Also known as Out Of This World™, Another World is a pioneer action/platformer that released across more than a dozen platforms since its debut in 1991. Along the years, Another World™ has attained cult status among critics and sophisticated gamers alike. AN IMMERSIVE ADVENTURE WITH UNIQUE STORYTELLING Another World™ chronicles the story of Lester Knight Chaykin a young scientist hurtled through space and time by a nuclear experiment that goes wrong. 20TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION ESPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR CONSOLE * A remastered presentation: a joint effort between visionary game-designer Eric Chahi and developer Martial Hesse Dreville, Another World is back in its 20th Anniversary Edition with Full High Definition graphics faithful to the original design. * 3 difficulty modes: EASY, NORMAL and HARD * Choose between Remastered Sounds/FX, Original Sound and Original CD in-game soundtrack. * Switch between Original / Full HD graphics .
Top comments
20 Jun 173#2
Amazing port of a classic from back in the day.
FYI, this game has an easy 1000G -- it's like being rewarded for spending 90 minutes reliving your younger years.
All comments (32)
20 Jun 17#1
Oh man, I absolutely this game back in the day on my old Amiga. The opening sequence was brilliant.
Might just have to buy it for nostalgia, even if once you work out how to complete the game, its fairly easy (at least it was on the Amiga)
20 Jun 173#2
Amazing port of a classic from back in the day.
FYI, this game has an easy 1000G -- it's like being rewarded for spending 90 minutes reliving your younger years.
20 Jun 17#3
Quality deal
20 Jun 17#4
yep. can confirm easy 1000g.
20 Jun 171#5
Too short, but still an absolute classic and bargain at the price.
20 Jun 17#6
looking forward to playing! Cheers!
20 Jun 17#7
This was on Mega Drive, wanted to play it but somebody stole my savings I had raised for a game, couldn't afford Virtual Racing. Eventually couldn't afford this too. :disappointed:
JumpMan1980 to Pacman786
20 Jun 171#10
I am thinking that is where I recognise it from, the Megadrive, I remember finding it a surreal gaming experience, something brand new. Im going to give it another try for this great price. Heat.
20 Jun 171#8
Played this when it first came out 20 plus years ago. I know it is only 2 quid. is it worth buying ??
TGPMatt to Rembos
20 Jun 17#9
Most definitely. But then again, I'm a little more relaxed about my purchasing habits every Tuesday...
(edit: hi there hi there hi there hi there)
20 Jun 17#11
Purchased thanks for the advice. :wink:
20 Jun 17#12
This game was amazing. The old Amiga days were amazing....Another World, Flashback, Cannon Fodder and Sensible Soccer! Pure heaven!!!
rabbitmoon to RuudBullit
20 Jun 17#25
Super Cars II, Syndicate, Super Frog, North and South, Skidmarks, Worms - such insane fun. You should google "the company amiga" sometime and have yourself a nice blast of nostalgia.
math5871 to RuudBullit
21 Jun 17#31
Such good memories, even though I didn't own an amiga... but my friend did and I spent many hours round his house :man:
It's cack.
Anyone saying different is being an elitist clique goon.
It's got some abstract artey atmosphere going on that works well but the actual game is awful.
Sorta still something about it though.....
StormB to robo989
20 Jun 17#17
Did you grow up with the original, or are you basing your view on only playing this version? Genuinely curious.
20 Jun 171#16
This and Flashback, quality entertainment.
20 Jun 171#18
my tool bar
Keeta to neoshinobi
20 Jun 171#21
rabbitmoon to neoshinobi
20 Jun 17#23
That made me laugh! Its so funny what sticks out from these childhood memories
20 Jun 171#19
Alright, Trump, calm down.
20 Jun 17#20
Elitist clique goon here. I loved this game on the Amiga. The atmosphere, the suspense. It was incredible.
I've no idea how this has aged but it's well worth finding out for 2 quid.
I am playing it on normal, and it feels like dark souls before dark souls.
If only it had a save state function, so I don't have to repeat a minute of jumping/killing/blasting doors open.
I remember playing it on Amiga (500+ FTW) and not completing it and resolve to do it now!
21 Jun 171#27
For those that can't get enough of this game, there is a very little known game called Heart of the Alien which is the sequel to another world. It was only ever released on Sega CD so not many people got to play it. Trust me when I say it's well worth finding a Sega CD emeulator to play this on (If you loved this game!). Also, Flashback was another classic, somehow linked to this game which was also amazing!
21 Jun 17#28
It was interesting back in the day as prince of Persia was. Prince of Persia can still hold up though as although the motion capture controls are ropey they are reliable. Another world controls are dreadful and unreliable with a sluggish tone that cannot be adapted to.
Key presses are missed and animation pacing to hit the right cells to press buttons are off.
Besides it's just too awkward to try and hit the ball with the granularity it is trying to.
Opening post
Top comments
FYI, this game has an easy 1000G -- it's like being rewarded for spending 90 minutes reliving your younger years.
All comments (32)
Might just have to buy it for nostalgia, even if once you work out how to complete the game, its fairly easy (at least it was on the Amiga)
FYI, this game has an easy 1000G -- it's like being rewarded for spending 90 minutes reliving your younger years.
(edit: hi there hi there hi there hi there)
Anyone saying different is being an elitist clique goon.
It's got some abstract artey atmosphere going on that works well but the actual game is awful.
Sorta still something about it though.....
I've no idea how this has aged but it's well worth finding out for 2 quid.
I am playing it on normal, and it feels like dark souls before dark souls.
If only it had a save state function, so I don't have to repeat a minute of jumping/killing/blasting doors open.
I remember playing it on Amiga (500+ FTW) and not completing it and resolve to do it now!
Key presses are missed and animation pacing to hit the right cells to press buttons are off.
Besides it's just too awkward to try and hit the ball with the granularity it is trying to.
Should have been a point and click game.