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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
22 Jun 17
I was researching this brand after seeing a couple of people selling this brand of laptop on ebay. While doing so, I came across a pretty good deal on their website.
2 year warranty.
Top comments
23 Jun 17 3 #87
Hi Guys,

I rang MEDION Customer service. IT is a QWERTY KEYBOARD not QWERTZ. The site uses stock french/german photo's but he has confirmed UK Shop will be a QWERTY.

23 Jun 17 3 #54
Really? It's a more than capable resolution on my 42" TV.
22 Jun 17 3 #32
Dont be so sure, I have a recent Medion laptop and it is utter utter s**te I have never had such a poor laptop before, and it wasn't budget end. Big spec for the money but I really regret buying it.
Latest comments (110)
27 Jun 17 #110
I got mine today! I got the £800 one with the 256GB SSD, I didn't realise it had an M.2 SSD (I must of missed that in the description)! The only problem is... its bigger than I thought. I'm contemplating selling it, instead of my old one. BUT ITS SO BEAUTIFUL!

Its by far the best laptop I've owned. People trying to shoot the build quality etc down, clearly are just jumping on reasons people can't question. I've had it apart (was going to upgrade the SSD), and not a single part of this seems cheap. It's really well made, they were probably just getting rid of them to make room for their new 1070 range. Absolute bargain.

I was looking at other models they made, and found this:

The one we all bought, s**ts on this. GTX980M for £800? It honestly was a steal. Thanks for posting the deal OP, even if I do decide to ultimately sell this, I will probably make a profit.
26 Jun 17 #109
Any get theirs today? Got mine and today and feels very nice. Not your cheap crap. Very well built, good screen and nice design. Only issue I have atm is even at full volume the sound is very low.
25 Jun 17 #108
Will they re stock this?
24 Jun 17 #107
GTX 980m

not 980m

It can run most games at Max settings.
23 Jun 17 #102
is the 250gb same? and cheaper?
thelagmonster to Hardawan
23 Jun 17 #106
Yep, that has a 970M, so not quite as powerful. A decent enough price, but not as good as the original deal.
23 Jun 17 #105
Bought this but might return it as I'm not sure. They say 14 day free returns.
Will this laptop do well for fighting games???
Street fighter 5, Tekken 7, MvCi, Dragonball Fighter Z, Killer Instinct???
Can I expand/replace the SSD if 128gb gets to small? How would I transfer the OS and data to it??
23 Jun 17 #104
Just ordered mine 2 minutes ago so I'm not sure about that.

Edit: try this lads and lasses:

Edit 2: FYI this looks to be an inferior GPU
23 Jun 17 #103
I don't sit with a 43" monitor on my lap. It's about a meter and a half away. Any closer and it becomes uncomfortable to be continually moving my head left and right, and it's scaled up to 125% so I can still use creative apps and benefit from a much larger workspace/resolution. I can't see individual pixels.
23 Jun 17 #101
The 256GB SSD version is still in stock. Must...resist...

Scratch that, the 256GB version gone now too. Thankfully.
23 Jun 17 #100
product sold out.
23 Jun 17 #99
Recently looked at a similar medion laptop, but couldn't justify spending that much. ended up buying a 2nd hand Dell laptop on ebay for circa £350. There are a lot of very good laptops out there for less than half the money of a new one, but you'd have to be happy to go for the older stuff.

The newer stuff hasn't really progressed too much in the sub £1k bracket, mainly just better power consumption and slightly better screens.

The laptop I've bought is an older Dell M4700 - cpu (3940XM) and gfx card (AMD FirePro M4000) - fitted a new SSD and it easily manages the games I play in high settings (CSGO & Diablo 3 mainly). The 3940xm is an animal!
23 Jun 17 #94
It's sold out already :disappointed:
RickPC to RickPC
23 Jun 17 1 #95
Was gonna buy while gf was on holiday lol
nw104hh to RickPC
23 Jun 17 #98
Yes, i know, but it's still crap.
23 Jun 17 #97
I had a horrible experience with a Medion laptop and would never buy again. Paid about £600 for a good spec laptop capable of gaming.

After owning it for a few month it started to regularly get extremely hot when playing games. I checked the temp of the gpu and it reached a whopping 110C! I sent it to Medion, and all they did was make it so the laptop automatically shut off when the temperature reached 90C. This was obviously safer but obviously did not help one bit. It just meant I couldn't play games unless I had a tower fan underneath the laptop (a simple cooling mat wasn't enough). I tried many times to get it fixed but they were useless.

In the end, my laptop used to overheat and switch off after a few minutes of turning on, even if it was just idle.

I still have no idea what was wrong with it, the fan/heatsink wasn't damaged. I'd have to assume the GPU was at fault. However Medion never did fix the problem.
23 Jun 17 #96
How well will this run CEMU and PCX2?
23 Jun 17 #93
For video editing the MacBook is a much better option but will cost considerably more.
23 Jun 17 #92
Apparently I need new I7/I5 4 cores or equivalent and 16gb ram should be fine. 4k output options a (not necessary) bonus. I was close to starting a (first) self build but if I can get laptop portability for just a hundred or so more it seems worth it.
23 Jun 17 #91
this is a really good price for the spec. I think he will be very happy :smiley:
23 Jun 17 #90
What kinds of workloads?
23 Jun 17 #89
Fair enough, missed that...:disappointed:
23 Jun 17 #88
I am looking for a laptop with a lot of processing power and ram but likely won't be doing much gaming. Could anyone recommend a better deal than this?
23 Jun 17 3 #87
Hi Guys,

I rang MEDION Customer service. IT is a QWERTY KEYBOARD not QWERTZ. The site uses stock french/german photo's but he has confirmed UK Shop will be a QWERTY.

23 Jun 17 #86
Compare to the OP's deal, it's terrible.
23 Jun 17 #85
I have seen this on Amazon, wish there were some reviews to see how it performs, can`t find any. Looks good value.
23 Jun 17 #84
Found it hard to beat the specs for the price... bought it at £739.99 (£10 off through their newsletter), thanks, heated.
23 Jun 17 1 #83
Fantastic deal, recommended to a buddy who has been looking for a laptop. These comments still make me laugh, 4K laptops for £750? Desktop PC's are better? LOL. It's a good price anyway in my opinion.
23 Jun 17 1 #82
I think you've shot yourself in the foot there. Your 43" 4k screen has a lower dpi than your 'stone age' 19" 1080p monitor.
23 Jun 17 #81
Afaik, the 980m most definitely not similar in performance as the 1050 mobile, it outperforms it and I'm fairly certain it also outperforms the 1050 ti mobile.

As for the new 10 series cards being under-clocked versions of the desktop version, it is worth noting that the 1050 and 1050 ti mobiles versions beat their respective desktop versions.
23 Jun 17 #80
Good price for the specs if you compare to what you can get in the same price range HOWEVER the 980M wont last and gets similar performance to a 1050, a 1060 blows the 980m away as the new range of gpus in laptops are just underclocked variants of the pc cards but the M series of the previous gen are alot weaker due to being half cards also the 980m is only the 4gb variant. Like i said for the price its a steal but a big issue with laptops is future proofing and this card will struggle.
23 Jun 17 #79
Do you think guys that Clevo will delivery all the UK laptops with UK keyboard layout? Or will it be German layout instead? Anyone knows about this? It seems to be very good laptop, but I can't handle a layout I won't be using...
23 Jun 17 #78
this or MacBook pro retina display 2015 for video editing ?
23 Jun 17 #77
Looks like QWERTZ :disappointed:
23 Jun 17 #76
Gaming laptops never last, no matter what brand you buy. Have some heat for good spec and decent price!
23 Jun 17 #75
This percentage is due to one good review and one bad, not really good statistics to go off.
23 Jun 17 #74
Doubtful. This is a very good spec machine for £750 if you ask me. The 980m is still a capable GPU and at 1080p will run just about everything really well. As it's Clevo based removing the bottom panel gives access to everything inside. You can even download repair manuals showing how to take it completely to bits. You can replace the screen with a G-Sync panel too if you really wanted for less than a £100. It's a decent machine rebranded as a medion.
23 Jun 17 #73
Yeah, don't run a Vive on this. Min spec for Vive/Rift on desktop is a GTX970 and that's cutting it fine. The 980m is 20-25% slower than a desktop 970, so you won't get the framerate you need. For VR on a laptop aim for a 1060 or higher. £200 more than this, sure, but at least it'll do the job
23 Jun 17 #72
Own a medion erazer for about 5 year, still going strong, this is their high end laptops and are very well built. Their cheaper models are probably a very different story.
23 Jun 17 #71
My medion x6823 has been running just fine for the last 3-4 years, monster specs for this price, and a soundblaster x-fi as a bonus. If you want a gaming laptop on a budget, this is a good buy. Hell, if you want a good gaming PC in general this is a good buy.
The only problem with it might be that the display's viewing angles are not the best, but otherwise, monster machine. If you're worried about storage, just buy a bigger SSD and put it in there, still cheaper than most other laptops in this category
23 Jun 17 #70
Any other laptops with similar spec around this price?
23 Jun 17 #69
Have bought three Medion laptops over the years.

I bought the P6620 from Aldi in 2009. It still works fine.

I bought a touch screen one a couple of years ago for my daughter which was fine right up until it fell off the arm of the chair she was using to balance it on and the screen smashed on the tiled floor (hardly Medion's fault).

The last one I bought was about a year ago for the wife. It was a £179 MD99545 14" notebook with a 1080p screen. It works just fine and she loves it!

My personal experience is that Medion are an okay company. On the one occasion I needed a warranty repair, they were fine. I suspect that they are no worse than some of the bigger players when it comes to rectifying faults.
23 Jun 17 #68
Don't buy this laptop on the hope of using VR. It is likely that the HDMI port is wired into the Intel graphics chip, as most Clevo 980m based laptops are.
23 Jun 17 #67
Better, but Lenovo doesn't mean as much without the Thinkpad brand attached too, which they've been careful not to dilute.
23 Jun 17 #66
Hahaha wow.
23 Jun 17 #65
Who's honsetly going to use a VIVE (which is ridiculously expensive) on a laptop? I have DT with i5 6600, rx48 8gb and 16 gb of ram but need a good laptop for emulation.
23 Jun 17 #64
23 Jun 17 #63
Kaby Lake g4560 looks a bit weak?
23 Jun 17 #62
Monster spec for the money, Medion still work off Clevo chassis?
23 Jun 17 #61
Running VIVE with a 980m is hit and miss - for the price of this laptop you could easily have a powerful enough desktop, and some change, for the VIVE.
23 Jun 17 1 #60
I had Medion high end laptop 2-3 years ago. Bought it from Medion Germany for around £900 I will never buy this brand anymore. Laptop performance was very poor compared to my friend's ASUS laptop which was £260 more (similar specs to mine). It was noisy, too hot. Sound, touchpad issues and **** quality. I had max 40 fps in battlefield 4, while my friend had minimum 55fps, max 70 on medium-high settings. I decided to sell it on ebay while it still had warranty. Funny thing that my friend is still playing new games with decent fps on his ASUS. I wish I paid £260 more back then. Medion? Never ever again
23 Jun 17 #59
Would have been a decent spec 2 years ago, getting on a bit now though.

Sorry but cold from me.
23 Jun 17 #58
I suppose I'm just spoiled with 4k monitors, a surface book and my galaxy s8 plus. My workstation has a 43" 4k screen. You obviously don't sit two feet away from your TV so that's not a comparison.

I have a 19" 1080p on my server and it's like going back to the stone age of screen rez. I certainly wouldn't want it in a laptop when it's obviously going to be stuck at that resolution for the entire life of the product.
In an age of high resolution devices offering between 300-600 pixels per inch, the screen in this gives a rather pathetic 127, and by it's very nature it's only ever going to be used a couple of feet away from your face.
For £700 - £800 I'd expect better, but wouldn't buy it anyway on that basis alone.
23 Jun 17 #57
23 Jun 17 #56
This has different cpu and bigger SD but everything else looks pretty much the same.
23 Jun 17 #55
Agreed. I wasn't claiming it was though to be fair.

- The difference between typing on a laptop keyboard and using a trackpad with a 17" vs using a real keyboard and mouse with say a 23" screen cannot be underestimated. Especially for a child/young adult....Usability, that is if portability isn't a priority. If it is then forget a pc altogether.

- The panel on this Medion is probably also subpar if I had to guess like the majority of laptop panels these days. It is a 1080p so the 980m be getting more fps at 1080p, but will the Panel even compliment the 100+ FPS the 980m can achieve at high/ultra settings? I think the end product of the 1050 Ti and the bigger pc monitor paired with a real keyboard/monitor will be a more noticeable positive experience for gaming despite the 980m having more raw power.

- The CPU I have no argument for. 6700HQ scores 8137 in cpu benchmark whereas the 4560 scores 5125.

I think the biggest thing always is though... does the machine need to be portable? If not you can get better ergonomics and overall experience on a pc - especially if you want to game.
23 Jun 17 3 #54
Really? It's a more than capable resolution on my 42" TV.
23 Jun 17 #53
only 1080p? on a screen that size you'll notice it
23 Jun 17 #52
This uses the Clevo P670RG chassis which is not too bad. It's a lot of laptop for £750.
23 Jun 17 #51
Heat for me looks like a monster specs
23 Jun 17 #50
Im pretty sure the 6700hq+980m beats the 1050ti+pentium
22 Jun 17 #49
I keep reading complaints about how poor HP latops are but never had any issues with multiple I've owned/used over the years. Looking for good gaming latop and cracking spec for the money. How bad is the screen though? Even with GL screens always seem to be the downside.
22 Jun 17 #48
There is no doubt £750 is good for this spec.

But I would go down the custom pc route myself for this money if possible.

If you absolutely have to have a computer that is mobile and he has to be able to play demanding games (i'm not talking ages of empires, thats not demanding) then this is a good option.

If you don't need to game hard then there are better laptops with better build quality and reputation for £750 without the monster graphics card.
22 Jun 17 2 #47
I bought a Medion laptop around 2 years ago. Charger blew up the second time I used it so had to send it off and wait ages for a replacement. Then a couple of months later when I was in the middle of a uni project, the keyboard broke and they wanted me to send the whole laptop in and then wait for it to be assessed before they would replace the keyboard under warranty. The customer service was awful and the tone of their emails made it like I was trying to scam them. I ended up caving and buying a replacement from them for £30. Was an awful experience and I'll never buy anything Medion again
22 Jun 17 #46
I've been looking for a gaming laptop, and although 980M is hardly cutting edge, it's a bargain at that price. In that price range you're usually looking at a 2GB or, at best, a 4GB 1050, which is a pretty decent gaming card (for the money), but significantly slower! I do suspect this is indeed a QWERTZ keyboard however, as all the reviews I can find are from German sites, which is a deal breaker sadly :disappointed:
22 Jun 17 2 #45
had once for 3 days ones reinstalled windows started crushing , never again , returned for refund
22 Jun 17 #44
Got a cheaper model for the gf a few months back. Good service and Quidco did a small cash back. You can get a discount code from signing up to the newsletter too. All adds up at this kind of price!
22 Jun 17 2 #43
A custom built PC.
22 Jun 17 1 #42
G/F had a medion years back (4-5?) Quality of build was absolutely terrible!!!
22 Jun 17 #41
Ahh I see. Cheers. It's not for me this laptop anyway. It will be next year before I return to pc gaming. I just want to clear some of my console exclusives backlog and then I'll sell them on towards a laptop. Will see what offers are about then.
22 Jun 17 #40
I notice someone above mentioned theirs shipped from Germany.
If you look at the pictures of the keyboard, they show a QWERTZ keyboard and not a QWERTY one...
22 Jun 17 #39
Very nice spec for the money.
22 Jun 17 2 #38
Dont know model number off the top of my head and tbh I really cba to go and find the thing, have not used it in 3 months and no idea where I have left it. But it is, I think 2 years old, an I5 chip with 8gb ram and a gtx 8somethingm

The most frustrating issue is the mousepad driver. It seems the particular pad is specific to medion and the windows 10 driver just doesnt work. The pad randomly freezes for 10 seconds every 4 or 5 minutes. I know my way around windows a bit and have tried EVERYTHING to fix it but it just will not go away.

The built quality is very poor, the keyboard is not nice to use amd the whole thing feels flimsey. I had a lenovo of similar spec from work at the time and it was a very nice laptop. It was actually why I bought the medion for home but the quality between them was worlds apart.

Edit - its probably more like 3 or 4 years old time flys!
22 Jun 17 #37
would rather have a 1060
22 Jun 17 1 #22
nw104hh to addyb
22 Jun 17 #36
No, that's the review of this model with very low average score: 63.5%...
22 Jun 17 #35
so I have a medion that I bought almost 4 years ago use still everyday

yeah the lid is plastic like and it's a bit heavy but battery life is still great and after putting a 256 ssd in it I still can't justify an upgrade. admittedly I'm not using it for gaming. I have no cracks or damage to the case. still in good shape. all the keys still have the letters.

mine was shipped direct from Germany and have had no issues at all with it.

I would recommend it!
22 Jun 17 #34
Which model dude, what were the probs?
22 Jun 17 #33
Yeah I didn't make myself clear before editing (while you replied)- big games that perform better with SSDs.
Man I wish i had money :smile:
22 Jun 17 3 #32
Dont be so sure, I have a recent Medion laptop and it is utter utter s**te I have never had such a poor laptop before, and it wasn't budget end. Big spec for the money but I really regret buying it.
22 Jun 17 1 #31
Excellent spec for the price; definitely qualifies as a gaming laptop.

Don't forget cashback too; 3.03% from TCB.
22 Jun 17 #30
yes, this is one meaty laptop, just about portable.
22 Jun 17 #29
Blinking heck that is very nice setup for the price! Heat
22 Jun 17 #28
Yeah I'm gonna think about this haha £750 is a lot of money
22 Jun 17 #27
There is a 1TB drive as well.
22 Jun 17 #19
my other question is this good for video editing in 4k?
jaydeeuk1 to Hardawan
22 Jun 17 #26
Not really. Not a 4k screen for a start, unless you want to plug in external in which case you'd get a desktop. Also probably not the most accurate colour wise, in fact I'd hazard a guess that it's pretty crap. Small SSD, I wouldn't want to video edit 4k on a slow 5400 rpm mechanical hard drive. The 980 is overkill for video editing, it's a gaming GPU, the CPU does most of the grunt work still.

I'm sure there's something more suitable out there for around the same money. Does it have to be a big bulky laptop? I'd have a think about building a mini itx based ryzen rig.
22 Jun 17 #25
Whether there's a point surely depends. If the point is to play GTA V, The Witcher and Just Cause 3 whenever you please, the £50 is a no brainier.

(nb To be fair you were asked whether it was worth it for you and responded, so I'll go away now. To play GTA!)
22 Jun 17 #24
I promised my Son a new gaming laptop if he done well in his exams.
Is there anything better than this for the money?
22 Jun 17 #8
So tempted but I know nothing about Medion! Shame it's not 256gb Ssd
ezzer72 to RickPC
22 Jun 17 1 #12
As someone mentioned, £50 extra for 256 SSD, and as also mentioned, it's part of Lenovo group. So now you can buy.
Musicrab to RickPC
22 Jun 17 1 #15
Don't need a large SSD because its got a large HDD. The OS itself is fine on the 128GB SSD.
Stimpington to RickPC
22 Jun 17 #23

He's right Rick, this is an excellent deal. Admittedly I haven't kept an eye on laptop prices this last year, but from what I can see it's fantastic spec for the price, and decent make. Heavy though! 3.5kg.
22 Jun 17 1 #21
NO point, the 28GB will handle the OS perfectly fine leaving around 100GB to play about with for regularly used software. and the 1TB would be fine for your games library
22 Jun 17 #20
great spec for the price. i'd be worried about the build quality
22 Jun 17 #18
Depends if you want to keep the cost down. I'd personally just keep the 128 myself.
22 Jun 17 #7
do they take accept pay pal?
ezzer72 to Hardawan
22 Jun 17 2 #9
I'm not sure pal.
nw104hh to Hardawan
22 Jun 17 #17
22 Jun 17 #16
So you wouldn't bother with 256 ssd for £50 more?
22 Jun 17 1 #14
Medion have great customer service in my experience
22 Jun 17 1 #13
There's always some build quality trade offs to get the price as low as this. Many mid range gaming laptops also have a kind of cheapness feel to them. Basically for the spec you won't get much better price wise...if at all. 980m is still a mighty fine gpu which will pretty much handle the majority of games you throw at it @high/ultra settings albeit some at 30fps etc.
22 Jun 17 #11
these people are great. for£50 more you get the 256gb ssd. On my down side is the plastic feels really cheap around the screen
22 Jun 17 #10
I retract my statement, that is extremely impressive.
22 Jun 17 1 #2
I'd say that looks reasonably capable for gaming at its price point. You wouldn't be playing AAAs at ultra, obviously, and 128GB doesn't exactly allow much space to install games.

edit: there's a 1TB HDD as well.
addyb to sfsorrow
22 Jun 17 1 #6
Some no but plenty of games are capable of ultra
22 Jun 17 #5
would this run a HTC Vive?
22 Jun 17 #3
Monster spec, but Medion doesn't fill me with confidence...
vincike to thelagmonster
22 Jun 17 1 #4
I just discovered that its owned by lenovo if that helps.
22 Jun 17 #1
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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