Quite a few LED light offers on at Screwfix see link in first comment and take your pick :smiley:
Might be useful for some.
Top comments
1 Jun 179#6
Yes - based on your question - get an electrician in to do it for you ! :smile:
pennyfarthing88 to linhang90
1 Jun 173#3
It's quite bright but I think your question would be better suited to stating what size area you want to light up?
I would say this is very adequate for a small / medium size outside area but if you want football pitch lighting for say a large back garden then 20-50W but it all depends on the size.
Latest comments (22)
2 Jun 171#21
Warranty from Screwfix, when I took mine back I disconnected the wire and left the bush on the wire and the bracket on the wall, Expecting to leave rest with them out of the new box but they wasn't bothered and took the new box complete.
Lexeus to Siddy
9 Jun 17#22
Do you really think a huge company like screwfix care about fixing something that cost £10? If you gave them the bracket they would probably just have to pay more to dispose of it! :smiley: They are just going to write it off as a loss against their tax and move on to the next high margin item they can get you to buy on your way out with your cheapy light :smiley:
Personally I'd rather pay the extra 3 quid and get a real warranty from Screwfix.
2 Jun 17#17
The recent discontinued 30w PIR one I got from screwfix didn't do the staying on thing - you also can't adjust the time.
Slight delay before the light clicks in after you walk in, but otherwise happy with it.
2 Jun 172#16
I had a crazy customer make me do this last week with a 50w led flood
Send a 4 core, disconnect the fitting get at the sensor wires, joint your switch live with the switch wire on the lights
Send a permanent feed to the sensor, your switch can then operate the light manually, bit of a faff but doable
Put a one gang switch inline say next to your spur
Also dont quote me on this but if i recall correctly if you turn these lights on/off/on within 5 seconds they stay on permanenetly
2 Jun 17#15
I have previously bought a similar product from screwfix mounted on my garage. Generally, works very well. Illumination is great for seeing your way etc - I would not need it brighter. My model has no adjustment on the sensor, so you have to power it on first time in the dark to teach it the light level (which was unusual) and you cannot adjust the time it remains on (but if you are still in the sensor range it stays on). Detection range is sufficient (it comes on about 6-8m away). Only negative really is that it seems to be easily triggered if its a windy night.
2 Jun 17#14
You run additional wire straight to the led switched power
1 Jun 17#2
How bright is this??
pennyfarthing88 to linhang90
1 Jun 173#3
It's quite bright but I think your question would be better suited to stating what size area you want to light up?
I would say this is very adequate for a small / medium size outside area but if you want football pitch lighting for say a large back garden then 20-50W but it all depends on the size.
moggith to linhang90
1 Jun 171#9
10 watt
umar88 to linhang90
2 Jun 171#12
700 lumens
barginfan to linhang90
2 Jun 17#13
Usually roughly equivalent to a 100w bulb.
1 Jun 17#11
I have a 10w lap led modle before the above in my garage same again pops on as required and no touching light switch with wet hand when it's raining.
1 Jun 17#10
I have one in a 4 * 2m man shed so when I open the door the light comes on, if i'm in and out it times out but if I'm in and don't turn the other light in it stays on. So for me a over ride isn't needed.
I did have one fail and swapped it out.
1 Jun 17#8
please can you elaborate? if this only has one live/neutral/earth connection straight to the PIR sensor then how do the extra cores help? are the light's terminals accessible too?
1 Jun 17#4
Problem is all of these have no override, sensor only, a really silly oversight by Screwfix.
gap30 to David23
1 Jun 17#7
Can be fixed if you rewire it in 4 core flex
1 Jun 179#6
Yes - based on your question - get an electrician in to do it for you ! :smile:
Opening post
Was £14.99
Quite a few LED light offers on at Screwfix see link in first comment and take your pick :smiley:
Might be useful for some.
Top comments
I would say this is very adequate for a small / medium size outside area but if you want football pitch lighting for say a large back garden then 20-50W but it all depends on the size.
Latest comments (22)
Slight delay before the light clicks in after you walk in, but otherwise happy with it.
Send a 4 core, disconnect the fitting get at the sensor wires, joint your switch live with the switch wire on the lights
Send a permanent feed to the sensor, your switch can then operate the light manually, bit of a faff but doable
Put a one gang switch inline say next to your spur
Also dont quote me on this but if i recall correctly if you turn these lights on/off/on within 5 seconds they stay on permanenetly
I would say this is very adequate for a small / medium size outside area but if you want football pitch lighting for say a large back garden then 20-50W but it all depends on the size.
I did have one fail and swapped it out.