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Ariana Grande - One Last Time - 99p - Proceeds to charity
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Ariana Grande - One Last Time - 99p - Proceeds to charity

£0.99 iTunes5 Jun 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
4 Jun 17
Not really a deal but a great way to donate to charity and also enjoy the (debatably) lovely song. At least 76p (the proceeds made) of each sale will be donated to the We Love Manchester Fund in coordination with the British Red Cross.

This charity version of the single was released in celebration of the Ariana Grande & Friends One Love Manchester Concert.
Top comments
5 Jun 17 74 #15
well why even bother commenting if you don't wanna buy her music and just want to **** her off? she's done more to help the victims than our own government. she's personally donated a million pound, she's paying for all the victims funerals, she visited the victims in hospital and she helped arrange last night's concert just 2 weeks after the attack and she's only 23. im no fan but personally I think you should cut her a bit of slack, but if you think complaining about her having keyrings in her hair and wobbly vocals is justifiable then that shows what sort of person you are
4 Jun 17 21 #3
Grief thieves.
4 Jun 17 15 #1
anyone that votes this cold needs a reality check!
5 Jun 17 11 #9
I'm no fan of Ariana but I can't deny she's a great singer and, well, little kids like what they like and uncool adults always hate it. Way back in the mists of time my obsession was Adam Ant :smile: It broke my heart thinking of all those youngsters scared and traumatised on a night when they should have been carefree, loving life, excited to see a hero in the flesh, as kids should.

Peace and love to you all :smile:
All comments (93)
4 Jun 17 15 #1
anyone that votes this cold needs a reality check!
4 Jun 17 1 #2
so many down votes... is donating to charity bad?
Publix to sellingthings123
5 Jun 17 4 #6
If it's a scam it's dumb as well as bad.
How do I know it's not a scam? The Web is full of them.
Such incidents and the emotional response are a scammers dream;
Even worse, one could easily end up paying the perpetrators.
Baldieman64 to sellingthings123
5 Jun 17 5 #16
Buying something that you don't want or need "for charity" is just pointless virtue signalling, so yes, it's a bad thing.

Having looked at the Red Cross page for the "We Love Manchester" event, it is notable that it doesn't specify how any of the money raised will be spent and the add-on statement relating to London Bridge ("for victims of terror attacks anywhere in the UK") is nebulous enough that the money could end up going to support terrorism - afterall, Syrian migrants are "victims of terror attacks", they're living "in the UK" and ISIS have openly admitted that they have inserted fighters into the ranks of the migrants.
4 Jun 17 21 #3
Grief thieves.
Nmaster to Jonnyblock
5 Jun 17 6 #5
We don't know exactly what happens to that 23p. Maybe it will go to her own grief counseling? Perhaps buying gifts for the hospitalized? Granted I'm seeing this in an optimistic light, but, what we do know is 77% of proceeds are going to the sufferers (in coordination with BRC).

Personally I'd prefer people to donate directly to British Red Cross, but this could be seen as a net positive for the cause, as Ariana could bring millions of fans to the cause of helping the sufferers.
4 Jun 17 2 #4
Heat added

Peace and love to all peace-loving people everywhere <3
5 Jun 17 1 #7
this app helps us all save so much money. for once lets give something back. 99p wont hurt anyone here but it will do more than help the charity, it will show the unity of everyone wanting to help with numbers.
5 Jun 17 2 #8
Stream it and put a quid to charity ...
5 Jun 17 11 #9
I'm no fan of Ariana but I can't deny she's a great singer and, well, little kids like what they like and uncool adults always hate it. Way back in the mists of time my obsession was Adam Ant :smile: It broke my heart thinking of all those youngsters scared and traumatised on a night when they should have been carefree, loving life, excited to see a hero in the flesh, as kids should.

Peace and love to you all :smile:
5 Jun 17 10 #10
Many people will vote cold because they consider these types of non deal posts heat begging.
rev6 to Angof
5 Jun 17 #11
sellingthings123 will be a millionaire before day's end.
5 Jun 17 2 #12
Using the words proceeds is so misleading. It's either the gross (everything) or net (after expenses). If I did a bake sale and said all proceeds to charity that would mean everything (gross).
louiselouise to MIDURIX
5 Jun 17 3 #27
There was some Daily Mail charity page that appeared not long after the events at the Ariana Grande concert. I mean, I appreciate honesty, but it did raise an eyebrow to see "MOST of the proceeds will go to charity".

Most of the people commenting underneath noticed and mentioned too, though.
5 Jun 17 6 #13
I'm guessing.....just guessing....looking at your username that you are one of life's moaners!
5 Jun 17 5 #14
Hmmm, and the 23p goes where?
Rubisco to Sphere
5 Jun 17 2 #18
It costs a lot of money to offer MP3s for download. That's why piracy sites are billions of pounds in debt.
sJohnson23 to Sphere
5 Jun 17 1 #28
20p vat, 3p operational costs.
5 Jun 17 74 #15
well why even bother commenting if you don't wanna buy her music and just want to **** her off? she's done more to help the victims than our own government. she's personally donated a million pound, she's paying for all the victims funerals, she visited the victims in hospital and she helped arrange last night's concert just 2 weeks after the attack and she's only 23. im no fan but personally I think you should cut her a bit of slack, but if you think complaining about her having keyrings in her hair and wobbly vocals is justifiable then that shows what sort of person you are
5 Jun 17 5 #17
No thanks, I'll give direct if I so choose to. Cold.
5 Jun 17 4 #19
tragic events, you said it, but then your compassion went right out of the window, if you have an ounce of compassion you will delete your post and apologise, though some people are just to stupid for words.
5 Jun 17 7 #20
46 of them because she looks half awards are rarely to do with the quality of the music, and more about how many kids/teenagers idolise the artists.
5 Jun 17 1 #21
I don't doubt Ariana can sing, but her music isn't to my taste. Already donated to the fund anyhow, so no 23p going off to 'The Man'.
5 Jun 17 2 #22
If you have no interest in the song, why not just give 99p directly to the charity?
5 Jun 17 3 #23
Hopefully a nice chunk of the cash was paid over to the police for all their services. I'd also like to see a few sizeable donations to the hospitals who helped, and are continuing to help, the injured. Nice gesture to pay for funerals etc, but tragically no amount of money will bring them back. We need to stop the bombing and killing of children in other lands. Until we do I've no doubt that our citizens, young & old, will continue to be 'fair game' to the extremists.
5 Jun 17 5 #24
I've never heard of "Arienda Grande" either.
5 Jun 17 2 #25
Mike Adamson will be nursing a semi right now with the amount of money pouring in. Only paid himself £173000 last year, should be in line for a nice fat bonus and we're only in June.
Robdk to jaydeeuk1
5 Jun 17 3 #32
So how much do you think the CEO of one the UK's largest charities should be paid? Or are you suggesting they could find a volunteer to lead a complex international organisation which spends tens of millions of pounds every year helping people in emergency situations?
5 Jun 17 7 #26
Musical taste differs between people. What you like others may not. I had never heard of her before, hate this type of music and have no interest in it but I can at least see what good she has done. Perhaps chose a better way/time to voice your opinion on your musical tastes. You have come across as a heartless moron.

Setting musical opinions aside, this artist has raised millions in the space of a couple of weeks for victims of a terrorist attack that wasn't in her home country. What have you done? I have nothing but respect for her even if I don't agree with her music/style.
5 Jun 17 1 #29
I think her voice is beautiful and you're full of sh*t . Just my opinion though
5 Jun 17 3 #30
We you watching the same Concert as me? I am in my 40s and cannot deny the girl has a voice! And singing under such pressure. I was impressed. The type of music may not be your thing but she is marketed towards teenage girls. Try to be a little bit more open minded pls.

Or are you simply trolling?

I won't be purchasing as will donate directly to the redcross fund but still a hot deal.

I guess just not a lot of teenagers on here to vote it into stratospheric heat. Because trust me, this will be number 1 for a while.
5 Jun 17 5 #31
oh please.. the song is about asking a former lover to spend one last time with you, although he has already moved on and is with someone new. urgh.
5 Jun 17 6 #33
A pertinent comment and a devastating a loss to the cause. Don't apologise, Grande only has herself to blame.
I hope this doesn't mean you will stop writing to Viz .
5 Jun 17 1 #34
So it's ok for the government to profit massively on each one sold then.
5 Jun 17 #35
Just think of them rolling around in all that money. Way more than we've got. Or the injured, I expect.
I think it's clear who the real victims are in all this.
5 Jun 17 1 #36
To fund the NHS and Policing etc etc....


That is how the tax system works.
5 Jun 17 1 #37
I just think it's slightly annoying that there always seems to be someone else benefiting from the cause other than those in need. And worse of all the government!
Encourage you to give whilst quietly pocketing a small fortune!
5 Jun 17 #38
So you think its ok to take away money that people give specifically to a charity to fund public services.
I'm not sure if you know this but that's what council tax is for. 'Its how the tax system works'
5 Jun 17 #39
It's purchasing a good, and part of the cost of the good is taxation.
If you want to give directly to charity, you can also do a gift-aid claim which increases the amount.

You aren't giving specifically to charity if you buy this song, you are buying a song and assuming that the proceeds will go to charity as is claimed. If you want to give specifically to charity, then give specifically to charity.
5 Jun 17 1 #40
Don't think running a charity is more difficult than running the country, yet is paid a hell of a lot more than the PM who spends tens of billions of pounds every year, and far more than the red cross in foreign aid alone.
5 Jun 17 2 #41
It's not my cup of tea so I'll probably show my support in some other way rather than by downloading this. But far be it from me to criticise anyone that does. It's better to show your support for a good cause in whatever way you feel appropriate rather than to show no support at all.

I wouldn't consider myself part of Ariana Grande's usual fanbase at all, but hats off to her for the support she has both shown and encouraged from others over the past two weeks.
5 Jun 17 #42
And yet some footballers are paid well over the annual salary you quoted every week. Hedge fund managers make six or seven figure salaries to make rich people even richer and get huge bonuses on top of that. Why single out CEOs of charities that exist to support people in awful situations when there are endless examples of people making far more in far less deserving roles?
5 Jun 17 #43
What are you on about? you think Apple are trying to profit off of this?
5 Jun 17 #44
heat added!
5 Jun 17 #45
Heat Added <3
5 Jun 17 2 #46
Ok i have nothing against Ariana Grande and massive respect for what she did last week in organising the concert.

But surely if you want to donate, just do it directly and then 100% of your money will go to the charity. Or am I missing something? :neutral_face:
5 Jun 17 2 #47
The voice of an angel lol. Hmmmm....
5 Jun 17 #48
America profit from tragedy all the time. Usually they make a movie at the very least which makes hundreds of millions alone.
5 Jun 17 #49
Yeah I think lots are missing something too. They get something to remind them, a bit like people buying poppies to wear.
Also this method may well get more money to the charity because it is more acceptable / accessible to many.
5 Jun 17 #50
On tablet so short msg
5 Jun 17 3 #51
Haha can almost guarantee your probably old and overweight with no discernible talent at all jealous of someone who is young beautiful and an amazing singer.

Give it a rest you bitter old boot...
5 Jun 17 #52
You keep asking if they 'think it's ok'. I think you can assume by now that they do.
5 Jun 17 2 #53
I've got a better idea. Donate the 99p directly and you'll give it actually all to charity :smile:

Funny how a singer that does a video where she is riding d**k bycicles is popular among very young children.
5 Jun 17 #54
Gig was good last night although it did seem to be a bit much about Ariana rather than the victims imo.

Should have ended after Live Forever though as it's an awesome song as very fitting lyrics.

Still though, most of it not my cup of tea at all but still really good and was great to see so many kids getting excited when Liam came on!!

EDIT - Forgot to mention Parrs Wood High School - that little soloist was absolutely amazing and one of the best of the night imo, certainly from someone so young and isn't even at stage school or similar!! Amazing!!
5 Jun 17 #55
Yes and no. JustGiving take commision off your donation, but claim 'Gift Aid' from the Government - which would not be applicable to an iTunes download.

Website that rakes off £20million a year from your charity donations: JustGiving is branded 'JustTaking' after using funds to pay its staff up to £200,000 a year
5 Jun 17 #56
I admit I'd only heard one of her tracks (the one with Zedd) before the terrorist attack, but she's done a heroic job to raise awareness and support the victims' families. I'll buy it and pop it onto my kids' phones :smiley::sunglasses:
5 Jun 17 #57
Is there a non-itunes version that still benefits the cause?
5 Jun 17 1 #58
Why bother commenting? If you are just going to be negative then please do everyone a favour and think it, don't say it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but when they are this petty then please, please keep them to yourself. I am genuinely astounded that you felt the need to sneer.
5 Jun 17 #59
Don't get carried away - she'd probably get past the auditions if on X Factor, but wouldn't make it past the first round of live shows.

Like a lot of celebs, she was probably in the right place at the right time.
5 Jun 17 2 #60
Sorry I must have turned off before that song. My ears were bleeding by then !
5 Jun 17 1 #61
Cheers, me old darling
5 Jun 17 2 #62
Surely a separate section for this is required. Celebrity self promotion (even in the best of taste!!) should be somewhere else. I fid this quite nauseating.
5 Jun 17 1 #63
Hmm, hoping this doesn't come out wrong, but, there was 22 casualities, and many injured. They have raised 10 million was it?. i'm just wndering how, will this get shared out to the families. obv pay for any operations that people need.

compared to many other incidents of this kind, they where quite lucky to not have had more injuries/ deaths then there was actually. why does this attack get a fundraiser thing going?. I mean London has happened on Saturday, and theres no fundraiser going on. not been nasty, just saying what I think, its terrible either way I just hope the money goes to the actual families to pay for any hospital care that they need x
5 Jun 17 #64
Bitter and twisted much?
5 Jun 17 1 #65
Yes, I'd love to be a 23 year old girl. What a weird comment, should you not be busy posting gifs on the VIPs deals?
5 Jun 17 #66
Not my type of music but what she has done earns massive respect from me, have plenty of heat.
5 Jun 17 1 #67
Well she worked from the age of 13 in musical theatre, before auditioning for television and working her way up from there.....but I'm guessing you could say that 10 years of work is just the right place at the right time?
5 Jun 17 1 #68
I dont know why bunny got attacked when he just wrote down his opinion. I have never heard of Ariana Grande either and I also think her music sucks and definitely I wont download this music so i will find another way to donate.
I also think its disgusting people post a deal after a tragedy happens like death of a singer or a movie star, etc for what? To get a heated deal? Its pathetic. I voted cold
5 Jun 17 2 #69
Hate to add to the division here but this does make me wonder who is benefitting from this and what charity you can trust to be beneficial to the right people. I guess this will be a best selling single and still wont make a loss in profits, so I'm not sure it's a good deal or people are taking advantage of an awful accident.
5 Jun 17 #70
These people are incredibly sad. Not everyone cares that much about trivial internet points on a website.
5 Jun 17 #71
I'd never heard of arienda grande until the tragic incident. I looked at her on BBC yesterday doing that charity concert, and I have to say i think she sounded amazing. I am not into the latest charts, never really have been however i sat and watched last nights show and thought to myself WOW. Keep it up girl you are going to go far in life!

...Unlike some..
5 Jun 17 1 #72
Why are people buying this who, if it wasn't for charity, wouldn't?
Essentially Ariana Grande and her record label are pocketing a quarter of your donation... Or, they're making money off a tragedy.
Just donate directly to the fund with 100% of your money going to the chairty...

Not that I would donate to Red Cross, a charity known for thieving donations and oftennot actually helping in disasters .
5 Jun 17 1 #73
I'm sorry that you feel that way but I definitely did not post this for heat. I did this to spread the message. While you could just donate money to charity, people often need motivation to do so so I thought it was nice that so many people were through buying this song. No money is going to Ariana Grande, and for some people they also get a lovely song. I just don't understand why people have a problem with money going to charity - would you prefer that the money made from this song didn't go to charity, and the only way is to donate directly? It just means that less money goes to charity? Why is it that people are fine with buying Red Nose Day products (with a portion going to charity) but not this? There should be no issues with people donating to charity, or companies involved in doing so. We should be happy that anything is going to charity. I think people should stop being so self-centred and ill opinionated and spread joy when we need it most.

Please donate to the charities and help the families - whether it is a cheque, cash, a download etc. Just know that your contribution is greatly appreciated.
5 Jun 17 1 #74
Ariana Grande and her record label aren't making money off of this - 20p VAT and 3p operational cost
It's like any charity object (eg. red nose).
5 Jun 17 #75
Had she been in X Factor, she would've lapped the competition ten times - that's if they even went past the auditions because they had found their winner.
5 Jun 17 #76 - this is great evidence of her talent (look from 5:40 to the end)
5 Jun 17 #77
You might be right and thats worse, the government are making money off of the disaster? But by donating direct you can include gift aid, with 100% of your money going to the charity.
5 Jun 17 #78
I'm all for charity but if this event didn't happen would you usually give money to charity that's the question people need to ask themselves.
5 Jun 17 1 #79
There are different ways to donate to suit different people, some will donate direct, some will buy a song as a momento of the concert, some will do both. At the end of the day, the concert had two main aims, 1. to put a smile back onto Ariane fans who were traumatised by events of that night, 2. to try and raise money for those who lost loved ones or were injured on the night. On those two counts, I would say job done and well done to Ariane and the other performers who had the courage to come back so soon after to perform.
Also, I am not really into the music that was performed that night, but it was a good concert, an emotional one, the message was to try and bring people together, which just makes this whole thread make me feel sad. Are charity companies or governments perfect? Hell no, but at least the effort has been made. I have a good deal of respect for those who put it all together in such short notice.
Only comment I'm making, I'm not going to get involved with the petty messages being posted here. Thanks.
5 Jun 17 1 #80
Are you serious? At least watching from 5:40 meant my ears were only offended for 1:24, rather than 7:04.
5 Jun 17 #81
Surely it's a good thing if it encourages people to give to charity who would otherwise habitually save every penny?
5 Jun 17 1 #82
Yes I do, not usually indirectly like to the red cross or anything as I like to know where my money is going, but I do when its going directly to the people it helps. The local radio station round here (and I presume most do the same) at christmas do a shoe box appeal where you buy toys for children who wouldn't usually get presents, I always spend quite a bit on that as if I spend £200 on toys, I know every penny of that £200 has put a smile on a kids face, same at easter with the easter egg appeal they do. I MUCH prefer to do that than donate £200 to a charity where 75% of it goes to pay staff and operational costs.
In fact I think this is the first time I've donated to a charity such as this for many a year.
6 Jun 17 #83
Google Red Cross CEO salary
6 Jun 17 1 #84
Just tap on this dipstick's Post & then Report the nasty so'n'so for being a tw@!
Good bye & good riddance.
May you suffocate in your own feculence!
6 Jun 17 1 #85
Here is the Red Cross admitting that they are colluding in the illegal migration of tens of thousands of fighting age men into Europe:
Here is the evidence showing that this is not a series of "rescues" but NGO's (including MSF and Save The Children) conspiring with people smugglers to enable this illegal invasion:
Here is ISIS saying that they are inserting fighters into the stream of illegal migrants:
There is a lot more of this to come and giving money to The Red Cross is NOT going to make it better.
6 Jun 17 1 #86
Man, there are a lot of people posting in this thread that I hope me and my family never meet during our life.
6 Jun 17 #87
Thanks for sharing this! Don't listen to the haters - Ariana Grande deserves a lot of respect for the strength she's shown and I'm pleased this is going to charity.
Baldieman64 to si7verwolf
10 Jun 17 #90
Grow up.....
7 Jun 17 1 #88
Because commemorating dead children by singing about having ejaculate all over your hands and having sex so hard that you can't walk properly is so appropriate....
"Wrist icicle, ride dick, bicycle".
8 Jun 17 1 #89
Islam's innocent of these atrocities!
It's being set up!!
We don't know the half of it.
Look at the history usgov enslaving of blacks killing off Indians, Hiroshima, Kennedy assassination, killing Che Guevara, all the coups in Latin America.... And you think these guys are good? And they're not doing dirty tactics still? Oh please... 911 til now all inside jobs... Wake up
10 Jun 17 #91
I don't know if you've realised but this isn't the same song.
10 Jun 17 #92
Was it not played at the benefit concert?
Did the televised broadcast of the concert not cut to the face of a VERY young girl in the crowd as the lyric "Ride dick bicycle" was sung?
Are those not the actions of degenerates?
10 Jun 17 #93
OK cool but this post is about One Last Time. Stop trying to find something to complain about.
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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