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Sky Broadband & Line Rental - £124.00 for 1 year New Customers
4.5 stars +452

Sky Broadband & Line Rental - £124.00 for 1 year New Customers

£124 Sky Digital13 May 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Opening post
13 May 17
Sky Broadband Unlimited
£9.50 a month including Line Rental for 12 months
£9.95 set-up cost
£124 over 12 months

Sky Fibre Unlimited
£19.50 a month including Line Rental for 18 months
£48.95 set-up cost
£400 over 18 months

New line installation or connection charge of £20 may apply

as seen on
All comments (107)
13 May 17 #1
Seems a good deal this
13 May 17 2 #2
can you add a call package to this deal? Plusnet have just upped their prices again so im jumping ship!
SmilezMC to matth5182
13 May 17 #38
yh I've signed up just and yes you can pal
13 May 17 #3
I got sent a code but i didn't copy and paste so now i can't do it..
13 May 17 #4
I might jump from 80/20 with BT. Its been solid but price goes up n up n up now close to £60 a month rofl
13 May 17 2 #5
Good deal. I got offered the same deals as a retentions customer. But with no setup or fees if anyone is nearing there contract.
salahwrexham to antf83
13 May 17 #10
I called them twice and the best they could do was just under £30/month... They would not bodge!
saintscouple to antf83
13 May 17 #11
I got offered £5 off fibre, that's it, and i'm on a 31 day rolling contract.
kld to antf83
13 May 17 #20
My contract ends next month I am on this deal now. They haven't offered me the same deal... keep offering me a Sky Q deal.
13 May 17 #6
Its not adding the free weekend evening calls.
13 May 17 #7
I spoke to Sky retentions yesterday and got offered nowhere near this. Some good deals there! Went with BT 52mb
13 May 17 1 #8
Another one here looking to leave plusnet due to price increase.
13 May 17 1 #9
is anyway then i can collect quidco cashback ? thanks
adamnsu to asifbadat
13 May 17 #16
You can give it a try. I got it last year with standard unlimited BB and phone deal on 12 month contract
13 May 17 1 #12
I was on the £50 credit, free for 6 months the £8 for the remaining 6 months contract wise. Broadband adsl unlimited.
I guess that is why I got offered a lower price. I did this via live chat.
Gone with BT anyway!
13 May 17 #13
I have Sky tv, but not broadband - when I enter the code I get an error. Is this code for a totally brand new customer i.e. With no service with them.
13 May 17 #14
Anyone manage to get the call bundle added. Im going to call them now. Thanks Phil
13 May 17 #15
13 May 17 #17
Anyone know if i would still get a new line installation for £20 if i don't currently have a BT line at all (apart from the cable from the pole to the side of house)?
adamnsu to Zen1984
13 May 17 #18
For these kind of questions it best to contact them directly by twitter or email. If it's in your favour you atleast have it written down.
RoadKillGoat to Zen1984
13 May 17 1 #22
Yes you will only be charged £20 for the new line installation, although I went on live chat and did it through there.
mitox3d to Zen1984
13 May 17 #33
Yes you do. I got a completely new installation which took the technician a couple of hours to do for £20.
13 May 17 1 #19
It looks like Sky insist on you using their own router for fibre, no way in hell would i do that, would they cut you off if you used your own?
Richard200sx to FlappyPappy
13 May 17 #27
When I had sky fibre their router was terrible. I used my old BT open reach modem connected to my apple AirPort Extreme. No problems and never heard anything from them. There are websites that show you how to get the correct username and password from your supplied sky router so you can set up another router of your choice.
13 May 17 #21
I'm waiting for EE broadband which goes live this Thursday, not yet been sent the router, its the £21.50 deal which I thought was good

However this is a great price, my question is would I face problems cancelling my EE now and ordering Sky?
natah to avfc456
13 May 17 #23
Normally you can cancel up to the day before installation date (up until midday).
13 May 17 1 #24
Yes you can use own router but if they need to troubleshoot youll need to plug that one back in so dont dump it.

No the calls are not included ie £4 ones, their marketing team are going to change that page.

Customer service was great. I will be signing up tonight. Its a cracking deal, bye bye BT
13 May 17 1 #25
I am tv customer and can't get code to work - online offered standard £30. :neutral_face:
13 May 17 2 #26
i found the speed and amount of websites blocked by sky to be very annoying compared to plusnet
13 May 17 #28
I did this last time and I got the MasterCard + topcashback paid out. Then like 2 months later they increased prices so I cancelled and was quids in
13 May 17 #29
is the fibre any good, currently with BT inf1 56mb and the connection is rock solid. however, next month i'll be paying £45
13 May 17 #30
13 May 17 #31
Any cashback on top? :smiley:
13 May 17 #32
If leaving plusnet while in a contract.I know you can leave penalty free because of the price increase,but will I get my up front 12 month line rental saver refunded pro-rata ?
13 May 17 1 #34
Great deal" just signed up, bye bye BT.
13 May 17 #35
How do u sign up to this? Sky have no idea
13 May 17 1 #36
btw guys i moved from virgin to BT and lets just say im impressed
before i was with virgin i would get wifi speeds of 10mb on a 150mb package

not with bt i get the full 76mb speeds even when im on my other side of the house!
so dont get fooled by virgins top speeds claims as its really just pants
13 May 17 2 #37
Until Thursday it's still cheaper to do BT at £23.99 a month, with £150 MasterCard and also £70 (last time I checked) Quidco! In essence approximately £80 for the year.
13 May 17 #39
Are they still giving a free TV or a prepaid mastercard?
13 May 17 1 #40
Just took them up on this, thanks! Can't wait to leave plusnet after they screwed me over!!
13 May 17 #41
Hmmm, hoping someone can give me some advice on if I should take this.

My contract with sky finishes towards the end of June for the fibre deal, but I renewed with them for £25pm for another 12 months and £50 credit to account. I'm still within the 30 days cancellation on the new contract though. Do you think I can call up and quote this deal and they will lower my bill? Or should I just stick with what I've got?
13 May 17 #42
Shame that Sky's fibre unlimited only offers speeds "up to 38Mb"
13 May 17 #43
so this is only from and getting the code
so can you use with any Quidco deals or ONLY via code and mse
if this makes sence thanks in advance
13 May 17 #44
According to, no (unsurprisingly - its one of the reasons phone companies do the discounted upfront line rental deals).
13 May 17 #45
Many thanks!!!
Just signed up, plusnet were going up a £1 to £19 a month for broadband/phone (only been with them 5 months). Able to leave my contract within 30 days of the notice email.
13 May 17 #46
We're currently on fibre unlimited/original TV/pay as you talk for £28.99 a month. Due to ring retentions in a couple of weeks. We're a bit noobish at all this, so what would you guys recommend we do?

The Sky dude last year said to make sure we ring retentions on our final month otherwise our bill will double when the 12 months are up. Can we just call up and ask for this new customer deal?
13 May 17 #47
How do u sign up? I couldn't see a bit to put in the code?
13 May 17 1 #48
If they aren't offering anything on retentions, then order a switch to another provider. A few days later phone up and play dumb asking whether there's anything else you need to do in order to make sure the switch is processed ok. They'll suddenly be able to offer you magical deals that weren't previously available.
13 May 17 #49
Are you clicking the link in the email?
Are you signing in with a Sky Id or as new customer? If a new customer it does it automatically- if existing customer it comes up with code box (this is where it falls down for me)
13 May 17 #50
Sign up, tarra BT STINGING ME £60+ for max fibre and 2 years n they still cant put the line rental in my name in my own fully paid off house ffs! This off will pay for my village hotel gym and spotify from what BT are stinging me, happy days
13 May 17 #51
Same doesn't work for me on discounted tv deal but never had bb with them just says it doesn't recognise the code.
14 May 17 #52
What speed broadband do you get from your Kodi ISP?
14 May 17 #53
It shows line rental on bt website to be 29.99. Maybe I am looking in wrong place. Please can you provide the link?
14 May 17 #54
Our last 2 years of Sky bb and line rental cost £5 (year 1) and £60 (year 2).......£65 in total for 2 years.

These deals were both early autumn, they seem to have really good offers around then if you can hold out.

just sayin!
14 May 17 #55
Hail lagggggg
14 May 17 #56
how did you manage to get both offers as a not new customer?
14 May 17 #57
Looks like a fantastic deal.

May need to contact Plusnet today. My contract expires in August, and my line rental has lapsed. I'm not sure if I'd be expected to pay my outstanding contract in full (£10 a month) for the final 3 months.
14 May 17 #58
Not really - I read it 3 times!

Did you mean you have to go via moneysaving to get this price, and therefore you wouldn't be able to get quidco?
14 May 17 #59
simonallsopp1 yep its good deal just even better if you could get cash back etc.....via Quidco
or is that asking to much
14 May 17 #60
Can I add (unlimited) call packages to the broadband offer?
14 May 17 #61
Is there broadband any good ?
14 May 17 #62
Yes very good, ( for broadband speed) depends how far exchange box from your house though
14 May 17 #63 am I missing something? Says £20 set up not £9.95
14 May 17 #64
They email it to you as well.
14 May 17 #65
Hmmmm, just re-read the deal.

I'm on fibre, and £49 seems a hell of late lot for What I'm assuming is an admin fee and someone repatching one cable at my local exchange.

£35 Quidco, but I've had a few not track recently.

Plus it's that catch 22, where your line rental falls out of sync with your broadband contract, to try and retain you.

I'm going to call Plusnet and see if I can get a better offer for now.
14 May 17 #66
can you go via Quidco link and still use code from MSE as well ?
14 May 17 #67
Hmm, I was going to ditch PlusNet because of their recent price hike - been with them for several years - but if they won't refund pro-rata the up-front line rental saver already paid, then it's probably not worth it. Not happy with their increases and will almost certainly leave them once contract up.
14 May 17 #68
See this article about getting your line saver rental back (article relates to BT but should apply to any company) -
14 May 17 #69
Just got off the phone from Plusnet. Renewed with them for 2 more years.
Got them to give me an further 2 years on my current fibre saver contract, knocking £5 off a month.

Also managed to pay line rental for 12 months before the price increases in June. It's going up to £197.88.

£185.88 for 12 months line rental.
£9.49 for unlimited fibre, limited to 38 Mbps, for 2 years.

By my reckoning that's £25.48 per month over 2 years, providing I pay line rental in full next May (which I will). Happy at that.
14 May 17 #70
Just had it confirmed as new customer to sky offer - I.e. If you have Sky tv already you can't get the broadband offer.

Managed to negotiate fibre unlimited with line rental for £21 a month, no set up, but £9.95 hub delivery. 18 months.
14 May 17 #71
No you can get 76mb.
Off of sky website.Sky Fibre Max and Sky Fibre Pro also gives you unlimited usage, with download speeds of up to 76Mbps and upload speeds of up to 19Mbps. With Sky Fibre Pro you also get support from a dedicated call centre, a static IP address and the ability to customise your connection.
14 May 17 #72
Yes you didn't read it properly at the top of the page.
New line installation or connection charge of £20 may apply.
14 May 17 #73
Ah thanks, worth thinking about when the time comes to change provider.
14 May 17 #74
Me too. I'd like to fire them off. Ever noticed they seem to block sites they have no obligation to block legally? 'Funny thing' is I have sites I regularly access but some how (!) they always time out and I need to get PIA running to access them.
14 May 17 1 #75
Interested in the fibre deal, but the upfront cost is quite high. Are they installing anything for this cost? Is there a way around this extra cost?

Also, tried this without the fibre but it's also coming up as £20 upfront instead of £9.95 for me...
15 May 17 #76
Anyone left virgin media and gone to sky? Am current on VM 50MB but wifi dropouts and poor range (literally cant get signal 11ft away) is sending me crazy.. guess what VM recommend.. downgrade my router from 3.0 > 2ac OR upgrade my speeds! They must think I'm an idiot!
15 May 17 1 #77
What's the best line+internet rate for pensioners??
15 May 17 #78
I currently have SkyTV would this work if I sign up for the phone and broadband in the wifes name
15 May 17 #79
the account was in my name, now it's in mrs rumbles name

15 May 17 #80
yeah, thought so, hmm, I have the 65 pound sky deal at the moment, I am single, wonder if I could get away with something similar when my time is up :wink:
15 May 17 #81
Unless I'm mistaken, it'll be whatever the best broadband deal is for the rest of us.

Check your line speed on the website, and if it's over 10mbps then stick with ADSL. That'll bring the cost down.

Also, use Quidco. It's worth too much to miss.
15 May 17 #82
Anytime calls costs £8 but when you add it to the basket it's showing as £4 (as it's giving £4 off)
It appears this only works for standard broadband.
16 May 17 #83
Hw do you get the code for this deal??
16 May 17 #84

Click on the GET link above and fill in your details. Once completed the code will be displayed as well as emailed to you.
evansnarty to natah
24 May 17 #99
did u go through online or phoned them instead for no set up fee ?
17 May 17 #85
Thanks so much
17 May 17 1 #86
My contract with Plusnet is up. Got in touch with them and they could only offer £15.49 linerental if I paid for a full year, £6.50 anytime calls, £1 caller ID, free regular broadband. This Sky deal is £9.50 linerental, £4 anytime calls, free caller ID and free broadband. So will be switching.

How does one get quidco/cashback with this? Log in via the email link, use code, add everything in, close the window, and click back in via quidco?
steevieboy4u to benjai
17 May 17 #88
Looks good thanks.

I've been emailed my code, is the code only valid until Friday 26th May or is it still valid after that date but they won't be issuing any more codes?

17 May 17 #87
17 May 17 1 #89
Ordered, bye bye Virgin.
18 May 17 #90
I tried retentions too...£15 was the best they could do...
18 May 17 #91
is this available even in exchanges that do not have sky equipment in?
19 May 17 #92
Ok, so virgin have found I'm leaving, although today was supposed to be my disconnection day. They received a request from BT for my landline and they managed to offer me a deal. They upped my line from 50 to 100 Mbit for 15 a month.. I called them before and nothing offered, so it looks that you actually have to take w steps so they see you leaving to be able to offer something, thank you Op for above deal.
19 May 17 1 #93
Sky INSIST I must have fibre - anyone else have this happen?

Thought I would go back to Sky (last had Sky broadband a couple of years ago). Got the code, went through the order process and it says no ordinary broadband available at my postcode - only the more expensive fibre.

Phoned them on 0800 151 2747 to query this, explaining that I had their ordinary broadband at this address a couple of years ago.

Was told that my line speed is too slow for ordinary broadband! This, despite the fact I can do everything I want with a broadband speed of around 3Mbps.

Real shame, as it makes it no saving if I am being forced into fibre by them.
22 May 17 #94
Yeah I'm getting this from them too
23 May 17 #95
my contract is up from virgin and I called yesterday sky they said ( TV box set,fiber broadband and pay as u go phone line 33£ )

my question is TV I don't want but how can I get those 50£ prepaid master card my friend can referral me ? would it work without tv
Dawn2ex to evansnarty
23 May 17 #97
Thank you, brilliant deal and I didn't get charged any set up fee
23 May 17 #96
Signed up for fibre unlimited....

They've sent me an sr102 router; capability wise this is a budget router from 5 years ago!
No gigabit Ethernet, no dual band wi-fi, no 802.11ac, no usb HDD or printer.

And apparently I'm not permitted to continue using my vastly superior BT HH5 for routing.

"Believe in better" ?
Hope for better!
23 May 17 #98
How to replace Sky SR102 with another Router (Sky Fibre) - AVForums
24 May 17 #100
how do you get the New Router the SKY Q type

so is that only with or for sky tv etc....
24 May 17 #101
Phoned them up, to get them to append a call package to the order & send me out a Q router.
Apparently this is an unusual situation?!?! as their computer system doesn't allow orders to be modified before the activation date?!

Eventually managed to sort it out, though had to go through to the cancellations dept. to make any progress.
Refunded me the connection fee (£44), and will send out a Q router (@£20 cost)
I'm sure I could have got a better offer if I'd been a little more belligerent, but I got more than I was expecting, so guess that's a win.
24 May 17 #102
can you just buy a sky q hub from ebay and use that instead of the SR102. Is it worth it? anyone tried this?
naveedxo to deepu25
28 May 17 #103
I got charged a £20 set-up fee, plus a £5 upfront payment?
Still went through with it, so thanks!
29 May 17 #104
Does anyone have a code left by any chance? Just about to move house and didn't realise you need a generated code first... would really appreciate it if you're not gonna use yours anyway - thanks :smile:
29 May 17 #105
any new deal for TV p m me
29 May 17 #106
TE how did u pay and what call package did you get how much better is the newer Q router

thanks for reply
29 May 17 #107
i didnt pay setup. maybe its because u are taking a new line .. ie you dnt have a current broadband connection
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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