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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Travel
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10 Jun 17
This is a great value trip 16-28 April, visiting Lisbon, Toronto, Niagara Falls and New York, flying from Manchester or London (same price).

This is based on Manchester flights.

16-18 April

You'll fly to Lisbon from Manchester and stay for two nights at which is in the centre of Lisbon, ideal to access public transport and trains.

18-22 April

You'll fly direct to Toronto, arriving late evening. I've allowed 4 nights in Toronto as it's likely on the first night you'll want to sleep after long haul flying and you'll be tired. You'll have 3 full days to explore the city and the hotel is ideally located for transportation including the HoHo buses.

22-24 April

You can book the Greyhound bus to Niagara Falls which only takes around an hour and half (alternative is to hire a car in Toronto for a one way fee, probably around slightly higher price). You will then stay at for 2 nights, plenty of time to explore

24-28 April

You will fly from Buffalo (Niagara) to New York where you will spend 4 nights exploring the city. You'll stay at the

This place is in Manhattan and has overall good reviews, rooms have private bathrooms and it's in a good location. There are better, but you are in NY and I'd suggest saving your money rather than spending on expensive hotels as you are unlikely to be in your room much. On your final day you fly back to Manchester late afternoon, with a short stop in Lisbon.

All the details:

Book multistop flights from Manchester to Lisbon on 16/04/2018, Lisbon to Toronto on 18/04/2018 and New York to Manchester on 28/04/2018. Total price £440.28 book on

Book 2 nights in Lisbon £70

Book 4 nights in Toronto £316

Book coach Toronto to Niagara £28.80

Book 2 nights in Niagara £69

Book flights Buffalo (Niagara Falls) to NY $177.90/£139.53

(Lots of flight times available)

Book 4 nights in New York £351

Total £1414.61/£707.30

screen shots
Top comments
rachelandgromit to highwayman8155
10 Jun 17 13 #4
Yes, it's a deal and an itinerary, if it was just an itinerary I wouldn't have put prices on everything! It's a deal, the flight prices alone UK-Lisbon-Toronto-New York-UK for £220pp alone is a bargain!
10 Jun 17 8 #1
This is nonsense. It isn't a deal it is just an itinerary
10 Jun 17 7 #15
p.s. Rachel, I've not managed to take advantage of any of the holidays you've posted yet. Hopefully when the kids finally leave home I'll be able to travel more. But I always love reading about the stuff you find and put together for the benefit of others!
10 Jun 17 6 #2
of course it's a deal ........with an itinerary as a bonus. can you find cheaper?
Latest comments (49)
11 Jun 17 #46
I was replying to someone who was asking about dates and availability. I didn't say they had to travel on those dates!! You will see the screen shots I posted to them had flights for April and May.

I never had the luggage price added on when I screen shotted the dates with Delta. I may be mistaken though. Apologies it will add an extra £20pp onto the price if people have one case.
Thank you for the constructive feedback it is helpful and I'll note it for future deals.
11 Jun 17 #47
Strangely I have just tried again with Delta and it never gave me the option to add hold luggage on, nor the cost or how to do this. I'm genuinely interested in a) whether it's included and b) if it isn't how are you supposed to add it on or pay for it, unless you do it at the airport. I've sent them a tweet so will report back. It would be helpful if you could let me know if you can see an option to add luggage on on the Delta website as I can't on a mobile.
11 Jun 17 #45
If you look at my reply you will see that I quoted you, so that is where I got it from. You priced this up for April, but you replied to someone that there are dates in February and March. No travel expert worth their salt would say this.
As regards luggage, Delta charge $25 for the first case and $35 for subsequent cases, you seem to have missed this out for the Buffalo - New York leg. If you're going to reply, best to check first. Here's some links.;dep=2018-04-24;from=BUF;to=LGA;direct=true;resident=false;collectionmethod=false;airlinescodes=false;internalSearch=true;flexibleDates=true

You put some good European deals up but best avoid anything across the Atlantic.
11 Jun 17 #44
Here is also a good link for information on getting from Buffalo to the Canadian side of the falls (obviously this trip means you need to do the journey in reverse - from the Canadian side to Buffalo airport), but you have lots of options.
11 Jun 17 #43
OK, I'll answer your questions. Firstly, this is in April. You'll arrive into Toronto around the 18th April NOT February, I'm unsure where you got that from. Yes, luggage is included. Flights are with TAP and I you get 23kg of allowance. I would say if luggage was extra.

Lastly, in regards to airport transfers. I find that many people like to explore their own options for airport transportation. With the likes of Uber or similar, as well as public transport I find that my choice of using public transport wouldn't suit everyone. There are far cheaper ways of getting from Niagara to Buffalo and for anyone that booked this trip this is useful link as there is a Greyhound bus as well as a list of transfer companies. I guess some people may also choose to drive.
11 Jun 17 #42
I think you need a holiday.:neutral_face:
11 Jun 17 #41
Forgive me but this just goes to show that you really haven't a clue. You DON'T go to Toronto, Niagara Falls and New York in February unless you have to, you definitely don't go on holiday. Blizzards, day time freezing temperatures, why ? Mid April can still be bad here as well.
Now let's start looking at the itinerary. That Lisbon hotel has some interesting reviews, plus you never seem to add any airport transfers in your prices, why ? The Niagara hotel to the airport is over 2 hours by bus or at least £50 by taxi, probably more, as you're crossing in to the USA from Canada and will have a border check but again no mention of this.
Have you added luggage on this "holiday" ? I presume that you have as surely nobody would create an itinerary like this without adding luggage would they ?
A sense of reality is required in your posts. They remind me of one of those cakes that look nice but as soon as you bite in to it you realise that it looks a lot better than it tastes and really wish that you hadn't bothered wasting your money in the first place.
11 Jun 17 1 #40
Yay!! If you just follow the links in the deal you can get the other bits booked now too, shout if you need any help.
11 Jun 17 #39
flight prices excellent value.with a european any 3 hour delays .you can claim compo .unlike usa registered airlines.seriously looking at booking flights.good find heat added
11 Jun 17 #38
You're a legend! I've got it sorted now (highfive) Was looking at Opodo which was coming up dearer. Thanks again for your time and effort! This is an awesome deal :smile:
11 Jun 17 1 #37
Them are both a couple of options for people in London. Or use the same dates as the deal I posted for Manchester too, should price the same too. There are quite a few options sub £300.
11 Jun 17 1 #36
30/04 London to Lisbon
02/05 Libson to Toronto
12/05 New York to London

Should price up around £267pp, then again you can add the Buffalo to New York flight later for around £70pp. Still under £350pp
11 Jun 17 2 #35
ok so for April book a multistop flight, for ease use Skyscanner.

First leg 16/04 London to Lisbon
Second leg 18/04 Lisbon to Toronto
Third leg 29/04 New York to London

Don't worry yet about the Buffalo to Toronto that is something to do later. That price should be around £222pp.
11 Jun 17 #34
Thanks Rachel for all your hard work! I'm sure I'm not the only one that's benefiting from this. That's a lot of G&T's! Couldn't see the image via the link in your post with dates for the London trip to get £267 confused . Really trying to book this for my mum and I as it's her birthday in April (y)
11 Jun 17 #33
11 Jun 17 1 #32
£267 April/May from London

You will need to book the Buffalo to NY flight on top of this, probably around £79, with Delta, as per the initial post.
11 Jun 17 1 #30
Here you go, you owe me a G&T
rachelandgromit to rachelandgromit
11 Jun 17 1 #31
^ For Ninjap
11 Jun 17 1 #29
A lot of effort was put into this

And it will save someone a great deal of time!

Good job
11 Jun 17 #28
I'm quite flexible but ideally March or April so anything that works out the cheapest really!
11 Jun 17 #27
It did work for London. What sort of dates are you looking for?
11 Jun 17 #26
Will do... Been trying various dates. However trying to go from London rather than Manchester and can't get anywhere close to £220pp. Was this price from Manchester only?
11 Jun 17 #23
Forgive my ignorance, I don't know anything about multistop flights, but I guess it's why this deal works out at a great price. Is there much flexibility with the travel dates or does it have to be these dates for the flights to be this cost?
rachelandgromit to ninjap
11 Jun 17 1 #25
Some dates in Feb and March too just have to keep fiddling about with them.
11 Jun 17 1 #24
I have used Airbnb all over the world and every one has been excellent with no problems. True there are some issues people have had but you only hear about the bad cases in the press and not the ten of thousands of good properties. As long as people follow the procedures on the site, only choose properties with plenty of good feedback and contact the owner several times before booking you should be OK.
11 Jun 17 1 #22
Do NOT use Airbnb unless it is with an established B&B or hotel. If it is a private let, you may have no insurance, no guarantee that things will be right, no guaranteed compliance with local regulations on health and safety. Not worth the risk IMHO. You've read the stories, if the let is in an aprtment block you might also get hassle from established residents who are fed-up with constant comings and goings from an Airbnb let that has no planning or permission.
Apart from that, great post, always useful to have inspiration for future holidays, keep it up!
11 Jun 17 #21
Thanks for all your hard work.
11 Jun 17 #20
sounds great, good post @
11 Jun 17 #19
Thanks, yes I guess Airbnb is always an option too and comparing cost to see what deals are about. I used them in parts of the Rockies with no problem. Toronto seems to have so many hotels with dire reviews, this one was a good price by comparison to others and had pretty good reviews and ratings. For the price the Marriott seems to fare quite well and the recent reviews suggest it's been renovated too and I guess as a base it's in a good location. Certainly worth considering Airbnb
11 Jun 17 #18
That Marriott in Toronto is pretty s***
Not the nicest part of the city either - especially at night
You're better off at air bnb in Toronto. Anywhere along queen west for an ideal experience
10 Jun 17 1 #17
thank you
10 Jun 17 1 #16
Just love reading all the holiday bargains you fine hopefully one day I will be able to use them
10 Jun 17 7 #15
p.s. Rachel, I've not managed to take advantage of any of the holidays you've posted yet. Hopefully when the kids finally leave home I'll be able to travel more. But I always love reading about the stuff you find and put together for the benefit of others!
10 Jun 17 8 #1
This is nonsense. It isn't a deal it is just an itinerary
rachelandgromit to highwayman8155
10 Jun 17 13 #4
Yes, it's a deal and an itinerary, if it was just an itinerary I wouldn't have put prices on everything! It's a deal, the flight prices alone UK-Lisbon-Toronto-New York-UK for £220pp alone is a bargain!
DELBEE to highwayman8155
10 Jun 17 #12
It's a tremendous deal in my humble opinion highwaymaneightonefivefive
searsp to highwayman8155
10 Jun 17 #14
you sound angry/stressed. Maybe you should look out for a good deal on a 12 night holiday?
10 Jun 17 #13
Please note that as far as I can see the only extra costs will be airport transfers and getting about but with public transport, Uber etc this shouldn't be a problem.
10 Jun 17 1 #10
The Marrakesh Hotel is the pits.
rachelandgromit to Ism10
10 Jun 17 1 #11
Not the best I agree. Hotel 31 is around the same price but it is shared bathrooms. Unless you stay out of Manhattan there really isn't many options around this price.
10 Jun 17 1 #9
No, it includes the Buffalo portion of the trip! You fly into Toronto, get the bus from Toronto to Niagara (included in my pricing), then fly from Buffalo to New York (again, included in my pricing)! I've just checked and the flights are the same price as the screen shot - if you enter the dates in Skyscanner as a multi stop it comes up the same price as my screen shot.

I've included it all in my breakdown pricing. I can't see that I've missed anything but do let me know if I have as I'm unsure why you don't think Buffalo is included.

The extra cost will be airport transfers and getting about but with public transport, Uber etc this shouldn't be a problem.
10 Jun 17 1 #8
Re-read the post. That only a portion of the flights you need, and excludes the Buffalo portion of the trip.

Further even then the grouped flights listed as £440 total are coming up at £343 per person rather than the £220.
10 Jun 17 1 #7
Thanks for your efforts op. Hot deal
10 Jun 17 #6
It's a deal & an itinerary of which you can customise it as you like. I've been to all these places not at same time. It's a good deal. I like the ops holiday ideas deals.
10 Jun 17 #5
Fab deal i going to see if husband wants for his 50th thank you (ninja)
10 Jun 17 1 #3
well at least the poster has researched all the information and put together a very good itenerie!!!
10 Jun 17 6 #2
of course it's a deal ........with an itinerary as a bonus. can you find cheaper?
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