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Batman 123 Car Seat £59.19 Del @ Toys R Us (discount applies at checkout)
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Batman 123 Car Seat £59.19 Del @ Toys R Us (discount applies at checkout)

£59.19 Toys R Us4 Jun 17
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4 Jun 17
Batman themed car seat, £89 at Asda/Amazon/Tesco ect

It's on offer for £73.99 plus you also get an extra 20% off at the checkout.

Seems pretty cheap
Top comments
4 Jun 17 4 #11
All comments (26)
4 Jun 17 #1
This looks good to a child but how 'safe' is it. The sole purpose of a car seat is to protect the child, not entertain them.
Sid.Harper to Darklord
4 Jun 17 1 #2
Do you think it is unsafe and not meeting British standards then?
shaunwillo to Darklord
4 Jun 17 2 #3
Seems decent quality to be fair, pretty sturdy. also it helps my son understand the safety of the seat belt as he now likes to do it himself as I told if he doesn't wear it batman will beat him up :laughing:
4 Jun 17 1 #4
British car seat safety standards are low. Swedish pass plus is much better.
4 Jun 17 #5
Right, all very good but not many seats on the British market that are designed to meet Swedish standards however. My point was, was the poster suggesting this thing is actually unsafe in some way. If so, it was a worthwhile post. Else, whether or not it looks like a princess, batman, or is dull grey all over, as long as it's safe, then it could be a deal for someone in the market for a car seat.
4 Jun 17 #6
4 Jun 17 1 #7
No isofix
4 Jun 17 #8
this actually scored very poorly from a safety aspect in which best buy
te721 to missus_lady
4 Jun 17 #9
do you have a link to that please? cheers
4 Jun 17 #10
Yeh no isofix
4 Jun 17 4 #11
4 Jun 17 1 #12 of the worst performing car seats around according to review.
4 Jun 17 #13
wow.... thanks
4 Jun 17 #14
The standards are European ones not British ones. The regulations test front and rear impact at relatively low speeds something like 30mph and doesn't test side impact at all.
The new Isize standard is higher and does include side impact but these seats do not adhere to that standard.
That the required standard it low is why seats from Britax, Cybex, Maxi Cosi, concord etc that EXCEED the required minimum standards are so popular though generally a bit more pricy.
The safety of the seat also is relative to the weight and size of the child, rear facing as long as possible for toddlers and ensuring the backless booster, which is still legal is if you can replaced with a high back version.
The standards do not ensure the seat is appropriate for the child.
Car seat choices are not quite that straightforward
4 Jun 17 #15
Thank you. Some useful information.
4 Jun 17 1 #16
Which is where something like the which testing comes in. Actual useful information. Otherwise we only have the official safety tests to go on. My original point still stands though - you can't suggest safety has been compromised purely based on aesthetic appearance.
4 Jun 17 #17
Cool, until the child is about 8 then they wont want to sit in it anymore.
4 Jun 17 #18
I didn't think the poster was suggesting safety was compromised based on that the car seat had a batman theme, just asked how safe is it? Seems a fair and reasonable question about any car seat regardless of style, relative to what else is available on the market. Thanks to those that shared the which info :smiley: Though their scores are based on more than just performance on impact it gives an idea.
4 Jun 17 #19
The only issue is looking at the pictures I thought there was a chest strap so he wouldn't be able to wriggle his arms through the straps but there isn't so he is able to get his arms out.
jdRiggs to hujabn
4 Jun 17 #22
The chest clips are included as standard on American seats, a Houdini Stop Chest Strap can be purchased in the UK separately, it's a similar idea to the chest clip.
Or to use a impact cushion style 123 seat style rather than a harness, like the Joie Trillo Shield, Joie Transcend, Cybex Pallas etc. The shield ensures the child stays in the seat to 18kg when not yet mature enough to sit properly in a high back booster.
4 Jun 17 #20
please don't take 'Which?' tests and ratings as a final deciding factor - they've rated some exceedingly safe seats really low (and I think I recall one even being given a 'don't buy' rating) due to them taking more than 5 minutes to install or some equally benign reason.
Like jdriggs says, check out what additional safety testing the seat has been subjected to beyond basic ece r44/04 regs
4 Jun 17 #21
I am car seat trained and these car seats are poor, I would always recommend britax or maxi cosi as they have more safety tests done against them. The batman, turtles and princess car seats are literally bog standard seats and rarely fit any cars, can't remember off the top of my head but I've only ever found 3 cars that it actually fits
4 Jun 17 1 #23
The Which? reviews are very misleading (I am a member and have full access to reviews) - they take the results of the additional safety tests carried out by the German ADAC facility then start marking perfectly decent and very safe seats down for irrelevant things like the cover being hard to remove or the seat being hard to fit (when it's not hard at all). My 5 year old has been very happily and safely travelling rear facing for the past four years in a Britax Multi Tech II seat that Which? have branded a 'Don't Buy' seat (because apparently it's hard to fit and there isn't much leg room for the child, both or which are completely untrue)!
5 Jun 17 #24
I would add that the 'don't buy' is based on the '3' mode which is when you remove the back to have a backless booster. Why you would honestly remove the back now all the evidence suggests ANY backless booster is not as safe as one with a back is beyond me. Which means this is NOT a don't buy seat. Are there others that are more safe? Yes. But is it safe with the back? yes.
jdRiggs to sam_brackley
5 Jun 17 #26
If you read further down the article of the link posted earlier the side impact was as poor in GROUP 2 mode which is the high back mode.
5 Jun 17 #25
I would suggest anyone thinking of putting its child into this to go through the safety tests. If you care about your child then don't even look at this seat.
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