or compassion but because the british intelligence services crippled the IRA through spying and infiltration. Laser microphones, GPS surveillence, double agents, they couldn't do anything without being recorded and they became paranoid and splintered. They came running to the peace table in the end. Love doesn't stop terrorism, ever.
22 Jun 17 #200
A deal. Hot.
21 Jun 17 #199
not a deal. Cold.
11 Jun 17 #198
Since I can't donate to everyone, I don't discriminate so I donate to no one :P.
11 Jun 17 #197
So, no evidence then? Just conjecture.

It seems like a strange opinion to have. Either it's the sort of thing you'd do yourself if you were running that company, or you're simply assuming the moral high ground over people you have no idea about, in which case this says more about your need to feel superior over other people than the actual issue at hand. It may be your opinion, but I'd suggest it doesn't really show you in a particularly good light.
11 Jun 17 1 #196
I know what net profit is!

I have done research on the company and the reviews both here and in America are far from exciting.

like I said it's my opinion and people should be careful. how many people were selling tickets over the asking price, how many touts were at the concert, how many shops (high street and online) are selling merchandise and not giving anything to the cause, one is too many.

And why charge 20 quid for a T shirt that costs circa 35p to produce. they should clearly state (like most companies do) how much is going to the cause
11 Jun 17 #195
Er. Well, yes, what you've described is exactly what 'net profit' means, so what evidence do you have that they'll artificially ramp up their operating costs for the calculation? You yourself said you haven't heard back from them, so you must have something, right? I mean I'm presuming you must have some evidence, otherwise basically accusing the staff of a company of being basically evil scum on a subject like this without any evidence seems pretty cold...

I mean you may as well go with something like this:

"Yeah, that deal on the PS4 looks pretty good, but I reckon Sony steal bus passes from old ladies and eat puppies. I mean, I hope I'm wrong, but I have my doubts. Cold."
10 Jun 17 #194
I voted cold. people please be careful of people/companies stating they will be giving "net" profits to charity. I have asked backstreet (company who run the site) how much of the £20 (t shirt) they will be giving to charity - they have not responded and I doubt they will. This item will cost pence to make (I work in retail textiles so know). so you would expect a large about to go to charity but they will have "over heads" to take out which will be higher than normal with minimal going to charity. Breaks my heart that people profit from atrocities that happen. I hope I'm wrong a both this Co. But I my doubts.
8 Jun 17 #193
She could have visited with a more modest look IMO. I don't see people going to funerals looking like they're ready for a club.
It's not like you either look like a barbie doll or a tramp. There is an in-between!
8 Jun 17 1 #192
I get what you're saying and agree to a certain extent, but playing devils advocate a second, I'm sure the fans she visited would probably prefer her to come done up like she was, rather than no make up, in a trackie, looking glum, especially if they were getting photos they can treasure from the visit.

As I've already said in the thread, damned if she did, damned if she didn't. If she hadn't got done up I'm sure there would be people saying, no respect, she didn't even make an effort for the visit, just like there were people saying no respect, didn't bother visiting, then when she did, others said, no respect, shouldn't have visited, it was a publicity stunt.

One things for certain, she's done more for the victims than the mayor of London seems to have for the victims of the London Bridge attack, don't see him or the prime minister paying for funerals or raising millions to help anyone injured.
8 Jun 17 #191
I can express my opinion. It wasn't even so much the makeup but the pics where she does the duck lips and poses. I didn't say she should have gone there looking like a mess. There is a difference between going there with fake eyelashes and all and just with a light makeup and presentable.

I hope you're getting paid for this strenuos defence :P
7 Jun 17 1 #190
Tell that to the Daily Mail, The Daily Express and the other trash newspapers.
7 Jun 17 #189
So you'll be voting tory then. Ergo a feckless fascist or a fool, or both?
7 Jun 17 1 #188
Oh god, would someone please take this thread out to a barn and put it out of its misery?
7 Jun 17 #187
Far more concerned about keeping Corbyn out. Thanks for telling us how to vote though.
7 Jun 17 2 #186
Ah, so the girl was supposed to turn up looking a mess with no make up on just to keep you happy. Her fans expect her to look the way she did. I am sure they would have loved her in those pics even though you clearly didn't but they were not made for you anyway. Well done you for taking up your valuable time to complain about it though.
7 Jun 17 #185
So when were all these mass shootings you know about but don't seem to have been reported by any news agency?
7 Jun 17 #184
What? We don't. The last mass shooting to occur in this country was Dumblane and that was in the mid-90's.

Meanwhile, America's most recent mass-shooting was 2 days ago.
6 Jun 17 1 #183
One hundred percent agree (y)
6 Jun 17 1 #182
Well, given I've hit the report button on quite a few that remain I shudder to imagine what was on here before. This site is for sharing tips on cheap nappies, people, not for picking fights and belittling each others' beliefs; there's a perfectly good Twitter for that. :smile:
6 Jun 17 #181
yes, stick your fingers in your ears and sing lalalalalala
6 Jun 17 1 #180
Believe it or not It was even worse, some of them were removed. I stopped looking at it it got so awful
6 Jun 17 1 #179
There should be an option to close posts to comments on this site. This thread is pretty reprehensible in places.
6 Jun 17 2 #178
F me! Didn't realise there were so many bitter people on this site.
6 Jun 17 #177
We don't have mass shootings in this country but nice try.
6 Jun 17 #176
Yes, buy a t-shirt and ignore the massive elephant in the room.

Maybe you can wear it in your Facebook status where you post the #prayforxxxxx

Maybe this would be a better buy, after all it will save you buying a new t-shirt every couple of weeks.
6 Jun 17 #175
I do agree with you that they're slightly overpriced but I also think making imitation versions is beyond low.
6 Jun 17 #174
I'm not being funny, but if I had been there, or at London Bridge the other night, I'd have been s******g myself with fear and I'm pretty sure anyone would have been !
6 Jun 17 #173
I'm just saying, if they had more realistic pricing then more people would buy the proper charity stuff then having to buy non charity eBay because they simply can't afford a £40 jumper !
5 Jun 17 1 #172
And even if it was some elaborate publicity or PR stunt then if those kids having the great night they deserve came out of it, it was absolutely all worthwhile.
5 Jun 17 1 #171
Diana Abbot as any position above school lunch lady or part-time volunteer in an Oxfam shop is not the solution to anything.
5 Jun 17 1 #170
Nice yeah. Why don't you start a little side business making and selling your own rememberance poppies as well while you're at it.
5 Jun 17 1 #169
Well too bad because

a) I've already voted and
b) I wouldn't vote for Corbyn or what currently passes as the Labour party if my life depended on it.

I think the guy is seriously dangerous and he has no business being in charge of a country at any time, let alone a time like now.
5 Jun 17 #168
None of these attacks and hatred will ever put fear in us, it is they who are actually scared!

Peace <3
5 Jun 17 1 #167
OK. I'm not telling you how to vote, but this is a fact. The only vote that will keep Theresa May out is a vote for ??#jeremycorbyn. Cheers.
5 Jun 17 4 #166
Some funny comments on here, I am so glad I don't see the world with such cynicism and hope that won't change as I get older.

Saying that one of the world's biggest popstars posed with sick kids for publicity is bonkers. Some people are so detached from reality it's worrying.

Fantastic heartwarming concert that will assist in giving children the confidence to live their lives without fear! Seeing what happened must have really hit kids quite hard. Ariana has proved why she is an excellent role model for kids and totally deserved the praise she received.
5 Jun 17 2 #165
You absolute goon! Why support people trying to make profit out of a charitable cause? People selling on eBay cheaper versions should be banned as it defeats the point
5 Jun 17 #164
Does anyone have PayPal credit as I had an email offering me a £5 credit.... If you are not using to buy anything and the ONE LOVE MANCHESTER web site will allow you to use eBay... Well at least buy the Enamel Pin it's only £5
5 Jun 17 3 #163
I'm sure the Red Cross will spend the money as they see fit. It may seem like a lot of money, however besides those that died there are also many still in hospital, some with life changing injuries. I imagine they may possibly not work again, may need their homes adapting and so on.

Furthermore some of those that died were parents, so those families not only lost a loved one, but also an income and may possibly now be plunged into financial difficulty as a result. One family from York very sadly lost both parents, their children's lives will have been changed immeasurably. Hopefully the Red Cross will step in for affected families where they fall through the gaps in the welfare system.
5 Jun 17 #162
I still can't believe, £40 for a jumper, really? Good cause or not, that's just daylight robbery. Similar in eBay going for about a tenner
5 Jun 17 #161
Great cause indeed but wouldn't it be good to set a maximum amount limit and once that has been reached the excess could go to families of those murdered elsewhere who have received nothing ?
5 Jun 17 5 #160
I'm normally a cynical 8ugger, but watching Arianna last night, she was gracious, genuine and caring. Not a fan of her music, but couldn't help be touched by the event she put on. Apart from the money raised, you could see in the kids faces in the audience, who had witness the horrific attack the week before, for 3 hours, were overjoyed to be there with her
5 Jun 17 #159
Yeh thats for that. :smirk: I'm sure the printers, and suppliers have a nice mark up on all this too...

Also what specifically are they going to do with it all to support those affected? Millions on counselling and support? Hell, if it helps and requires it all then so be it, but it just seems a lot of money going to what is in relative terms a small amount of people who have been affected. Maybe with the increase of attacks elsewhere, maybe the Red Cross would be better to build a central pot instead focusing on multiple areas, or supporting communities across the country.
5 Jun 17 #158
This thread needs more amateur politics.
5 Jun 17 1 #157
nope, the OP should have pointed out that it was the keyring that was £5

and it sitll is....

bit of a misleading post considering the picture was of a hoodie
5 Jun 17 #156
I really hope tha a good percentage of this goes to those who were affected by that night.

Not just those who have lost loved ones, or those who were injured. but people who may be suffering from PTSD and other syndromes. counseling should be made easily available for all those at the Arena that night. I'm sure that Red Cross know what they're doing more than me though. :smile:
5 Jun 17 #155
Is this still available at £5
5 Jun 17 #154
All charities require money to run or produce their merchandise or they would all shut down very quickly as they would be loss-making.

Some money is better than no money going towards a cause.
5 Jun 17 1 #153
That still doesn't answer their question though. Net could mean cost of TV shirt including paying staff is £19.90, so 10p goes to charity. Completely different than a card at a charity shop which says 70p will go to charity, at least you know where you stand.
5 Jun 17 2 #152
Clicking once on the link would of answered your cynical question faster than what you typed out

5 Jun 17 #151
In the "avatar"? Should be a metal pin which is £5. I bet people see this title "from £5" then see the hood and thinks:oh cheap hoodie.
5 Jun 17 2 #150
Got to agree here.

Also, the cynical side of me says someone is benefiting a hell of a lot from this. And it isn't the victims families. Where is all the money going to be spent? Anyone made that clear yet?
5 Jun 17 #149
Makes as much sense as shutting down cancer charities or stop donating as it won't bring back those who died from it either :disappointed:

Do you not donate or do anything for charity either as that's really you trying to ease your own conscience pretending you're making a difference
5 Jun 17 3 #148
And you think Dianne Abbott as Home Secretary is the solution????

Anyway, as others have pointed out, this is not a thread for politics.
5 Jun 17 #147
Where does all the proceeds actually go to ?who gets the money?i think doing things for charity is a great idea,but the money made won't replace people who have lost loved ones
5 Jun 17 #146
im hot for the cause but cold for this post dont see how the op should use this terrible event to get cheap heat from hukd viewers
5 Jun 17 1 #145
Frankly I don't even see why she has to do anything. It wasn't her fault so she is not obliged to do anything. It happened at her concert. Could have been at any other venue.

Going to see the children was a nice thing but she has used it to her advantage. That's all I'm saying. There is still some benefit for the victims in what she had done as well as for herself.
5 Jun 17 #144
Great Cause. Heat Added.
5 Jun 17 #143
We shall agree to disagree :smiley:
My point is, she couldn't win.
On the misc thread there were people saying she should have visited the victims, she did, now people are saying it was publicity. Whatever she did she would have had people saying she was wrong. Person\lly I think she did things for the right reasons, but understand not all would.
5 Jun 17 2 #142
See my previous comment. Look at the pics. She is posing, she is wearing makeup etc ready to look good in pics. She is a smart girl so she was never gonna be obvious and invite press there. She knew parents were gonna take pics and share online. It's common practice nowadays to post everything on social media. There you go. You people are too naive.
5 Jun 17 2 #141
I am sure she knew pics would be posted... she's not stupid. Calling photographers would have been too obvious. She went all dolled up as well so she was obviously ready for pics to be taken!

I'm sure she's sorry but she is also using all this to her advantage since I know she has had incidents in the past where she annoyed the public.

Not questioning her going to see the kids but as soon as I saw the pics and then this concert she organised after cancelling her tour... I knew it wasn't all genuinely done for the victims. Could have gone on tour and simply give part of the profts away.
5 Jun 17 5 #140
I don't understand? Clearly says the photos were posted by the father of an injured child, so shows the opposite of what you were saying about publicity?
5 Jun 17 #138
If you think for one moment that your personal freedoms would increase under Corbyn then I'm afraid you're horribly deluded.

Corbyn is an extreme socialist and one thing for which extreme socialists aren't known is encouraging individualistic freedoms. Why do you think he wants all of those cops back on the streets for example? Or has he ever given you any inclination that he would start to scale back the surveillance powers currently available to government and law enforcement in this country?
5 Jun 17 1 #137
Same as me, I can be very cynical of stuff like this, but in this case I genuinely think she has tried to do what she can, for the victims, rather than for herself, as has happened in the past.
5 Jun 17 #136
Says you. If you don't like it ignore him and the comment. There's a button for it.

Or vote for Theresa May and get the internet "regulated".
5 Jun 17 4 #135
So just out of interest, what would you have suggested she did? Not go to the hospital? Then you would have been critical of the fact she didn't go. Remember she didn't have press there, it came out as parents put photos on facebook. Not do a charity concert so you could have a go that she could have done more? Not pay for funerals, so you could say, least she could have done was pay for them?

Not sure why so many people are jumping on her for doing what she has. Yes, she will have a higher profile because if it, but she was damned if she did, damned if she didn't.

I'm not a fan of her or her music, however she was obviously genuinely upset at what happened and has tried, in some small way, to help who she can. She's a 23 year old girl at the end of the day, she isn't prime minister, she isn't the president, she can't 'fix' things. What more do you think she should have done?
5 Jun 17 3 #134
I'm not doubting you but please could you post links to those pictures? I haven't seen them and while I am usually very cynical, her actions over the last 2 weeks have seemed pretty genuine to me.
5 Jun 17 1 #133
I like how people remember about charity when something bad happens close to them. You can donate to many associations every day of the year.

Ariana Grande just trying to look good. It's nothing else. Great publicity for her on the back of people who actually have suffered. I've seen the pics where she went to the hospital... posing with duck lips... really the attitude of someone sorry for the poor victims.
5 Jun 17 1 #132
Thanks Julie I didn't see this post before, you're a star! Thanks for sticking to topic :smiley:
5 Jun 17 #131
Oh for god sake people it's a post about items for sale raising money for the charity, forget your political BS and wether or not Ariana is a good artist for a minute, typical example of what is wrong with our country,!!

If the deal doesn't interest you, don't click on it or buy anything, simples!

Now if anyone has anything to go with the post to comment then feel free, like helping me out who hasn't a clue on the sizes, anyone who already has a hoody or jumper from here can you let me know? Thanks
5 Jun 17 #130
'Going' - very school yard.

Thanks to Spark for pointing out that Live Forever is a 'duet' of sorts, obviously you are not familiar with the song, I'm guessing you are probably more into Leona Lewis and Alexandra Burke.
5 Jun 17 #129
Expressing your political views is one thing. Telling someone directly which way to vote is quite another.
5 Jun 17 #128
When is the time? Seems to me, with the election looming. Now is exactly the time.
5 Jun 17 2 #127
My daughter bought the xxl hoodie, but she likes them baggy, and it is, extemely baggy, she's a size 12 and I would have said a medium would have fit her (what I call) properly, possibly a large and then still been a bit loose. The xxl I would have said was 18-20.
Other daughter is a 16, bought an xxl t-shirt, and it was loose on her, would have got away with an xl, especially considering she had it on over another t-shirt. Friend is a 12, she bought a large, again was loose, over a top..
Cant help with jumpers, but t-shirts and hoodies seem similar in sizing so imagine the rest will be similar.

A comment earlier about them being a cheap donnay type top, they aren't, I was surprised how decent they seemed, better than some £20-30 hoodies I have, so probably not that overpriced if thats anyones only concern,

Hope that helps someone :smiley:
5 Jun 17 4 #126
Keep your politics to yourself. Its people like you who let into the country hundreds of thousands of people that hate our way of life.
5 Jun 17 4 #125
voting Tory due to this comment
5 Jun 17 2 #124
I'm just going to elaborate further on this slightly in fact in case there is still any sort of doubt. If you need further evidence then look at Canada.

Canada now has one of the most liberal governments in the world and hasn't supported any attack on any fundamental Islamic target since Afghanistan in 2001. However Canada has faced no less than 5 attacks by IS-inspired fundamentalists since 2013 and growing numbers of Canadian Muslims, particularly from Alberta, have been involved in IS propaganda offences and have travelled to Syria and elsewhere to fight on behalf of the Islamic State.

If Britain's foreign policy is to blame for current events then how do you explain these attacks against Canada? Successive Canadian governments have bent over backwards to make the Muslim population feel welcome and the Trudeau government still admits large numbers of refugees from predominately Muslim countriues, often at the expense of its relationship with its somewhat important neighbour to the south.
5 Jun 17 #123
I was thinking the same, as the ones they were wearing looked HUGE...

The hoodies looked like a more sensible fit...

but they could have been wearing the largest size to be a cool and baggy... who knows...
5 Jun 17 4 #122
It should be clear to anybody with half a brain cell that Britain's foreign policy has had nothing to do with any fundamentalist Islamic attack.

Germany and Belgium have had similar, if not worse, problems with IS-inspired fundamentalists and those countries have not made any military attacks against IS targets. In fact Germany is possibly the most welcoming and accepting country in the western world when it comes to people from the Middle East and has directly opposed most British, Russian and American-led military campaigns.
5 Jun 17 #121
Nfft, platitudes in the comments section.
It's a good cause, so voted hot based on that.
5 Jun 17 1 #120
completely agree... to question her motives is beyond stupid.

She was tangled up in a horrible incident and has done what she can, not sure what else she could have done in the circumstances if I am honest.
5 Jun 17 2 #119
ISIS have already explicitly said what their main reason for attacking is, and it is not foreign policy.

'Furthermore, just as your disbelief
is the primary reason we hate you, your disbelief
is the primary reason we fight you, as we have
been commanded to fight the disbelievers until they
submit to the authority of Islam, either by becoming
Muslims, or by paying jizyah – for those afforded this
option – and living in humiliation under the rule of
the Muslims. Thus, even if you were to stop fighting
us, your best-case scenario in a state of war would be
that we would suspend our attacks against you – if we
deemed it necessary – in order to focus on the closer
and more immediate threats, before eventually resuming
our campaigns against you. Apart from the option
of a temporary truce, this is the only likely scenario
that would bring you fleeting respite from our attacks.
So in the end, you cannot bring an indefinite halt to
our war against you. At most, you could only delay it
temporarily. “And fight them until there is no fitnah
[paganism] and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah”
(Al-Baqarah 193).'

So unless everyone converts to their fundamentalist version of Islam, they will continue attacking.
5 Jun 17 2 #118
I've been to Venezuela and seen dead people lying on the streets as a result of Corbyns, Abbott and McDonnells much loved Socialism. No thanks. I also remember having to keep candles out for when the electricity went off and queuing for bread when the bakeries were on strike.
5 Jun 17 #117
Was looking at the White jumper last night on the site for the wife, anybody got any clues on the size guides for the clothing?

there's no indication on the site as to size charts or anything so any help would be appreciated
5 Jun 17 2 #116
Noel used to sing that part of Live Forever, that's why. It was always meant to be kind of a duet.
5 Jun 17 3 #115
No the answer isn't the same, I spent £120 on tickets, £80 on 2 x t-shirts and a hoodie last night, and have also donated money to the red cross appeal. I also drove to Manchester just over a week ago in the middle of the night (over a 300 mile round trip) to pick 4 young girls up who I didn't know and were stuck, scared and wanted to get home as did others from up here and around the country. So again, what have you done?

I'm also not the one questioning how this will stop future attacks or bring back the dead, which no one at all has even suggested this will do.
5 Jun 17 1 #114
personally I just find these types of hippiesque statements extremely irritating - similiar to Theresa Mays 'enough is enough'

Both are just meaningless words with no real substance - what we need to know is what they are actually going to do to try to address the problem
5 Jun 17 3 #113
While I appreciate where you're coming from, I hope the one love and compassion you proclaim is for everyone and not just those that share your political views? I have many friends and family of differing political views, and would never refer to any of them as vile. I save such words to describe those that seek to do us harm.

Have a peaceful day and stay safe.
5 Jun 17 #112
You an talk how much did you give to charity, have you visited anyone lately, how much did you pay towards the funerals I'm afraid the answer is the same we are all in the same boat all we can do is go to hotukdeals to find a good deal we are not made of money to donate or give but we all want a good deal on hotukdeals
5 Jun 17 2 #111
Please vote Labour thanks
5 Jun 17 1 #110
Don't worry, I'm voting conservatives happy to help :smiley:
5 Jun 17 #109
Are you serious? She's got one of the best voices going!

Unlike that lout Gallagher who needed Chris Martin to sing the high notes!
5 Jun 17 #108
With that logic, no one should have/go to tributes or funerals either as they're pointless?
Coop funeral care would have a hard selling selling you a plan
5 Jun 17 3 #107
£40 for an £8 hoody with some writing. wow.

this is only hot out of sympathy.

i am not saying its wrong to be sympathetic but if the deal wasnt related to manchester it would be confined to the pits. try flog a donnay hoody for £40.
5 Jun 17 #106
And what have you done to try to help those affected by the attacks? Paid for any funerals? Raised any money for charity? Visited the victims in hospital? Nothing at all? I bet I can guess which one it is.
Theres something seriously wrong with people like you who sit on your **** having a go at someone trying to do some good and help those when they need it, while doing nothing themselves. Especially when nobody has said the concert will do anything you are suggesting it won't do. Idiot troll.
5 Jun 17 #105
It Makes us all feel human to be together and feel the same pain simple
5 Jun 17 #104
I am sorry, but this is not the right place/time to promote your political views!
5 Jun 17 #103
Someone earlier on said they were really moved by her version of that song and really enjoyed it. So, who is right?

It's just your opinion. Maybe keep it to yourself. I don't think this is the place to air your music preferences.
5 Jun 17 3 #102
I disagree. A lot of her fans and her parents probably wouldn't have blamed her for cancelling her remaining European tour dates and not touring the UK again for another couple of years. She has totally gone beyond the call of duty on this one and if that has improved her already pretty flawless public image, then that praise is well deserved.

Her voice and songs aren't really to my taste but then again it her music was never really designed for me and I can see why some other people like it.
5 Jun 17 1 #101
Agreed. I really think there are some people out there that will try and put a negative spin on anything. You'd think with some of the comments on here that she helped with the attack.
5 Jun 17 #100
I wouldn't say it was a PR stunt at all, but obviously she is going to be on a guilt trip, as any of us would in those circumstances. I believe she HAD to do something like this, not to improve her profile, but to maintain it.

Awful voice by the way, totally murdered Over the Rainbow IMO.
5 Jun 17 #99
Now who is being naive?
5 Jun 17 1 #98
Who is Ariana Grande was he part of this gang
5 Jun 17 #97
How is the concert going to stop the terrorist from attacking again and is the concert going to bring the dead people back
5 Jun 17 #96
Sure, if she never wanted to sell a record ever again.
5 Jun 17 2 #95
There were a great many things that Ariana Grande could have done to prove this was only a PR stunt. She did none of those things and in a world of selfishness, instant celebrities and attention-seekers proved yesterday that she is an excellent role model and a genuinely decent human being.

She's a class act to the end and it's only a shame that more celebrities aren't like her. If this was all some sort of charade to boost her own fame and career (a boost she doesn't really need tbh) then she is probably the finest actress I've ever seen.
5 Jun 17 1 #94
I would probably have had more luck on Tinder if I'd put "I KNOW WHERE YOU CAN BUY CHEAP GRANNY SMITHS" as my profile. :disappointed:
5 Jun 17 #93
Noted. Comments unread. Thanks for the heads-up. :smiley:
5 Jun 17 #92
What in my comment makes me so naive? She isn't a slave you know. She can make her own choices and COULD have just went home and forgot about it all. She did donate money as well. Like I said before, I have no ties at all to her. Her music sucks but she is doing a pretty good job in doing what she can for the victims.

Also "I never started the political debate" is the type of response you hear from kids arguing. Grow up.
5 Jun 17 2 #91
Can't find the jumper for a fiver, must have sold out
5 Jun 17 3 #90
What an interesting thread. People told not to talk about Manchester or London. Now isn't the right time etc. When is?
Significantly more needs to be done that like it or going to upset liberal softies. And whilst trying to moderate a simple thread about a deal, there's inevitably a growing trend that many have had enough.

Okay, so let's stay focused (as instructed) on the "deal" which at first appears to be a £40 pullover for £5, which really costs £40. The "RIBBON ENAMEL PIN" should have been displayed not the pullover and misleading. The OP says "not a deal", so if I'm purely looking at the deal itself (putting aside any politics/empathy/shock/horror/anger/upset, which I do feel as a parent to a 10 year old daughter) then why is the "deal" so hot? It's a cause, which has my full support but a deal? I don't see one.
5 Jun 17 1 #89
Is the box of chalk included in that deal..?
You can stand together but it won't protect you from getting killed by those ****...
How long will you be repeating the same ****??
5 Jun 17 2 #88
Nice selective comment deletion there. Chose to delete a comment condemning all sides, left, right, liberal etc. But leave the comments criticising the Torys. You've shown your colours sir
5 Jun 17 4 #87
Who are you to tell people how to vote? Cast your vote and allow others to cast theirs. Trying to use young people dying to score political points you vile, vile person.
5 Jun 17 #86
It is a very good cause but what does FAMEHOUSE an American music company know about Manchester UK ?
Also how much do they give to this Charity ???
Just a thought. Prayers to everyone at this sad time
5 Jun 17 #85
Until the next one! :man:
5 Jun 17 #84
Marcus Rashford there in background... for football fans.

Katy Perry had a dress on featuring pics of all the 22 victims...

they are my two facts of the day..

Now just to decide what to buy from the shop...

cheers OP.
5 Jun 17 #83
I don't know what to make of this.
5 Jun 17 3 #82
Crappy product that will get relagated to never being worn soon enough. Find a way to donate the money directly to those who need it.
5 Jun 17 #81
True, and who knows, maybe their next strategy would be to commit these acts 'outside cities'. Then you have the narrative that you're not safe anywhere. Scary stuff.
5 Jun 17 #80
For this and all the other similar comments. Maybe someone wants to let Hotukdeals know this as my Facebook thread is littered with nonsense by hotukdeals not related to any deals!
5 Jun 17 #79
You're right, my apologies. I was just looking at it from the perspective of: wherever there are people enjoying life, terrorists could attack.
5 Jun 17 2 #78
You can disagree with a lot of what people are saying here - I know I do - but it's pretty naive to think that wouldn't happen. What type of comments were you expecting? A discussion of the quality of the stitching on the t-shirts?
5 Jun 17 #77
"Net proceeds"....maybe just send £20 to a suitable cause, and buy a £20 hoodie instead. Probably far more money would reach the worthy cause.
If you really need to virtue signal, you could write "One Love" on it with a marker?
5 Jun 17 1 #76
What stood out for me more than anything was the young people who were completely fearless and had the courage to go to this. Not to mention being in the aftermath of yet another attack in London too.

As for people who have decided to bring politics into this thread - Really!?
5 Jun 17 #75
How so? Name one terrorist act in Europe that hasn't been in a major town/city?

Until they start targeting village fetes and tea rooms, it's still statistically a higher risk regardless of how low that actually is in real terms.
5 Jun 17 1 #74
Got me a hoodie <3
5 Jun 17 #73
Shut your pie-hole you dope
5 Jun 17 #72
It seems the perfect time to get political. Given there's an election coming up and the current govt have been cutting police numbers ever since they came into power.
The world keeps turning no matter what else is happening and now, more than ever we need to be compassionate and caring towards each other.
5 Jun 17 7 #71
As another user said, living outside the city isn't necessarily safer. As for your second question, my guess is as good as yours. I'm a Muslim living in London, and all my Muslim friends and family are slightly on edge going out to work and getting on with our lives.

Firstly because of these terrorists, they are monsters and do not care who they kill, as long as people die. We do not get a 'free pass' for being Muslims, as many racists/Islamophobes seem to think. Secondly, we have an added threat due to increasing Islamophobic attacks, as well as receiving stares/comments from the public. It's a shame really, Muslims have built lives here; there are Muslim doctors, lawyers, engineers, business owners all benefitting society all over the UK and we coexist peacefully with our non-Muslim neighbours. Then the scum of the Earth terrorists arrive and try to create an 'Us vs. Them' mentality, destroying innocent lives in the process. It's great to see the people of Manchester standing up to terrorism. We can't let those **** win.
5 Jun 17 1 #70
Still not the place!
5 Jun 17 #69
Totally agree! This isn't a political platform nor should it be either.
5 Jun 17 #68
Living & working in London is as safe as it's ever been, mentioning the statistics will be no comfort to those recently suffering loss so i wont go into that but yes, do not be deterred, being outside the city doesn't make you any safer.
5 Jun 17 1 #67
Agree to a point but I'm not sure how this 'deal' can be posted and people are not supposed to refer to the event (and circumstances) that led to it in the comments? That's wishful thinking. Maybe the whole thread should have been placed somewhere else...?
5 Jun 17 #66
Stood not far from an exploding car? Fair play to you.
5 Jun 17 2 #65
OLM is a great example of people getting up and doing something, and in truth it is people that make the most difference, not governments.

Look all you people full of hate, this is how we do it, your can't stop us, how does your world compare?
5 Jun 17 7 #64
Everyone stick to the deal please, take your other conversation to misc or elsewhere.
5 Jun 17 3 #63
The irony in this statement is palpable after this guy started the debate in this thread.
5 Jun 17 #62

Please can I clarify, am I one of the 'both'? Cheers.
5 Jun 17 3 #61
I can not believe this convosationarguement is still going on.. can you both PLEASE give it a rest and join a news forum to discuss how to fix the world. This is hotukdeals you know! (shock)
5 Jun 17 #60
I don't agree, all I see are services decimated and money floating out of the country. People subsidised by working tax credits not dignity. I value that more than the illusion of an economy.
5 Jun 17 2 #59
There are no facts in that opinion though are there, just your emotions.

We are a more prosperous nation under Tory leadership, and no services can be provided without funds.
5 Jun 17 #58
I can tell you the conservatives destroy a little bit more of the fabric of our society every time which I value a lot more. They have a costed manifesto and I don't mind paying a few more quod to get public services back. This is not the thread for this debate.
5 Jun 17 5 #57
My word, how naive are you?

Whilst I do have some sympathy for Ariana, sure she must have felt terrible, ultimately she had to do this for PR reasons, of course she couldn't just go home and forget about it.

If every single penny from the ticket sales went directly to those affected, it would be around £1.3m, she could have just donated that if it was purely about raising money.
5 Jun 17 #56
let's agree to disagree, politely
5 Jun 17 6 #55
I think YOU will find that is wishful thinking - Labour have destroyed our Country's finances EVERY time they have been in power, FACT.
5 Jun 17 3 #54
Don't be ridiculous. I never started the political debate in here (though think that was a huge step towards finishing it), and let's be honest, it's just a bandwagon/heat grabbing post anyway, there's always a few similar ones when anything tragic happens.

Don't think for one moment that I have any lack of respect for the people who lost their lives or became injured in the terrible atrocity.
5 Jun 17 1 #53
It's the sentiment that counts!
5 Jun 17 2 #52
The idea is that we are not terrorised. That is what the terrorists want. We can be scared when facing death but we will not be terrorised. Manchester hardly looked terrorised last night. People of all ages, race etc. came together to stand up and show that we all stand together and whilst they may scare us they will not change our way of life. If anything they made the people of Manchester stronger.

Regarding your comments about Ariana, you do know she was a victim as well? She could have went home and forgot about it all. But you're fed up about people thanking her for putting on a charity gig? The whole thing was to raise money for the charity. Not just to entertain you.
5 Jun 17 1 #51
I think you will find this was a common joke amongst outgoing parties abused by the Tories in their "inherited" a mess narrative. I can tell you it's the height of ignorance and lack of understanding to share memes about this. How clever you are, well done.
5 Jun 17 #50
Then it should be utmost importance to you to understand why your niece suffered what she did and to try and create an environment for it not to happen again. When I was a child a police man was blown to pieces in his car not far from where I was standing, so terrorism is a sensitive issue for me. I realise that you have to create the right environment for peace and not bury your head in the sand. It is not helpful to shut people down who are simply trying to help people understand. It seems that it's ok for people to either tell people like to to shut up after these events or for people to make unhelpful comments like introduce internment and all of this type of ignorance. I can't stand it and certainly do not want your niece or my children to suffer the things that many have whether it's at the hands of Islamic extremists or Northern Irish republicans.
5 Jun 17 5 #49
I thought the performers/ songs were rubbish apart from Black eyed peas - Where is the love? (Where was Fergie morelike) and abit of coldplay's set and Liam G. I was fed up of how many times Ariana was congratulated for putting concert on and being so brave because I assume she has a huge team of people who organise most of her life and I do not feel she was anymore brave than those who went along to watch, particularly those who went along the second time. On a final note, the stand together/ we are strong/ will not show fear message seems silly, odd and contrived. I would be bl**dy scared if faced with a man/ men attempting to kill everyone either with a knife or a bomb. When I see the wartorn countries on the news I think how lucky we still are that the UK killings are, as yet, limited to small numbers of casualties/ fatalities. For anyone affected you have my sympathies and I hope that knowing that you are in peoples thoughts offers you some hope in humanity.
5 Jun 17 #48
Great time and place to post that.

You don't have much compassion, do you?
5 Jun 17 1 #47
The comments on this thread are pure cancer. Some of you people should be ashamed.
5 Jun 17 #46
Says the person who just wrote a political post. You're as bad as each other.
5 Jun 17 10 #45
You Labour sympathisers don't have very good memories, do you?
5 Jun 17 1 #44
I know it's for a good cause, but £40 for a jumper is a bit steep!
5 Jun 17 3 #43
I concur
5 Jun 17 6 #42
Can we have one for Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Burma, Palestine, Libya and many other places around the world
5 Jun 17 1 #41
I thought I was going to get the shirt in the picture for a fiver.. :laughing:
5 Jun 17 2 #40
5 Jun 17 #39
These things are happening everyday in loads of country.. But we are to... To care about others...
4 Jun 17 2 #38
I suggest you not to continue reading comments below me. Just hit the back button.
4 Jun 17 2 #37
Grief thieves.
4 Jun 17 1 #36
neither was i just wanted to clarify myself :smiley:

no sir if its affected you then your in my thoughts, your not in this alone and there are others in your situation so dont feel like your alone!
4 Jun 17 1 #34
Any way of raising money for this cause is a good thing. If people would rather buy merch than donate directly it's still a good thing. Plus people wearing the merch will raise awareness even more and hopefully encourage others to donate x
frakison to chocfudgemunky
4 Jun 17 1 #35
Any merch will have a cost (and probably a profit) element, so in effect, by buying it instead of direct donation, you are effectively doing the cause out of money.
4 Jun 17 3 #33
diehardguy - please do.
4 Jun 17 1 #32
Burying my head in the sand you've got to be neice was at the arena when the attack happened and teenage daughter at the concert tonight. No shame on me!
4 Jun 17 1 #31
No problem, I wasn't looking for an argument :smiley:, but I just don't agree with the comment. As I have said on another thread, these attacks have affected me, I wouldn't visit London now and I even feel uncomfortable when I go to the local shopping mall. If that makes me a coward or shows I lack spirit, so be it, but in my mind, no one can protect from a faceless enemy :disappointed:
4 Jun 17 2 #30
Personally, it's all political...lest we forget the half a billion the US put into terrorism propaganda, God forbid the U.K. Does that sort of thing :wink:
4 Jun 17 1 #29
I really wish that was true, unfortunately its just flowery poppycock which is only being said by those unaffected... do you think the parents who lost their children share your view? I wouldn't!!

Bit of a wake up call for you, in reality, death conquers life and that's where these gutless cretins will always win as they have achieved what they set out to do :disappointed:

I think that the concert was a bit self indulgent by Miss Grande at times, BUT if it helps anyone affected, I'm all for it (but lets not forget that Manchester isn't the only site of terrorist atrocities of late).
4 Jun 17 1 #28
Which is completely understandable, as said above though my thoughts go out to the families envolved as I cant begin to imagine there pain, however as a country they cannot nock our spirit, the support we give for those in need and the help that has been provided by the people in these areas is simply staggering.

So I apologise for not clarifying what I meant was that of the nation rather than individuals as, that will forever leave it's mark.
4 Jun 17 27 #27
Well, you've made your point here, on a deals website because obviously that's the most important place to share your political views. Now if you'll excuse me I must go and tell people on Tinder where to get cheap apples.
4 Jun 17 2 #26
This is a deal forum. that's why it is called hotukdeals. Perhaps you don't understand.
4 Jun 17 4 #24
Watched the entire concert. All singers were great! One Last Time was hard to watch, though. ;(

Here's something to lighten the mood, Katy Perry eating an Ice Cream:
diehardguy to FantasyDeals
4 Jun 17 1 #25
So gutted no Noel Gallagher!
4 Jun 17 #23
Bury your head in the sand and after the next attack come out and tell people not to talk about. How productive. Shame on you.
4 Jun 17 4 #22
Back to the concert, I thought it was wonderful and huge respect for the young woman Ariana Grande and everybody else for putting it together. Love conquers evil.
4 Jun 17 #21
Is living in London safe?

Why are terrorist attacking London and innocent people??
4 Jun 17 17 #12
Those of you squabbling on this thread need to take a look at yourselves, it's embarrassing and pathetic.
diehardguy to HovisBread
4 Jun 17 3 #13
I agree it is pathetic, but different people process these things in different ways. Some people emotionally and some intellectually. Live and let live. Last time I heard we had free speech and if you don't like what you read then move on.
Sunqueen to HovisBread
4 Jun 17 1 #20
I couldn't agree with you more...shame on them!
4 Jun 17 47 #19
Hey you! You who were thinking of reading the comments in this thread! A quick bit of advice: Don't.
4 Jun 17 #18
I think you'll find he has changed his policy on that. The main point is he might try a different approach.
4 Jun 17 1 #17
Did I tell people who to vote for. Are we going g to have these concerts every few months or are we going to realise the root cause and change our policies? This government propose a hard Brexit which may partition Ireland and bring Irish terrorists into the mix. I have a right to warn people of such. People will always choose what they feel and I'm allowed to make my point.
4 Jun 17 #16
Heat from me btw, OP. Thanks for sharing.
4 Jun 17 27 #1
fesiii to emmabee123
4 Jun 17 2 #15
i agree :smiley:
4 Jun 17 75 #5
One love concert. Now go out and vote for compassion and love and put these vile Conservatives out of power and give the UK the chance of hope. #rip
thegamingkinginfo to diehardguy
4 Jun 17 106 #6
At a time like this you want to broadcast your political views? Vile Convervatives? Let people vote for who they want, keep your words to yourself. This isn't a post for your political views, and this isn't the time. (Liked his post by accident)
ChowYunFat to diehardguy
4 Jun 17 #14
You mean voting for the IRA and Hamas sympathiser who thinks shoot to kill terrorist is not right??? Or the one who cut 20000 police officers in the name of austerity and line her rich friends pockets when she was the Home Secretary??
4 Jun 17 13 #11
Ok for Trump to politicise this? Sick of people like you saying not the time or place. What do you know? I grew up in Northern Ireland and we got through terrorism by talking about it. Why don't you listen and learn rather than be ignorant and let these things repeat. The belligerent Conservative policies and encouragement of anti Muslim rhetoric will make Britain less safe. I have a right to say what I think will help change the direction of this country. Who do you think you are? Theresa May?
4 Jun 17 18 #10
I'll let your stupid comment pass as for one it didn't make much sense and second it's not the time or place. Giving money to the red cross directly or using the just giving site is fairly easy for most.
4 Jun 17 16 #8
Not knocking the cause or anything here but 'net profits to the cause' usually means a fraction of the purchase price actually getting to where it's needed and the rest lining pockets of wealthy charity bosses.
Usually giving directly is a better route.
neiiilers to fireman1
4 Jun 17 1 #9
Alright, contact them yourself then. Let us know when you've reach out to them.
4 Jun 17 10 #2
got a couple of t-shirts and a hoody thanks op.

also adding my two cents, if the Nazi's cant kill our spirit after the war then these terrorists cant either!

so sorry to the family's affected. cant imagine what they are going through.
frakison to danboi63
4 Jun 17 3 #7
That's easy to say when it's not your loved ones who were killed!!! My 'spirit' would be destroyed if my child had been killed, but hey, you keep spouting rhetoric and buying hoodies, I'm sure that will disuade any future terrorist action! :smirk:
4 Jun 17 6 #4
if we all stand together we will beat the cowards.. god bless Manchester & London
4 Jun 17 3 #3
God bless the UK and the rest of the world. :smile:
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