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This Week's Deals with Gold and Spotlight Sale (Resident Evil, Star Wars, Capcom)
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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2 May 17
This week's Deals with Gold...

[BC] Dead Rising 2: Case West - £4.72
[BC] Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine - £3.29*
[BC] Capcom Arcade Cabinet : All-In-One Pack - £3.39
[BC] Age Of Booty - £3.39
[BC] Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga - £2.99
[BC] Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack - £2.39
[BC] Bloodrayne: Betrayal - £2.22
[BC] Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 - £1.99
[BC] Flock! - £3.29
[BC] Final Fight: Double Impact - £1.68
[BC] Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles Of Mystara - £3.29
[BC] Double Dragon Neon - £2.22
[BC] Dark Void - £5.99
[BC] Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Tatooine Mission Pack - £1.55
[BC] Jedi Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Temple Mission Pack - £1.55
[BC] Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Hoth Mission Pack - £1.55
[BC] Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - £2.99*
[BC] Faery: Legends Of Avalon - £1.24

Forza Horizon 2: Storm Island - £4.00
Star Wars Pinball: Heroes Within Pack - £4.00
Star Wars Pinball: Star Wars Rebels - £4.00
Star Wars Pinball Season 1 Bundle - £12.00
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Costume Pack - £4.00
Teslagrad - £6.00
Skylanders Superchargers Portal Owner's Pack - £16.00*
Forza Motorsport 5: Racing GOTY Edition - £6.00*
WWE 2K17 Digital Deluxe - £40.00*
Resident Evil Triple Pack - £20.00*
Dmc Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition - £7.92
Clouds & Sheep 2 - £4.00
Strider - £3.00
Prototype - £10.00
Prototype2 - £15.00*
Star Wars Battlefront Ultimate Edition - £15.00
Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime - £3.96*
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition Demon Hunter Bundle - £14.40
The Witness - £16.00
Mount & Blade: Warband - £8.00
Dynamite Fishing - World Games - £2.00*
Forza Motorsport 6 Platinum Edition Bundle - £43.90
Mega Man Legacy Collection - £4.80
Zenith - £11.99
Resident Evil 4 - £8.00
Resident Evil 5 - £8.00
Resident Evil 6 - £8.00
Resident Evil 0 Complete Costume Pack - £4.00
Resident Evil 7 Biohazard - £34.44
Resident Evil - £8.00
Resident Evil: Deluxe Origins Bundle - £16.00
Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Deluxe Edition - £52.49
Eventide: Slavic Fable - £5.59*
Aqua Kitty Udx: Xbox One Ultra Edition - £4.28
Dead Rising 2 - £9.59
Shred It! - £4.00*
Super Party Sports: Football - £2.00
Dead Rising - £8.00
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition - £10.00
Dead Rising Triple Bundle Pack - £20.00
Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens Season Pass - £5.59
Kona - £11.59
Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 - £11.99
Star Wars Pinball: The Force Awakens Pack - £2.00
Star Wars Pinball: Rogue One - £1.60
WWE 2K17 - £27.50
Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Season Pass - £6.40
WWE 2K17 Season Pass - £14.99
Dead Rising 2 Off The Record - £8.00

Sunset Overdrive And The Mystery Of The Mooil Rig! - £7.99
Lost Grimoires: Stolen Kingdom - £7.19
The Flame In The Flood - £8.00
Overcooked: Gourmet Edition - £14.75
Human Fall Flat Pre-Order Bundle - £11.99

Remember Me - £3.74
Street Fighter X Tekken - £2.99
Ducktales Remastered - £2.49

There seems to be a few I have missed off before the sale was announced. The full list is [here]

[BC] indicates backwards compatibility.
Top comments
2 May 17 9 #2
Lego Star Wars on X360 will be free on Games With Gold later this week...
2 May 17 4 #3
Where is the Resident Evil Super Bundle for £16 from last time Buzz??? where!?!?!?!?! *crazymonkey* goes on a rant bender....
Marcoos to CBK
2 May 17 3 #45
No it's a massively stupid system they employ, that and the requirement for a credit card or Paypal account tied to your account to even 'buy' free things :confused:
2 May 17 3 #17
Latest comments (65)
4 May 17 #65
Star Wars Pinball: The Force Awakens Pack - £2.00
Star Wars Pinball: Rogue One - £1.60

These are Xbox 360 BC games for Pinball FX2
The Force Awakens pack is good as it has 2 tables.
4 May 17 #64
excellent!! cheers!!
3 May 17 #63
Can't find Street Fighter X Tekken :disappointed:

*** AH just seen the last update from Illusionary. Thanks
2 May 17 #61
street fighter x tekken? I thought this was a 360 only title. Is this deffo in the store?
Illusionary to jazemm
2 May 17 1 #62
2 May 17 #60
Thanks for the info, will do.
2 May 17 #58
Where are these bargains normally found? When is the best time to look for them? I never see anythign from the console.

Also that Street Fighter X Tekken is an amazing price!
Illusionary to larrysanders
2 May 17 1 #59
2 May 17 #57
Come on sunset overdrive!

You can do better than that...
2 May 17 #56
To be fair Ryse turned up a couple of months back from the same time frame... So hopefully it'll turn up sooner rather than later..
2 May 17 #55
me too but after i feel games that came out the first year which have had others be free before, its bound to happen eventually. I might be a tight git but least i save my money, its like if they can do that Ezio collection for Assassins creed where they separate, i can see those being free as well which would be fun as AC2 was my fav
2 May 17 1 #54
Is street fighter x tekken any good and is this bc yet or any plan to bring it soon?
2 May 17 #53
i do want the dead rising triple pack but have a feeling they will be included in the Xbox game pass service when it officially starts.
2 May 17 #52
i believe the last time it was 80p (on sale). see here and then the following week it was back to normal and the all in one pack was on sale... .. im sure capcom would sell more if they had them both on offer at the same time though!! as i didnt buy it as i thought it was pointless without the pack.. and then they did the cheap deal for the packs the following week :confused:
2 May 17 #49
If your the type to always have Gold membership, id avoid buying the Dead Rising games on X1, those will be free eventually.
Also if anyone wants the U-Edition of Star wars Battlefront, if your not one to play online, avoid the DLC as its online MP only
littlejimmy to Drewy
2 May 17 #51
I'm still waiting for DR 3................................................

2 May 17 #50
This is still a very very good deal, at one point these games cost over £6 each and to get them all would have cost over £90, and that was without the cost of the cabinet, grab this while you can, it's capcom, it could be gone from the store tomorrow, don't miss out on it, still a cracking bargain at £7;63 for all these games. :wink:
2 May 17 #42
Hi Buzz, is Remember Me now backwards compatible?

Only asking as its listed under the X1 section on this post but can't see anything saying it is BC? It's one of the ones I always fancied trying out but never did...

heat for the effort and list though, always appreciated :sunglasses:
stevenjameshyde to Maverick_TF
2 May 17 #48
It's not on Major Nelson's list, so it's safe to assume that it isn't BC yet. Hopefully it's added soon though, I enjoyed Life is Strange and would be interested in DontNod's other output
2 May 17 2 #47
I can confirm this is, annoyingly, the case. I fired up my 360 to buy the pack. And then turned on my XboxOne to download it as backwards compatible and it did not show up. So did searching and it seems I need to pay another £3.39 for the cabinet as well. £4.24 was a good deal. £7.63 is not so good a deal, especially when I have used all my remaining Xbox store credt I had now.

Does the cabinet itself ever go on sale?
2 May 17 #40
I know this sounds like a daft question... But does the Capcom all-in-one pack actually include "Capcom arcade cabinet" as it says it requires it on the description...
Which again doesn't actually say it includes all the Games... (at least via my mobile) But I would imagine it does...

Very tempted as last time this was ok sale they did the base game one week, then the add on's the following week... Which wasn't their cleverest move...
XP200 to neosalad
2 May 17 1 #46
This is just all the games in one pack, 17 of them, you will still need to buy the cabinet as well.
2 May 17 #44
Just wondering if there is any way to use account credit for 360 titles if you don't have a 360 console? I'd love some of those [BC] but have account credit. Thanks!
Marcoos to CBK
2 May 17 3 #45
No it's a massively stupid system they employ, that and the requirement for a credit card or Paypal account tied to your account to even 'buy' free things :confused:
2 May 17 #43
Wish they would bring kotor on the Xbox-One
2 May 17 1 #39
luckily someone mentioned this in another post. I have an alert for anything with Xbox in the title so missed this one.
BuzzDuraband to jomarkwh
2 May 17 #41
My apologies mate. I do usually tag it with Xbox. Just be thankful I didn't, it went up at 4am :smile:
2 May 17 4 #3
Where is the Resident Evil Super Bundle for £16 from last time Buzz??? where!?!?!?!?! *crazymonkey* goes on a rant bender....
Noisetank to crazymonkey
2 May 17 1 #33
It actually looks like the super bundle has been pulled from the marketplace altogether...I cant seem to find it anywhere?
nattydownes to crazymonkey
2 May 17 #38
This is what I want!
2 May 17 1 #37
If you guys havent then get Dungeons and dragons chronicles of mystara so many good memories pushing 10p coins into the arcade machine in laser quest while skiving school :smile:

good times :wink:
2 May 17 2 #36
I can only hope that street fighter x tekken will be backwards compatible soon!
2 May 17 #35
I have been waiting for a pinball sale, good stuff.
2 May 17 #34
yes completely pulled :disappointed:
2 May 17 #32
I have been waiting for a decent sale price for this game. Really tempted at this price! :sunglasses:
2 May 17 #31
Can I spend my account balance on the Web page or is it only on the console? I remember this was the case in the past, but was hoping they had updated this. My xbox is in a box and I don't want to get it out if I don't have to.
2 May 17 #30
thats a good point. i'll go back to sleep
2 May 17 #29
Agreed. Haven't touched Forza 5 once since I bought 6.
2 May 17 2 #28
...but this is Deals with Gold, it costs £11.99 without Gold :stuck_out_tongue:
2 May 17 1 #27
Buy buy buy
2 May 17 #26
there are those who don't have gold. a very small percent but still those who don't have gold can get it
2 May 17 9 #2
Lego Star Wars on X360 will be free on Games With Gold later this week...
bex85 to
2 May 17 #25
Just what I was thinking, so seems strange to offer it on discount as well, unless hoping to cash in on people who don't know.
2 May 17 #24
Thanks - I see it's not listed in the Major Nelson post either, so I'd assume it's not really on sale in any meaningful sense
2 May 17 #23
The Capcom arcade all in one pack link goes to capcom arcade. Not the all in one pack. The all in one pack is showing as £4.24 for me. Thanks
2 May 17 #13
Sunset Overdrive and the Mystery of the Mooil Rig - does that contain the base game? The store listing isn't clear at all, but the £64.99 pre-discount price would suggest so...
mtc1 to stevenjameshyde
2 May 17 #18
Approximate download size 1.01 GB = No
slayermatt to stevenjameshyde
2 May 17 1 #22
StoreParser price history would suggest £7.99 is its normal price, but as seems to happen every week with at least one game prices went whack :confused:

Increased on the 29th to £64.99 and then dipped straight back down to 7.99 the same day.
2 May 17 1 #21
Heat added mate :smiley:
2 May 17 #19
Is it me or is Overcooked constantly on offer?
TGPMatt to aseddon130
2 May 17 #20
To be fair, everyone should own it, so I'm glad they're pushing it!

Some pretty good deals overall here for once - I'd particularly recommend Monaco for that price.
2 May 17 3 #17
2 May 17 1 #16
Heat buzz for Xbox and deals
2 May 17 2 #15
I'm looking for that small 'emoji coffee cup gif' to post back to you ..but can't find it! :laughing:
2 May 17 1 #14
Nice one Buzz , some interesting titles here . keep up the good work :smile:
2 May 17 1 #8
Is Forza 5 worth it for £6? I already have Forza 6 and horizon 3.
stevenjameshyde to badgerrules
2 May 17 1 #12
Not really, no. It's very similar to 6, but a bit more microtransaction-heavy. There's no obvious reason to play it if you own 6
2 May 17 2 #7
Many of the games in this list (Capcom & Star Wars) are not Deals With Gold, i.e. the discounted prices are available to those without a Gold sub.

Storeparser indicates which deals require Gold.
BuzzDuraband to benjammin316
2 May 17 #11
You're correct, my apologies, it was early. Thanks, benjammin316 I'll amend :smiley:
2 May 17 1 #10
Nice layout on the list! Heat!
2 May 17 1 #9
I'll be getting "Human Fall Flat" absolute bargain at this price, looks like a game you could lose hours on + you get a game called "Manual Samuel" for free with it which looks interesting lol
2 May 17 #6
yeeesss, it was worth to wait and not so long for Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 cheers op, heat
2 May 17 1 #5
Currently playing Persona 5 on PS4. Was hoping we'd see Persona Arena 4 and PA4U on BC by now. Hurry up M$
2 May 17 1 #4
Great list buzz good to see many BC titles theres as there's usually only a few
2 May 17 2 #1
Thanks, some nice deals there to keep my teenagers happy! :smiley:
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