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PS4] Bloodborne - Game of the Year - £18.99 - Go2Games
4.5 stars +486

PS4] Bloodborne - Game of the Year - £18.99 - Go2Games

£18.99 Go2Games23 May 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
23 May 17
Please Note: Multi Language Packaging [featuring English, French, Portuguese and Arabic] - Game Play availble in Full English

Remember to handle your discs carefully, people :smiley:

Introducing Bloodborne, the latest action RPG from renowned Japanese developer FromSoftware, exclusively for the PlayStation 4 system. Face your fears as you search for answers in the ancient city of Yharnam, now cursed with a strange endemic illness spreading through the streets like wildfire. Danger, death, and madness lurk around every corner of this dark and horrific world, and you must discover its darkest secrets in order to survive.

Key Features:

  • A Terrifying New World: Journey to a horror-filled gothic city where deranged mobs and nightmarish creatures lurk around every corner.
  • Strategic Action Combat: Armed with a unique arsenal of weaponry, including guns and saw cleavers, you'll need wits, strategy and reflexes to take down the agile and intelligent enemies that guard the city's dark secrets.
  • A New Generation of Action RPG: Stunningly detailed gothic environments, atmospheric lighting, and advanced new online experiences showcase the power and prowess of PlayStation 4.
Top comments
23 May 17 5 #4
Hmm not the best place to place 2 fingers under the disc! Looks like the character has his **** cheeks on display! cheeky
23 May 17 4 #8
Yes, jona. That was the joke :smile:
Latest comments (37)
24 May 17 #37
i definitely agree with the buzz from beating them. also Gasgoigne is a ****. Even on my NG+ i still thought he was a **** and i knew the music box trick.
23 May 17 #36
Thanks :smiley: I want to just hoping it goes on sale sometime soon
23 May 17 #35
Never bought a physical PS4 game before. Do you get a digital copy as well?
23 May 17 #34
That was the first thing that I noticed.. Totally bummed me out. :man:
23 May 17 #33
Ordered. Cheers op :smiley:
23 May 17 #32
I love the souls games and Bloodborne . The hardest bit about this is the start , I would say as there is a very long stretch where you can't lvl and father gasgoine is a very hard boss . Oh and amagadala in the chalice dungeons
23 May 17 1 #31
I got stuck on Orphan of Kos for about 5 hours, that definitely wasn't fun :smiley: I struggled with Gascoigne on my first playthrough too, and there's some very tough bosses in the cursed Challice dungeons.

I've broken a few controllers on the Souls games. On the other hand though I got a huge buzz from beating some bosses - Artorias, Manus, Sister Friede, Lothric, Kalameet etc. That reminds me, I still have Darkeater Midir to beat.
23 May 17 #30
I didn't like this as first, as it took me about 5 hours to get to the checkpoint after the bonfire really early on in the game. I kept dying over and over, dozens and dozens of times in total, and you encounter the same enemies in exactly the same positions every time, Groundhog day style.

Eventually something clicked and I 'got' it and ended up putting 130 hours into the game - really enjoyed it once I'd got over that initial hurdle. I had to New Game+ to see the DLC, as it's hard to trigger first time round, and also I'd missed about 1/4 of the areas and bosses first time round, so definitely worth playing twice (though the enemies are all at least 2x tougher 2nd time round!)
23 May 17 #29
Has anyone played The Surge , I hear its got the same style of combat?
23 May 17 #28
Its not easier, I personally preferred Niohs style and combat system. Also 60fps on Nioh
23 May 17 #24
It's a fantastic game I got the plat on it yesterday, this was my first souls game the more you play the more you learn I went with the hunters axe on my play through best starting weapon imo
Andy@XCite to optimusprime987
23 May 17 1 #27
Congrats. The DLC (bundled in the GotY version) is pretty great as well if you haven't played that.
23 May 17 #26
Are standard copies of the packaging in English only? This differs because it is multi language packaging?
23 May 17 #25
Would you say this is easier/better than Nioh?
23 May 17 #23
Nioh is much more difficult and inferior in level design, gameplay and lore. In my opinion.
23 May 17 #9
As far as dark souls and bloodborne go, they are INCREDIBLY difficult for gamers not used to this type of thing. You will get a lot of people casually say "oh they're not so bad" but don't believe them, there's an element of showing off that they're good at such titles. However these games ARE very difficult to the point of becoming not enjoyable.

I played and finished all these games but I also played them on the pc and used cheats and on bloodborne the glitches before they were patched.
Handyroo to MadonnaProject
23 May 17 #10
Aside from all of the'git gud' comments. these games aren't that hard, they just require a lot of practice and patience. if you don't want to re-play segments of the games over and over again then definitely don't play these games.
Andy@XCite to MadonnaProject
23 May 17 #22
Number 3 on the most popular platinum trophies so it seems people enjoyed it enough to push through the pain.
23 May 17 #15
This game!! it took me like 2 hours to kill the first enemy (a wolf beast) with my bare hands.
hackerace to ruslylove
23 May 17 #16
ouch! sounds like a tough game then?
Handyroo to ruslylove
23 May 17 #21
you're supposed to die and then you get given a choice of weapon.
23 May 17 #17
I really wanted to like this game, but it's just too bloody hard...I couldn't even get past the first level :disappointed:
Handyroo to davetherave00
23 May 17 #20
you should grind a bit to level up. Father Gascoigne is a bastasrd of a first boss. even veteran players will admit that.
23 May 17 1 #12
There's only 2 skills you need to play these games - roll/dodge timing, which comes with practice, and the patience to heal at the right time rather than panicking. The rest is just observation to learn boss move tells.

Of course there are times you absolutely won't be having fun, but overall they are very rewarding games with amazing worlds and lore (especially Bloodborne).
Handyroo to simonbrown
23 May 17 #19
when are the times you won't have fun. even when i die i still enjoy the cautionary next round trying to retrieve my souls/blood echoes
23 May 17 #13
well i played souls first and found it difficult, then played nioh and that too was difficult to the point i had to just sell it on.
is this any different?
davetherave00 to hackerace
23 May 17 #18
Not played Nioh, but I've heard it's slightly easier than no, I wouldn't bother getting this if I was you.
23 May 17 #14
HAHAHA... YES. You are correct. It's like I can see his buttocks, HAHAHAHA. Well spotted.
23 May 17 5 #4
Hmm not the best place to place 2 fingers under the disc! Looks like the character has his **** cheeks on display! cheeky
fuzzydunlop to jona77
23 May 17 1 #11
You don't say
23 May 17 4 #8
Yes, jona. That was the joke :smile:
23 May 17 #6
I'm genuinely torn. I know the reviews for this are great but I'm genuinely terrible at combat games and always have to set them to easiest mode. would I get any value from this game?
sswats to reutunes
23 May 17 #7
I would say no. I really struggled. I can play shooters and other type of games on hard level reasonably ok, but not great at combat games and this game drove me nuts.
23 May 17 #5
23 May 17 #2
reluctant to play this as i thought souls was hard enough.
simonbrown to hackerace
23 May 17 #3
It's probably the easiest of these games. Couple of hard bosses in the DLC mind you.
23 May 17 #1
Heat. Ordered
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