"Showtime!" will allow you to control and build your very own movie studio from the ground up! As a newcomer to Tinseltown it will be your job to create movies your audiences want to see as well as develop new technology to stay relevant in the film industry. User reviews: OVERALL: Mixed (250 reviews) Release Date: 1 Sep, 2013
For people that don't have IndieGala account , next steps are required 1. Be logged into indiegala in your browser 2. Have your Steam account linked to your Indiegala account 3. Make sure that you have joined the Indiegala Steam group 4. Make sure that your Steam profile is set to Public. (Thanks to DavidBGD)
yeah i eventually got it installed but then was met with white text on a white background - the developer claimed it was a problem that many had reported but to just reboot and it would work. didn't bother and uninstalled.
30 Jun 17#3
My money'd be on Avira = false positive, but for something like this I wouldn't risk it anyway looking at the reviews.
29 Jun 17#2
interesting . avira flags up a security alert for it when i try to install it ..
29 Jun 17#1
You'll find the link after all the initial games that are on offer..
Well its a new Freebie, but not exactly a bank breaker.. Enjoy your free gift!
Check your profile for your free gift | Bundles Library > Indiegala Giveaways.
Opening post
User reviews:
OVERALL: Mixed (250 reviews)
Release Date: 1 Sep, 2013
For people that don't have IndieGala account , next steps are required
1. Be logged into indiegala in your browser
2. Have your Steam account linked to your Indiegala account
3. Make sure that you have joined the Indiegala Steam group
4. Make sure that your Steam profile is set to Public.
(Thanks to DavidBGD)
Steam Value £0.49
Well its a new Freebie, but not exactly a bank breaker..
Enjoy your free gift!
Check your profile for your free gift | Bundles Library > Indiegala Giveaways.