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 Emergency Service staff go free to Drayton Manor
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Emergency Service staff go free to Drayton Manor

drayton manors17 Jun 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Travel
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Opening post
17 Jun 17
Free entry for emergency services personnel to Drayton Manor. Just show current ID and you'll get free entry!

Terms and conditions : Valid ID must be presented on arrival to the park at any ticket booth, pre-booking not necessary. Emergency Services covered by our offer include Fire and Rescue Service, Police Force, Ambulance and Air Ambulance Services, including Emergency Medical Dispatchers, Emergency Care Assistants and Paramedics.
All comments (47)
17 Jun 17 #1
Free entry for emergency services personnel to Drayton Manor. Just show current ID and you'll get free entry!

Terms and conditions : Valid ID must be presented on arrival to the park at any ticket booth, pre-booking not necessary. Emergency Services covered by our offer include Fire and Rescue Service, Police Force, Ambulance and Air Ambulance Services, including Emergency Medical Dispatchers, Emergency Care Assistants and Paramedics.
17 Jun 17 #2
And armed forces, just show your MoD90
wishihadadonkey to TimeZ0ne
17 Jun 17 #4
Serving & ex serving personnel of the British Armed Forces - Details HERE
17 Jun 17 #3
Surely this should include A&E nurses aswell?
17 Jun 17 #5
It covers anyone with a bluelight card and NHS are eligible for this.
18 Jun 17 #6
digiw0rx to MrBeansDrivingInstructor
30 Jun 17 #18
​because they put their neck on the line and work their hardest to save lives everyday. even unappreciative idiots like yourself.
18 Jun 17 #7
you Sir are really starting to grip my s*** with your negativity towards the Emergency services and Armed Forces getting some thanks and recognition.....
18 Jun 17 #8
And they get to the front of the car park queue first,........then turn the blues and twos off ! :stuck_out_tongue:
Well deserved.
18 Jun 17 #9
Good to have the emergency services present at Drayton Manor, Alton Towers should follow the example. At least it's safe than sorry.
19 Jun 17 #10
Nice one
19 Jun 17 #11
And that ladies and gents your "there is always one"
20 Jun 17 #12
True , in America at a lot of theme parks just before a show will start staff on the loudspeaker will ask if there is anyone from the armed forces/army to please stand up and everyone else applauds them to show appreatation/respect . Wish that kind of thing was over here.
20 Jun 17 #13
Seaworld does a salute to "the us military and those of our allies"
20 Jun 17 #14
Yup right before the shamu show when I was there
21 Jun 17 #15
Yeah , that's the one :grin: . I thought it was really nice.
24 Jun 17 #16
​Alton Towers do an annual blue light day
29 Jun 17 #17
Good to see ES getting recognition for what they do for everyone
30 Jun 17 #19
Don't they get this at the end of every month anyway?!?
30 Jun 17 #20
What about the porters who ferry patients around,
what about the cleaners,
what about the mechanics who make sure that the paramedics can actually turn up,
what about the procurement team who make sure that they have all the equipment they need,
what about the finance staff who make sure that the books balance,
what about the roadworkers who make it possible for ambulances to get around,
what about the telecoms workers who make sure that the phones work...... you get my point

EVERYONE is a cog in the wheel, none of these jobs are mandatory, they are CHOSEN! Don't get me wrong, many do a great job and I appreciate what they do, but after a recent stay in hospital I can guarantee you that most see it as a job, just like we do ours.
ajavaid92 to frakison
20 Jul 17 #35
Frakison, as a medical student in training, I pretty much agree with everything you've said thus far on this thread. :thumbsup:
Hassann to frakison
1 Sep 17 #47
Anyone working for the NHS have access to the Blue Light Card. I'm a Security guard at the A&E and around the rest of the hospital and the whole team has one.

I'm disappointed we weren't mentioned in this list! Haha just joking :wink:
30 Jun 17 #21
The difference is that the Porters, Cleaners, Procurement Team, Finance Staff, Roadworkers and Telecom Workers don't have to deal with the sharp end of the job. They aren't the ones who have somebody's life in their hands on a regular basis. They aren't called upon to make a split second life or death decision that will have a direct impact on somebody. They aren't called upon to pick up the pieces after a tragedy. So, Yes, I think there is a difference. I think that we should follow the example shown in the US and regularly and publicly show our support for our Armed Services and Hospital and Emergency Staff.
30 Jun 17 #22
OK, so in your opinion they are worth less then?! So in your mind, should a surgeon get two days free entry and a nurse one? just that nurses rarely make "life or death decisions" so where would they fit on your scale? What about the Police, would a Custody Sergeant get a free drink whereas a beat bobby would get entry and a meal as the CS isn't doing anything "life and death"?

My point is that without each other, none can function. I do see your point, but I think the whole "hero" emergency services is getting a bit tiresome now, these people (luckily) choose their profession, its not a "calling", they do it to pay the mortgage like the rest of us. I bet 100% that if you got a ticket for speeding or had a delayed ambulance/ cancelled surgery appointment, you would not be singing the same tune.
30 Jun 17 #23
No, my point is that 'anybody' who qualifies as working for these services (including the Police) should receive these privelidges as a show of gratitude towards them. In reality, I do think that the Hospital Porters and other support staff should also receive the same. However, I do not believe that outside contractors should expect to be treated the same. I had an uncle (now deceased) who worked for the Fire Service, and also a friend who is a Nurse (mainly working with Cancer Patients), and when I hear of some of the situations they have faced it makes me realise that you have to be a certain type of person to be able to deal with these events and continue to function at a professional level. I am sure you are right, that for many it is a job they chose to do; but in order to be able to do that job effectively in the conditions they find themselves in, it takes a special kind of person...and it is for that reason I believe they deserve the odd show of respect now and again.
30 Jun 17 #24
But if a contractor does the same job, why wouldn't they be entitled? Why does it matter who pays the wages? They are actually probably more deserving as they will likely be paid less than those employed as public servants? Not wanting an argument, it's just a question? :smile:
1 Jul 17 #25
Whilst i do appreciate the emergency services I do find it funny that bin men (or whatever the politically correct name for them is) don't get recognition. I more regularly need my bin emptied than i do need emergency services and without people to take away our rubbish it would pile up in the streets and we would end up with illness and vermin problems. what about teachers? shouldn't teachers get free entry? who do you think is educating the next generation of armed forces and medical personnel and other emergency services staff?

Despite my rant Hot for at least recognising some of the the people in our society who improve it.
7 Jul 17 #26
OK, so in your opinion they are worth less then?! So in your mind, should a surgeon get two days free entry and a nurse one? just that nurses rarely make "life or death decisions" so where would they fit on your scale? .
Frankison is another pillock who thinks doctors are the kings and queens in hospitals and nurses just make beds and pat hands.
wake up, google nurse's rolls in the modern NHS.
and as for the for contractor question. if my wife works overtime, the role is called a "nurse bank" she can earn £250 - £400 a shift, this figure depends on the band level required which is cheaper than bringing in a cover from an agency.
when they talk about we are 20.000 nurses short, that's the number required to cancel out the need to cover sickness and annual leave.
7 Jul 17 #27
Actually, if there's a "pillock" here, its YOU!!! Try READING what I said before making a complete tool of yourself, and its FRAKISON, I think you need to either go back to school or visit Specsavers... idiot!!
19 Jul 17 #28
In the area I live these people get paid more than anyone else so I think they should pay double!
19 Jul 17 #29
Amazing - fab recognition of all those is deserving underpaid jobs-

And for the fool comparing refuge collection the same as a 999 service - THINK - if your bins are an hour late Or even miss a week - no big deal you live - if an ambulance/police or fire fighter turn up late - you may be dead !
19 Jul 17 #30
Urm, just collect tokens on cereal packets. One also gets in free using these right? I'm guessing it all evens out with entry price... One who carries ID card with one who doesn't will prob split the price. Similar to the voucher deal in the end...
19 Jul 17 #31
1. No one has mentioned "refuges" on this thread except you.

2. It is REFUSE collection, not REFUGE

3. This thread is over a month old.

4. Why do people feel the need to show everyone just how uneducated they are by jumping on their soapbox to illustrate their ignorance!? :smile:

5. My bins are never late, what exactly would they be late for?

6.. Refuge lol!! :smile:
19 Jul 17 #32
Why not your only jealous
19 Jul 17 #33
I think he/she was meant to say refugee collection.:D
20 Jul 17 #34
Don't even go there!! :smile:
20 Jul 17 #36
So wonderful to see someone celebrate how hard our emergency services work and rewarding them xx
Thank you xx My Son works long hours and when they do have family time, it's nice to know there are places to go that won't cost them a shifts wage.
20 Jul 17 #37
So a spelling mistake makes someone ignorant ? I'll take that - I don't mind - I'd rather make a Spelling mistake and respect the blue light service and be called ignorant - than sit as someone comparing their their rubbish collection to that of 999/armed forces services.
20 Jul 17 #38
Shouldn't this be in freebie section?
20 Jul 17 #39
Actually I'd pay good money for a council refugee collection lorry :wink:
20 Jul 17 #40
cheap way to get medical/emergency assistance on site quickly if something goes wrong I guess.
20 Jul 17 #41
Perhaps if you hadn't insulted someone else for having a different opinion to you, I wouldn't have commented, but to call someone a fool and then make so many errors in one post is pretty ironic! :smile:
20 Jul 17 #42
Fair play - regarding the fool - apologies
21 Jul 17 #43
nice gesture although very selective. The fact remains they are reasonably well paid and have excellent pensions, unlike the girl/guy working in supermarkets, or the people working as carers in nursing homes.....
25 Jul 17 #44

Do I get in free too?
28 Jul 17 #45
So well paid that you felt the need to add 'reasonably'
Funny you should compare supermarket workers. As you may have guessed I am a fireman and prior to that I worked in Safeway. I just found an old payslip from 1998 and with Sunday hours and unsociable hours (anything before 8am and past 7pm) my hourly rate was not far off what I earn almost 20 years later as a fireman. That's how 'reasonably' well paid I am compared to a supermarket worker.
Pension wise. If I was told at Safeway that I could pay over 11% of my wages into a scheme that would in 15 years be scrapped and replaced by one that saw me work 10 years longer and give me roughly half I was promised. I would politely decline. That's how 'excellent' my pension is.
21 Aug 17 #46
No other services???
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