You can now change your gamer picture to anything you want (not rude ones) using the XBOX (beta) app on Windows 10.
Download XBOX (beta) app on windows 10 Click on current gamer picture Click customise Click edit Click choose a custom picture Download your picture (must be >2Mp 1600x1200 - use image search tool in browser) Microsoft will verify your picture - so no rude ones! Done
Latest comments (23)
15 May 17#23
Later today the android app will be updated to allow change of gamer pic
8 May 17#22
Your cock looks like it's had enhancements, was it photoshopped to look 'enhanced'
8 May 17#21
didn't know this - thanks for the headsup
7 May 17#20
got creators option for custom :thinking:
7 May 17#19
will they let me upload a picture of my cock? [/img]
7 May 17#18
We're unable to complete your request
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HAD this for the past hr
7 May 17#17
Celtic ultras? Lol. Does it smell too? :stuck_out_tongue:
7 May 17#16
Hmmm knowing how conservative Microsoft are I am surprised they are allowing this. In Forza Horizon 3 loads of bans have been dished out for slightest transgressions regarding pictures on cars and messages on number plates. So be careful what you upload as you won't even get a warning just a ban.
7 May 17#15
did this the other day for my son and it worked tried it yesterday and it said i had to change my private settings , any ideas as the privacy settings haven't been touched.
6 May 17#14
cheeky that there's heat on this haha but I myself updated my gamerpic a few weeks ago and it's a lovely new addition. added heat Hahaha. yeah 1080x1080 minimum sizing. if it's bigger it resizes for you.
6 May 17#13
It just means the feature will be rolled out to everyone with the next system update and also the Xbox app on iOS, Android and Windows phones.
It's currently just in beta to the Windows 10 app and the Xbox app on Windows phones
6 May 17#12
All mine says it has to be 1080x1080 and I'm trying to upload a bigger picture than that
6 May 17#11
you can change gamerpic on the console itself if u have game preview so he's basically saying in the next update it'll be an available feature for all
6 May 17#10
What does that mean? And do you have a link to your source?
6 May 17#9
Nice feature, thanks for sharing.
6 May 17#8
Thanks Celtic Ultras now ma new pic
6 May 17#7
it will be an open feature on the next console update
6 May 17#6
Dammit. I dont have access to windows 10. They need to make this an open feature.
6 May 17#5
Cold I don't have Windows 10
6 May 17#4
that's weird it says it has to be bigger than 1080x1080 when you try to upload a picture
6 May 17#3
nope just bigger than, I think it's so it will look good on project scorpio
6 May 17#2
So it has to be exactly 1600x1200
6 May 17#1
I dont see how this is deal but thanks for the heads up though
Opening post
You can now change your gamer picture to anything you want (not rude ones) using the XBOX (beta) app on Windows 10.
Download XBOX (beta) app on windows 10
Click on current gamer picture
Click customise
Click edit
Click choose a custom picture
Download your picture (must be >2Mp 1600x1200 - use image search tool in browser)
Microsoft will verify your picture - so no rude ones!
Latest comments (23)
Microsoft account is experiencing technical problems. Please try again later.
HAD this for the past hr
It's currently just in beta to the Windows 10 app and the Xbox app on Windows phones