Excellent phone ignore the tools who say otherwise probably can't afford one. :smile:
Rich069 to zoso1313
21 May 173#8
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22 May 17#32
This whole fingerprint scanner thing I hear people moaning about is the most over exaggerated problem I've come across. I'm sure people only say it because they're guaranteed to get a few likes from some haters who have never owned the phone. I got the S8 plus on release date and couldn't believe what all the fuss was about, my finger rests perfectly where the fingerprint scanner is and I don't have particularly large hands. If you have smaller hands get the S8 and if you still don't like it then use the facial recognition to unlock. (I have both fingerprint and facial unlocker enabled and mostly the facial scanner unlocks my phone before I have time to touch the fingerprint scanner)
cigbunt to kidlightning
22 May 17#37
Hows the lag? Any??
22 May 17#36
anyone got the link for the vodafone deal?
22 May 17#35
If you forgot it, they could just chop off your finger as you cannot forget it!
22 May 17#34
No, I'd tell them my pin before I lost my finger.
22 May 17#33
Can a criminal chop off your finger and use it immediately to unlock the phone?
22 May 17#31
Samsung makes great looking and designed phones with silly little flaws and terrible QC - the fingerprint sensor placement is a good example of that. Anyway, for Android I just went across to BlackBerry and Sony as I do need the flexibility that I miss on the iPhone.
I trust you claimed the replacement cost was the cost on Samsung's website and not the discounted cost at other retailers! :wink:
21 May 178#7
Excellent phone ignore the tools who say otherwise probably can't afford one. :smile:
frish to muckspreader1
22 May 17#28
The consensus does seem that it does seem to be a great phone. However while I'm sure there's some people that take the hate too far, there is some reasoning to criticising it. I mean people can quite rightly find the pricing of the phone **** and there does seem to be nitpicks about the phone that people would expect not to happen on such an expensive phone. There's also a difference between not being able to afford one, and not thinking it's worth the money. I mean that kind of argument was used by apple fanboys when android was starting to take off.
22 May 17#27
Actually I've heard the same thing and when I had an issue with my S7 Edge, they wanted it for 2-3 weeks for repair and refused to just replace a 2-month old phone; so I walked into the local Apple Store and bought an iPhone 7 and sent them the receipt as proof it wasn't just a threat and got a refund on the S7 Edge. So I can quite believe this, any excuse to wriggle out.
21 May 17#24
been watching this site.. you can get a a grade s8 for £520... personally i'm going to wait for the oneplus 5
Vegito to cigbunt
21 May 17#26
Me too, but really wish I had jumped at the Amazon Italy deal for the S8 now, the Gear VR and controllers look dope
21 May 17#25
Anovo good company do repairs for Vodafone
21 May 17#23
lol it is only rumour
21 May 17#22
out of stock
21 May 171#21
It's a Samsung, which means if your phone has a mark and does not work there is no warranty. Anovo will say "Physical damage - not covered." You will have to litigate. But wow, litigation is better than a repair! :wink:
21 May 17#20
keep s7 edge just now but maybe end of year get this love Samsung
Hear added :smile:
21 May 171#5
Is this site legit/reliable?
cjx to dharne
21 May 17#19
Ive used these about four times in the last five years. Great customer service , I highly recommend.
21 May 17#16
cold to many faulty pink screen unit . akready replaced 3 all have pink instead of white.
Opening post
£4.99 delivery
Also on Vodafone for same price.
S8 plus Also on there for £629.99
- jrw
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Hear added :smile: