This seems like a good price. I know you'll all go easy on me <3
Bonus: Grab a FREE copy of Raiden IV: Overkill when you spend $3 on the IndieGala store, which coincidentally ties in perfectly with this particular deal. It's brilliant, I love it.
We've all played Monkey Island, because it's bloody brilliant. We all own it and we all have it in our Steam collection. I'm not quite sure who the target audience is with this deal, but I honestly wouldn't sleep tonight had I not shared it.
Now for the boring bits...
Items included in this package
Monkey Island™ 2 Special Edition: LeChuck’s Revenge™
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
Top comments
12 May 1733#2
Please no one respond to the guy above me
He is not worthy :laughing:
jonorl to UN_98
12 May 1712#7
How appropriate, you fight like a cow
billbobargins to UN_98
12 May 176#5
you have the manners of a beggar.
12 May 175#4
I see monkey island, I vote hot!
Latest comments (36)
13 May 17#36
I wanted to make sure you'd feel comfortable with me.
13 May 171#33
I've spoken with apes more polite than you
estjaydee to Franksy
13 May 17#35
I'm glad to hear you attended your family reunion!
Have you stopped wearing diapers yet?
13 May 17#34
That didn't last long did it
13 May 17#32
Might just grab because of the monkey island games.
13 May 17#31
Look behind you! a three headed monkey!
13 May 17#30
*knods* The golden days of gaming where playability was insanely superb and everything but gfx were avg.
13 May 17#29
Showing as $14.99 now
12 May 17#1
Never heard of Monkey Island let alone played it
billbobargins to UN_98
12 May 176#5
you have the manners of a beggar.
JohnnyRoller to UN_98
12 May 171#6
The disadvantages of being born in 1998 I suppose...
jonorl to UN_98
12 May 1712#7
How appropriate, you fight like a cow
estjaydee to UN_98
13 May 17#28
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
13 May 17#27
Ask me about 'LOOM'
13 May 17#26
This has got to be the second best game I ever played
13 May 17#25
I'm selling these fine leather jackets
13 May 17#22
I've never played monkey island! even though I'm old enough to have known all about it!
Easy.Action.Baby to stressedman
13 May 173#24
13 May 17#23
Showing as $14.99 for me...
13 May 171#21
I came here purely for the insult sword fighting. I was not disappointed.
13 May 17#20
Anything with monkey island is worthy of a post. :smile:
12 May 17#19
Did Gilbert ever confirm the ending of MI2? The most plausible explanation I have heard was that it was just 2 brothers playing in a theme park all along.
Though I didn't think of / know that the time...I remember being utterly confused by the ending.
12 May 171#18
No Guybrush....I am your father
12 May 172#17
He must have taught you everything you know.
*swords clashing*
12 May 171#16
I can hear the theme in my head....classics!
12 May 17#15
Wish they'd do curse of monkey island. Only one I haven't played.
12 May 172#3
my favourite game of all time. probably played thru 50 times at least since my amiga and atari st days!!
Robot_Rooster to loftglow
12 May 17#14
Currently my phone ringtone :smile: great music!
12 May 173#10
I am rubber, you are glue.
BristolBillyBob to dale86uk
12 May 17#13
12 May 173#12
I once owned a dog that was smarter than you
12 May 171#11
I am rubber, you are glue.
12 May 172#9
I wanted to make sure you'd feel comfortable with me.
Opening post
Bonus: Grab a FREE copy of Raiden IV: Overkill when you spend $3 on the IndieGala store, which coincidentally ties in perfectly with this particular deal. It's brilliant, I love it.
We've all played Monkey Island, because it's bloody brilliant. We all own it and we all have it in our Steam collection. I'm not quite sure who the target audience is with this deal, but I honestly wouldn't sleep tonight had I not shared it.
Now for the boring bits...
Items included in this package
Monkey Island™ 2 Special Edition: LeChuck’s Revenge™
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
Top comments
He is not worthy :laughing:
Latest comments (36)
Have you stopped wearing diapers yet?
Though I didn't think of / know that the time...I remember being utterly confused by the ending.
*swords clashing*
*swords clashing*
He is not worthy :laughing: