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Xiaomi mi dual driver earphones £13.29 gearbest
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Xiaomi mi dual driver earphones £13.29 gearbest

£13.29 GearBest20 May 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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16 May 17
These earphones are great and are available for a low price in the Gearbest flash sale. I know Gearbest isn't everyone's cup of tea but they've never let me down and neither have XiaoMi. Cracking deal for these earphones.
Top comments
Bushes to Metallifux
20 May 17 3 #30
I have the hybrids and they are fantastic, best bar none. For the price I simply wouldn't trust another brand. Had mine over a year, accidentally washed them in the washing machine at least five times and they simply won't break.
Latest comments (47)
19 Jun 17 #46
Does anyone please know if the “Xiaomi QTEJ02JY Original MI Circle Iron Hybrid Earphone Headphone Headset Earbud In-Ear Remote & Mic-Silver Pro HD version” currently on Amazon for £27.98 are the same as the “Original Xiaomi In-ear Hybrid Earphones Pro - SILVER” currently on GearBest for £18.29? In the Q&A on GearBest when asked “if it was Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro HD?” The reply was “The item is Original Xiaomi In-ear Hybrid Earphones Pro”. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
RealLoki to RealLoki
19 Jun 17 #47
Just to answer my own question in case anyone else was also wondering

Just to answer my own question in case anyone else was wondering I found a short review on "Head-Fi" forum for "Xiaomi In-Ear Headphones Pro HD (2 +1 Hybrid)" who say "These Pro HD IEMS should not be confused with "Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro" which were released last year. To make matters more confusing, the IEMs on the chinese website are called "Pro" without the "HD". So the “Xiaomi QTEJ02JY Original MI Circle Iron Hybrid Earphone Headphone Headset Earbud In-Ear Remote & Mic-Silver Pro HD version” on amazon (which are £9.69 more expensive) are the same headphones as “Original Xiaomi In-ear Hybrid Earphones Pro - SILVER” on GearBest. This is also confirmed on the Q&A being the same QTEJ02JY model.
19 Jun 17 #45
Anyone know how these compare to the Xiaomi QTEJ02JY Pro HD version?
16 May 17 1 #5
Check out the KZ ED9 ones for £6.83 in Gearbest.This morning they arrived, good sounding ,they even come witha pair of seperate brass screw in tunning tunnels?
jasee to morrig
20 May 17 #15
:confused: Bats and Elephants and Whales should like these buds:
Frequency response 7-46200Hz
tom6195 to morrig
31 May 17 #44
Ordered these. I own the ones in the OP but find them a bit crap to be honest I find the tennmak's in ear at the best ones I've had so far.
31 May 17 #43
think about this deal, and I'm having second thoughts. It only cost 5 pounds or so more to buy from Amazon with next day delivery and a full guarantee. Earphones are notorious for developing faults.. I am only writing because I just caught myself before buying.
30 May 17 #42
Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it.
28 May 17 #40
These seem a weird shape, like safety earbuds to stop you pushing them in your ear too far, is there any issue with getting them in your ear?
mazz1983 to Jimbo123
29 May 17 #41
Nope, they sit pretty comfortably compared to others I've used
22 May 17 #39
Second set and second gone faulty, left side gone same as last one. I don't even use them that much, love xiaomi but twice it's just taking the ****.
21 May 17 #38
Purchased these the last time they were on offer on Gearbest, poor performance, little in the way of base sound. Don't waste your money.
I know their over ear headphones, but I would recommend a pair of JVC Flats, fantastic sound, full rich base and very light weight, for very little money, they've been popular for some years now, still going strong.
21 May 17 #37
Got a set of these a few weeks ago. Have been really impressed with the sound quality, well worth a punt for anyone considering getting a set at this price. Only real complaints I have would be the lack of a clip to stop the cable moving around and the lack of braiding to the buds (stops when the cable splits).
20 May 17 #36
I've been using my Samsung earphones that came with my S& edge, can't tell you how much I hate them.
20 May 17 1 #35
Any of these Chinese brands compare with the dual/triple armature Shure earbuds?
20 May 17 #34
Seriously, underwhelming sound quality. 'Okay' but nothing more than that and rather artificial. Put these up against the CX3.00 or CX5.00 and the vast majority will prefer the warmer sound of the Sennys.

The one thing the Xiaomi do have going for it though is the build quality. Very well made, durable earphones.
20 May 17 #33
Got these a few months ago and they are perfect for everyday use, excellent sound and build quality considering the price.
20 May 17 #32
Loads of information online about this. Have a Google. The "AKGs" that come with the S8 aren't actually made by AKG. They're a generic Samsung earphone design where AKG simply did some sound tuning. As a result, they're very easy to counterfeit. They don't even sound that good, so people who aren't familiar with them can't distinguish the counterfeit earphones.
20 May 17 #31
I've got both and I actually much prefer these to the triple driver ones!
20 May 17 #21
I bought these last time, best earphones I have ever bought.
Bushes to Metallifux
20 May 17 3 #30
I have the hybrids and they are fantastic, best bar none. For the price I simply wouldn't trust another brand. Had mine over a year, accidentally washed them in the washing machine at least five times and they simply won't break.
20 May 17 1 #29
To anyone who might not know, these are genuinely amazing earphones, I switched to headphones a few months ago, but tried the RHA £90 earphones from Apple, and these were on par, they're really good. Xiaomi also do the triple driver ones, they're even better according to my bro.

Just be sure to purchase from either Banggood or Gearbest as that way they're authentic, don't go onto eBay or anything as I am pretty sure you'll end up with fakes.
20 May 17 1 #28
excellent!! cheers!!
20 May 17 1 #27
Excellent for the price
20 May 17 #26
I bought one from ebay and they look and sound identical to the ones that came with my s8
20 May 17 1 #25
20 May 17 #24
Lmao increased the price to £19 :stuck_out_tongue:
20 May 17 #23
Actually I know taste is different for everyone but I think these amazing. I go to China every year and I am forever picking these up for people. These (which came out last year) to my mind also sound better than this year's triple driver version which are simply missing some frequencies in the low end all together. Theseare probably a little weighted toward bass but the overall these sound amazing, my favourite ear buds (and I have tested many including the KZ mentioned above) and this is great price. Hot
20 May 17 #22
Used these pretty much every day for the last year, sound great and no issues.
20 May 17 #20
earbuds/buds=in ear earphones
earbud tips/grommets=the foam/plastic bit on the end of the earbud AFAIK :smiley:

Yes the seal is important, I think, for the bass, mine fit well enough but still not enough bass to my mind
Hells bells! Inair foam tips are about £9!
20 May 17 #19
How do these compare to urbeats
16 May 17 1 #6
anyone looking for the AKG branded (but Samsung built and AKG tuned) headphones that come with the S8 - look to ebay
they can be found brand new between 15-20 quid average
I got a fantastic deal at only 1.20 shipped, but that's a one off
Picard123 to robodan918
20 May 17 #18
Most of them are fakes.
20 May 17 #17
Really overrated sounding earphones. They have a sound signature that supposedly mimics IEMs but they don't sound very natural. Sound isn't warm or flattering either.
20 May 17 #14
I think I've now got several pairs of these earbuds (from previous postings on Hotdeals) One pair was packed this way, however neither pair sounds good to me, too much midrange, not enough bass. So I don't know what the fuss is about, maybe my ears just don't suit earbuds.
M_z to jasee
20 May 17 #16
I have some InAirs memory foam buds on mine, i think they improve the sound.
18 May 17 #12
Am I right in thinking banggood & gearbest are the best place to get authentic xiaomi headphones? Any other sources?
mazz1983 to tan159
18 May 17 #13
I actually prefer AliExpress to be honest.
16 May 17 #10
The promo code TWITTER gives 8% off
smilerstradwick to Geoggy
16 May 17 2 #11
Code didn't work for me as expected - it increased the price instead!
16 May 17 1 #9
Good sound quality however broke after 5 hours use.
16 May 17 1 #8
ordered. Cheers.
16 May 17 #7
The dual drivers are great, bassier than the triples, but slightly lacking in treble so need a bit of eq boost there.
16 May 17 #4
I recently ordered a couple of pairs of the new triple driver version from Banggood, which claim an incredibly wide frequency range. With the 20% discount coupon applied from the listing, they were about £17 each. I prefer Banggood to Gearbest. Until my son lost a pair of these dual driver ones recently, he was very impressed with them. It's a shame they no longer make the Piston 3's they were an absolute stonking earphone for an incredibly low price. The ones selling now on ebay are knockoffs, wasted £3 on a pair, muddy sounding junk.
16 May 17 #3
Looks good to me. :smiley:
16 May 17 #2
I think these are exactly the same as the ones I have now. No issues with delivery.

Defo some of the best earphones I've owned. A steal for £13
16 May 17 #1
Been really impressed with a pair of Xiaomi earbuds I purchased from Gearbest, and they didn't take long to arrive.
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