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Battlefield 1 Premium Pass ~ £23.50 (With/Without VPN) Xbox
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Battlefield 1 Premium Pass ~ £23.50 (With/Without VPN) Xbox

£23.50 xbox.com30 Jun 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
30 Jun 17
And finally it hits my magic price (as im not paying £40 for DLC!)

£23.50 from South Africa (£32 UK Store). But obviously, South African ZAR is readily available in credit form - and you can use the VPN method too.

There so much content here as the maps are awesome - especially the new game modes too!
Latest comments (29)
3 Jul 17 #29
Anyone having trouble seeing servers? There are barely any visible in the server browser for the premium maps (4 or 5, mostly looping Nivelle Nights).
2 Jul 17 #28
Worked for me. Thanks!
1 Jul 17 #27
ive had this since day one, love the game but kinda regret premium. Its sorta like Hardline, barely anyone seems to play the DLC. My fav mode is Rush and theres never and Rush matches on the DLC, just a couple of conquests, couple of TDMs and some frontlines.
1 Jul 17 #23
What is the VPN method? can someone please explain? thanks.
redcantona to dannydumkow1
1 Jul 17 #24
You don't need a VPN. Follow the steps given by steelrat.
SteelRat to dannydumkow1
1 Jul 17 #26
It's where you use a personal computer. You have a VPN program installed - which piggybacks your internet connection onto another from a different region/country. This fools the website you visit so it "thinks" you are in a different country. Without it active the sale would be blocked by Microsoft. So you buy the gift vouchers, activate the VPN software, visit Microsoft pages, change region of your account via web site, add the vouchers and purchase the game from the foreign Microsoft website. Then put your region back and game available on your Xbox uk account for download.

I tried this method though .... and just couldn't get it to work. I've used successfully before - but it was not working this time, couldn't even get the vouchers added. So I found the alternative method described above - which is actually easier anyway.
1 Jul 17 #25
Additional : You may be prompted for postcode during the Xbox one stages. Just have a South African hotel address ready and provide that if it asks. (I'll add this to the instructions above).
1 Jul 17 #22
Successful! You Sir are a legend! Thanks for the above advice!!
30 Jun 17 2 #21
Ok ... I've managed to do it ... here is how ...

1) Visit and purchase a 300 R and 100 R Xbox live gift vouchers. Pay with debit card to reduce any exchange costs. Charged my account a total of £24.72
2) On your Xbox one settings change your location from the UK to South Africa and then select the option to restart your Xbox on the same screen. Leave the languages and other options as English.
3) Once your Xbox has restarted, visit the store on the Xbox and redeem your two codes which adds 400 R to your account.
4) On the store search and find the battlefield 1 premium item for sale at 399 R. Purchase it with the R in your account.
5) Let it download anything it needs to upon purchase.
6) Go back into your Xbox settings and change your location back to UK and restart.

Note: You may be prompted for postcode during the Xbox one stages. Just have a South African hotel address ready and provide that if it asks.

All done. You will now have BF1 premium on your uk machine and account for £24.72 :smile:
30 Jun 17 #19
Premium on the African Xbox store is not for sale stand alone for me? Says it's only part of a bundle?

I think we need step by step instructions that have worked for someone please. I thought Microsoft had put a stop to the foreign store purchases even with credit?
30 Jun 17 #18
No. You need to buy South Africa gift cards. I used prepaidgamer, £23.51p.
30 Jun 17 #17
It still isnt letting me buy it.. Comes up with a error **

Try a different way to pay

Or change your Store region. The region where your payment method was issued and your Store region need to match.
2017/06/30 - 15:06:36 UTC
30 Jun 17 #16
Go to the xbox website as it is easier then doing it on your xbox. just go the uk page then go to the bottom an change location
30 Jun 17 #15
So is the VPN method for buying games from different regions back working again? Still need Revolut and a VPN? Can someone give me some pointers please. Ta
30 Jun 17 #11
Im a little confused on how you actually purchase the digital download.. has this got to be done via the xbox homepage store? or can this be done via website xbox live store?
iby2012 to steveoj28
30 Jun 17 #14
go to the website and press buy usually you would use a card but this time you have to buy credit for that region first as your card wont work. Then go to your xbox and download it. Sam as buying from the UK as long as you dont get the disc version.
30 Jun 17 #13
Still 40 quid on Origin for PCs...but if i could get it for this price i would. Great fun game but i do need more maps to play now.
I have been looking but just cannot get it for a good price on PC.
30 Jun 17 #2
Newbie, I don't play online, only campaigns, worth buying ? Tia
Silhouette to snoopy18
30 Jun 17 1 #3
I wouldnt say so. The meat is multiplayer, new maps, new play styles (the "Tug of war" style game is ridiculous!)
drummerdickens to snoopy18
30 Jun 17 1 #12
Battlefield is traditionally an online game. I would pass if I were you.
30 Jun 17 #7
Is this possible for PS4?
Silhouette to MotorMadFrosty
30 Jun 17 1 #10
Not to my knowledge. But I have zero Sony experience.
30 Jun 17 1 #9
Haven't found any reports saying so.

Ive purchased over 100 titles with this method and haven't had any fallout.

However, I don't do anything dumb like ring up Microsoft and ask why my charge has gone through wrong or draw any attention to my account at all.
30 Jun 17 #8
Do Microsoft block accounts for this
30 Jun 17 #6
£20 is my biting mark
30 Jun 17 #5
Oh you legend!!! Thank you so much.
30 Jun 17 1 #1
I am unfamiliar with purchasing things through different Xbox markets. How would I achieve this through the non-VPN method? Also, is the DLC compatible with my normal Xbox account?
Silhouette to DylanMcGuckin
30 Jun 17 2 #4
Im trying to reply to your PM, but for some reason - I dont have a reply button - nor the ability to send you a mail!? Random!

But here it is for everyone;

Go to your Microsoft Account and add a new payment method for the new region (in this case, South Africa).
Use your actual UK Debit/Credit card, because it doesnt matter - we wont be using it.
Once you're set up (you'll have to give it a South African Address though - so just google the Hilton in South Africa or something) you'll now be able to go through the checkout process on the South African product page.
When you get to payment, click the little picture of the present (i.e. "Gift Card") and redeem cards there (covering the full amount - as you cant use this method for partial payment).

Thats it in a nutshell

Here's the list/thread for more details, vendors and questions;
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