Can't find cheaper anywhere else. eBay - £3.69, Amazon - £3.99, Argos over £5... Free Click & Collect, plenty in stock around me. And 13 of 13(100%)reviewers would recommend this product. I guess I'm not going to waste my hard cash :smiley:
Top comments
19 Jun 176#1
Been after a bluetooth earpiece for ages, thanks :smile:
Latest comments (19)
20 Jun 17#19
Pull yourself together man!
20 Jun 17#18
Pull yourself together man!
20 Jun 17#17
now we're talking
20 Jun 17#16
Great film, curtain rings or earrings?
19 Jun 171#4
20 Jun 17#15
Beat me too it! My fav film. Guess some people will not get it!!!!!
20 Jun 17#14
bought, so much cheaper than the ones I biught on Amazon and 4 times the quantity.
20 Jun 17#7
DON'T put them in a sandwich.
mayzi to Ed.Winchester
20 Jun 17#10
I don't get it?
davidridge1 to Ed.Winchester
20 Jun 17#13
Do they taste like anchovies then?
20 Jun 17#9
I know HUKD has gone down hill, but curtain hooks?
davidridge1 to M1LFHunter
20 Jun 17#12
I think they are on the right track.
20 Jun 17#11
It's a fairly straightforward suggestion pal.
20 Jun 17#8
Old school. Most people seem to have blinds or big rings in their curtains that go straight over the curtain pole. Happy to still be old school.
20 Jun 17#6
These were 99p a couple of weeks ago and you get exactly what you pay for. No good with swish curtain track as they're too small to remain on the track loops when you pull the curtain closed. Fine for lightweight curtains on some equally cheap track but not ideal for matching with higher quality brands.
Heat from me, Perfect if you're on a budget and aren't looking for anything heavy duty.
19 Jun 17#5
Thanks OP :smile:
I was just about to go look for an old (and probably brittle) set we'd stored away last year when your post popped up...excellent timing.
19 Jun 17#3
I got them last time the offer came up, even the bag of spares we kept in a draw had become brittle hence needing new so I can't fault these for the price, a bit smaller than the ones you got about 10 years ago but they do the same job so you would be daft not to buy them.
The curtains are still up anyway!
19 Jun 176#1
Been after a bluetooth earpiece for ages, thanks :smile:
Opening post
Free Click & Collect, plenty in stock around me. And 13 of 13(100%)reviewers would recommend this product. I guess I'm not going to waste my hard cash :smiley:
Top comments
Latest comments (19)
Heat from me, Perfect if you're on a budget and aren't looking for anything heavy duty.
I was just about to go look for an old (and probably brittle) set we'd stored away last year when your post popped up...excellent timing.
The curtains are still up anyway!