Earth is ours no moreSurvive a new wilderness dominated by herds of fearsome machines, warring tribes and age-old secrets in an all-action RPG adventure from the makers of Killzone.
Harness the agility, cunning and deadly aim of Aloy − an expert hunter cast out from her tribe at birth – to defy overwhelming odds and turn deadly predators into defenseless prey.
Alone on your quest in an unforgiving, post-apocalyptic world, can you solve the riddle of your birth and bring to light the deepest and darkest mysteries of the ancient past?
Top comments
23 May 175#4
Don't hesitate. The hype is justified.
One of the main reasons for my buying a PS4 Pro, the game is beautiful, deep and well deserving of all the accolades it has amassed.
Latest comments (30)
26 May 17#30
Received mine this morning (Playable in English) version but brand new sealed!!!
25 May 17#29
Yeah, I also received the emails. Should be on its way. Will let you know when it arrives!
24 May 17#28
Hey all. I also have just received a dispatched email from them including a Royal Mail tracking number. Sweet!
24 May 17#27
Got the dispatch email and a Royal Mail tracking number so all good so far!!
24 May 17#26
Similar thing happened to me. I paid by credit card, so no emails at all! I couldn't even make a user account. So it feels a bit dodgy to me. I'll give them a call later and if not then I'll call my credit card company to cancel it all. I've never actually heard of Go2Games before.
24 May 17#25
Similar thing happened to me. I paid by credit card, so no emails at all! I couldn't even make a user account. So it feels a bit dodgy to me. I'll give them a call later and if not then I'll call my credit card company to cancel it all. I've never actually heard of Go2Games before.
24 May 17#24
Just phoned them and they are very helpful should be dispatched this afternoon and they have no idea why there has been no emails sent out!
24 May 17#23
I'll wait till its under £20, no point paying that much if its gonna sit in its packet till I get round to playing it
24 May 17#20
Is this site any good? Not heard of it before.
TomBowen89 to Sherif_129
24 May 17#22
I paid with Paypal, got an order number and an email confirmation from Paypal. But no email from the website itself, and the Paypal email didn't have the name of the game on it, just the price.
Also at first I selected Express Delivery just to see the price, but when I set it back to Standard the price wouldn't go back down. So I had to abandon the purchase and start again.
I'm a little worried it's not going to turn up and I'll have to claim back through Paypal.
24 May 17#21
It's a good game, but nowhere near as good as what people make out.
Another case of casual gamers blowing it up because it looks gorgeous. Actual gameplay is good but very buggy at times, main story is good too.
Aside from that though I thought it was pretty empty. The side quests, while well voiced and scripted, are basically the same thing over and over again e.g. "Someone stole my apples" or "this guy is missing" and then you spend 10 minutes using the crappy hunter vision to track them down. Every. Time.
Zelda was just as empty but for whatever reason that game just makes you want to explore more and more as you play it. Never been a Nintendo guy, but there's just something magical about BOTW that other open world games don't have.
24 May 17#19
Want this game but dont want to spend more than 20-25 quid. So I'll finish other games I have and hopefully it gets cheaper over time.
23 May 17#17
I can see this game holding its value over the years for us long term collectors
hass123 to Maevoric
23 May 171#18
I'm currently holding on to my copy because I'm yet to get the platinum trophy and also the Expansion likely to be announced at E3 or Gamescom, I heard rumours that the expansion will be huge.
23 May 171#16
Super price, have some heat. Thanks so much Buzz, ordered and cannot wait to play this!
23 May 17#15
Looks even better on the PS4 Pro :stuck_out_tongue:
23 May 171#14
Great find, thanks !
23 May 17#13
Been waiting to complete mass effect to buy this at at this price can't argue when everywhere else is £44+
23 May 17#12
Still have my horizon in new condition of anyone's interested?
23 May 17#11
I passed this up for £30 on eBay a couple of weeks ago purely because of the number of games I currently have to work through so I reckon sub-£20 is my biting point. Decent enough price for it though, if not particularly hot in my opinion.
23 May 17#10
I've been looking for a deal on this. but I bought Dishonoured and Gears of War yesterday on those deals. so i'll just wait it out a bit
23 May 175#4
Don't hesitate. The hype is justified.
One of the main reasons for my buying a PS4 Pro, the game is beautiful, deep and well deserving of all the accolades it has amassed.
hass123 to SimyJo
23 May 17#9
Looks stunning on the OG PS4 and plays almost flawlessly (literally the only hiccup in framerate was when I faced two Behemoths outside [the area furthest south west of the map, the area containing one of the side missions needed for a particular trophy in the game - explained vaguely because slight spoiler for those reading] and three trophies popped one after the other).
23 May 17#8
HEAT!!!!! Fantastic game!
23 May 171#7
I thought it was very pretty, but a bit aimless. I sold it but might pick it up again when it's cheap.
23 May 17#6
thanks for reminding me about this game. i am yet to get it but this price is cold. hot vote for reminding me though.
23 May 17#5
ok guys thanks for you input. going to bite, pretty decent price for well received game
23 May 17#2
just completed zelda, how does this compare? does look great
stevenjameshyde to ryugosling
23 May 171#3
Zelda brings new ideas to the open-world table; Horizon merely does all the old ideas exceptionally well. They're both worth playing but very different
Opening post
Harness the agility, cunning and deadly aim of Aloy − an expert hunter cast out from her tribe at birth – to defy overwhelming odds and turn deadly predators into defenseless prey.
Alone on your quest in an unforgiving, post-apocalyptic world, can you solve the riddle of your birth and bring to light the deepest and darkest mysteries of the ancient past?
Top comments
One of the main reasons for my buying a PS4 Pro, the game is beautiful, deep and well deserving of all the accolades it has amassed.
Latest comments (30)
Also at first I selected Express Delivery just to see the price, but when I set it back to Standard the price wouldn't go back down. So I had to abandon the purchase and start again.
I'm a little worried it's not going to turn up and I'll have to claim back through Paypal.
Another case of casual gamers blowing it up because it looks gorgeous. Actual gameplay is good but very buggy at times, main story is good too.
Aside from that though I thought it was pretty empty. The side quests, while well voiced and scripted, are basically the same thing over and over again e.g. "Someone stole my apples" or "this guy is missing" and then you spend 10 minutes using the crappy hunter vision to track them down. Every. Time.
Zelda was just as empty but for whatever reason that game just makes you want to explore more and more as you play it. Never been a Nintendo guy, but there's just something magical about BOTW that other open world games don't have.
One of the main reasons for my buying a PS4 Pro, the game is beautiful, deep and well deserving of all the accolades it has amassed.