Dermoline medicated horse shampoo at Screwfix only GBP 3.49. 41% off.
Strictly for horses and ponies. And zebras, if anyone has got one.
Top comments
27 Jun 179#3
Thanks op
27 Jun 179#8
Warning! Don't drink this, it'll give you the trots...
27 Jun 178#31
Screwfix sell this because they get a lot of cowboy builders coming into the shops.... :smile:
thebaron69 to nazmanchester
27 Jun 176#23
They can't be arsed.......
unlike horses who are posers..
All comments (42)
27 Jun 172#1
what about donkeys?
thebaron69 to nazmanchester
27 Jun 176#23
They can't be arsed.......
unlike horses who are posers..
soopdragon to nazmanchester
28 Jun 17#39
Don't make an ass out of yourself :man:
27 Jun 171#2
Needed one for Roach.. thanks
27 Jun 179#3
Thanks op
27 Jun 171#4
is it suitable for unicorns?
27 Jun 172#5
Ok, bought the shampoo. Now I need a horse...
toiletseatlicker to makzak
27 Jun 17#7
My ex wife do?........She could be right cow!
27 Jun 174#6
horse shampoo at screwfix??? neiiiighhhhh
27 Jun 179#8
Warning! Don't drink this, it'll give you the trots...
27 Jun 175#9
A) I get paid week 1
B) I spend it all on HUKD by the end of week 2
C) I come here for the next 2 (or 3) weeks just to read the comments, and already this thread hasn't disappointed lol
19DembaBa19 to furiousjammin
27 Jun 17#10
Where can I get horse from??
Can I use this shampoo on me head as I am in need of horse power thanks
27 Jun 171#11
Another post seems to have fallen victim to Google voice typing (try it out loud). Although I must admit I am at a bit of a loss as to why there should be a shampoo exclusively for ladies of the night. But, as there obviously is, then Screwfix seems like an appropriate retailer for it.
27 Jun 17#12
How many bucks is it ?
27 Jun 17#13
my throat was a little hoarse last week so i washed it with this,
been blowing bubbles out my Ass ever since, quite pleasant tbh :wink:
27 Jun 171#14
Weird...they seem to sell a lot of horse and pony grooming stuff at Screwfix :confused:
Whatever next??? Personal hygiene products at the PlumbCentre??? :disappointed:
27 Jun 17#15
Thanks OP, bought. Just need a good deal on a horse now..
Buying the horse can be cheap but its the aftercare that costs. One of my neighbours used to keep a couple of horses in their garden.
27 Jun 17#16
Filly bargain...I'll get me coat
27 Jun 172#17
oops, accidentally put this in the bathroom and used it in the shower!! had a right 'mare
27 Jun 171#19
27 Jun 17#20
There's loads of weird horse related crap on screwfix clearance, I was thinking about the sweat scraper
27 Jun 17#21
I suffer from plum-hum and a get very funky aroma, so if anyone sees a deal on a suitable product I'd be very grateful.
27 Jun 17#22
Did anyone else check out the price of horses being just a bit curious if it was worth buying one to stick on the BBQ.
27 Jun 171#24
Wash and Giddy Up Go!
27 Jun 171#25
Can this be used with a jet washer?
27 Jun 17#26
wild stallion shampoo bring it on
27 Jun 17#27
bit of an old nag neigh
27 Jun 171#28
How would I get a horse in the shower?
scoobytawazara to markvirgo
27 Jun 171#32
you can lead it there but it will not drink
27 Jun 171#29
Heat for the most random post I've ever seen on hukd.
27 Jun 171#30
My girlfriend uses this all the time. Great deal :laughing:
27 Jun 178#31
Screwfix sell this because they get a lot of cowboy builders coming into the shops.... :smile:
27 Jun 171#33
I just came here to read the comments
27 Jun 171#34
Screwfix selling horse products?? Next thing you'll know it will be Tesco!
jamgin to Madalion
28 Jun 17#36
lol. Remember the Tesco horse burgers...
28 Jun 17#35
why would I buy horse shampoo? that's the "mane" question! with this product you will be so happy your "sad'l" dissapear. "stirrup" to the sky and thank the Lord. "filly" up your cupboards with this I got the "bit" between my teeth now.come on now "rein" it in now. it's getting "filly" now.please don't "spur" me on. I'll promise to "crop" this message.with this wordplay I should be "fetlocked" up." i should "harness" the staying power of this message in my real life. I hope I don't come a "crupper". i must be a dying "breed"
just read this all back.........i think I have had a "mare"(just "horseshoe" one last one there)
28 Jun 172#37
To appeal to horses this shampoo should be called Timot'hay'
28 Jun 17#38
is this any good for a sore throat because my pony is a little hoarse.
28 Jun 17#40
Your name may explain that one :laughing:
28 Jun 17#41
Sarah Jessica Parker approves of this deal.
28 Jun 17#42
That's a kind of racism against tightwads, I think.
Opening post
Strictly for horses and ponies. And zebras, if anyone has got one.
Top comments
unlike horses who are posers..
All comments (42)
unlike horses who are posers..
B) I spend it all on HUKD by the end of week 2
C) I come here for the next 2 (or 3) weeks just to read the comments, and already this thread hasn't disappointed lol
Can I use this shampoo on me head as I am in need of horse power thanks
been blowing bubbles out my Ass ever since, quite pleasant tbh :wink:
Whatever next??? Personal hygiene products at the PlumbCentre??? :disappointed:
Buying the horse can be cheap but its the aftercare that costs. One of my neighbours used to keep a couple of horses in their garden.
just read this all back.........i think I have had a "mare"(just "horseshoe" one last one there)
Sarah Jessica Parker approves of this deal.