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SAMSUNG UE65KS9000 Smart 4k Ultra HD HDR 65” Curved LED TV with 5yr warranty £1,169.98 Currys with code
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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26 May 17
Does anybody know when the new Hisense M8000 range will be relised.....I saw it in New York 2 weeks is OUTSTANDING PICTURE!!!!!
Latest comments (76)
25 Aug 17 #76
Anyone seen tv on offer anywhere since this deal? I've seen a few refurb sets on eBay but hard to know how trustworthy they are.
13 Jul 17 #75
I got mine from JL but I suggest you just phone Currys again and speak to someone different; it should be down to Currys. If Currys continue to mess you about you could, assuming you paid by credit card, contact the card issuer as they would be liable too. You could buy extended cover and recharge the cost to your card issuer who would then charge it back to Currys for a fee. The threat of this might make someone with sense in Currys wake-up and just sort it out for you. I paid a bit more to buy from JL without all that crap. :wink:
13 Jul 17 #74
can any one help? i am having problem with my 5 year warranty. currys said i had to to ring samsung, but samsung are stating that only 1 year wanty is with the tv and to contact currys regarding rest of 4 year warranty
3 Jun 17 #73
With my KS9000 there was a 1 year warranty and 10 year screen burn warranty (both with Samsung) in the box. Currys have then sent me a letter in the post detailing their 5 year warranty.
3 Jun 17 #72
Yeah, had a letter detailing it yesterday.
2 Jun 17 #71
i bought the ue65ks9500
there was a piece of plastic in the box with a phone number on it
saying register you tv here...
so dont know if 5 year warranty and/or 10 year screen burn warranty
is with currys or samsung
2 Jun 17 #70
Anyone got their warranty paper work yet?
31 May 17 #69
I spoke to John Lewis (not Currys) about their return policy regarding another TV.

The first phone call to John Lewis I spoke to someone in the online electrical department, he said if a box is opened it is then used and un-returnable unless faulty. So I called back and spoke to general customer services I quoted the distant buying regulations, she checked with her manager and came back and said John Lewis will accept a return on an opened box, (you have to return it yourself or pay them to collect) but if the TV is switched on then it's used and non returnable. She said they changed their rules in February., and that's John Lewis!!
31 May 17 #68
the ue65ks9500 is now showing on currys [email protected]£1999.97
was 13 , two days ago when i checked
and 19 when i bought mine on saturday for free sunday delivery
this is the full back lit version with fald (full array local diming)
stunning picture
31 May 17 #67
just selected the samsung store demo on my tv
on remote press home (pic of house)
go down to settings (pic of cog bottom left) next to source
go down to system
then select expert settings
click on usage mode change from home mode to retail mode
then select ok
you need to press tools which isnt on my remote so maybe via another button
(i press tools on my remote from another samsung tv i have)
then on demo select either all or 16_demo_sh......
31 May 17 #66
depends how you bought it
if you bought it instore then maybe
but if it was bought online and was delivered
then you deffo have 7 days to return it
id phone up currys customer service
if you bought it online
if bought instore then id gotop another store and say it has a fault
and youd like a refund
see how you go
31 May 17 #65
John Lewis have always helped in the past with my `TV problems even changed a screen once. Can't say I've ever used currys warranty (only have a new washing machine through them)

Thing is I highly doubt JL have stock and they aren't getting any more in. I saw 1 in stock on JL 2 nights ago around midnight, then it went real quick. Maybe that's the best time to check Hun?

Good luck :heart_eyes:
31 May 17 #64
Well the problem for me was that this is under Curry's own 5yr warranty not Samsung. They told me if the TV is unboxed it's OK but the moment you turn it on its no longer valid for return. I mentioned the distance selling regulations but they said it was irrelevant. I even told them I would speak to Trading Standards and they told me to go right ahead.

Personally I'd rather pay £100 extra for John Lewis' warranty. I'd hate to have to deal with Curry's if there was a fault.
31 May 17 #63
If bought online then you have 7 days from the day after delivery under the distant selling act ... whether opened or not but if not . It could hVe an intermittent fault . You get 28 days normally to return a faulty product .
31 May 17 #62
Am I right in believing that if the TV has been unboxed and turned on it cannot be returned unlike John Lewis?
30 May 17 #61
Also, on AV forums link below, if you scroll down you'll see a youtube video that's gives recommended settings....

Try that (tinker to taste) - hope it helps. ...
30 May 17 #60
When I bought my ES8000 in 2012, it had great reviews but suffered light bleed in the corners at night too...

I found turning the back light down to 12 a d adjusting settings almost eliminated the light bleed....

Hopefully the same or similar may apply here too?
30 May 17 #59
The first year is with Samsung, and the following 4 are with curry's directly (apparently they send details separately through the post).
Don't forget to register for the 10 year screen burn warranty as well .
30 May 17 #58
I bought an ex-display one of these from John Lewis at the weekend. I didn't really want a curved TV but it was reduced to £1099 so I couldn't resist. I haven't done any tweaking of the picture yet but the backlight bleed problem does seem very evident when there are letterbox bars. I hope it will improve with a bit of adjustment.
30 May 17 #57
Does anyone know whether the 5yr warranty is from Currys or Samsung themselves? Would currys register the warranty? I only found a 1yr warranty in the box. I will probably ring them to request a receipt/invoice as nothing was included!
29 May 17 #56
this is the main reason i went for the 9500
as i was especting light bleed from the edge
seem to get it alot on a amsung with edge lit tvs
obviosly none at all on my 65" 9500
as is back lit....
but was £700 more @ £1999.97 at currys brand new boxed and delivered next day
still should have 18 on their system
for some reason cant be ordered online and not showing on their website
but definatly on there system
29 May 17 #55
Just want to come on and thank Hal for the screenshots. I collected today at £1299 and they didn't want to know about the £100 off promo, fobbed me off which always gets my back up.

Like a dog with a bone on these kinds of things, I called CS and went to 2 other stores who stated "no we don't do online discounts instore" or "sorry it was there, but now it's gone off that particular model, otherwise I would refund you now."

Disheartened, but before completely giving up, I went to one last store, showed my receipt to the TV manager and explained the disregard and opinions I was given in the other stores....

At first he was almost in agreement with them, but upon showing him the screenshots with "£100 off marked price" and saying I just wish they would honour it, the lovely man applied a £100 refund back to my payment card there and then!

So im completely made up. A brilliant TV I've been after for months for £1199 in the end, Thanks to some inane persistence and them fab screenshots

Thank you OP and Hal :heart_eyes:
29 May 17 #54
yes, hit and miss. I got the 49"version 2 months ago which was horrendously light bleeding with visible cloudy patches everywhere in the dark areas. I took another chance with the 55" and this is perfect I must say. I clearly noticed that the 49" is actually brighter and the hdr was very outstanding out of the box. That must be the reason why the 49" is in category A and all the rest is A+ energy efficiency
29 May 17 #53
Anybody else after one of the 9000 series TV's? I'm just about to phone to release one in the Macclesfield branch....
29 May 17 #52
Mine seems fine for light bleed (I had a good check last night), and it's not as if I'm going to sit staring at a blank black screen anyway!
29 May 17 #51
Thank you, will think about what to do.

While in the Currys store yesterday, two very decent guys approached me (I think they were also from here) to tell me about their experience with the TV. After having it delivered yesterday, they spent several hours trying to adjust the settings to stop the edge light leak. They showed me a picture of it and it did look horrendous even from a photo. They had to give up and were returning the TV and were looking to upgrade to OLED.

The other Samsung 9500 series wouldn't have that problem but is £600 / £700 more. But £1200 / £1300 is a lot for a TV that has a major problem.

For those with the 9000 series, is it hit or miss if you get a good one or are most like this?
29 May 17 #50
FlyGuyUK - it's worth phoning the John Lewis in Stockport (or any others that are close to you) to see if they have it in stock if you still wish to purchase it.

I've been messed around by Currys in the past too, so I simply don't trust them - hence why I preferred to purchase from JL even for £100 more. (Which I am now getting back though).
29 May 17 #49
I applied for a post-purchase price match from John Lewis on the basis of the £100 off posted by Currys.

It was declined on the basis that Currys no longer offered home delivery only in/store collection and it had to match the service offered by JL.

I wrote a polite email back saying this was wrong - and have received an email this morning confirming they will now honour the price match. Happy days. My email is below in case it helps others:-

I respectfully request that you reconsider my request: at the time the request was placed I believe home delivery was still available and I believe price matches for this product have been approved for other customers.
Not withstanding this, l believe Currys counts as a High Street Competitor as per your Price Match conditions. In these you state:-

"What we mean by 'High Street competitor'
High street competitors trade on the same basis as us, with premises on a high street or comparable shopping destination freely open to the public in the UK mainland. They should carry a reasonable range of goods in stock for you to buy and take away, with clearly displayed prices. Their websites need to trade under the same brand and on the same basis as their high street shops."

It seems inappropriate then that you are declining the price match request on the basis that they don't offer home delivery only to buy in-store and take away, when your price match terms specifically state that they should be offered in store to buy and take away.

Kindly reassess your opinion accordingly, thank you.

Yours sincerely,

29 May 17 #48
I totally agree, choosing the right retailer is so important and I would have no hesitation now in spending more money buying a TV or any product from another reputable retailer rather than spending my cash with the cowboys at Currys.
29 May 17 #47
It's experiences like yours that compel me to spend more with other retailers. I still remember they refused to allow me to refund a blender I had bought an hour earlier on the basis that it had been used, never mind the box was still sealed on all sides...
29 May 17 #46
I drove far 40 minutes each way plus parking cost to go collect the reserved TV only to find out they had sold my reserved TV!! I had a big argument in the Stockport store with the unbelievably rude and abnoxious Stockport manager who accused me of lying as they said they had called all customers who had one reserved which they had not done even though I had 2 differnt phone numbers on my reservation. He kept telling me to my face they had called making it clear he didn't believe a word I was saying and would not listen that we genuinly received no calls at all. He wouldn't believe that we had extended the reservation via the online team which we genuinly had. The online agent told us very clearly the night before he had spoken to the store and extended our reservation and had lied to us and had not called the store at all (I suspected as much as I had to push him many times to get him to call). After all this I got home today and spent another 45 minutes complaining on the phone to Currys and continued to receive the worst customer service I have received in my life, talked to like I really didn't matter and during the 45 minute call, I asked 12 times to speak to a manager and was fobbed off every time.

This is the company who will be providing you with your TV sale and giving you a 5 year guarantee which I woulndn't trust in the slightest. I would think very, very carefully before ever buying anything from Currys if I was you, I had read on here that Curry's had terrible customer service but I never knew how bad, Stay away from Currys if you can, I leanrnt the hard way and they ruined my weekend!!
28 May 17 #45
I've just got mine yesterday and been playing with it, so a few suggestions.
1. Have you checked how you are outputting sound from the Humax? Is it in digital, and have you tried the other options?
2. If you do the following you might be able to sort out your DVB problem:
>HOME>LIVE TV>CHANNEL LIST>push right twice and it should give you options to move between Satelitte/Freeview/DVB etc...this is also where you can edit the channel list for either (took me ages to find it).
28 May 17 #44
Hi All, I received my TV yesterday however I have two issues I was wondering if anyone could help me out with.
1. There is no sound output via my Humax PVR.
2. The set seems locked the DVB-T not DVB-T2 hence I cant get the HD broadcast channels.
Ive tried all the settings and used the same cables as my old TV.

Can anybody advise what I should do?
28 May 17 #42
Ah bit of a shame, I wish Currys would keep their promotions on for longer than a day so we can price match! :smile: It was meant to be on until Monday
28 May 17 #43
28 May 17 #40
It doesn't matter if you send screenshots as I sent two and they said well that was yesterday and isn't there anymore so we won't price match.
28 May 17 #41
Did you get the £100 off as I'm doing the same tomorrow, so also wanting a screenshot. Would love to know if it worked in store

Thank you
28 May 17 #38
will do bud
no brainer for me really
been looking at this model all year
wehn it first came out was £3800 in currys
so £2000 is a steal
shame no 3d on sammys for a couple of years now
but you cant have everything
28 May 17 #39
28 May 17 #36
Congrats on the 65" KS9500

Let us know how is

28 May 17 #37
I've already got one reserved at my local store, going to collect it today. At the time of reservation the offer was still on, so was going to try and use the screenshot when I go to collect and pay to get the £100 off.
28 May 17 #35
PM me your mobile number and I'll what's app it to you
27 May 17 #34
Image not posting - sorry.
27 May 17 #33
I really need screen shot also before tomorrow morning beofre I pay amd collect a reserved TV but the link above isn't working. Can you try again please or someone else help send a screenshot of the website showing the discount code?
Thank you.

Post imagine link here or send me a private message, please?
27 May 17 #32
ive emailed john lewis but getting no joy atm ...
there no way to add screen shots to the email as it goes through their webpage
just been out now and ordered the more superior ue65ks9500 for £1999.99 fald(full array local dimming)
back lit tv.. picture quality wise knocks socks off the ks9000...
i knmow its £700 more but been waiting for it to drop below £2000
got it from currys being delivered tomorrow not on there web page
but showing as 19 in stock at the hub for delivery
rrp on this one was £3800 on release
£1999.99 was cheapest anywhere i the uk i can find
once its upand running ill cancel the ue65ks9000 so another one will be i stock at john lewis
im the one whos got the screen shot . once i hear back from them ill let you know the out come
27 May 17 #31
27 May 17 #30
Any chance anyone could send me a screenshot of the Currys webpage when it was showing £100 off. This Price match is looking less and less likely but still worth a shot. Thanks!
27 May 17 #29
27 May 17 #28
Not longer available online at John Lewis ...
purchased tv online at John Lewis last night at 10pm and was showing more than 10 in stock .. submitted 2 price matches but having no joy at min . On both they came back saying it's same price . Even though it was showing £100 off yesterday at currys ... I took screen shots with my phone showing price in basket at £1199 and also shows my name and address .... also a screen shot of image yesterday showing £100 off this tv .. so sent an email to John Lewis customer service . To look into it ... hope I get good news .. not a deal breaker but rather the £100 be in my account lol ... just glad I ordered last night before waiting fir the price match to come through else I'd of missed out
27 May 17 #27
Yes, the assistant confirmed the price match and also that I should have received an email which has never appeared. However, I had applied early Friday morning when the £100 off was clearly showing and free home delivery was still an option, both of which seem to have disappeared. This is the first time I have tried for a JL price watch, so perhaps not the best person to advise. I would imagine it depends what Curry`s advert was showing at time you applied. Sorry I can`t be of any more help.
27 May 17 #26
Did you receive any confirmation of the price match while on the phone with them? I submitted a form but it was declined so may call up and ask again
27 May 17 #25
John Lewis won't price match as the promo code isn't appearing properly, it comes and goes when you refresh it.
27 May 17 #24
I took your advice and phoned late last night. Apparently my price match was approved at the same time as others, but, Sod`s Law, no email received my end. The customer service guy suggested I order at website price and they would refund the difference. Duly done, cheers for the advice, much appreciated.
27 May 17 #23
Taking delivery of mine today. Cant wait. Have any of you tried any 4K HDR material on it yet?
27 May 17 #22
Been waiting long enough now for the ue65ks9500 to drop some more but doesn't seem to be happening . So ordered it from John Lewis .. put price match request in for the currys price ... also took screen shots .. hadcot in my basket on Tuesday with. Other code but it was when price dropped from £1799 to £1299 and gutbsaid good news amour price is now the same but was trying to get it for £1199 then . So hAve proof anyway . So hopefully all goes smooth
27 May 17 #21
There possibly is a forum group on av forums for this tv . Normally has one for all makes and models of TVs . Quick and easy to register . Great site for all av stuff ....
26 May 17 #20
Try calling john lewis and ask them to reserve one for you until price match comes through
26 May 17 #19
There's a plastic cover over some of mine, but there's also a motheye filter on the actual screen (do not remove the filter).
26 May 17 #18
You'd better be quick - Currys were already oos for home delivery but you can still buy and reserve if there's one in a branch near you. As soon as that option goes I would expect JL to hike their price back up.
26 May 17 #17
Took delivery of mine today, has anyone tried to peel off what I thought might be screen protection only to think the actual screen is being pulled away really quite upset I may have done some damage or just go ahead and pull it off, any knowledge would be appreciated.
26 May 17 #16
Thanks for that, same time as me then. Still nothing through, not sure whether to bite the bullet then reclaim the £100 when, hopefully, the price match comes through or wait. Knowing my luck they will be sold out before then if I wait.
26 May 17 #15
Blu Ray Player with Crampton and Moore, but they want a £100 More, if anyone is interested.

Free Samsung UBDK8500 HDR 4K Blu Ray Player


Thanks for the email.

Unfortunately we are unable to match the price at Currys. We are now at £1499 with a 4K Player 

We may be able to get to £1299 but unable to get close to £1199


Unit 2B, Shortwood Business Court, Hoyland, Barnsley, S74 9LH
01226 350754 |
26 May 17 #14
​About 9.45 this morning, you'll definitely get confirmation if you having done so already!
26 May 17 #13
Thanks op, got mine delivered this afternoon
26 May 17 #12
Thanks for that - I have submitted a price match claim. Fingers crossed.
26 May 17 #11
John Lewis price matched for me today. Took all day for them to respond.
26 May 17 #10
Can I ask when you submitted your claim as I`m still waiting to hear, having claimed about 9.30 this morning?
26 May 17 #9
Can I ask when you submitted your claim as I`m still waiting to hear, having claimed about 9.30 this morning?
26 May 17 #8
Awesome! !
26 May 17 #7
John Lewis prices matched! Happy days!
Thank you for your price match request for the Samsung UE65KS9000 Curved SUHD HDR 1,000 4K Ultra HD Quantum Dot Smart TV, 65” with Freeview HD/Freesat HD & 360° Design, UHD Premium.

I have looked into your request and will be happy to match the price of £1199.98 for the TV (product code 82462191) seen at Currys.
26 May 17 #6
How and where do I get the warranty details with curry's?
26 May 17 #5
Brilliant after sales might be a tad bit of an exaggeration. They're certainly better than Currys but can be difficult if you're unlucky.
26 May 17 #4
​thank you
26 May 17 #3
​thank you
26 May 17 #2
Just my luck by Currys decided to perform a random security check on my payment so it was held in suspense for two days. Finally just got an email to confirm mine will be here tomorrow. CANNOT WAIT!

One more thing, if there are enough of us buyers, I think we should create a KS9000 buyers group so we can share our knowledge on calibration, file formats and ways of getting the best out of this TV.
26 May 17 #1
I read it's Q3 this year so July/August. If I hadnt bought this one myself I'd probably be going for that one too.
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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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