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Forza Horizon 3 Expansion pass @ Microsoftstore with Xbox Live Gold £14.62
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Forza Horizon 3 Expansion pass @ Microsoftstore with Xbox Live Gold £14.62

£14.62 xbox.com13 Jun 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
13 Jun 17
Normally £29.24, now 50% off. The cheapest it has ever been so far (cheapest previous sale was £21.93).

This expansion pass gets you Blizzard Mountain and the new Hot Wheels maps. This works out at £7.30 each. Amazing price considering when Blizzard Mountain was on offer it was for £8.37. So it's a great deal if you don't have Blizzard Mountain yet or if you are itching to try the Hot Wheels Expansion pass (currently at £16.74), you could get this pass for £14.62 and save yourself over £2 (if you get my drift).
Top comments
13 Jun 17 3 #1
daaaayum i already got blizzard mountain
All comments (48)
13 Jun 17 3 #1
daaaayum i already got blizzard mountain
tboy2000 to D_Jay_M
13 Jun 17 1 #2
me too!
DexMorgan to D_Jay_M
13 Jun 17 1 #4
Me too, and I've not played it yet!
I'll wait until hot wheels is on offer on its own :/
13 Jun 17 2 #3
Thank you so much for posting this. I was literally just saying to my wife this evening I may have to cave and get this for full price. Really appreciate the heads up.
13 Jun 17 1 #5
I asked last time but forgot.. did I get any of this with the ultimate version?
From memory I think I get not much extra and need this but confirmation would help! Thanks
Pepz347 to escortboy
13 Jun 17 1 #6
No in the ultimate pack you just get the car pass unfortunately :disappointed: I thought we got the expansion as well but we don't
m3racer123 to escortboy
13 Jun 17 #7
This isn't included in the ultimate edition.
13 Jun 17 1 #8
Sadly it's not part of the "Ultimate Edition". With UE you get Standard game, Car Pass, Vip and the FH3 All-stars pack.
13 Jun 17 #9
does this deal work for pc as well?

edit. Just checked and yes, you can get it for pc but it requires xbox live gold as well? what is the use of it for me if i dont have xbox? to mindaugasglioz
13 Jun 17 #10
Xbox Live Gold is required to get the discounted price, not for the game. These weekly sales are an Xbox offer, not aimed at PC.
13 Jun 17 #11
Well worth the money. Not massive expansion but entertaining. Good few days worth of gameplay and extras.
13 Jun 17 1 #12
Great price for two of the best expansions ever in my book.
13 Jun 17 #13
Nice! Was tempted at hot wheels full price but both of the expansions for less than 1! Now to search here for cheaper Xbox credit! :-)
13 Jun 17 #14
Great deal, just a shame individual expansions aren't discounted. Already have Blizzard Mountain.
13 Jun 17 #15
Got it working! Thank you for the deal! heat
13 Jun 17 #16
Bah already got blizzard mountain and barely played it but do want the hot wheels one.

does this include the car packs or do we know if they have any future expansions planned that this would cover?
13 Jun 17 #17
Are there any deals on forward Horizon 3 on pc with all the passes?
13 Jun 17 1 #18
Does this also include any future expansion DLC?
13 Jun 17 #19
Thanks so much. I was literally gonna buy both last week but had an Indian takeaway instead lol this is the price I wanted to pay for the 2.
13 Jun 17 #20
Great deal, two big expansions for £7.30 each, and hot wheel is not only just out but alone would have been worth the £14.

HEAT, and snow. ha
13 Jun 17 #21
Is this available for the master race or just the xbox :confused:
Scrat to gr8h8me
13 Jun 17 2 #22
No, it's not available for the Sega Megadrive. :wink:
13 Jun 17 #23
does this include the actual game or just expansion for forza 3? doh
joshtbh to johnnyaxe
13 Jun 17 1 #26
no its just the expansions
13 Jun 17 #24
I can confirm this works on PC too. Just browse the Windows 10 store for Forza, you'll see the expansion pass with it's sale price and little [With GOLD] icon. I didn't have Gold but you can join right from the store page (£5.99 for 1 month, just cancel before the end of the month so you don't get billed again) then refresh the page and buy at the discounted price.

I already bought Hot Wheels on Friday but having not even progressed far enough into the game to use it, I asked MS for a refund and they obliged.

edit: or this direct link might work too.
13 Jun 17 1 #25
Already have blizzard mountain so will have to wait till hot wheels is half price on its own.
13 Jun 17 #27
I wish there was an expansion pass that would stop the game crashing on PC every 35 minutes. Nice price otherwise and good for Xbox people
vulcanproject to mcsmik
13 Jun 17 1 #32
U wot M8

PC version is excellent now
13 Jun 17 1 #28
This Game is on the List for the 4K Xbox One X Upgrade From 1080p to 4K Version Free of charge if you previously own the Xbox One version

You Get the New 4k Version of the game upgrade if you purchase the Xbox One X Console when it is Released in November if you own the Xbox One version free of charge .
bluenotesmiley to otonytonton
13 Jun 17 #31
The way you have worded that is that it's only free if you buy the console on release and makes it seem that it won't be free after. Is that what you meant?
13 Jun 17 #29
No surprise there since it was such an obvious candidate and would need very little work to enable since the PC version would already have the relevant 4K assets. Still great news though!

Do you know if it includes those who bought it on disc or digital only versions?

Feel like those buying physical get shafted a bit by MS as I was really looking forward to playing in higher resolution on PC, then found if you bought physical you couldn't, hope this isn't the same....
13 Jun 17 #30
thanks. already though it was a full package :laughing:
+1 for this deal
13 Jun 17 #33
Give me a clue how to get this deal as the link only goes to XBOX site and I cannot find where the 2 are to buy together ?
13 Jun 17 1 #34
If you already have the original Xbox one Version it is on the list of games for Free 4K upgrade on the Xbox One X..
13 Jun 17 #35
the DLc will work for either XBOX ONE or for the PC release..
if you later decide to buy it "Digitally" from microsoft.. say in a 75% off sale then you could use this DLC with the PC/XB1 digital one..
all of the "play-anywhere" titles are when you buy digitally from microsoft.. not when you buy a disc version... its their way of trying to persuade you to start buying digitally i guess..
I ju8st have the normal standard disc, but i know i'll buy the digital one at some point for convenience/using on Pc too!
13 Jun 17 #36
Very good price.
13 Jun 17 #37
doesnt matter found the link .. search this and it will change to half price..
Forza Horizon 3 Expansion Pass
13 Jun 17 #38
Any DLC offers for Horizon 2?
13 Jun 17 #39
Cheapest place to buy Forza Horizon 3?
carrxc to Change_Me
13 Jun 17 #43
I picked it up from music magpie for £13.74 delivered with the 15% off at the minute. Comes in and out of stock. Worth bookmarking the page and checking every often, worked for me
13 Jun 17 #40
The gold requirement is a fail from MS, given this price is listed on the Windows 10 store!
13 Jun 17 #41
Please help out a technophobe! I can't find the expansion packs on the microsoft site when I click the link above...anyone know where I can find them? My son is desperate for the hot wheels expansion pack but I have no idea what it is or how to put it on the xBox?! do I have to buy a live subscription too? Thanks
Zeipher to Juejue2005
13 Jun 17 #42
13 Jun 17 #44
heat just need the car pass to come down in price now
14 Jun 17 #45
ordered! weekend sorted :smirk:
21 Jun 17 1 #46
expired, gone back up to £29 now just as I was about to buy it :disappointed:
1 Jul 17 #47
can't believe I lost it. now I don't know if I should wait or buy it full price...
joshtbh to MarkoDeeJay
4 Jul 17 #48
I'm waiting it out despite loving the game
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