Currently showing on offer for $9.99. You can buy $10 top-up card from PcGame Supply for £7.85 at the moment which should be sufficient to make the purchase of the game. I understand the game is around £10 mark in the UK physically (digital edition is £24.99 on UK PSN) but some people prefer digital and hope this helps them (I hate digital myself, lol).
Taking place nine years after the events of MGSV: Ground Zeroes and the fall of Mother Base, Snake a.k.a. Big Boss, awakes from a near decade-long coma. The game resumes the story in 1984, with the Cold War still as the backdrop, which continues to shape a global crisis. Snake’s journey takes him into a world where he is driven by a need for revenge and the pursuit of a shadow group, XOF. METAL GEAR SOLID V: The Phantom Pain continues to ambitiously explore mature themes such as the psychology of warfare and the atrocities that result from those that engage in its vicious cycle. One of the most anticipated games of the year with its open-world design, photorealistic visual fidelity and feature-rich game design, MGSV: The Phantom Pain will leave its mark as one of the hallmarks in the gaming industry for its cinematic storytelling, heavy themes, and immersive tactical gameplay.
27 Jun 172#1
Heat. Works out just over a fiver if you snagged one of the discounted cards last week from PCGamesupply
27 Jun 17#2
the difference between definitive ed?
mixmixi to powerbrick
27 Jun 17#3
You get Ground Zeroes and a few costume related dlcs with the definitive edition. However, you don't get Kojima with that though.
27 Jun 17#4
Don't you have to be conscious of [States-based] sales tax now? If i've understood correctly sales tax is added based upon the address your US PSN account is registered to. Some states' have sales tax applied, others do not.
mixmixi to iamthelloyd
27 Jun 17#6
Choose an address in a state that does not tax the order. It is as simple. :smile:
27 Jun 17#5
Worth every penny in my book! Purchased the definitive edition two weeks ago off this site an would recommend it to anyone.
27 Jun 17#7
How to buy from foreign shop? My net automatically direct me to uk version of ps network.
Marcoos to giloo
27 Jun 17#9
You have to sign into your US account on your PS4 or the web store.
Sounds like you don't have a US account set up?
27 Jun 17#8
One of the best
28 Jun 17#10
with how cheap this is going it wouldn't be that shocking if it's a PS plus game at some point over the summer.
Opening post
Taking place nine years after the events of MGSV: Ground Zeroes and the fall of Mother Base, Snake a.k.a. Big Boss, awakes from a near decade-long coma. The game resumes the story in 1984, with the Cold War still as the backdrop, which continues to shape a global crisis. Snake’s journey takes him into a world where he is driven by a need for revenge and the pursuit of a shadow group, XOF. METAL GEAR SOLID V: The Phantom Pain continues to ambitiously explore mature themes such as the psychology of warfare and the atrocities that result from those that engage in its vicious cycle. One of the most anticipated games of the year with its open-world design, photorealistic visual fidelity and feature-rich game design, MGSV: The Phantom Pain will leave its mark as one of the hallmarks in the gaming industry for its cinematic storytelling, heavy themes, and immersive tactical gameplay.
Sounds like you don't have a US account set up?