That's why I said " Very Helpful Staff "
I think it was because I purchased 10 and I was
a very OLD MAN. Ha Ha. :wink:
Bought another 6 + 4 Aftercut at Kettering branch
today but did not get the 15% discount.
Miserable Gi-s. :disappointed::smile: .
27 Jun 17#6
That's why I said " Very Helpful Staff "
I think it was because I purchased 10 and I was
a very OLD MAN. Ha Ha. :wink:
Bought another 6 + 4 Aftercut at Kettering branch
today but did not get the 15% discount.
Miserable Gi-s. :disappointed::smile: .
22 Jun 171#4
Purchased 10 today from Coventry branch.
Very helpful staff.
Also got 15% extra discount. "Thank you mattyoakley"
savvyB to UKnowYerman.
23 Jun 17#5
How did you get further 15% discount?
22 Jun 171#3
Slightly better value than the 400 sqm pack sold for £15 by Tesco & Asda a few weeks ago.
Voted hot.
21 Jun 171#2
that's cheap .was in Chester branch last week saw a lady purchase 20 tubs .
Opening post
I think it was because I purchased 10 and I was
a very OLD MAN. Ha Ha. :wink:
Bought another 6 + 4 Aftercut at Kettering branch
today but did not get the 15% discount.
Miserable Gi-s. :disappointed::smile: .
I think it was because I purchased 10 and I was
a very OLD MAN. Ha Ha. :wink:
Bought another 6 + 4 Aftercut at Kettering branch
today but did not get the 15% discount.
Miserable Gi-s. :disappointed::smile: .
Very helpful staff.
Also got 15% extra discount.
"Thank you mattyoakley"
Voted hot.