I'll grab some popcorn whilst I wait for the failure rate moaners to crawl out of the woodwork...
Also worth noting this is available from Argos for the same price and they will soon give you a free £10.00 voucher for your troubles
*popcorn not included
- spannerzone
Top comments
dh12g09 to Bilbo1968
7y 43d9#2
I'm glad you mentioned it! I will consider splitting my 8tb of data across 2000 4GB memory sticks to reduce the risk of data loss
7y 43d7#1
Can I just be the first to moan about the failure rate of these...
jasee to SleepyChris
7y 43d4#10
I buy all my drives in pairs whatever the brand. It's simpler
Bilbo1968 to SleepyChris
7y 43d3#8
Ah the oldies are the best...
All comments (42)
7y 43d7#1
Can I just be the first to moan about the failure rate of these...
dh12g09 to Bilbo1968
7y 43d9#2
I'm glad you mentioned it! I will consider splitting my 8tb of data across 2000 4GB memory sticks to reduce the risk of data loss
mbuckhurst to Bilbo1968
7y 43d#24
This particular drive or some Seagate from the past, used outside it's comfort zone and then using poor quality statistical analysis to prove something that's irrelevant for 99.9% of users?
For the record, mine (and I have my data elsewhere) has been running 24x7 for 5 months without issue.
This particular drive with the extra ports, if like me, you've got it plugged into the single available USB3 port on your machine.
I've found mine to be so good, I'm seriously tempted to pick up a second, was looking last night, when I stumbled on this offer.
daskapital to Bilbo1968
7y 43d#26
and the fact they are shingled disks ... yuck.
7y 43d#3
I'd definitely think about getting some 8GB ones. Just incase.
7y 43d#4
This is a good price,it was over £200 pre Christmas,and no it hasn't failed yet!
7y 43d#5
Seagate have/had a high failure rate Call Moan
7y 43d2#6
8TB backup - just add another 2TB and you can back up a human brain
7y 43d#7
You'll need 2 if these for redundancy...it's a Seagate
Bilbo1968 to SleepyChris
7y 43d3#8
Ah the oldies are the best...
jasee to SleepyChris
7y 43d4#10
I buy all my drives in pairs whatever the brand. It's simpler
is it too late to vent some more seagate hate? get a wd or a samsung if you care about your data/scantily clad pictures of shaved felines
7y 43d2#13
Is this a 5 minute arguement or the full half hour?
Heat from me, I'm now waiting for someone to suggest we use 5,555,555.56 1.44mb floppies instead of wasting money on this.
bouncy99 to spannerzone
7y 43d2#15
are you mad, surely anybody worth their salt would express an 8tb hard drive in 2.22222222 × 10 to the power of 10 360byte 5 1/4 floppy disks.
7y 43d#14
8TB of scantily clad pictures of shaved felines is something new to think about, or maybe best not
7y 43d#16
you know you love shaved feline
7y 43d#17
Well firstly, yes. Yes I am mad, second you are correct about the 5/14 diskettes and forth, what happened to third?
7y 43d#18
Kb not bytes (even then)!
7y 43d#19
you have me there oops
7y 43d#20
Yeah I get that...you shouldn't rely on 1 drive regardless of the make...they all fail eventually
7y 43d#21
the only answer.....shaved feline storage
7y 43d#22
hmmm I see... somehow that makes complete sense.
7y 43d#23
Seems cheap, I want one of these for my Xbox! Heat added!
7y 43d#25
This or a 3rd Xbox one?
OrribleHarry to aLV426
7y 43d#28
Why so many xbox's? Do what I did and wire your house with a matrix xbox, sky, blue ray etc in any room you like.
7y 43d#27
Can you please run CrystalDiskInfo or HD Tune and check "Airflow Temperature"?
This isn't something that is checked by many people when buying a new drive and a lot of people who have checked it say it fails.
7y 43d1#29
No one has said "that's a lot of porn" yet.
That's a lot of porn.
nige182 to friar_chris
7y 43d1#30
Probably enough to watch 24/7 for a year with no repeats assuming SD.
(Sits back and waits for someone else to do the sums on this one and give a HD, 3D and 4K comparison....)
7y 43d1#31
5200 hours of SD (sadly only going to cover you for 2/3 of a year but once you factor in rest breaks I think it would do!)
394 hours of 720p (24 frames a second)
236 hours of 1080p (24 frames a second)
185 hours of 1080p 3D (24 frames a second)
64 hours of 4k
7y 43d#32
I have the whole house networked and I am actually running out of IP addresses! I like to have everyone capable of independent viewing/surfing/gaming...
7y 43d#33
Increase DHCP scope or use TomatoUSB and add additional DHCP pools for "zones" .
7y 43d#34
dh12g09 to kick_u_in_the_nuts
7y 43d#35
For you to get a keyboard without a caps lock....
bouncy99 to kick_u_in_the_nuts
7y 43d#37
porn storage?
7y 43d#36
7y 43d#38
is that 1080p 3d two frames at 1080p, or side by side, or top and bottom also, does it include telemetry for a creepy pair of accessories that you can probably get from somewhere on the net?
7y 43d#39
Has anyone bought and received their item?
7y 43d1#40
Airflow temp on mine from both is reported as 55. Similarly for drive temperatures roughly the same. However, the disk must be surrounded by Kingspan, because it's no where near those temperatures when you touch the case - I'm guessing an incorrect smart value.
Incidentally my WD 8TB, is reporting airflow of 33, disk temperature of 181 degrees, so I'm not sure how much to trust either pieces of software.
Neither drive is active, and if they were mostly they're using robocopy to mirror their data, so both would be seeing similar activity.
Incidentally both drives are supposed to handle 60 degree temperatures, according to their manufacturers, so I'll not worry about a 55 degree spike.
7y 42d#41
taking the drives out of these is a pain due to the design but still possible.
Opening post
I'll grab some popcorn whilst I wait for the failure rate moaners to crawl out of the woodwork...
Also worth noting this is available from Argos for the same price and they will soon give you a free £10.00 voucher for your troubles
*popcorn not included
- spannerzone
Top comments
All comments (42)
For the record, mine (and I have my data elsewhere) has been running 24x7 for 5 months without issue.
This particular drive with the extra ports, if like me, you've got it plugged into the single available USB3 port on your machine.
I've found mine to be so good, I'm seriously tempted to pick up a second, was looking last night, when I stumbled on this offer.
Heat from me, I'm now waiting for someone to suggest we use 5,555,555.56 1.44mb floppies instead of wasting money on this.
This isn't something that is checked by many people when buying a new drive and a lot of people who have checked it say it fails.
That's a lot of porn.
(Sits back and waits for someone else to do the sums on this one and give a HD, 3D and 4K comparison....)
394 hours of 720p (24 frames a second)
236 hours of 1080p (24 frames a second)
185 hours of 1080p 3D (24 frames a second)
64 hours of 4k
Incidentally my WD 8TB, is reporting airflow of 33, disk temperature of 181 degrees, so I'm not sure how much to trust either pieces of software.
Neither drive is active, and if they were mostly they're using robocopy to mirror their data, so both would be seeing similar activity.
Incidentally both drives are supposed to handle 60 degree temperatures, according to their manufacturers, so I'll not worry about a 55 degree spike.