Remember this game, you wouldn't spawn in the same place twice
11 May 17#16
No it was good game worth a play
11 May 171#15
My impression at the time was that everyone was just kissing Call Of Duty's ass, because that was the better franchise - but it seemed like the narrative in the press was "COD = awesome, whilst MOH totally sucks".
I just always assumed (as I didn't play MOH) that in reality MOH games were still pretty good, just not as immersive or refined as COD.
11 May 17#14
I agree nothing wrong with this at all.
At the time of the release I seem to remember the anti EA movement within reviews and internet know it alls was at its highest and people just didn't give it a chance.
11 May 17#13
Played it along time ago , but as I remember it was a good game ... never think MOH went downhill either, just seemed to stop working on stuff. Last game I remember was warfighter which I thought was decent enough too
11 May 17#5
this game was pants as far as I can remember, I would grudge spending £3 on it.
benjammin316 to jgs_hd
11 May 171#6
You're not, you're spending £3 on the best gaming bundle money can buy.
horsepills to jgs_hd
11 May 17#12
Was it really that bad? Shame if so - was hoping it would just be "slightly underwhelming" instead of terrible!
Sad to see the MOH series go so downhill. I remember the very first game on the original PlayStation and it was an amazing experience...
11 May 17#11
Yes you do. Otherwise everyone would just buy a one month sub and 'purchase' all the games
11 May 17#10
Not sure how this works - do you lose access to game when ea access runs out after a month?
11 May 173#9
I guess a mod edited the title....
But it's cracking that another game is added
11 May 173#8
Well this will calm people trying to flog their copy on eBay for fat stacks!
11 May 17#7
Wasn't so clear in the title though ;-)
11 May 171#4
Wasn't even aware this was BC, thanks OP :smiley:
11 May 171#3
Great pic
11 May 174#1
Will be giving this another playthough, I hope dead space 2 and 3 also enter the vault soon.
orangebastage to dave859
11 May 171#2
Looking forward for Dead Space 2 as well. DS3 not so much. Thanks op for the heads up.
Opening post
A months access to the vault can be had from the good people at CD Keys
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But it's cracking that another game is added
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I just always assumed (as I didn't play MOH) that in reality MOH games were still pretty good, just not as immersive or refined as COD.
At the time of the release I seem to remember the anti EA movement within reviews and internet know it alls was at its highest and people just didn't give it a chance.
Sad to see the MOH series go so downhill. I remember the very first game on the original PlayStation and it was an amazing experience...
But it's cracking that another game is added