Supplied in a handy container with a good assortment of cord lengths with steel hooks and tip protectors.
16 x assorted bungee cords (4 x 400, 4 x 500, 4 x 600 and 4 x 900mm)
2 Year Manufacturer's Guarantee
Trade rated
Specifications: Working load: 7kg. Breaking strength: 14kg. Not suitable for lifting.
You can never have too many bungees!
Top comments
16 Jun 178#1
16 Jun 177#3
Don’t try this at home
16 Jun 175#5
Don't forget to let go...
16 Jun 175#2
Nice find gazz :wink:
Latest comments (20)
18 Jun 17#20
I'd be happy to weight 14 stone, so 14KG breaking strain wouldn't slow my decent! :smiley:
17 Jun 171#19
Well, At least you didnt tell us to go hang our heads in shame :stuck_out_tongue: so i guess we're fine
17 Jun 171#18
Get yourself some of these bungees then, put one around your neck and then attach the other end to something secure, at least if you do faint you won't fall over and hurt yourself! :laughing:
16 Jun 17#9
Why dont blind people go bungie jumping??
because it'll scare the sh*t out of the dog
Dyslexic_Dog to PcTechSpecialist
16 Jun 17#10
They go parachuting instead, they know to pull the rip cord when the lead goes slack!
jnm21 to PcTechSpecialist
17 Jun 171#17
You two should be on stage - those two jokes made me laugh so hard I nearly fainted!
17 Jun 171#16
Ordered from local Screwfix. Heat added, these are so useful.
17 Jun 171#15
Ordered, thanks OP.
17 Jun 171#14
Tried it out on my doorstep and broke both my legs, never again!
17 Jun 172#11
Would love to give it a go, however £4.99 seems awfully cheap when my life's literally on the line.
o3mar to christophershort507
17 Jun 172#12
Would you have felt more comfortable at £9.99? :wink:
o3mar to christophershort507
17 Jun 17#13
Would you have felt more comfortable at £9.99? :wink:
16 Jun 171#8
Gee............. he's a bun short of a full bungee :wink:
Opening post
16 x assorted bungee cords (4 x 400, 4 x 500, 4 x 600 and 4 x 900mm)
2 Year Manufacturer's Guarantee
Trade rated
Working load: 7kg. Breaking strength: 14kg. Not suitable for lifting.
You can never have too many bungees!
Top comments
Nice find gazz :wink:
Latest comments (20)
because it'll scare the sh*t out of the dog
You two should be on stage - those two jokes made me laugh so hard I nearly fainted!
Voted HOT.
Thanks gazz33
Nice find gazz :wink: