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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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22 May 17
2.6" screen with AV out to connect with TV. 472 built in games and another 128 on the game card (supplied). Lithium rechargeable battery, AV cable and charger included

Use $1 store coupon (shown on page) to get another $1 off making it $16.39 (£12.60) delivered.

Reviews seem to be pretty decent with most commenting on the surprisingly good emulation and screen.

Available in red and black. Choose black version for the one that looks most like the original famicom controller.
Top comments
aibon to brilly
22 May 17 22 #11
Error440 to brilly
22 May 17 3 #12
Accidentally liked while scrolling
All comments (82)
22 May 17 1 #1
22 May 17 1 #2
Can it run GBA and be uploaded with ROMs, I was thinking lately a good way to clear my backlog would be out and about, but I'm too chicken to take my GBAmicro out considering the cost but ideally that's the sort of thing I'm after. I don't mind downloading rather then use my actual carts some of then are worth afew quid afterall
aibon to Error440
22 May 17 #4
It seems to use the same size cartridges as the GBA but bearing in mind that the GBA had a 32-bit ARM processor I doubt it. Its likely they just copied the GBA cart size.
22 May 17 #3
Seems not to ship to UK, removes from basket when you try to check out?
aibon to ads123
22 May 17 #5
I placed my order with no problems.
urmum to ads123
22 May 17 1 #15
The last 15 buyers are shown and all from UK...
22 May 17 #6
Oh so not got a SD slot then, forgive me I ain't watched the YouTube I'm on my cheapo Chinese phone right now, thanks for the reply. I assume this is like the one station then
22 May 17 1 #7
It has a micro USB slot to connect a second controller/charge battery so maybe you can place your own roms on it.
22 May 17 #8
Short clip showing it connected to TV LINK
22 May 17 1 #9
'pre-installed games' = non licensed roms then
aibon to brilly
22 May 17 22 #11
Error440 to brilly
22 May 17 3 #12
Accidentally liked while scrolling
odiedodie to brilly
22 May 17 #32
Yeah I was super hyped but a quick peak at some of the game names on the screen and I was almost expect to hear Stuart Ashens voice ^_^.

Certainly some of the games looked legit and the price can't be beat. Have some heat regardless
22 May 17 1 #10
Absolute bargain for some retro gaming heaven, have some heat sir! Can i just ask, I know theres loads of games with this but can I buy other game cards with loads of other games on for this RS-20 device? If anyone could you post me some links please so I can see what else I can buy for it.
Bootcutboy to Bootcutboy
22 May 17 #28
22 May 17 1 #13
A lot better than buying it from Amazon, where it's selling for £45.38 as the Classic FC Pocket Video Game.
22 May 17 1 #14
Maybe a dumb question but is there a SNES version of this? Couldn't see one.
22 May 17 2 #16
I was one of those :-)
22 May 17 1 #17
Nice, I just ordered too... only 18 of the black button ones left from that seller now (34 red).
Also I used the aliexpress android app and it came to £12.52 with the voucher.
22 May 17 #18
maybe that was your conscience

seems ok though, illegal roms are obviously mod approved as i reported this ages ago
22 May 17 #19
Will this be able to play Super Metroid? (A SNES game). I know it won't be pre-installed but perhaps there is a way to get it on there?
22 May 17 2 #20
I somehow guessed you would :stuck_out_tongue:LINK
22 May 17 #21
instaclose with no real answer as always :laughing:
22 May 17 #22
Thanks, will try again.
22 May 17 #23
would there be any import tax on this?
22 May 17 #24
would there be any import tax on this?
aibon to chrisdrew1985
22 May 17 #25
If you ordered only one then no. You are allowed up to £15 before you are due any tax on it. Tax and customs for goods sent from abroad
22 May 17 #26
if only they do a Super Famicom version............
22 May 17 #27
ghosts and goblins.... thankyou op. does it have double dragon or outrun
aibon to essexgangsta
22 May 17 1 #29
Here is the the list of games built in, it does not list the games on the external cartridge though. I cant see double dragon although it does have Mighty Final Fight, one of the last games on the NES and the classic River City Ransom.
22 May 17 #30
get a psp chipped....far better
aibon to rsta2004
22 May 17 1 #37
Chipped? You dont need to chip them mate, just a simple soft mod, If you had yours chipped you were conned
22 May 17 #31
Aliexpress pay between 4 and 8% commission. If it was Amazon which pays near nothing then they'd probably take the listing down (and hope it gets replaced with a banggood or gearbest link)
22 May 17 #33
$36 am I doing something wrong
22 May 17 1 #34
Nope, prices have been increased
jamhops to freestyle
22 May 17 #36
Brexit! :P
22 May 17 #35
Boo- they doubled the price!
23 May 17 #38
Ordered - worth a gamble for some retro gaming. Price was still £12.60
23 May 17 #39
Price has gone back down again folks :smile:
23 May 17 #40
chipped is just an expression , im fully aware how its done as i did it myself...thanks for the concern though
23 May 17 #41
Lo Pan
23 May 17 1 #42
Can't find the store coupon! Can anyone point me in the right direction please?
23 May 17 #43
My OCD goes into meltdown with these 600 in 1 style carts / games, they're an absolute mess... Why not just say 16 in 1 or 20 in 1, they'd still sell the same...
23 May 17 #44
23 May 17 #45
Because they wouldn't sell the same. It's proven (by my experience..:stuck_out_tongue:) that the people generally buying these things have no idea, I imagine many of us bought these 1200 in 1 carts when we starting out, I certainly did for the GBC.
23 May 17 #46
23 May 17 #47
Literally had the black one in my cart and it went out of stock!!! Grrr all that time spent looking for that bleeding coupon!!!
23 May 17 #48
So I am one of those who has no idea, I'm confused now so does this actually come with 600 games? Thanks.
23 May 17 1 #49
All the game on the game cart are dreadful. The build of the thing looks awful too.
23 May 17 #50
Clicked cold by mistake as meant to vote hot! Ordered the black one about an hour ago :smiley: Looking forward to playing some games from my yoof!
23 May 17 #51
If you can't find the $1 code (I couldn't) it's £13.31 via their app.
23 May 17 #52
Heat added
Just tried to order and got this error :disappointed:
"For security reasons this process can not be continued.To make sure your transaction is secure, please provide us with documentation by clicking My Appeal for further verification."
Shame - would have been good to play some of those old games.
23 May 17 #53
I'm thinking of buying something like this instead, just not sure what games are included :smiley:
23 May 17 #54
Ordered 1 for me and 1 for my brother for xmas (never too early)! What kind of power supply is that? I think I'll need to get an adaptor
23 May 17 #55
It's a Mini USB port - so the slightly chunkier one before Micro USB became the norm (and now USB-C).
A phone from about 5+ years ago would've used that charger if you have one in a drawer still somewhere.
23 May 17 #56
Ooh, prefer that (I suspect it's the same underneath, just a different shell).
That one says it has 1GB on-board, so enough space to copy pretty much every ROM you want on there, tbh... They're really easy to find online.
23 May 17 #57
They have terrible Megadrive emulation apparently and the SNES do not run at full speed
23 May 17 #58
Its showing as $36.99 now?? Anyone help with a link plz??
23 May 17 #59
Price reduced again.
24 May 17 #60
please be careful
these are not ce or ROHS safety graded
they could blow up your whole house and lead to a really bad situation
dont want to put you off but just warning you
24 May 17 #61
And so can an iPhone or a Samsung Note 7...
24 May 17 1 #62
Black buttoned one seems to be back in stock now too.
26 May 17 #63
Yes but they duplicate each ROM like 10 times to make the numbers go up.
26 May 17 #64
Obviously not seen the game list :smirk: There are no dupes
31 May 17 #65
Gah, I just bought a GB Boy Colour the other week. Can't resist at that price though. Bought (in black). :smiley::smile::laughing:

I tried the Aliexpress Android App after I ordered on Desktop (mine came to £12.99 with coupon deducted). The App also says it has a coupon added, yet it's £13.49 on the App.
31 May 17 #66
Not sure if this is the same, but if it is, here is a direct comparison with one multi-console handheld, versus the RS-20:
31 May 17 #67
This video goes through the list, if you want to see all "472 in 1": (edit: just realised someone's listed them already).
31 May 17 1 #68
I decided not to bother in the end as I found my old PSP 1000 with custom rom, so I just put Sega mega drive, GBA and SNES emulators on it lol
31 May 17 #69
Mine's been shipped, took just over 5 hours which is pretty good. Some Aliexpress sellers take forever to dispatch!
31 May 17 #70
Assuming this is the same, you can also get this with a joypad (enables two-player games) for an extra £1 (it also has a $1 off voucher available)
3 Jun 17 #71
Mine arrived today. No retail box. Tested a few games and found `RAMBO` runs 1st level only over and over again and cant do anything. 95% of the games are awful, shouldnt have bought it really but never mind... `New Zealand Story` and `Rainbow Islands` are still good.
3 Jun 17 #72
When you say awful, do you mean in terms of emulation or not as good as remembered?
5 Jun 17 1 #73
I tested many of the games and they all play perfectly, Even the sound was pretty accurate, SMB3 has fast music but thats about it, To say 95% of the games are awful does a huge disservice to the NES catalog as only a handful of the 600 games are unofficial releases.
6 Jun 17 #74
Received mine today - incredible value :-)
6 Jun 17 #75
Got mine yesterday - great fun and ace to revisit some games from my childhood but can't seem to save the games anywhere? Anyone got any ideas?
6 Jun 17 #76
I would also like to know about saving games? And can anybody tell me if it is possible to buy more games cartridges for these gadgets with more awesome games on please? Maybe sega games or amiga games etc...?
10 Jun 17 #77
I was wondering whether to regret my purchase and was feeling a bit disappointed, feeling a bit more optimistic now :smiley: Hopefully mine will arrive soon :smiley:
12 Jun 17 #78
Got mine today! 12 days to the UK, not bad! Slightly irked that it has a Mini USB connector and the adaptor supplied only has an EU plug attachment (wouldn't feel confident using it with a EU to UK adapter, especially after the problems I've had with such adapters before), but luckily found a Mini USB cable in a drawer of cables I have :smiley: Currently charging up and looking forward to testing :smiley:
Surprised to see Sonic is on there, thought it was all Nintendo titles. From my quick messing around, I'm pretty impressed. Decent sound, good responsiveness from the buttons, you can Pause and Reset (something you can't do on the GB Boy Colour), not so sure about saving games.

Edit: Super Mario 2 is on there! Yay! I know a lot of people didn't like it but it's one of the few platformers I actually finished (I'm not great at them...probably why I liked it, as it is quite easy). Super Mario Bros (arcade game), Super Mario Bros (NES), 2 and 3 are on there. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Duck Tales (both titles my brother had on the NES in the early 1990s).

With Hyper Olympic, can do the button-bashing just fine but can't work out how to create the "angle" for the High Jump? Is a button missing? (?).
12 Jun 17 #79
Mine came with a UK adapter. I guess they put the wrong adapter in. I wont be using it anyway as like you say, these cheap chinese adapters are not FCC approved or whatever so I used one of my many spare Mini USB leads.
12 Jun 17 #80
Ah, okay, I looked at the listing to see if it asks you to specify which sort of adaptor you'd like, but can't see anything. Not too bothered though, same as you, I'm not confident of such chargers.

I'm giving this to my youngest niece as a sort of wildcard birthday present (she loves computer games though this may be too retro for her)! Added bonus is I get to "test" it for a month :laughing:
12 Jun 17 1 #81
I'm really impressed with this little gadget. Not sure how hardcore gamers who want to finish a game to the very end might fare with it (re the Save Game option, or lack of) but it's a great pick up and play casual gaming experience.

Much prefer it to the GB Boy Colour I also have (I have a feeling my niece might prefer this one). It also looks better than the GB Boy, in my opinion. It's even got my brother curious about it and I think he may purchase one to bring back boyhood memories.

Great variety of games, most of them real NES titles.

For £12 it's a bargainola.
13 Jun 17 #82
I couldnt agree more. The lack of save is the only downside, the little screen is above par for such a cheap device too
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