If you're buying a few, don't forget CDKeys (£5 is still £3.79 with the Facebook code) ('Remember you can only use Xbox account credit if you purchase on a 360 console' - cheers benjammin316)
Feel free to add anything you think I may have missed in the comments.
Top comments
16 May 1719#9
The orange box for 3.74 must be deal of the decade
BuzzDuraband to davemhaynes
16 May 1717#28
Give us a chance man. There's 275+.
Updated list. Now up to 167 titles.
16 May 1713#13
Cold, list not in ascending price order.
16 May 1710#4
Some great games there.
Remember you can only use Xbox account credit if you purchase on a 360 console
Remember you can only use Xbox account credit if you purchase on a 360 console
timblake9 to benjammin316
16 May 171#15
Does anyone know if you can use Xbox Live credit to purchase the Arcade titles?
Is there any work around to using the credit for the 360 titles, in order to use the CDKeys offer?
16 May 17#5
About using CD Keys, I believe that Xbox Live credit cannot be used to purchase Xbox 360 games.
Thank you, have been waiting for a deal on L4D1/2.
16 May 17#6
Was hoping for a good price on 'Catherine'. I already have most of the stuff worth having here, will pick up Double Dragon Neon though.
timblake9 to Krooner
16 May 171#12
Catherine looks to be £4.99 and in the sale, the OP is just a selection of games available
16 May 177#7
Portal 2 - £3.74. Outstanding.
16 May 173#8
Orange Box may be worth it as well - 96% on Metacritic. How active is TF2 on Xbox though?
16 May 1719#9
The orange box for 3.74 must be deal of the decade
MadonnaProject to 1an4492
16 May 17#68
Yeah, the previous decade, and even despite the initial polish, half life 2 now feels dated, and let's not forget the game is still left unfinished.
16 May 172#10
Rage from Breaking Bad, gave Jessie nightmares so I do recommend it. Ghostbusters and Red Dead Redemption will do for me. Thanks.
16 May 171#11
Nice, was waiting for Fable 3 as just got an XBox One
16 May 1713#13
Cold, list not in ascending price order.
16 May 171#14
There's even more on the store...
BuzzDuraband to davemhaynes
16 May 1717#28
Give us a chance man. There's 275+.
Updated list. Now up to 167 titles.
16 May 171#16
Went for Ikaruga and Metal Slug. Great prices
16 May 173#17
Heat for this list Buzz. Current CDKeys 5% code - KDIK3ASDJ
DexMorgan to UUK
16 May 172#20
I could have saved an extra 60 pence if you'd posted this a minute earlier!
lucifon to UUK
16 May 17#44
I was of the belief you can't use Microsoft account balance to buy 360 games. It uses the old system, so it doesn't tap into your credit.
16 May 171#18
I'm replacing all my Disney and Lego games with digital versions and trading the games in at Grainger games towards xbox live credit, should make a tidy profit.
16 May 174#19
Heated for 'Alice: Madness Returns', one of my favourite games of all time!
16 May 172#21
Be great if folks could list what they feel are the best games on this list. I have no idea what my son might like and for a few quid I can always just give it a try.
Thanks for anyone's efforts :smiley:
Pacman786 to carlos777uk
16 May 171#29
Bully would be ideal. :man:
Spidersmudge to carlos777uk
16 May 17#41
There's so many good games on that list, but Ghostbusters and NBA Jam are both very decent prices :smiley:
I'm gonna end up spending lots of money... Thanks Buzz :wink:
16 May 17#27
Discount only works once.
16 May 171#30
Thanks! I grabbed Fable 3 and also Burnout Paradise (not on the list but is £4.94, might be a normal price now?) because I was an idiot and forgot to download it on GWG back in December. Heat!
16 May 17#31
Nice post op
King of fighters for me :-)
16 May 17#32
The orange Box "unavailable" :disappointed:
jeccius to tii
16 May 172#72
I had to purchase it through the Xbox website instead. A few of them were like that, plus you can't use XBLive credit either, you have to buy direct.
16 May 17#33
How active are the servers for Black Ops 2 since it was made backwards compatible?
jeccius to trickyb1967
16 May 171#36
Not hugely busy but enough for a few full games; my nephew and his mates have been playing it for the last few weeks since it was "upgraded" to xbox one.
16 May 17#34
Call Of Juarez Gunslinger - £2.49
16 May 171#35
Orange Box, KoF2002 and Torchlight for me :smiley:
16 May 173#37
I think these migh the highlights to be be what most people should look that I have left out the obvious ones like COD and RDR.
Blue Dragon - £3.74
Bully Scholarship Ed. - £5.99
Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night - £1.68
Fable II - £3.74
Gears Of War 3 - £3.74
Left 4 Dead 2 - £.3.74
Lost Odyssey - £4.99
Mass Effect - £3.74 although it hasn't aged too well.
Oblivion - £3.95 I'm Tempted for this so I don't have to use a disc, so I still wont play it.
Portal 2 - £3.74
Rage - £3.95
The Orange Box - £3.74
16 May 171#38
Everyone get Shadowrun, it's a steal at that price. I can finally retire my disc copy now :smiley:
16 May 171#39
Heat Buzz... superb effort...
Alice: Madness Returns - £3.74
Ghostbusters - £2.99
Left 4 Dead - £3.74
Left 4 Dead 2 - £.374
Lego Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Video Game - £2.24
Monkey Island: SE - £1.99
Portal 2 - £3.74
Red Faction: Battlegrounds - £1.68
those are the ones I will buy so far....
16 May 17#40
It doesn't let you purchase Portal 2 through the Xbox One.
16 May 171#42
And Bomberman of course :wink:
16 May 172#43
I think that's everything guys, although there's only 274 in the list. So I think I may have missed a couple. Feel free to let me know :smiley:
16 May 171#45
Finally, I will pick up a copy of Shadow Complex!
16 May 17#46
most are fantastic bargains, the only ones that really aren't are the activison games, bur thats no surprise
16 May 171#47
** Apparently Xbox Live Credit doesn't work with 360 titles on the store, so be careful ordering from CDKeys if this sale is your reason for purchasing it!
16 May 17#48
You can buy them using the 360 itself, thankfully mine is still plugged in.
16 May 173#49
Catherine for 84p. What!? STEAL!!!!
....and Ikagura, best available bullethell shooter.
BuzzDuraband to propagandapanda
16 May 171#52
Yeah, that's a typo, my apologies.
I can't work it out. $4.99 on US store, £14.99 on UK store. Everybody else seeing this?
Wraggy1234 to propagandapanda
16 May 17#91
such a nice game!
16 May 171#50
Didn't realise LEGO Indy had gone BC... Time to dig out the disc!!!
Tempted by Bully, LEGO Pirates & Doom/Doom II
16 May 17#51
I just looked and couldn't see it??? Also Ikaruga isn't a bullet hell come on. Guwange is the only bullet hell shooter on this list. Ika is danmaku for beginners.
Half Minute Hero: Neo Climax Edition - £1.68 is a cracking price. Pretty rare game on PSP too.
16 May 171#53
heat for effort. Black ops 2 is a **** take! :-?
16 May 171#54
Im seeing that too buzz may not of updated yet but will be £3.74 when the 75% taken off, has been £2.24 before now though
16 May 17#55
There are Hundreds of BC games on sale. see the 1st 7 pages of this link on storeparser
joanddan7 to gordy76
16 May 171#63
and instead of going through 7 pages... the full list of 200+ is in this thread in OP... its been gradually updated to include all the games... everyone knows about storeparser... its just nice to have a easy long list...
as a thanks... hit the heat button :wink:
16 May 17#56
That's dollars the gbp is over a tenner
16 May 17#57
Can't use Xbox credit though right?
Krooner to sweeten16
16 May 171#62
Only on 360.
16 May 172#58
what this list needs is a Metacritic score column :wink:
16 May 172#59
Now price order please buzz :stuck_out_tongue:
BuzzDuraband to Wilsh88
16 May 172#60
You joke, but somebody will be in to have a moan...
16 May 17#61
Yeah it's £15 in the UK, not even included. Suppose they could add it later.
16 May 17#64
Still no use I have €45 from France region.
16 May 17#65
I'm going to be spending SO much money on this sale... *sigh* Fortunately, I'm not a Steam hoarder...
16 May 17#66
if you haven't bought stick of truth and are a south park fan please buy it, it's the best game on this list!
16 May 17#67
Crikey! Nearly bought NBA Jam for £7.50 yesterday. :smiley:
16 May 17#69
Tesco ebay site is still flogging grade C XB1's for £150 and better condition ones for £20 more (some with a game) in case anybody needs one.
16 May 17#70
Ikaruga, Castle Crashers, NBA Jam and Orange Box for me. Might have to smash in Left 4 Dead too. Any more for any more, kids?
16 May 172#71
Portal 2 and Fable 2 thanks for the list Buzz :smiley:
Also a quick note to add, the Fable DLCs are free for both 2 and 3 if you search in the store.
16 May 171#73
I have just bought way too many and I still want more.. madness...
so good prices though..
16 May 172#74
Just bought The Orange Box (all of which I already own on Steam...) and Portal 2. Thank you / damn you HUKD...
16 May 17#75
Thanks OP!
I'm going to pick up a few, I really feel like picking up Earthworm Jim for 1.68!
16 May 172#76
No Conkers Bad Fur Day :sunglasses:
16 May 171#77
Pocket dented.
Battlefield Bad Company 2 - £3.74
*Blue Dragon - £3.74*
Bomberman Battlefest - £1.68
*Call of Duty: World at War - £9.99 (Dogs Dogs DOGS!)*
Double Dragon Neon - £2.22
Escape Dead Island - £3.74
Killer Is Dead - £3.74
Left 4 Dead 2 - £3.74
*NBA JAM: On Fire Edition - £2.63*
Of: Dragon Rising - £2.24
Rage - £3.95 (So underrated)
*Red Dead Redemption - £9.99*
KOF £1.68
*The Orange Box - £3.74*
Torchlight - £2.49
16 May 17#78
Love me a bit of DeathSpank™: Thongs Of Virtue
16 May 171#79
does anyone know if you need xbox live gold to get these deals
Krooner to gettinthatting
16 May 171#82
No, they're available to everyone.
mackem1966 to gettinthatting
16 May 17#84
These offers are only valid for Xbox Live Gold members.
Please note: prices and availability are subject to change and may vary by region.
It says the above at the bottom of the sales page but others say you dont need it, just click on a game and see what price comes up
16 May 17#80
Blah, nothing jumping out at me that I haven't already got on disc. Might finally pick up Shadow Complex though. Thanks OP!
16 May 171#81
Some awesome deals there, heat added for most prices and superb effort.
Have to say Call Of Duty: Black Ops - £12.49/Call Of Duty: Black Ops II - £15.99 are overpriced though.
16 May 171#83
Catherine is coming up at £14.99 for me?!
BuzzDuraband to aaronmcc
16 May 171#85
It is for everybody mate. $4.99 on US.
16 May 171#86
I don't have gold and they're coming up for me.
16 May 171#87
It would have been nice to have some of the associated dlc pricing aswell in this sale proportional to the base games selling price like left 4 dead 2 is £3.74 for game but the DLC is £4.69 each!!
stevethos to GroundZero
16 May 171#106
Tell me about it. Dead Space 2 DLC (short campaign) is £4.69. Base game is £4.94!
16 May 173#88
If you are a retro gamer like me, Midway Arcade Origins (30 games for £7.49) is a no brainer.
16 May 171#89
Already heated. Keep coming my friend.... :smiley:
16 May 17#90
Did anyone play Cars 2?, Ahhhhhh the memories :innocent: . Definitely buying that when I get home
16 May 17#92
Ghostbusters and Left for Dead 1 and 2, all for under £12, sorted, and not bad that i grabbed £15 in credit for £11.77 during the week from CDkeys sale. HA
16 May 171#93
One of the finest games of all time
16 May 172#94
Stupid Xbox 360 won't let me download any games, no such license and other errors. Stupid cdkeys purchase didn't work out as well as I had hoped.
Stupid Bill Gates. Fix it before I dish it out.
16 May 17#95
Might & magic Clash of Heroes is a great game
16 May 171#96
Garou Mark of Wolves and Samurai Showdown 2 for me!
16 May 17#97
Ohh yeeeeah! Left 4 Dead 1 & 2, NBA Jam and Portal 2 for me! Just a bummer I can't use my credit on the Xone store or the website though, as I have £20 on there -_- :P
16 May 17#98
if i buy credit from CDKeys can i use it to buy these games though the website?
Pacman786 to enzo_power
16 May 17#104
No, that's the problem I'm having. Can't even purchase from Xbox 360, due to other errors.
16 May 17#99
bought the orange box thanks
16 May 17#100
Anyone know if Dead Space 2 & 3 will be heading into the Ea vault anytime soon?
16 May 171#101
blue Dragon is an absolute steal for £3.74. My hubby had it so long on disc and sold it last year so hes ecstatic!!!! :wink:
Indiana.Jones to Teepeezee
16 May 17#113
Very fun gameplay and awesome art, that story though...Zzz. Lost Odyssey was the bomb though, angst immortals ftw!
16 May 17#102
This was on offer recently for a couple of quid. Bought it but haven't played yet. Apparently it's good.
16 May 17#103
This was on offer recently for a couple of quid. Bought it but haven't played yet. Apparently it's good.
16 May 17#105
This was on offer recently for a couple of pounds. Bought it but haven't played yet. Apparently it's good.
16 May 17#107
cdkeys facebook code never works, will just buy direct from MS instead
UUK to chipsngravy
16 May 17#111
CDKeys facebook code will only work once you are logged into the site
16 May 17#108
excellent work. would of gotten deus ex if it was the directors cut. mass effect tho, I'm all over it!
16 May 171#109
I would contact MS as soon as, i had no issues spending CDkeys credit and buying the games via the 360 console, so something is up somewhere.
16 May 17#110
What 3 should I pick?
16 May 171#112
Guwange at £1.68 as well.
16 May 17#114
This was on offer recently for a couple of pounds. Bought it but haven't played yet. Apparently it's good.
16 May 17#115
Timeshift £9.99 lol. I'll be buying Sam and Max for £1.99 :smiley:
16 May 17#116
It was yeah, but I don't have gold. Was hoping for the same price for non-gold members here.
16 May 17#117
Woah. That's 273 games for £833.98.
Give or take £3 a game!
Thanks for the list OP :laughing:
16 May 17#118
Different publishers sadly, I've only ever seen it go on sale over here twice myself!
16 May 17#119
Shame, don't suppose it'll be added then, Still, suppose if I buy it on disc ad play it through I'll probably get my money back. It's holding it's price well enough.
16 May 17#120
Now on 334 digital games! Wow i never had this much with my 360 & that was flashed.
16 May 17#121
Went for NBA Jam and Oddworld New and Tasty (£4.95)...
16 May 17#122
Anyone know when the sale ends?
16 May 171#123
Discounts are valid now through 22 May 2017.
16 May 172#124
Hmm take the 3 and discard it as it's a magic number so then 7 minus 4 = 3
HL3 confirmed.
16 May 17#125
16 May 17#126
All sorted now, left the box off for a bit and when switched it back on and tried, it worked fine. Thanks for the helpful reply, have a great day.
16 May 17#127
Ikaruga - £1.68
Enough said. Hot :smiley:
16 May 17#128
Just bought lost odyssey and blue dragon on disc, if they're not gonna take up lots of space might just get them digital!
16 May 17#129
are there any kinect games?
16 May 17#130
Castle Crashers and Trine 2 for me as I can play these with my wife and daughter
16 May 171#131
Mars: War Logs is a hugely underrated RPG in my opinion.
Well worth the paltry £1.68 that it's listed at
Like a poor mans Mass Effect
16 May 17#132
Now...how best to make full use of this £10.00 credit...
16 May 171#133
How did you pay for these using Xbox credit, was it via a 360 console?
16 May 172#134
It's cheaper at CEX on physical. £2.50 vs £3.74. Having said that a lot of the games on demand are cheaper on physical at CEX. There's some exceptions for the rarer titles such as Alice Madness Returns and Bully so it's worth having a look to see what's worth buying.
16 May 17#135
The only COD game I dont own WAW is still £9.99. Am I missing something when all the others have dropped in price?
16 May 17#136
Physical is so old hat. Just can't be bothered with it anymore so digital all the way
16 May 17#137
fancy an arcade Golf game for a quick blast - is "Golf -Tee it up" the best here?
16 May 171#138
I got mine from HMV for £5. I'd shop around for a disc.
16 May 17#139
Just to give everyone some insight, if you want to buy and DLC game for Xbox 360 on your Xbox one you can use your credit by booting up the game such as Black Ops 2 and buying it through the in-game store. It only works for games which you can buy dlc through the 360 interface though.
16 May 17#140
No you could have saved an extra 60p if you had not been so trigger happy and impatient!
16 May 171#141
Lmao! :wink:
16 May 171#142
Last time Catherine was on sale, it took a couple of days before the price was reduced in Europe (or outside the US?). Maybe worth checking again later.
16 May 17#143
16 May 172#144
Your endorsement has convinced me to get it.
16 May 173#145
Be careful, he also rates The Order 1886, but that could well be down to its likeness to a movie :smirk:
16 May 17#146
Just grabbed another £10 of credit from CDkeys for £7.78, a few more of those arcade games i want to get while they are down, i don't think we will see prices like this again for some time, grab them while they are hot.
I really want Order 1886! ha... just waiting for the blackwater edition to get silly cheap again...
I have spent way way way too much today and the bank statement will look shocking for the Mrs... why cant we just whack it all in the basket and buy at the end, had to buy each one separately and I think I have bought at least 15 now... for a couple of quid lots of them are worth grabbing to be honest!
16 May 174#149
Nobody will ever understand our struggle, will they? :smile:
I've got a mate who raved about it when it came out. I watched him play some but it seemed a bit janky... Still £1.68. Less than a coffee!
16 May 17#153
Loads of these games I want so it probably makes more sense to wait for the Xbox Games Pass, this may be close to the exact list! :sunglasses:
16 May 171#154
Lame, you can't use xbox credit for buying these, at least not that I can tell? Tried the website, and through the console. (Xbox One).
16 May 171#155
Indeed they won't....
first world problems ha.
16 May 172#156
Bill Gates! :laughing::laughing::laughing:
16 May 17#157
any games on the list anyone can reccomend that are good lower key titles?
16 May 171#158
First world issues :smile:
16 May 172#159
Don't lie :smirk:
16 May 17#160
loved Shadowrun. Does anyone still play it though?
16 May 17#161
any kart racing games on there?
16 May 17#162
GUNstar heroes - heat!
16 May 171#163
a lot of these games are or have been a lot cheaper than these, Game are currently selling around 20 of these about half the price.
16 May 171#164
They are also selling a lot of these for a lot more...
I have bought a lot of physical BC games in last few months and there really are some good deals here... shopping around is always key...
Things like Ghostbusters have a high price point still in most places.
Borderlands you can get cheaper in physical for sure.
16 May 171#165
Haven't seen anyone mentioning RAGE. Looks quite interesting to me. Is this worth buying, as I haven't played it yet? Cheers.
16 May 172#166
dis post on the Alan wake deal but no takers by the looks of it ... so I'm just place this here
Xbox one digital download code for Alan wake +the signal DLC and the writer DLC: M4P67-DX642-2FPCD-H6XW9-CFKXZ ENJOY WHO EVER GETS IT FIRST
16 May 17#167
Hi, Firstly - thanks for the original poster (and several others for Xbox recently) - I've very new to XBox so please forgive me for the simple question.
Are you saying if I load up a 360 game on xbox one - you can navigate from it's "Download Extras Menu" to the xbox 360 store and buy these games (like Left 4 Dead for example) using credit on your account. - or are you just saying you can use credit on your account to only buy the content for the came you loaded?
16 May 17#168
Great effort in the listing. Thanks for the heads up :smile:
16 May 171#169
It's decent enough. Solid mechanically, but ends very abruptly. It's sort of like Fallout with the heavy RPG stuff removed.
16 May 17#170
a few of these were free with Gold membership
16 May 17#171
and ....?
16 May 17#172
What's the cd keys Facebook code?
16 May 17#173
Is Stuntman Ignition like the original?
16 May 17#174
okay reading through comments im confused. can i buy the credit from cdkeys and use it to buy things via xbox 360 or does it not work for xbox 360 games?
dont fancy buying a bunch of credit and it going to waste
16 May 17#175
Heat! :smile: Gameshare with my brother. **** is about to go down.
16 May 17#176
You can use credit via x360 console only.
16 May 17#177
Yes, i redeemed my cdkeys codes via the W10 xbox app, then jumped onto the xbox 360, bought the games and they appear on your xb1 bc list.
You will have to take note of what you want though as the sale is not advertised on the 360, but just go to games, browse, and select arcade or on demand, and you will find what you want.
16 May 17#178
fantastic effort spent on typing all of this. thank you and have some heat!
16 May 17#179
Bought Toy Story 3 it's fantastic
16 May 171#180
*Theres something strange in ya neighbourhood... for 2.99 call Ghostbusters!*
16 May 17#181
Just picked up the free Alan Wake DLC's before they get removed permanently, think I''ll grab American Nightmare for £1.68 as well, plenty of bargains to be had here, Ghostbusters for £3 looks tempting.
16 May 171#182
CEX are giving £9 cash for BO2, and you can buy it here on sale for £7.45, making you £1.55 on the deal. :wink:
16 May 171#183
I'm tempted to purchase an Xbox One just to access this huge catalogue of games... :laughing:
16 May 171#184
I recall completing it. A lot of game for the money.
16 May 17#185
Monster hot
16 May 17#186
I was playing it earlier on my 360. Theres nearly 100,000 on sometimes!
16 May 17#187
Is xbox one backwards compatible if you have the hard copy of these games still?
16 May 17#188
Yes put disc in Xbox one
16 May 17#189
Space Giraffe is a great game if you like shooters, and a bargain at 84p :smiley:
16 May 17#190
Don't think Castle Crashers is in the sale :disappointed:
16 May 17#191
oops I bought £10 worth of credit which I've added via my XB1. I no longer have a 360. Any ways I can use this?
16 May 17#192
I feel Sick 15.99, and I wouldn't have had to use the Damn Disc
16 May 17#193
I've just bought plants vs zombies and now trying to play it, its signing me out of Xbox live and says the profile I have can't be used on this console. Anyone any ideas what this might be? I'm using an Xbox one. Thanks.
16 May 171#194
Not without a 360 sorry mate
16 May 171#195
You can buy xbox one games, just can't buy 360 games :smiley: I'm sure it wont be a waste
16 May 17#196
ah man - thanks though - have an old 360 but no controller - maybe i'll borrow one.
16 May 17#197
Surely this is FORWARDS compatibilty? The 360 preceded the xbox one!
16 May 17#198
Do people still play this, I used to play it religiously before Halo 3 came out. Definitely one of the most underrated 360 games. Still have my disc copy but I've picked up the digital version. Hopefully get a few games in this weekend.
16 May 17#199
would be good to have a metacritic score for all of these to sort the wheat from the chaff... if anyone is bored and has some free time and wants to put one together *optimism*
16 May 17#200
Are these digital or hard copy?
16 May 171#201
Deals with Gold currently has Fru at £6 and Commander Cherry for £1.60. Fru is one of the best Kinect games and really recommend it.
16 May 17#202
Can't use Xbox credit to buy Xbox 360 games, asks for credit card or PayPal
16 May 17#203
Anyone want to go 50/50 on BO2? Really not keen on paying £15 for that old a game.
picked up a few that are region free on my 360s Hungarian account as I had a bit of money left on my revolut card.
far cry 3 £3.32
the Orange box £2.08
portal 2 £2.08
rage £1.83
will be picking up black ops 2 and Catherine from the UK store later on.
16 May 17#207
Catherine is still expensive.
16 May 17#208
yeah I've just checked and its showing as £14.99, was it not meant to be on sale?
16 May 171#209
Previous post have said it might go down. When I checked the other day it was 30 quid. So doubt it. It's a scam the US get for 4.99.
16 May 17#210
does anyone know if rage has the dlc included?
16 May 17#211
Thanks! Can you play the regular version on Xbox One? Or do you have to own the 'remastered' version?
16 May 17#212
I got Ghost Busters, Shadow of the Damned, Portal 2 and Alice Madness. Most of the others like Red Dead Sainsburys (goty). GTA IV left for dead, blacks ops 2 I bought from cash converters for 2 quid each. Bought about 80 games for the 360 since the beginning of the year. :sunglasses:
16 May 17#213
It is!
16 May 171#214
Any good local co-ops? I've picked up Left for Dead 1&2, and already have all the Gears of Wars and The Orange Box.
16 May 171#215
Need to go through this tomorrow and spend some money, need to also get my 360 games out to make sure I'm not doubling up.
16 May 17#216
Is it the case that Xbox 360 games can only be downloaded onto the *first* Xbox you download them on? I'm sure there is something about that for the Games With Gold 360 games each month.
If however I can buy games at this price and download them whenever I want, onto my Xbox One (and future Xbox One, if the current one dies) then that is a pretty strong argument to sell the discs and buy the digital...
16 May 171#217
Portal 2 has a decent co-op campaign. Pretty sure you can do it in split-screen.
16 May 17#218
Knowing Portal 2 is BC I may finally get round to completing it. Started on my xbox360 some time ago and even though I have it still plugged in my office, I just find it easier to **** on the sofa with the xbox One. Goddammit I do come across as somewhat lazy, but with over 250 digi games on X1 why would I? #lazychuffwithtoomuchchoice
16 May 17#219
Strange the word m ong is censored. I guess I'l stick with vegitate.
16 May 17#220
Is Catherine on sale ?
16 May 17#221
You can if you buy on an Xbox 360 :smiley:
16 May 17#222
16 May 17#223
That's not a restriction I've heard of.
16 May 17#224
It was £2 for ages when it first became BC
16 May 17#225
No, that is incorrect. Unlike the license system that the Xbox One uses which stores all licenses on one 'home console' the 360 assigns an 'offline license' to the console that first downloads it. Doing this allows anyone to play the game without the original owner being signed in - however the owner needs to be connected to Xbox Live in order to play it on a different console.
On the X1 it is a lot more simple as the licenses are automatically assigned to the home console, but when you change home console they all move. Myself and a few friends do this, but as our own consoles aren't the home console, we can only play digital games while connected to Xbox Live.
16 May 171#226
Any idea how long the sale is on for ?
16 May 17#227
Will there be more games added? I'm after Pure
16 May 171#228
I only own the remastered version but I am pretty sure the regular version will play fine by itself on the Xbox One.
16 May 171#229
I have both versions, both show on my Xbox One games list so should work fine, but I haven't actually played the 360 version on the One.
16 May 173#230
Until the 22nd so buy now while stocks last!
16 May 17#231
Quite liked Call of Juarez: Gunslinger on the PC. Anyone recommend the 360 version?
16 May 17#232
Does anyone know if the older games will still have working online multiplayer?
I'm not sure if they rely on the publishers still having active servers or whether they just run through Xbox live servers.
16 May 17#233
I know but I don't want to be putting the disc in everytime to play it so digital all the way
16 May 17#234
Not sure the online gaming ever caught on
17 May 172#235
£15.99 for BO2 is beyond a joke.
17 May 17#236
Yesterday about 3am I saw saint row 2 for under £3 shame didn't purchase was only that and saint one and a few other games on sale thought maybe was part of the super sale and just early . just checked to purchase price now £8.99
17 May 171#237
How much does it cost to buy the entire catalogue
17 May 17#238
17 May 17#239
Xbox 360 game discs (DVD) are more vulnerable to scratches than Xbox One game disc (Blu-ray) which are more scratch-resistant than DVD.
Digital is the future, sooner or later console games will become digital like PC games (you don't see many on discs no more).
Microsoft are trying to do what Steam are doing. Backlog of all games in digital format. Won't be surprised if the upcoming Xbox Scorpio doesn't have an optical drive.
17 May 172#240
No optical drive on the Scorpio would be idiotic since that would mean any people who have any backwards compatible 360 discs, or xbox one discs for the original xbox one/one s consoles would not be able to play those games, meaning hardly any Scorpio's would sell haha, Not many people have built up a digital only library of games, most people who have bought digital games have got physical ones too (like me)...
I hope "digital only" never happns with games/movies since you can get banned from your account/ get hacked/ microsoft/sony/nintendo could have outages meaning we lose access to our stuff or our games won't function properly until problems on their end are fixed. So there could be temporary or even permanent periods of time that games/movies we have bought are not accessible to us.
Something new needs to be implemented into all online servers/storage/clouds, it's not reliable enough at the moment, plus DRM is very shady too!
17 May 171#241
thanks for this
17 May 17#242
I could not find assassins creed rogue on there which is a shame but bought both fables, alan wake and bully
17 May 17#243
Digital Foundry who went to see the Scorpio in action have already said that the Xbox Scorpio will have a 4K UHD Blu-ray drive.
17 May 17#244
Thanks OP, I only had a few XB1 games since finally moving from 360 so this deal is great. Bought a mixture for me and my son: Jetpac Reloaded (84p) / Small Arms (84p) / Cars 2 the videogame (£2.24) & Cars 2 The Queen (Free) / Alice Madness Returns (£3.74) & American McGee's Alice (Free) / Ghostbusters The Video Game (£2.99) / Toy Soldiers (£1.68), so well happy :smiley:
Strange I found it straight away like matey above but it don't seem to be letting me buy it with my MS account balance which is a right pxxx take really. Definitely don't let you buy add ons with you pre-paid credit either and now it seems they doing the same with the discounted BC games.
17 May 171#247
I'm torn between Portal: Still Alive and The Orange Box. I have little urge to play TF2, so my only inclination to get that is the possibility of playing Half Life 2, but then miss out on the extra maps for Portal.....any suggestions if the extra content is worth it?
17 May 173#248
Catherine now showing as £ 3.74.
17 May 17#249
Sorry if this has already been asked but has anyone managed to get South Park - Stick of Truth on XB1? No purchase link shows for me. Thanks
17 May 17#250
Xbox games are link to your account, not hardware, i have went through many a xbox 360, the one i am using at present i bought from gumtree second hand for £30 so i did not need to use my limited edition 360, never had any issue with dl games and using them on any xbox 360 i have had, and if you do there is a tool on the licence transfer Xbox MS site that will allow you to transfer all your game licence to the xbox 360 you are using so you can play them off line if need be, and on the Xbox one this is also covered by a option that makes your xb1 your home console, just the same as a licence transfer tool on the 360 but with just the click of a button.
17 May 17#251
I believe you can only get it through pre ordering the new game (fractured but whole).
17 May 17#252
I got my credit from cdkeys and redeemed it and in payment options on the xbox one it says expires on 14/08/2017, didn't think they could steal your credit back that quick.
Any of these games good to boost the old gamerscore? :man:
17 May 17#255
Yep there's still a few games going every evening. You likely won't find anything in the daytime, but in the evening when the American's are on too, there's usually up to maybe 10 games at a time.
17 May 17#256
Just curious... Limbo, is there any benefit of buying the XO version as opposed the the 360 BC version? For £1.99 seems a steal
17 May 171#257
this. would also like to know.
17 May 17#258
That would explain it being cheap credit: short dated expiry, just like cheap food in a shop.
17 May 17#259
Are you sure about this? I have never seen anything like that before. Are you sure it's not the expiration date of your Gold subscription or any other subscription?
17 May 172#260
You get a free copy of the original game as DLC with this too
17 May 17#261
Excellent! Good spot.
17 May 17#262
left for dead isn't on the list
17 May 17#263
yeah, go to payments and billing on the Xbox one and go all the way to the right and it will show (Microsoft account united kingdom) with the expire date next to the credit. Doesn't matter for me now as I just purchased Catherine with it.
17 May 17#264
They both are.
17 May 17#265
COD2 is tempting as that was first COD game and loved it -anyone know if there are still any online games going on?
17 May 17#266
Couldn't decide to purchase or not. But getting the original game as well...great value!
The original game had completely gone under my radar back in the days, and review scores are mostly 9/10's.
Looking forward to see what I missed.
17 May 171#267
Orange box.
Portal 2
Nba jam
Thanks buzz!!
17 May 17#268
Also South park stick of truth!!
17 May 171#269
Got my **** rtype. loved that game on the spectrum/arcade... still hard as frickin nails tho! £1.99 well spent!!!!!
17 May 172#270
r-type dimensions
missile command ... at 49p its a bargain . with 2 versions
and ghostbusters
should keep me busy......if i ever play them lol
18 May 17#271
Why is BIT.TRIP Presents Runner 2 on the list? As far as I can see, that isn't Xbox One compatible.
18 May 17#272
Apparently it is now. I can see it in my ready to install list, under R: Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien.
edit: It is also in the available games list on xbox.com, and according to wikipedia added on May 5, 2016.
18 May 17#273
My bad. I was looking for "Bit Trip" and it appears as "Runner 2". Thanks for the clarification! Still no 'Works on Xbox One' icon on the Marketplace product page, but it looks like it works, as you say. I will attempt a purchase via my 360 (to use the store credit I have from cdkeys.com) and then hope to download it on the One.
Just tried purchasing Ghostbusters with some credit I have in the MS store but this cannot be used for some reason, what gives? I have £10 worth of credit but it cannot be used on sales items, BS
18 May 17#276
All I'm getting is "Your purchase cannot be completed at this time. Please try again" errors. Has anyone seen that before?
EDIT: Neither the website nor my console likes like my Paypal, as credit card works.
18 May 17#277
Appreciate it was a good game 6yrs back but is it still worth the purchase now? Reviews at the time seem pretty much average 6 or 7/10. Look forward to your thoughts.
18 May 17#278
Is online multiplayer available on these guys or did they shut the 360 server down?
18 May 171#279
As mentioned over and over again in previous comments. Credit can not be used to purchase 360 games on the Xbox One. You will need to pay by card etc.
18 May 171#280
^^^Or buy it via a actual xbox 360, that way you can use the credit and it will appear on your BC list on your xb1.
18 May 173#281
Another one for retro gamers like me - Capcom Arcade Cabinet listed above is only 84p and the Capcom All In One Pack add on is £4.24 (not in the sale but still a bargain), so if you purchase these two items you get 17 Capcom games for £5.08 (original release was in May 2013, and the price was 2000 Microsoft points or £23.99)
18 May 17#282
Cheers. Hadn't seen the cheap price for the All In One Pack.
18 May 17#283
whats included in Capcom Arcade Cabinet only?
19 May 17#284
Seen this on true achievements with some recommendations from the list that are easy completions:
easy completions (ta completion percentage over 30%)
Sam & Max save the world (57% completion percentage)
Monopoly plus (56%)
Nin2jump (51%)
Stacking (48%)
Faery (45%)
Sam & Max beyond time (44%)
Deathspank ToV (42%)
Interpol (41%)
Dead Rising case zero (39%)
Jeremys offroad (37%)
Jurassic Park (36%)
Juju (35%)
Lego Pirates otC (35%)
Torchlight (35%)
Call of Duty 2 (32%)
Monkey Island 2 (31%)
Dead Space Ignition (30%)
Meet the Robinsons (30%)
Ugly Americans (30%)
19 May 17#285
Not sure which game this is from the Capcom All In One compilation, but presumably it is where Ridley Scott got his inspiration for Prometheus from? :-)
19 May 17#286
Do the cods have online?
19 May 17#287
I did read that on some Xbox forum after moaning about the very same thing, didn't really understand the reason I saw about it being something to do with Xbone games not being region locked. I know it's how it is but it is a pxxx take of the very highest order.
19 May 17#288
I agree, it is annoying but I just put it down to backwards compatibility being a new introduction to the Xbox One so there was bound to be a few bumps along the road.
19 May 17#289
So when i log onto the xbox and look through the sale I cant find left for dead anywhere?
19 May 17#290
Got mass effect and toy story 3 for £6 bargin
19 May 171#291
You get 1943, Avenger and Black Tiger (for only 84p!).
19 May 17#292
Hi folks. I'm having issues buying back compatibility games. I can't purchase on the site or the console. Any ideas? A quick google yeilds naff all so thought I'd put it to the mighty brains on here :wink:
19 May 171#293
There may be a problem with your payment method. I have set up my account to accept payment by Paypal and have had no issues. You might also try rebooting your Xbox One by pressing the power button for several seconds until the console switches off. Then unplug the console for a minute and then switch it on again. Also, I found this:
Stil getting nothing and a couple of mates have the same. Anyone getting the same issue with purchasing this type of game? Tried with active paypal and working credit card.
Wish Daytona was on sale. Or they made Out Run, marvel Vs. Capcom and SFHD remix BC. Have loads of arcade games that are already bought but not on the programme.
Every time i try to buy any game (even if free) i have to get phone code verification from microsoft.
Is there a way to stop this nonsense?
19 May 171#299
I'm sure there was a check box underneath you can tick, said something like 'I regularly use this device, I don't need to verify in future' or something.
19 May 171#300
19 May 17#301
yeah tried that in the past but they still insist on the check.May be cookies?
19 May 17#302
use the Microsoft authentication app...so much easier
20 May 17#303
Oh yeah could be...
20 May 17#304
As long as your PayPal account is linked, you don't need to buy credit etc. I haven't had any issues at all.
20 May 17#305
Just picked up Far Cry 3 and Blood Dragon. Also wanted Portal 2 and The Orange Box but they both appear to be unavailable (at least through Xbox One).
20 May 17#306
I've never bought anything before from the Xbox store and when I try and buy something I only have the option to download to my Xbox 360 but I'm looking for something for Xbox One. Am I missing something?
20 May 17#307
For backwards compatible Xbox 360 games and DLC, you can click on the 'Download to Xbox 360' link. Immediately after purchasing an item in this way you can then search for the game/DLC on your Xbox One. The option to 'Install' will show up underneath the game listing. Remember also to set up a payment method. I use Paypal myself.
20 May 17#308
Yeh, I've been wanting Arcade origins for a while, Smash TV alone is surely worth a couple of quid to anyone?! Missile Command 49p, Geometry Wars 84p, Ikaruga £1.68, SOTN £1.68, etc... Using CDKeys, which makes everything 20% less, makes it even sweeter...
20 May 17#309
Bought classic Doom and Doom II.
When I played Doom on the Xbox One, the music was terrible! All distorted. Played it then on my 360 and it's fine.
Is this because Xbone is struggling to emulate the 360 game?
20 May 17#310
Works fine on mine, never noticed it. Not the best music sample anyway.
20 May 172#311
In case you missed it, American McGee's Alice is free:
I've dug the old 360 out to buy AC Rogue and the first AC with my credit.
I got two bully codes for around 30 quid each in the run up to Black Friday so what's the point of buying loads of credit cheap to then be forced to pay full whack on your card?
Even with me buying on a 40% discount as such some of these games are still available much cheaper at CEX though, Far Cry 3 is like only 3 quid in there for instance.
20 May 17#313
It is free and has been for a long time, but it is an addon for Alice Madness Returns, you need to buy that game in order to play the free one.
21 May 171#314
Just spent over £100 in this sale, should keep me busy for the next year. :smile:
21 May 17#315
It's got poor reviews regarding the controls (important) and lack of special features (not so important)
Have you played it?
Is it actually good?
22 May 17#316
just got an Xbox one today off the Mrs :smiley: How long is this sale on for?? won't be plugging it in til tomorrow afternoon :smiley:
22 May 171#317
Believe it ends today, but you don't have to download the games straight away, buy them from the Microsoft store then when your Xbox One is set up you search for the games through the store on the Xbox One and the games you buy will show as Owned and you click to Install :smiley:
22 May 17#318
So far I have played Defender and Xybots and the controls for those games are fine. But at the weekend I mostly played the games in Capcom Arcade Cabinet, which is even better value. For 84p you get 1943, Avengers and Black Tiger. And if you purchase the All In One Pack for £4.24 you get 14 more games.
Or just go to the My Games section and under 'Ready to install', they will all be sitting there.
22 May 171#321
When does this end? tomorrow?
Also, if anyone is considering getting the Black Ops 2 Season Pass for multiplayer I highly recommend you don't. I got it over the weekend and have serious buyers remorse. About 1 in every 4 lobbies I've been in is hacked. There have been aimbots, top players getting kicked, invisible players, endless killstreaks, teleportation. Its ridiculous.
22 May 17#322
I'm thinking of getting Call of Duty 2 because I've never played it, does anyone know if the multiplayer servers are still online?
22 May 17#323
I would have thought so. You may be disappointed with the game. I bought Cod 3. on eBay for a few quid on disc. Will hold its value but not something I would play often.
22 May 17#324
I've had a quick look at 2 & 3 and apparently 2 is highly rated (I know that would have been years ago) and 3 is mostly hated!
I just want to see what the fuss was about and used copies are going for a tenner or more!
22 May 17#325
Isn't comparing COD 2 to COD 3 like comparing Ferrari to Fiat?! COD 3 was bad.
22 May 17#326
Depends if you compare cod 2 to BF1 or another recent release. I paid 3 quid for COD 3. Probably will keep its value. Just saying 7 quid maybe worth saving. Agree that 2 is better than 3.
22 May 17#327
Give it a shot if you are interested. I had it back in 2008/9. Try left for dead 1 and 2 as they are more enjoyable.
22 May 17#328
When does this sale end?
22 May 171#329
Today I think.
The sale is good through May 22, and includes savings from 50 to 75 percent off of everything
22 May 171#330
I'm assuming midnightish tonight, as that's when the new weekly deals will start
22 May 17#331
Why is CRACKDOWN 2 still not BC?!?!
22 May 17#332
Just snagged Fable II, Skate 3 and Blue Dragon.
I know Skate 3 is on EA Access but I'm not too fussed about subscribing to that right now.
22 May 17#333
Just gave in! Alice: Madness Returns has always intrigued me. Any others before they go?
22 May 17#334
I enjoyed 2. Campaign was decent. Although infinite grenade spam by bots on higher difficulties like all cod games pre world at war was infuriating. Think most just look at it through nostalgia goggles, but while graphically dated it still plays well.
23 May 17#335
Thankeds. Just gone for Portal 2. Got
That many games to play as we all do! Great sale here, lots of cracking deals!
23 May 171#336
Still working gone midnight!... Maybe a couple more wont hurt :wink:
23 May 17#337
There are still people playing the multilayer, but the few times I've tried playing recently there are definitely people cheating.
The single player campaign is still one of my favourites in the COD series, played through it a few times.
If anyone is looking at Cod 3, music magpie have 1 physical copy in stock for £4.49 as I type.
23 May 17#338
The sale still seems to be live, I thought it ended on 22nd May?
23 May 172#339
Sales end at 11am (10am before the time change). Just when microsoft pushes the update out. So usually you've got the morning of the next day for a sale over here.
Opening post
Morning guys. The Xbox One BC Sale has started.
[Major Nelson List]
'splosion Man - £1.68
3D Ultra Minigolf Adventures - £2.03
A Kingdom For Keflings - £1.68
A World of Keflings - £1.68
ARKANOID Live! - £1.68
Age of Booty - 84p
Alan Wake's American Nightmare - £1.68
Alaskan Adventures - £7.49
Alice: Madness Returns - £3.74
Alien Hominid HD - £1.68
Anomaly Warzone Earth - £1.68
Aqua - 99p
Assassin's Creed - £2.24
Assassin's Creed II - £2.96
Assassin's Creed Revelations - £2.96
Assassin's Creed Rogue - £4.94
Astropop - £1.68
BIT.TRIP Presents… Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien - £2.49
Banjo Kazooie: N and B - £2.99
Banjo-Kazooie - £2.49
Banjo-Tooie - £2.49
Battleblock Theater - £2.49
Battlefield Bad Company 2 - £3.74
Battlestations: Midway - £4.99
Bejeweled 2 - £1.69
Bejeweled 3 - £4.99
Bellator: MMA Onslaught - £1.99
Beyond Good & Evil HD - £2.22
BioShock - £7.49
BioShock Infinite - £6.99
BioShock Infinite Season Pass - £7.99
Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 - £2.49
Bioshock 2 - £7.49
Blood Knights - £1.99
Blood Of The Werewolf - £1.39
Bloodrayne: Betrayal - £2.22
Blue Dragon - £3.74
Bomberman Battlefest - £1.68
Boom Boom Rocket - £2.22
Borderlands - £7.49
Borderlands 2 - £9.99
Borderlands 2 Season Pass - £5.99
Bound By Flame - £3.74
Braid - £1.68
Bully Scholarship Ed. - £5.99
Burnout Paradise - £4.94
Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2013 - £14.99
Cabela's Survival: Sok - £9.99
Call Of Duty 2 - £7.49
Call Of Duty 3 - £7.49
Call Of Duty: Black Ops - £12.49
Call Of Duty: Black Ops II - £15.99
Call Of Juarez Gunslinger - £2.49
Call of Duty®: Black Ops II Season Pass - £20.99
Call of Duty®: World at War - £9.99
Carcassonne - £3.37
Cars 2: The Video Game - £2.24
Castle Crashers - £2.49
Castlestorm - £1.68
Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night - £1.68
Catherine -
Centipede & Millipede - 67p
Comic Jumper - £2.49
Commanders: Attack of the Genos - £2.03
Crystal Quest - 84p
DOOM - £1.69
DOOM II - £1.69
Dark Void - £2.99
De Blob 2 - £2.24
Dead Space - £4.94
Dead Space 2 - £4.94
Dead Space 3 - £4.99
Dead Space™ Ignition - £1.69
Deadliest Warrior: Legends - £1.68
DeathSpank™: Thongs Of Virtue - £2.49
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - £2.99
Discs Of Tron - 84p
Domino Master - 84p
Double Dragon Neon - £2.22
Dragon Age: Origins - £4.94
Dragon's Lair - £1.68
Dungeon Siege III - £2.99
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara - £2.49
Earthworm Jim HD - £1.68
Eat Lead - £2.99
Encleverment Experiment - £1.68
Escape Dead Island - £3.74
Every Extend Extra Extreme - £1.68
FLOCK! - £2.49
Fable II - £3.74
Fable III - £3.74
Faery: Legends Of Avalon - £1.24
Fallout 3 - £3.95
Fallout: New Vegas - £3.95
Far Cry 3 - £7.99
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon - £3.29
Feeding Frenzy - £1.69
Feeding Frenzy 2 - £3.37
Final Fight™: Double Impact - £1.68
Flashback - £2.22
Foul Play - £1.99
FunTown Mahjong - £1.68
GTA IV - £8.99
GTA IV: The Lost and Damned - £3.37
Gatling Gears - £1.68
Gears Of War 3 - £3.74
Gears Of War 3 Season Pass - £4.99
Gears Of War: Judgment - £3.74
Gears of War - £2.99
Gears of War 2 - £3.74
Gears of War 2: All Fronts Collection - £1.68
Geometry Wars Evolved - 84p
Geometry Wars Evolved² - £3.37
Ghostbusters - £2.99
Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime - 84p
Gin Rummy - £2.03
Go! Go! Break Steady - £1.68
Golf: Tee It Up! - £2.03
Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony - £6.74
Grid 2 - £4.99
GripShift - £1.68
Guwange - £1.68
HALF-MINUTE HERO -Super Mega Neo Climax- - £1.68
Hardwood Backgammon - 84p
Hardwood Hearts - 84p
Hardwood Spades - 84p
Haunted House - 84p
Heavy Weapon - £2.63
Hexic 2 - £1.68
Hitman: Absolution - £3.74
Hydro Thunder Hurricane - £2.49
I Am Alive - £3.29
Ikaruga - £1.68
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet - £1.68
Interpol - 84p
Jeremy McGrath's Offroad - £1.68
Jetpac Refuelled - 84p
Joe Danger 2: The Movie - £2.49
Joe Danger Special Edition - £1.99
Joust - £1.69
Joy Ride Turbo - £1.68
Juju - £2.99
Just Cause 2 - £2.99
Kameo - £2.24
Kane & Lynch 2 - £2.99
Killer Is Dead - £3.74
LEGO® Indiana Jones™ - £4.99
LUMINES™ LIVE! Standard Edition - £1.68
Lazy Raiders - £1.68
Left 4 Dead - £3.74
Left 4 Dead 2 - £3.74
Lego Batman - £7.49
Lego Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Video Game - £2.24
Limbo - £1.99
Lode Runner - £1.68
Lost Odyssey - £4.99
Luxor 2 - £1.68
MX vs ATV Reflex - £2.49
Mad Tracks - £1.68
Madballs Babo:Invasion - £1.68
Mars: War Logs - £1.68
Mass Effect - £3.74
Medal Of Honor Airborne - £4.94
Metal Slug 3 - £1.68
Metal Slug Xx - £2.49
Midway Arcade Origins - £7.49
Might & Magic Clash of Heroes™ - £2.49
Military Madness - £1.68
Mirror's Edge - £4.94
Missile Command - 49p
Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine - £3.29
Monday Night Combat - £1.68
Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: Lechuck's Revenge - £1.68
Monkey Island: SE - £1.99
Monopoly Plus - £3.99
Ms. Splosion Man - £1.68
Mutant Storm Empire - £1.68
NBA JAM: On Fire Edition - £2.63
NIN2-JUMP - 84p
Oblivion - £3.95
Of Orcs and Men - £3.74
Of: Dragon Rising - £2.24
Omega Five - £1.68
Outland - £2.22
Peggle - £3.37
Perfect Dark - £1.68
Perfect Dark Zero - £2.99
Phantom Breaker:Battle Grounds - £1.68
Planets Under Attack - £2.49
Plants vs. Zombies - £4.99
Portal 2 - £3.74
Putty Squad - £2.49
Puzzle Quest 2 - £2.49
Puzzle Quest Galactrix - £2.49
QIX++ - £1.68
R-Type Dimensions - £1.99
Rage - £3.95
Rainbow Six® Vegas - £2.96
Rainbow Six® Vegas 2 - £2.96
Rayman 3 HD - £2.22
Rayman Origins - £3.95
Rayman® Legends - £4.94
Red Dead Redemption - £9.99
Red Faction: Battlegrounds - £1.68
Sacred 3 - £3.74
Sacred Citadel - £1.99
Saints Row IV - £7.49
Sam & Max Beyond Time And Space - £1.99
Sam & Max Save the World - £1.99
Samurai Shodown II - £1.68
Scarygirl - £1.68
Shadow Complex - £2.49
Shadowrun - £2.99
Shadows Of The Damned - £3.74
Shank™2 - £2.22
Shotest Shogi - £1.68
Shred Nebula - 84p
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution - £4.99
Skate 3 - £3.74
Skullgirls - £1.99
Skydive - £1.39
Small Arms - 84p
Soltrio Solitaire - £1.68
South Park™: The Stick of Truth™ - £5.99
Space Ark - £1.68
Space Giraffe - 84p
Spelunky - £2.99
Ssx - £6.59
Stacking - £2.49
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - £2.99
Strania - The Stella Machina - - £1.68
Street Fighter IV - £10.49
Stuntman: Ignition - £2.99
Super Meat Boy - £2.49
Supreme Commander 2 - £2.99
Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack - £1.59
Texas Hold'em - 84p
The Maw - £1.69
The Orange Box - £3.74
The Splatters - £1.68
The Witcher 2: Assassins Of Kings Enhanced Edition - £6.24
Ticket to Ride - £1.68
TimeShift - £9.99
Torchlight - £2.49
Tour de France 2009 - 84p
Tower Bloxx Deluxe - £1.68
Toy Soldiers - £1.68
Toy Soldiers: Cold War - £2.49
Toy Story 3 - £2.24
Trials HD - £1.68
Triggerheart Exelica - £1.68
Trine 2 - £2.49
Tron: Evolution - £2.24
Ugly Americans: Apocalypsegeddon - 99p
Unbound Saga - [email protected]
Undead Nightmare Pack - £3.37
Viva Piñata - £2.99
Viva Piñata: TIP - £2.99
Wolfenstein 3D - £1.69
Word Puzzle - £1.68
Xcom: Enemy Within - £7.49
Zuma - £1.69
Zuma's Revenge! - £3.37
If you're buying a few, don't forget CDKeys (£5 is still £3.79 with the Facebook code) ('Remember you can only use Xbox account credit if you purchase on a 360 console' - cheers benjammin316)
Feel free to add anything you think I may have missed in the comments.
Top comments
Updated list. Now up to 167 titles.
Remember you can only use Xbox account credit if you purchase on a 360 console
All comments (341)
Remember you can only use Xbox account credit if you purchase on a 360 console
Is there any work around to using the credit for the 360 titles, in order to use the CDKeys offer?
Thank you, have been waiting for a deal on L4D1/2.
Updated list. Now up to 167 titles.
Thanks for anyone's efforts :smiley:
King of fighters for me :-)
Blue Dragon - £3.74
Bully Scholarship Ed. - £5.99
Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night - £1.68
Fable II - £3.74
Gears Of War 3 - £3.74
Left 4 Dead 2 - £.3.74
Lost Odyssey - £4.99
Mass Effect - £3.74 although it hasn't aged too well.
Oblivion - £3.95 I'm Tempted for this so I don't have to use a disc, so I still wont play it.
Portal 2 - £3.74
Rage - £3.95
The Orange Box - £3.74
Alice: Madness Returns - £3.74
Ghostbusters - £2.99
Left 4 Dead - £3.74
Left 4 Dead 2 - £.374
Lego Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Video Game - £2.24
Monkey Island: SE - £1.99
Portal 2 - £3.74
Red Faction: Battlegrounds - £1.68
those are the ones I will buy so far....
....and Ikagura, best available bullethell shooter.
I can't work it out. $4.99 on US store, £14.99 on UK store. Everybody else seeing this?
Tempted by Bully, LEGO Pirates & Doom/Doom II
Half Minute Hero: Neo Climax Edition - £1.68 is a cracking price. Pretty rare game on PSP too.
as a thanks... hit the heat button :wink:
Also a quick note to add, the Fable DLCs are free for both 2 and 3 if you search in the store.
so good prices though..
I'm going to pick up a few, I really feel like picking up Earthworm Jim for 1.68!
No Conkers Bad Fur Day :sunglasses:
Battlefield Bad Company 2 - £3.74
*Blue Dragon - £3.74*
Bomberman Battlefest - £1.68
*Call of Duty: World at War - £9.99 (Dogs Dogs DOGS!)*
Double Dragon Neon - £2.22
Escape Dead Island - £3.74
Killer Is Dead - £3.74
Left 4 Dead 2 - £3.74
*NBA JAM: On Fire Edition - £2.63*
Of: Dragon Rising - £2.24
Rage - £3.95 (So underrated)
*Red Dead Redemption - £9.99*
KOF £1.68
*The Orange Box - £3.74*
Torchlight - £2.49
Please note: prices and availability are subject to change and may vary by region.
It says the above at the bottom of the sales page but others say you dont need it, just click on a game and see what price comes up
Have to say Call Of Duty: Black Ops - £12.49/Call Of Duty: Black Ops II - £15.99 are overpriced though.
Stupid Bill Gates. Fix it before I dish it out.
Very fun gameplay and awesome art, that story though...Zzz. Lost Odyssey was the bomb though, angst immortals ftw!
Give or take £3 a game!
Thanks for the list OP :laughing:
HL3 confirmed.
Enough said. Hot :smiley:
Well worth the paltry £1.68 that it's listed at
Like a poor mans Mass Effect
Now...how best to make full use of this £10.00 credit...
I have spent way way way too much today and the bank statement will look shocking for the Mrs... why cant we just whack it all in the basket and buy at the end, had to buy each one separately and I think I have bought at least 15 now... for a couple of quid lots of them are worth grabbing to be honest!
first world problems ha.
I have bought a lot of physical BC games in last few months and there really are some good deals here... shopping around is always key...
Things like Ghostbusters have a high price point still in most places.
Borderlands you can get cheaper in physical for sure.
Xbox one digital download code for Alan wake +the signal DLC and the writer DLC: M4P67-DX642-2FPCD-H6XW9-CFKXZ ENJOY WHO EVER GETS IT FIRST
Are you saying if I load up a 360 game on xbox one - you can navigate from it's "Download Extras Menu" to the xbox 360 store and buy these games (like Left 4 Dead for example) using credit on your account. - or are you just saying you can use credit on your account to only buy the content for the came you loaded?
dont fancy buying a bunch of credit and it going to waste
You will have to take note of what you want though as the sale is not advertised on the 360, but just go to games, browse, and select arcade or on demand, and you will find what you want.
Also there is a remastered version which you sometimes see on sale...
far cry 3 £3.32
the Orange box £2.08
portal 2 £2.08
rage £1.83
will be picking up black ops 2 and Catherine from the UK store later on.
If however I can buy games at this price and download them whenever I want, onto my Xbox One (and future Xbox One, if the current one dies) then that is a pretty strong argument to sell the discs and buy the digital...
On the X1 it is a lot more simple as the licenses are automatically assigned to the home console, but when you change home console they all move. Myself and a few friends do this, but as our own consoles aren't the home console, we can only play digital games while connected to Xbox Live.
I'm not sure if they rely on the publishers still having active servers or whether they just run through Xbox live servers.
Digital is the future, sooner or later console games will become digital like PC games (you don't see many on discs no more).
Microsoft are trying to do what Steam are doing. Backlog of all games in digital format. Won't be surprised if the upcoming Xbox Scorpio doesn't have an optical drive.
I hope "digital only" never happns with games/movies since you can get banned from your account/ get hacked/ microsoft/sony/nintendo could have outages meaning we lose access to our stuff or our games won't function properly until problems on their end are fixed. So there could be temporary or even permanent periods of time that games/movies we have bought are not accessible to us.
Something new needs to be implemented into all online servers/storage/clouds, it's not reliable enough at the moment, plus DRM is very shady too!
Strange I found it straight away like matey above but it don't seem to be letting me buy it with my MS account balance which is a right pxxx take really. Definitely don't let you buy add ons with you pre-paid credit either and now it seems they doing the same with the discounted BC games.
Should be able to purchase from here.
The original game had completely gone under my radar back in the days, and review scores are mostly 9/10's.
Looking forward to see what I missed.
Portal 2
Nba jam
Thanks buzz!!
r-type dimensions
missile command ... at 49p its a bargain . with 2 versions
and ghostbusters
should keep me busy......if i ever play them lol
edit: It is also in the available games list on xbox.com, and according to wikipedia added on May 5, 2016.
EDIT: Neither the website nor my console likes like my Paypal, as credit card works.
easy completions (ta completion percentage over 30%)
Sam & Max save the world (57% completion percentage)
Monopoly plus (56%)
Nin2jump (51%)
Stacking (48%)
Faery (45%)
Sam & Max beyond time (44%)
Deathspank ToV (42%)
Interpol (41%)
Dead Rising case zero (39%)
Jeremys offroad (37%)
Jurassic Park (36%)
Juju (35%)
Lego Pirates otC (35%)
Torchlight (35%)
Call of Duty 2 (32%)
Monkey Island 2 (31%)
Dead Space Ignition (30%)
Meet the Robinsons (30%)
Ugly Americans (30%)
Not sure which game this is from the Capcom All In One compilation, but presumably it is where Ridley Scott got his inspiration for Prometheus from? :-)
Is there a way to stop this nonsense?
When I played Doom on the Xbox One, the music was terrible! All distorted. Played it then on my 360 and it's fine.
Is this because Xbone is struggling to emulate the 360 game?
I got two bully codes for around 30 quid each in the run up to Black Friday so what's the point of buying loads of credit cheap to then be forced to pay full whack on your card?
Even with me buying on a 40% discount as such some of these games are still available much cheaper at CEX though, Far Cry 3 is like only 3 quid in there for instance.
Have you played it?
Is it actually good?
Also, if anyone is considering getting the Black Ops 2 Season Pass for multiplayer I highly recommend you don't. I got it over the weekend and have serious buyers remorse. About 1 in every 4 lobbies I've been in is hacked. There have been aimbots, top players getting kicked, invisible players, endless killstreaks, teleportation. Its ridiculous.
I just want to see what the fuss was about and used copies are going for a tenner or more!
The sale is good through May 22, and includes savings from 50 to 75 percent off of everything
I know Skate 3 is on EA Access but I'm not too fussed about subscribing to that right now.
That many games to play as we all do! Great sale here, lots of cracking deals!
The single player campaign is still one of my favourites in the COD series, played through it a few times.
If anyone is looking at Cod 3, music magpie have 1 physical copy in stock for £4.49 as I type.